Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Video: Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Video: Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Video: What is diabetes remission? | Type 2 diabetes remission explanation | Diabetes UK 2025, January

Some diseases develop in the first years after birth and leave a mark for life. That is why you should pay special attention to the he alth of children.

Increased levels of vitamin D in the body

A he alth problem called "hypervitaminosis D" is the intoxication of the body with vitamin D, which occurs under various circumstances. At the same time, the reaction to an increase in the level of such a vitamin in the body may be different.

hypervitaminosis d
hypervitaminosis d

Vitamin D excess in children

Does hypervitaminosis D happen in children? With normal metabolism and nutrition, as well as with a sufficient level of exposure to sunlight on the skin, vitamin D is produced in the required amount, and children do not have problems. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe treatment for children, which involves the additional use of this vitamin, often through various medicinal complexes. A similar decision is made when examining children under one year old and identifying some pathologies that lead to:

  1. Deformations of the skull.
  2. Curvature of the legs and spine.
  3. Other manifestations of rickets.

Incorrectly assignedtreatment can cause the child to develop vitamin D hypervitaminosis. This situation can occur for many reasons. Therefore, when prescribing vitamin complexes, the level of vitamin D in a child is checked throughout the course of treatment.

hypervitaminosis d in children
hypervitaminosis d in children


What can hypervitaminosis D lead to? Spasmophilia is a disease that develops against the background of the progression of rickets. The features of this disease can be called:

  1. Tendency to convulsions.
  2. Manifestation of increased excitability of the neuro-reflex type.

The reasons include the formation of a large amount of vitamin D with prolonged exposure to sunlight. The disease is most pronounced in the spring. Causes of symptoms include:

  1. The deposition of excess calcium in the bones, which reduces its amount in the blood.
  2. Vitamin D increases the activity of the kidneys, which begin to absorb excess amounts of phosphate, and this leads to the development of alkalosis.
  3. Calcium is a substance that is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Due to the formation of an alkaline environment, which occurs due to a shift in pH towards an alkaline reaction, calcium does not participate in this process. It is this feature that causes problems with neuromuscular excitability.

It is possible to distinguish between a latent and overt form of the disease in question.

vitamin D hypervitaminosis
vitamin D hypervitaminosis

The latent or hidden form hasthe following symptoms:

  1. Children may be outwardly he althy or have less signs of rickets.
  2. Bad sleep and constant fatigue can also be considered symptoms of the problem in question.
  3. Gradual increase in joint pain.

The bright or manifest form appears as follows:

  1. Eclampsia is a rhythmic twitch that comes with the loss of creation. A similar attack affects many muscles of the body. The most striking and painful symptom.
  2. Laryngospasm. A similar symptom is a hoarse and sonorous breath, after which the breath is held for several seconds. Often manifested during crying. With a long delay in breathing, cyanosis appears, while the skin turns pale. Because of this situation, the face will be frightened, the eyes will open wide, the lack of oxygen often leads to fainting. The duration of the attack is 1-2 minutes, it can be repeated several times during the day.
  3. If the child is over one year old, carpopedal spasm may occur. It consists in spasm of muscles and hands. The spasm can last from a few minutes to hours or even days. Edema may occur due to impaired circulation.

Some factors can increase alkalosis and further aggravate the situation: infectious diseases, vomiting.

hypervitaminosis d spasmophilia
hypervitaminosis d spasmophilia

Rickets and hypervitaminosis D

Hypervitaminosis manifests itself with an increase in the concentration of calcium s alts in the blood, which are later deposited in the wallsblood vessels, heart and kidneys. That is why it is very dangerous and can lead to a significant deterioration in he alth. It is worth noting that an excess of vitamin D can occur even with prolonged exposure to sunlight, when special vitamin complexes are not taken. A similar phenomenon is associated with individual hypersensitivity.

Distinguish between chronic and acute intoxication. Both cases may arise as a result of treatment in the first years of a child's life from rickets. After all, it is vitamin D that can reduce the risk of skeletal developmental disorders, but mistakes made in prescribing treatment or undiagnosed hypersensitivity to the vitamin can lead to:

  1. Acute intoxication - occurs with intensive use of drugs for a short period of time. In this case, there are clear signs of intoxication after a short period of time after the start of taking the drugs. An acute case immediately indicates problems with an excess of vitamin D, a small amount of calcium s alts is deposited, and the organs are less affected.
  2. Chronic intoxication - the case when the drug was taken for 8 months or more, while the doses were moderate. Chronic manifestations are accompanied by slightly different symptoms, and often, when the child is not even a year old, parents are unaware of intoxication.

The second case can lead to very serious consequences, however, like the first, if you do not pay attention to the problem in time.

rickets andhypervitaminosis d
rickets andhypervitaminosis d

Hypervitaminosis D symptoms

Symptoms of too much vitamin D are:

  1. Decreased appetite.
  2. Constant thirst.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Fast weight loss with good nutrition.
  5. Constipation appears.
  6. Being dehydrated.
  7. In some cases, there is a loss of consciousness in children.
  8. Convulsions.
  9. Sleep disturbance.
  10. Weakness.

It is worth noting that many symptoms are similar to signs of diseases that develop against the background of hypervitaminosis. Therefore, a highly qualified doctor should make a diagnosis.

hypervitaminosis d symptoms
hypervitaminosis d symptoms

Causes of excess vitamin D

The causes of hypervitaminosis D are as follows:

  1. Excess of vitamin D, which is introduced into the body as part of vitamin preparations.
  2. In some cases, there is an excessive sensitivity to vitamin D. At the same time, a similar phenomenon can occur in stressful situations, with prolonged exposure to the sun, if the diet has been disturbed or the diet has been changed.

Most often the disease develops in children.


The most common treatment for vitamin D overdose is:

  1. Cancellation of drugs that contain vitamin D.
  2. Careful selection of used products.
  3. Taking vitamins A and E, hormonal drugs.
  4. Intravenous fluids to relieve dehydration.

Such measures can reduce the amount of vitamin inbody.

causes of hypervitaminosis d
causes of hypervitaminosis d


The prognosis is quite serious: the development of chronic pyelonephritis, which leads to chronic renal failure. In addition, the work of the heart worsens, a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases appears.

With any deterioration in he alth, do not neglect the help of a doctor. Stay he althy!
