Warts are benign growths that can appear anywhere on the human body. Most often it is the arms, legs, face and back. By itself, the wart does not pose a particular danger to human he alth, but if it reaches a large size and is in a conspicuous place, then its presence can ruin the whole appearance. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to know how to get rid of warts at home. Of course, you can contact the salon that removes them professionally, but it will cost money. We will consider relatively free ways to solve this problem.
Causes of a wart

So, first you need to understand why these unpleasant growths appear on the body. HomeThe human papillomavirus is believed to be the cause of warts. You can pick it up by contact with the patient, who, by the way, may not even be aware of his illness and be just its carrier. Basically, infection occurs with a decrease in immunity. For example, after an illness or during pregnancy.
How can I get rid of warts?
There are many folk methods for the destruction of these growths. But keep in mind that before using them, it is still better to consult a dermatologist. Better yet, pass the necessary tests to identify the nature of the growths - all of a sudden they turn out to be malignant. In this case, do not even think about how you can get rid of a wart at home!
So, recipes for "destroying" her.
- One of the most popular methods of removing growths from the human body is the use of vinegar. How to get rid of a wart at home with it? Very simple. Take a pipette, put some vinegar into it and put 2-3 drops of acid on the wart. Everything, nothing more is needed. It remains only to perform this procedure daily until the warts disappear. But be careful - you can burn he althy skin tissue. To avoid this, you can stick a piece of plaster with a hole inside, in which the wart will be located, on the growth. This way, if the vinegar spills past the formation, it will land on the patch instead of the skin.
- Also, many readers are interested in the question of how to get rid of a wart at home usingcelandine juice? The answer is simple: everything is just as easy! It is necessary every day (or maybe 2 times a day) to smear the wart with the juice of this poisonous plant (it is advisable to use its root).
- How to get rid of small warts? Use the silk thread method. To do this, it is necessary to carefully pull the leg off the growth and put a knot of thread on it, which is tightened tighter. At the same time, you do not need to pull out the wart from the root (you are unlikely to succeed), but you just have to wait a bit until the blood stops flowing to the wart due to the tightened knot. After that, it will die off on its own.

How to get rid of a wart at home using other methods? There are many more recipes that will help you get these growths out of your body. Well, for example, at night make a compress from the pulp of Kalanchoe on the wart. Follow this procedure until you are satisfied with the result.