Some people have acne, which looks like acne, blackheads. Immediately upon detection, the help of specialists is required. The pathology is characterized by the formation of a closed or open form of comedones, chronic inflammation on the skin.
Acne is a common disease. The peak of the disease occurs at the time of puberty, when there is an increased production of hormones. The prevalence is almost equal for both sexes, but in men the disease has a long course and is quite difficult. By the age of 20, spontaneous regression of the disease can be noted, passing into the chronic stage, which is characterized by changes in the skin in the form of age spots, rashes and keloid scars.
Features of defeat
Acne is one of the most common skin lesions. The disease begins to develop with the active influence of pathogenic microflora.

The main function of the sebaceous glands is to moisturize and soften the skin. However, under the influence of certain adverse factors, increased secretion production begins. Dead cells are added to itepidermis and contaminants.
The skin begins to cover the comedones, which are mostly called blackheads. There is also a change in the condition of the skin, which becomes untidy and visually painful.
To date, there is no single classification yet. Types of acne can be very different, as it is a rather multifaceted disease. The classification division is based on an assessment of the severity of the course and the characteristics of clinical manifestations. According to their clinical signs, there may be such types of acne as:
- newborn acne;
- infant;
- youthful;
- adults;
- contact;
- comedonic.
Youthful acne is characterized by rashes of nodular-cystic, fulminant, papulo-pustular acne, comedones. Lightning acne is characterized by a severe form of leakage. This form occurs mainly in boys. It is characterized by a rather acute onset, rapid spread of inflammation to the face and trunk, followed by scarring. Symptoms are manifested in the form of deterioration of he alth, anemia and fever.

Types of acne in adults are of types such as:
- acne;
- steroid acne;
- inverse form;
- spherical or heaped;
- pink.
If acne is not stopped in adolescence, then it manifests itself in the form of late development of acne. It is characterized by a manifestation in women during the periodmenses. Symptoms appear as papules and end with the formation of extensive cystic cavities.
The inverse form is characterized by the formation of painful nodular acne in the form of an abscess in the armpits and folds. When ripe, pus and bloody-purulent discharge are released. When healing, scars and fistulas form.
Steroid acne is caused by the use of steroid hormones. Formations of this type are formed mainly on the chest, sometimes on the face. Globular acne is formed mainly in men during the course of chromosomal abnormalities. This is due to the merging of nodular and cystic eruptions into characteristic seals with fistulous tracts. This form of the disease affects the trunk and, without appropriate medical intervention, can last for several years.
Pink acne is typical for women of any age. In acute form, it manifests itself during pregnancy. There are nodular, cystic rashes and large papules.
Exogenous acne occurs as a result of the release of comedogenic substances that lead to clogging of the sebaceous ducts. They can be found in medicines, cosmetics for skin care. In some cases, mechanical types of acne are formed, the photo of which allows you to determine the peculiarity of the course of the disease. This form of rash is a response to mechanical action on the skin, provoked by friction and pressure.
Degrees of disease
To figure out if treatment is needed, you need to know exactly what types of acne are and the stages of the courseillness. There are 4 degrees of severity of manifestations, which have certain symptoms and features of therapy. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, some pores become clogged. This happens as a result of the fact that keratinized cells accumulate in the pores, which form a dense layer. It manifests itself in the form of black dots of comedones. It is worth noting that blackheads are formed due to the production of skin pigment and have absolutely nothing to do with dirt. Often this type of acne on the face does not progress.
In the second degree of the course of the disease, sebum accumulates in clogged pores, which manifests itself in the form of small bumps or nodules. In some cases, this type of acne does not progress and is between mild and moderate. When the secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulates in a significant amount, it becomes an ideal environment for the growth and development of bacteria that multiply on the skin.
In a small amount, pathogens quite normally exist on the skin and do absolutely no harm. In any case, if sebum is produced in a significant amount, the immune system can respond, and an inflammatory process is formed.
When inflammation joins, when the skin around turns red, and the rash increases in size, pus begins to accumulate in them. Sometimes there are a lot of abscesses, and they form nodules and cysts. Outwardly, they look like formations of a red or red-bluish hue and protrude somewhat above he althy skin. Such rashes may merge betweenitself, forming large cavities located under the skin. Cystic acne becomes chronic and requires long, complex treatment.
Stages of the disease
Depending on the stage of development, types of acne can be as follows:
- comedonal;
- papulo-pustular;
- nodal;
- conglobate.
Comedonal form of the disease is represented mainly by closed comedones, which are formed in significant numbers on the nose, chin and forehead. In this case, the development of inflammation is not expected. The papulo-pustular type of the disease is characterized by the formation of not only black dots, but also pimples with white caps at the top. In addition to them, nodular rashes are formed that rise above the surface of the skin. And pimples with purulent contents are already forming on them.

The nodular type of the disease is characterized by the absence of pustules, but there are many nodular formations. There may also be black dots. The conglobate type of the disease is one of the most difficult. It is characterized by the formation of spherical types of acne on the face, which can merge with each other. As a result, painful foci of inflammation are formed. This stage ends with severe scarring of the skin. Depending on the type and stage of acne development, the dermatologist selects the required method of therapy.
Rare forms
There are various types of acne on the body and face, which have different symptoms and treatments. ATIn some cases, certain diseases in women can aggravate the course of acne. Such diseases include such as:
- polycystic ovarian syndrome;
- excessive production of male hormones in the ovaries;
- large amounts of male hormones in the adrenal glands.
Similar diseases, in addition to acne, have other signs, in particular, such as excessive hair growth on the face and body, as well as baldness. Acne can also form when exposed to certain chemicals.
Causes of occurrence
Types of acne are classified according to the factors that provoked their formation. In particular, rashes can be exogenous and endogenous. When an endogenous type of acne occurs, their causes lie in internal factors. Exogenous species are provoked by external causes.
Among the main provoking factors of endogenous rashes are the following:
- hormonal changes;
- increased levels of male sex hormones;
- seborrhea;
- chronic diseases, infections;
- ovarian pathology.
Exogenous type of acne takes its development in external factors. Provoking a comedogenic effect can be caused by contact with the skin of certain substances. These can be oils, some preparations with tar, cosmetics. Excessive use of cosmetics can also provoke the formation of acne.
Among the main factors are the prolonged friction of clothes and underwear on the skin. Also among the mainreasons include taking steroids, squeezing acne, exposure to sunlight, increased cleanliness. The level of sensitivity of sebaceous cells to the effects of sex hormones largely depends on which part of the skin is affected.
Main symptoms
In different patients, the combination of provoking factors is purely individual. Acne types and symptoms vary from person to person. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands leads to:
- black dot formation;
- inflammation with the formation of nodular papules;
- decrease in skin tone;
- increased pigmentation.
Glue excess fat dead skin flakes of the upper layer of the skin. This makes it difficult to clean the skin, provoking the accumulation of microbes, fat and dirt in the hair follicle. Then a dark-colored crust forms, which clogs the duct, and as a result, dark spots form.
In the closed sebaceous accumulations of ducts, favorable conditions are created for the growth and development of pathogens. The waste products of microbes provoke a violation of the acid-base balance, which leads to a decrease in protective functions and increased reproduction of bacteria. In this case, the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis occur.
Violation of fat metabolism provokes the accumulation of sebum. As a result of this, the walls of the ducts are stretched, and small cysts are formed. Under the influence of many different causes, the cyst ruptures with the release of sebaceouscontents outward into adjacent tissues. As a result, the formation of nodules occurs, and when the infection is attached, abscesses.
A prolonged inflammatory process provokes malnutrition of tissues, which leads to a change in the skin, a decrease in its tone, and this adversely affects their condition. The skin is covered with small scars, uneven pigmentation and deterioration in texture.
Depending on the cause and type of acne, the treatment is selected strictly individually. Initially, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis in order to determine the root cause of the pathology. Be sure to pass the appropriate tests. To determine the microbial flora and the presence of parasites, 2 types of analyzes are taken from the skin of the face. Scraping from the focus of inflammation is carried out by a dermatologist. It allows you to identify the presence of demodicosis, regardless of the stage of its course.
An antibiotic susceptibility test for pathogens will help you choose the right drug. The only disadvantage of such a study is that it takes a very long time to wait for the result. To find out the cause of acne, tests for hormones are prescribed, since it is often hormonal disorders that lead to the onset of the disease. A similar analysis is assigned in such cases:
- age over 20;
- increased skin pigmentation;
- increased activity of male hormones in women;
- excessive weight;
- irregular menstrual cycle.
If hormone tests reveal a problem, then in thiscase, an ultrasound is prescribed:
- adrenals;
- pelvic organs;
- genitals.
To exclude the presence of tumors in the pituitary and adrenal glands, an x-ray should be taken. An important role in the diagnosis is played by a biochemical blood test. It can identify many different problems that can cause chronic inflammation.
Features of treatment
Regardless of the type of acne, treatment methods are mostly standard and imply an integrated approach, namely:
- use of antibacterial agents;
- means for regulating the production of sebaceous secretion;
- antimicrobial and immunocorrective agents;
- wiping with solutions that have degreasing and disinfecting properties;
- vitamin complex.

Physiotherapy techniques include:
- electrophoresis;
- electrocoagulation;
- cryotherapy;
- UV irradiation.
Duration of therapy is approximately 3 months, and then maintenance therapy should be provided for the same time.
Therapeutic treatment
Regardless of the type of acne, treatment with hardware techniques is used as an additional therapy. Of the main therapeutic procedures, such as:
- chemical peel;
- darsonvalization;
- cryomassage;
- laser therapy.
Similarprocedures have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. The dermatologist prescribes laser therapy, which is considered the most effective. Mesotherapy has a good effect. After the introduction of antibiotic injections, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized and inflammation is eliminated. As a result, toxic substances and bacteria are eliminated, thereby preventing the occurrence of new rashes.
Helps eliminate any type of acne treatment with plasmolifting, which involves the introduction of the patient's blood plasma into problem areas. At the same time, it is enriched with platelets in advance. Such injections help start the process of cell division and renewal.
The doctor may recommend cryotherapy sessions. The dosed supply of cold to problem areas accelerates blood circulation, accelerates the healing of scars and dilates blood vessels.
Drug therapy
To quickly eliminate rashes, only the doctor determines the types of acne and methods of treatment, as this can be a sign of dangerous diseases. For therapy, external medications are prescribed. Benzoyl peroxide is considered a good remedy. It has a whitening and intense keratolytic effect. Under its influence, the keratinized tissues are dissolved. This drug has an antibacterial effect.
Another good remedy is Tretinoin. It helps to reduce the production of subcutaneous fat, eliminate rashes, stabilize skin keratinization and prevent the formation of comedones.

Requires topical antibiotics as well. They are prescribed in the presence of complications. The most effective means are "Clindamycin" and "Erythromycin". When treating women, the doctor may prescribe hormonal contraceptives, which contain antiandrogens. If therapy does not have the desired result, the doctor may prescribe Isotretinoin.
Regardless of the type of acne, their treatment in adolescents is carried out mainly through the use of external agents for the treatment of the skin. Various gels, creams and lotions are prescribed by cosmetologists and dermatologists. The drug should be applied to the affected areas of the skin. Benzoyl peroxide is considered the most common topical treatment because it:
- reduces inflammation;
- destroys bacteria;
- helps clear clogged pores.
Basically, this remedy provokes minor skin irritation. If the skin turns red, then you need to stop using it and wait until the skin calms down.
Folk remedies
In the case of the occurrence of the safest types of acne, their treatment can be carried out using folk remedies and techniques. You can cook them at home from the available ingredients. You can prepare a mask based on protein and aloe. To do this, beat the protein to a state of steep foam and add 20 ml of aloe juice. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

You can prepare a mask based on horseradish and greenapples, which must be mixed in equal proportions. Keep the prepared gruel on your face for an hour. The Indian mixture has good qualities. To prepare it, you need to mix grated ginger root with lemon juice and eucalyptus honey. Take the prepared remedy in small portions throughout the day. The course of therapy is 10 days.
Features of food
In order for the symptoms to become less pronounced, a special diet is required, which implies the exclusion of harmful foods from the usual diet. In case of accumulation of toxins and toxins, they will be carried throughout the body along with the blood, worsening the condition of the skin. Among the most suitable diets, it is necessary to single out fruit, sour-milk, cereals. In addition, it is advisable to regularly spend fasting days.
Possible Complications
After acne, there can be quite unpleasant consequences. They occur in the absence of treatment or after improper therapy. Among the main complications that require additional measures, one can single out the formation of bluish-pink scars. In addition, it is necessary to highlight such complications as:
- keloid scars on the skin;
- extensive suppuration;
- redness and pigmentation of the skin;
- exacerbation of the disease.

One of the most unpleasant consequences is the spread of rashes throughout the body. Very often the upper chest and back are affected, as well as the areaneckline. If the formation of acne was provoked by hormonal disorders, then the treatment should be carried out not only by a dermatologist, but also by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.
Prevention and prognosis
In order not to face acne from adolescence, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive prevention, which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Preventive measures include:
- proper nutrition and proper diet;
- regular consultations with a dermatologist;
- external use of cosmetic products containing zinc;
- physical activity.
Besides this, it is imperative to properly care for the skin. If a person has a tendency to form such a disorder, it is imperative to choose the right cosmetics.
The prognosis depends on many different factors, in particular, such as the cause of occurrence, the age of the patient, and the characteristics of the body. Acne is a chronic pathology, which is why it is intractable and prone to relapse. With a very complex course of the disease, the skin cannot be returned to its ideal state.