Inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eyes is called conjunctivitis. Signs of the disease are redness, burning of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, itching and lacrimation. This disease affects both children and adults. In most cases, washing with various solutions is enough to completely heal. However, it should be remembered that the disease in some cases can become chronic, so consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. This article will look at the symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis in adults and children.
Types of conjunctivitis and their symptoms
They depend on the type of pathogen. The doctor makes the final diagnosis after examining the patient and the results of the analysis of the smear discharge from the eyes.

The following types of conjunctivitis are known:
- Bacterial. Its development is provoked by pathogens: staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and others. ATthe eye pathogen enters during diseases of the upper respiratory tract or from the surface of the dermis. Signs of the disease: purulent discharge that contributes to the adhesion of eyelashes, swelling and redness of the eyelids.
- Allergic. The reason lies in the impact of allergens, which are different in nature: these are medicines, food, pollen, household chemicals and others. A variation of this species is reactive conjunctivitis, which develops under the influence of fumes, gases, smoke or chlorinated water in pools. A characteristic symptom is severe itching, and the usual signs are also present: swelling, redness, watery eyes.
- Viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms and treatment depend on the provocateurs of the disease. They are coxsackie, herpes, enteroviruses that penetrate the upper respiratory tract and the mucous membrane of the eyes. And also the disease develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infections. The most common inflammation is caused by adenoviruses. The disease is manifested by lacrimation, burning, redness of the eyes, swelling. In addition, there are all the symptoms of SARS: general weakness, rhinitis, fever, enlarged lymph nodes.
Drug Therapy
The use of ointments in the treatment of eye conjunctivitis is as follows:
- Erythromycin. Approved for use in children under one year and pregnant women. Has antimicrobial activity. Well tolerated, but individual intolerance is possible. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
- Tetracycline. Use whenbacterial conjunctivitis. It has an age restriction. Contraindicated in children under eight years of age, pregnant and lactating women. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the inflammation. During therapy, there may be a decrease in the sharpness of vision.
- Tobrex. The drug is indicated for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children at home. Approved for use in babies up to a year, but only as directed by a doctor.
- Florenal. The course of treatment is from two weeks to two months. Used in the treatment of children and adults, including pregnant and lactating women. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is a contraindication for use.
- "Acyclovir". This remedy is recognized as one of the most effective in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis caused by the herpes pathogen.
- "Tobradex". The effectiveness of the drug increases with the combined use of ointment and drops. It is undesirable to apply to children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating.
- "Kortineff". Assign for inflammation, which is accompanied by the release of pus. Prolonged use provokes an increase in intraocular pressure, so you should follow the course of treatment recommended by the doctor.
- "Dexa-gentamicin". The ointment has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action, and also has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Long term use not shown.
- "Bonafton". The drug has proven itself in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis. After therapy, a short-term decrease in the sharpness of vision is possible. Ointmentcontraindicated under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
Causes and signs of acute conjunctivitis
The disease begins rapidly, the clinical picture is pronounced. Regardless of the cause that provoked the development of pathology, the following symptoms are present:
- general malaise;
- teary;
- headache;
- discomfort in the eye area on a bright light source;
- redness of the whites of the eyes;
- puffiness of the eyelids.

The development of the disease is influenced by both external and internal causes:
- hypercooling of the body;
- poor immunity;
- presence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- exposure to allergic substances, gases, fumes, wind;
- various eye injuries.
Acute conjunctivitis: types and symptoms
Each variety has its own characteristics, according to which the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the treatment of conjunctivitis. There are the following types:
- Purulent. It is formed when an infection or microorganisms enters the organs of vision. Signs of the disease appear in both eyes. The inflammatory process provokes the formation and release of pus, as a result, the eyelashes stick together.
- Atopic. This type of disease is seasonal. In summer and spring, it manifests itself as an allergy to ultraviolet rays, pollen and other factors. Tearing and redness of the mucous membrane are expressedthe brightest.
- Bacterial. Pathogenic microorganisms are the precursor of pathology. In an individual, a light-colored, opaque liquid is released from the eyes, contributing to the gluing of the eyelids, which is especially pronounced in the morning hours immediately after waking up. In order to open the eyes, they should be rinsed with tea solution or other means recommended by the doctor.
- Catarrhal. The first symptom of this type of disease is photophobia, then a thick cloudy mucus is formed in the organs of vision, which is concentrated in the corners of the eyes.
- Infectious. Its development is provoked by pathogenic microflora (pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci) and various viruses. Manifested by acute, even cutting pain in the eyes, watery eyes and cloudy, thick, mucus-like secretions, which are subsequently replaced by pus.
Signs of acute conjunctivitis in children and adults are identical. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. If it is impossible to visit a doctor in the near future, a solution of sodium sulfacyl in the form of eye drops can be dripped into the eyes.
Treatment of acute conjunctivitis
Treatment of conjunctivitis in a child at home begins immediately after diagnosis. It should be remembered that acute conjunctivitis is easily transmitted to another family member. If only one eye is affected, both are still treated. In this case, different pipettes are used to instill drops to prevent infection from entering a he althy organ. The choice of drug therapy depends on the type of pathogen. With a disease causedallergen, it is necessary to limit its contact with the sick as soon as possible.

Hormonal and antispasmodic drugs are used for treatment. If the reason for the development of the disease was the bacterial microflora, then samples are taken and the most sensitive antibiotic is selected. Often, broad-spectrum drugs in the form of ointments and drops are used. In addition, it is very important in the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults and children to observe personal hygiene. According to the reviews of patients and doctors, the most prescribed and well-proven drugs are: Sulfacyl sodium, Tobrex, Lekrolin, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone ointment. They are used to prevent conjunctivitis, even in infants. In addition, traditional medicine also proved to be effective.
Factors affecting duration of therapy
The duration of the conjunctivitis treatment process is affected by:
- start therapy;
- the reason that gave impetus to the development of the disease: a burn of the mucous membrane, general hypothermia, a cold, beriberi, herpes or another infection;
- acute or chronic form of conjunctivitis;
- type of pathogen: allergic, bacterial, viral nature or a combination of several types;
- the severity of the course of the disease, which is due to the individual's comorbidities;
- character of changes in the mucous membrane of the eye: membranous, purulent, papillary, follicular or catarrhal.

From all of the above factorsthe period of treatment of conjunctivitis in adults and children will also depend. An untimely visit to the doctor provokes the transition of an acute form of the disease into a chronic one, and the presence of some serious chronic pathologies, such as diabetes, significantly delays the recovery process.
Therapy for bacterial conjunctivitis
Often the provocateur of the disease is Staphylococcus epidermidis. The main symptoms are purulent discharge. To wash the eyes, it is recommended to use antiseptic solutions or use weak brewing of black or green tea. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor and strictly for medical reasons. The following factors influence the duration of treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis:
- the patient has a history of chronic pathologies;
- a drug prescribed by a doctor, i.e. a selected drug therapy depending on the sensitivity of a bacterium to an antibiotic;
- a type of pathogen.

The disease caused by bacterial gonococcus is considered the most dangerous. Treatment of patients is carried out only in stationary conditions. The duration of therapy will depend on the degree of damage to the organs of vision and the timeliness of the treatment started. Eye damage by chlamydia also leads to severe and insidious pathology. Both children and adults can become infected. The incubation period is one to two weeks. The duration of treatment takes about 14 days. Antibacterial eye drops and ointments are prescribed, the latter are laidafter thorough cleansing of the eye from purulent discharge.
Viral conjunctivitis: symptoms and treatment
The inflammatory process of the eyes, caused by a viral infection, may well go away on its own. The disease manifests itself with lacrimation, redness, swelling. There is weakness, possibly an increase in temperature and an increase in lymph nodes. This type includes adenoviral or catarrhal conjunctivitis. They are easily tolerated by both adults and children. However, in the event of a complication or accession of a herpes infection, the treatment of conjunctivitis is delayed up to three weeks. Patients are prescribed medications that strengthen immunity, antiseptics for washing the eyes, as well as antiviral agents in the form of drops and eye ointments: Acyclovir, Trifluridine, Poludan, Tebrofen, Aktipol, Florenal. Often people do not attach importance to this disease and leave it without proper therapy. However, it is viral conjunctivitis that contributes to the development of such a serious disease as keratitis, which subsequently leads to blindness. Therefore, one should not wait for serious complications, but consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy.
Treatment of fungal conjunctivitis
In recent years, this type of conjunctivitis has been widely diagnosed. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the violation of hygiene rules when wearing contact lenses, uncontrolled intake of hormonal and antibacterial agents. Treatment of conjunctivitis caused by fungi is very long, as directlythe inflammatory process develops slowly. And therapy is prescribed when the disease has already passed into a chronic form. More than 60 different types of fungi are known to cause this disease. When prescribing a drug, it is important to determine the type of pathogen. This procedure is carried out in the laboratory of a medical institution. Next, the doctor prescribes drugs that have a detrimental effect on a specific fungus. After a course of treatment, a repeated laboratory analysis is prescribed, based on the results of which recovery is recorded or a decision is made to continue therapy.
Therapy for allergic conjunctivitis
When the cause (allergen) that provoked the disease is identified, its elimination leads to the disappearance of symptoms. However, this does not mean that the disease is defeated. Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis takes quite a long period. With this type of inflammation, remission is replaced by exacerbations, which can be different in time. Doctors recommend not only to eliminate allergic components, but also to observe preventive measures in daily care: rinse your eyes with antiseptic solutions. To relieve severe itching, drugs containing hormonal substances are prescribed. When using them, you should adhere to a short course of application in order to avoid the development of side effects. To moisturize the eyes recommend "tear" drops. This type of conjunctivitis is not transmitted to another person, i.e. it is not contagious.
Conjunctivitis: eye treatment for adults
Regardless of the cause that provoked the pathology, therapybegins with washing the organs of vision. For these purposes use:
- Antiseptic solutions of factory or pharmacy production.
- "An artificial tear". The composition of the preparation is s alts, polysaccharides and organic polymers dissolved in water. According to their biochemical characteristics and acid-base composition, artificial tears are similar to the natural fluid of the lacrimal glands. There are several varieties of the drug, which differ in the content of polymers.
- Traditional medicine (herbal decoctions, tea solution).

Therapy of viral conjunctivitis is carried out with interferon preparations:
- "Poludan" promotes the production of immunoactive substances, in particular interferons. Course treatment from three to five days.
- "Actipol" normalizes the electrolyte balance, enhances the processes of restoration of the mucous membrane of the eye. Para-aminobenzoic acid, which is part of the preparation, is the strongest stimulator of interferon synthesis. According to the mechanism of action, this drug can be compared with the previous one.
- "Ophthalmoferon" is a medicine containing an antiallergic and antiviral agent. According to experts, as a result of its use, the development of the pathological process stops much faster than when using other medicines. The course treatment averages two weeks, and in the chronic form of the disease about a month.
For the treatment of purulent conjunctivitis with profuse discharge from the eyes, antibiotics are prescribed in the medicin althe form of eye drops: "Ciprofloxacin" or "Levofloxacin". These drugs have a detrimental effect on a wide range of microorganisms. The course of treatment depends on the pathological process. If just bacterial conjunctivitis is diagnosed, then antimicrobial agents are not indicated. In these cases, washing and antiseptics are recommended, for example, Sulfacyl sodium.
Unconventional Therapy
Treatment of conjunctivitis at home with folk methods is aimed at cleansing the eyes and removing puffiness.
Lotions of infusion of chamomile flowers or dill juice perfectly relieve redness and inflammation.
You can use ordinary tea to wash your eyes, which is allowed even for babies up to a year.
Infusion of dill seeds is used to treat purulent conjunctivitis. Lotions are applied to the eyes several times a day.
Decoction of rosehip berries wash eyes with adenovirus conjunctivitis at least four times a day.
Helps to cope with the disease and a compress of egg white with raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater.
The eyelids are smeared with Kalanchoe juice until complete recovery.
Cucumber juice lotion with baking soda to help with swelling.
Infusion of bay leaves wash the eyes of children, and adults are better off making lotions.
Infusion of kombucha relieves inflammation. Use it in the form of lotions.
The above recipes will give a good result at the initial stage of the disease. If the disease is advanced, then drugs should be used,prescribed by a doctor and do not self-medicate.
Prognosis and prevention of conjunctivitis in adults and children
With proper treatment of conjunctivitis (photo below), the prognosis is favorable. The transition of the disease to a chronic form is associated with the absence or improper therapy. Of the serious complications that can occur is keratitis, as a result, the cornea becomes cloudy, vision is significantly reduced, ulcers form on the eyelids, which are quite difficult to heal.

Compliance with personal hygiene and concern for one's own he alth is the main condition in the prevention of the disease. Children from a very early age should be taught to observe certain rules of personal hygiene and respect for the organs of vision. Conduct explanatory conversations with the baby, for example, about why you can’t touch your eyes with dirty hands or use other people’s towels. Bacterial and viral forms of conjunctivitis are contagious and easily transmitted in everyday life through the use of items and means that should be individual, but in fact they are used by several people (cosmetics, towels, bedding, etc.). Individuals with contact lenses need to be especially careful to follow the rules and regulations of personal hygiene and care for medical devices. You have become familiar with the main symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis, and the easiest way to avoid the development of pathology is prevention.