Intestinal obstruction, or paralytic ileus (ICD-10 code, see below), is a rather severe pathological condition in which substances are much worse excreted from the intestines. As a rule, people who prefer to completely abandon meat usually suffer from such an ailment. It is in vegetarians that such a pathology is most often diagnosed.

Intestinal obstruction can be dynamic or mechanical. However, regardless of the type of pathology, at the first sign of it, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If a person is not provided with timely medical assistance, then there is a risk of death.
Basic information
Paralytic ileus (ICD-10 assigns code K56.0 to this disease) is not an independent pathology. As a rule, this syndrome develops against the background of other diseases. Therefore, intestinal obstructionit is more fair to consider it a symptom of a particular ailment. In terms of how critical this condition is, more than 3% of people actually had some pretty serious complications that could lead to death.
However, as a rule, a person quickly determines that certain negative changes are taking place in his body, and turns to a surgeon. By and large, paralytic ileus is a syndrome that is caused by a huge number of reasons. There are also different forms of this pathology.

To get rid of the disease, you need to consult a specialist in a timely manner and undergo a course of treatment.
Classification of intestinal obstruction
There are several varieties of this pathology, which differ in anatomical and clinical mechanisms. Depending on the type of pathology, the specialist will prescribe one or another therapy. Most often found in medical practice:
- Dynamic paralytic ileus. In turn, this syndrome can be spastic or paralytic.
- Mechanical. In this case, we are talking about torsion and infringement or adhesive obstruction.
- Vascular. In this case, problems appear against the background of an intestinal infarction.

Reasons for appearance
Intestinal obstruction may develop on the background of:
- Incarcerated hernia.
- Formation or overlapping of the lumen by adhesions. Against this background, the so-called retraction often occurs.guts.
- Intestinal cancer or other neoplasms in nearby organs.
- Volvulus.
- Obstruction of the intestinal lumen. In this case, we are talking not only about feces, but also about gallstones, worms, foreign bodies, etc.
- Inflammation and diseases of the abdominal cavity.
When it comes to dynamic paralytic ileus, then, as a rule, surgical intervention leads to it. If operations were performed on the abdominal cavity (especially with peritonitis), then they could well lead to a similar syndrome. Only an experienced specialist after the diagnostic tests will be able to more accurately determine the causes of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
Symptoms of paralytic ileus
As a rule, intestinal obstruction is almost always accompanied by fairly severe pain in the abdomen. They are sharp, cramping or growing. In addition, many patients complain of nausea and vomiting. This is due to the fact that the contents of the intestine are redirected to the stomach. It is also worth noting that vomit has a very pronounced odor that resembles feces. This is due precisely to the contents of the intestine, which returns back to the human stomach.
At the same time, the patient becomes very constipated. If the paralytic ileus has only recently begun to develop, then in this case, intestinal motility will persist for some time.
If we talk about the most characteristic symptoms, then most often they include a significant increase in the abdomen. Atin some patients, the abdominal cavity even begins to deform and takes on an irregular shape.

Additional symptoms include increased heart rate, low blood pressure and dry mouth. Also, some patients complain of fever.
In order to determine that the patient is suffering from this pathology, the specialist first of all performs palpation. It will not be difficult for a doctor to notice changes in the shape and size of the patient's abdomen. However, in order to verify their assumptions, specialists most often conduct x-ray studies.
After receiving a picture of the abdominal organs, the doctor carefully examines it and determines the pathology of the internal organs. A blood test is also done.

If we talk about additional diagnostic measures, then ultrasound is performed.
Also, the doctor must examine the tongue of the patient. If a large amount of white plaque is found on it, then this is another confirmation of intestinal obstruction. If the doctor diagnoses an acute degree of this syndrome, then in this case the patient is immediately hospitalized.
Features of the treatment of paralytic ileus
Before you go to see a doctor, in no case should you give the patient a laxative. It is also necessary to abandon painkillers, gastric lavage and the use of enemas. Such activities can significantly complicate the processdiagnostics.
If a person goes to the hospital and does not have a mechanical obstruction, then doctors perform several procedures in this case. First of all, specialists suck out the contents of the stomach and intestines. For this, a thin probe is used, which is inserted through the patient's nose. If after this procedure the peristalsis is getting better, then it is enough to drink a course of antispasmodics and follow a special diet for paralytic ileus.
If the patient suffers from a mechanical obstruction, then conservative therapy may not give any results. In this case, emergency surgery is performed. During the operation, the adhesions are dissected, the torsion is untwisted or the bowel is resected.
Additional activities may be needed. After the operation, the patient needs to normalize the water-s alt and protein metabolism in the body. For this, special saline solutions and blood substitutes are introduced.
Also, doctors often use anti-inflammatory therapy, which aims to stimulate the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.
Features of nutrition after surgery
If the patient has undergone surgery, then a few days after that he should adhere to bed rest. For the first 12 hours, the patient should not eat or drink anything. During this period of time, he receives food through a special probe.
After the doctor allows solid food, the patient must adhere to the diet. He is forbidden to overeat, drink a daymore than 2 liters of liquid. Do not eat foods that increase gas formation.

You need to give up sweets, legumes, cabbage, soda. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, fatty, spicy, fried foods. All meals must be warm. The diet is based on juices, decoctions, jellies, mucous porridges and weakly concentrated meat and chicken broth.
In closing
It should be borne in mind that this syndrome is a very insidious disease. If it is not treated in a timely manner, it can even lead to death. Therefore, do not neglect your he alth. When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, it is worth visiting a doctor.