Atheroma is a formation that belongs to a number of benign ones. As a rule, it has a rounded shape protruding above the surface of the skin; inside it is a capsule filled with a thick yellowish liquid. If, when pressed, a liquid with a sharp unpleasant odor is released from the atheroma, and the neoplasm itself, as well as the area around it, are painful on palpation, we can safely say that we have festering atheroma.

By itself, without a purulent process, this node is painless, ranging in size from a few millimeters to very impressive dimensions. Education is localized on any part of the body: there may be atheroma on the face, neck, genitals, or even atheroma that festered on the back.
Outwardly, it practically does not differ from other forms of neoplasms: hygromas, lipomas, fibromas.
Causes of suppuration
By itself, it does not bring the "owner" any concern, with the exception of cosmetic inconvenience, in particular when it is located on the face or exposed areas of the body.
The he alth hazard of festering atheroma carries a lot. The cause may be the followingfactors:
- An advanced form of the disease.
- As a complication after an earlier operation (the result of its poor quality).
- Infection brought into the open wound channel of both the atheroma itself and the area around it.
Symptoms of disease
When suppuration is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:
- Sharp pain.
- Swelling in the neoplasm.
- Hyperemic skin near atheroma.
- Increased body temperature.
- Increase in neoplasm in size.
- General malaise.
- Increased lymph nodes closest to atheroma.

The process of suppuration is preceded by the entry of bacteria under the formation capsule, as a result of which an abscess begins to develop, this happens because the substrate contained in it is an excellent nutrient medium for the development of pathological microorganisms. As a result of this, the liquid degenerates into pus. There are cases of independent outflow of a purulent substrate from atheroma, but it also happens that it does not find an outflow and remains inside the capsule or spreads under the skin.
What is the danger of the neoplasm?
Many people are not even aware of the existence of this tumor, living with it for many years. But as a result of a small injury to the skin near the formation, pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream. The inflammatory process begins to progress, which, in turn, can lead toto the following consequences:
- Abscess of soft tissues and organs.
- Phlegmon.
- Clot formation, which can cause death.
The conclusion is simple: festering atheroma is dangerous, which means that you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, but first of all, you need to eliminate the inflammatory process. Yes, of course, there are cases when it may require urgent removal due to the danger to life, but such cases are extremely rare. In most cases, the doctor, when making a diagnosis of festering atheroma, prescribes antibiotic treatment immediately: they are necessary to remove the focus of inflammation. Only after its elimination can surgical intervention be prescribed. Therefore, it is best to get rid of the neoplasm at the earliest stage. List of main antibiotics that are used in the disease:
- "Azithromycin".
- "Doxycycline hydrochloride".
- "Sumamed".
- "Lincomycin".
What to do with suppuration
The presence of ateroma on the body requires special attention. This is necessary in order to avoid more serious complications.
But if this does happen, the following measures must be taken:
- Before going to the doctor, you must apply a sterile cotton-gauze bandage.
- If your temperature rises and you feel unwell, call an ambulance.
- Do not try to open the source of suppuration yourself.
- Strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Remember: all attempts to get rid of the disease themselves are dangerous and can lead to serious he alth problems or threaten your life. If you have festering atheroma, treatment with ointments is prescribed only by a specialist. In most cases, Vishnevsky's ointments, Levomikol, Ichthyol are prescribed.
Disease diagnosis
The purpose of an accurate diagnosis is to exclude the presence of a malignant neoplasm. For this, the attending physician prescribes histological and morphological studies. Based on the results, an accurate diagnosis is made.

In addition, the surgeon can determine atheroma by external signs during a direct examination of the patient:
- black dot (pore clogged with fatty secretion) on the surface of atheroma;
- no pain on palpation;
- presence of clear edges.
There are frequent cases of multiple appearances of atheromas, this process is called atheromatosis and requires complex treatment.
Treatment of neoplasms
Atheroma festering requires exclusively surgical treatment, as a result of which it is completely removed. This happens in two stages:
- The first includes the complete removal of festering contents.
- At the second stage, the neoplasm itself is removed together with the canal, as a result of which atheroma will no longer appear on this part of the body.

Bduring the surgical intervention, the doctor performs the following manipulations:
- opening atheroma;
- cleaning, which removes all the contents of the neoplasm;
- washing the wound channel with an antiseptic solution;
- installation of a special tube for outflow from the wound and its unhindered washing;
- After removing the insert, a bandage is applied using antiseptic agents.
Summing up, it should be noted that this disease cannot be left unattended. The sooner treatment is started, the less likely complications will develop.