Health 2024, October

Bone marrow transplantation: how it happens, donors, consequences, reviews

Bone marrow transplantation: how it happens, donors, consequences, reviews

Bone marrow transplantation is a complex stem cell implantation procedure, the need for which is born in one of a number of diseases of the hematopoietic system. The bone marrow is a vital organ of the circulatory system that performs the function of hematopoiesis

Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Demodicosis of the eyelids is a parasitic disease. It occurs as a result of the vital activity of a certain type of tick. This pathogen belongs to the genus Demodex. This pathology has another name, so to speak, folk - acne iron. Let's look at the causes of this disease, its symptoms and treatment methods

What is AIDS and HIV

What is AIDS and HIV

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a violation of the normal functioning of the human immune system that develops under the influence of HIV infection. The clinical picture of this disease has a variety of manifestations. What is AIDS, everyone should know today

The first signs of demodicosis, symptoms of the disease and treatment

The first signs of demodicosis, symptoms of the disease and treatment

Today, demodicosis is not a very common disease, but sometimes it still occurs, both in humans and in mammals. It is not difficult to recognize the signs of demodicosis, however, for an accurate diagnosis, it is still strongly recommended to contact a medical institution, where a qualified worker will confirm or refute the presence of this pathology

Symptom of metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders: causes

Symptom of metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders: causes

What is the most important symptom of metabolic disorders, what are other indicators of metabolic problems and how to cope with these diseases - all this can be read in the text below

Why does my head hurt in my temples: possible causes and treatment

Why does my head hurt in my temples: possible causes and treatment

Pain in the temporal region is experienced by a huge number of people. Most of the patients who turn to specialists complain of precisely such symptoms. In some cases, this ailment is temporary. If the disease occurs periodically, then you should consult a specialist, find out the cause and undergo a course of prescribed treatment

Symptoms of enterobiasis and treatment methods

Symptoms of enterobiasis and treatment methods

It is a fairly widespread parasitic disease in the world, which belongs to the helminthic category. Its causative agent is worms, which are known as pinworms. In our article, we will consider this disease in detail, and also find out what the symptoms of enterobiasis can be and what are the methods of treatment

Raynaud's syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Raynaud's syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Raynaud's syndrome is a complex of symptoms associated with spasm of peripheral vessels. It can be a separate disease or a sign of another pathology. Most often, painful manifestations are localized in the vessels of the hands. This syndrome is accompanied by blanching and blueness of the skin of the hands, pain and numbness. Such symptoms are caused by a sharp violation of the blood supply. In advanced cases, tissue necrosis occurs. This condition needs urgent treatment

The most important symptom of pneumonia

The most important symptom of pneumonia

Cough is an important symptom of pneumonia, but not only, so many simply ignore its presence. Very often the disease proceeds in a latent form, and timely diagnosis is extremely important

What is the incubation period for hepatitis C in humans?

What is the incubation period for hepatitis C in humans?

The incubation period for hepatitis C is four days to six months. Read more about this disease and its treatment in this article

What to do if the lower abdomen hurts, but there is no period

What to do if the lower abdomen hurts, but there is no period

The lower abdomen hurts, but there are no periods - what can this mean? This question can cause serious concern, and for some, even panic. You will find a detailed answer to it in this article

Pheochromocytoma: symptoms and diagnosis

Pheochromocytoma: symptoms and diagnosis

Pheochromocytoma is usually found in the medulla, less often in chromaffin tissue. Experts call it the most unexplored endocrine pathology to date

Vasculitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Vasculitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Vasculitis is a general name for certain diseases of the vascular system, accompanied by inflammation and destruction of the walls of blood vessels. Other names for this pathology are angiitis and arteritis. Symptoms of vasculitis resemble signs of atherosclerosis: the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries thicken, which reduces the lumen of blood flow and disrupts blood circulation

Pneumonia in the elderly: causes, symptoms, features of the disease and treatment

Pneumonia in the elderly: causes, symptoms, features of the disease and treatment

Pneumonia in the elderly is quite common. This pathology is especially susceptible to bedridden and debilitated patients, as well as patients with chronic diseases. In old age, pneumonia often occurs with atypical symptoms. Because of this, diagnosis and treatment are often delayed, and advanced pneumonia can lead to serious complications. In the article, we will consider in detail the causes and features of the symptoms of pneumonia in old age, as well as treatment methods

Angina in adults: treatment, symptoms and more

Angina in adults: treatment, symptoms and more

One of the most common complications of a cold is a sore throat. In adults, treatment requires an integrated approach. Read more about this in this article

What does a shaking chin in a newborn mean?

What does a shaking chin in a newborn mean?

The shaking chin in a newborn often causes real horror in young parents. However, in reality, everything is not so scary. See below for how to deal with this issue

Smegma is a phenomenon that loves lack of hygiene

Smegma is a phenomenon that loves lack of hygiene

Smegma is a discharge from the head of the penis, consisting of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, epithelial cells and moisture. About what an excess of smegma can lead to, read in this article

The most common diseases of laying hens

The most common diseases of laying hens

Any real owner should be a little versed in veterinary medicine. No matter how small the number of poultry, various diseases of laying hens can cause serious damage to the farm, and sometimes to human he alth

Pimple on an intimate place: causes and treatment

Pimple on an intimate place: causes and treatment

A pimple on an intimate place is usually a cause for concern, since many associate it primarily with sexually transmitted diseases. You can find out if this is the case by reading this article

Why should you be afraid of acute cholecystitis?

Why should you be afraid of acute cholecystitis?

The symptoms of acute cholecystitis are characteristic and unpleasant. On the one hand, you can try to eliminate them with simple means, but there is a high probability that surgical assistance will be required. In any case, consulting a doctor will be the right decision

Why does the hand go numb: causes, alternative treatment

Why does the hand go numb: causes, alternative treatment

Recently, you are increasingly wondering why the hand goes numb? In order to answer it, we advise you to read this article

Exposure of the head, or Causes of phimosis

Exposure of the head, or Causes of phimosis

The condition when it is impossible to expose the head of the penis, doctors call phimosis. This situation can be either congenital or acquired. It is important to start tracking its development immediately after the birth of the baby

Enlarged lymph node: causes and symptoms

Enlarged lymph node: causes and symptoms

Do you have an enlarged lymph node? Doctors unanimously declare that this symptom should never be ignored. About what diseases it indicates, read in this article

What hinders the child? Why does it itch in the anus?

What hinders the child? Why does it itch in the anus?

Your baby is fidgeting in bed and whimpering, what is bothering him at night? Mom changes the diaper, but the baby keeps whimpering. Why does it itch in the anus in a child?

Lymph node on the back of the head: what's going on?

Lymph node on the back of the head: what's going on?

An enlarged lymph node on the back of a child's head can throw parents into a panic. But is it really all that scary? Read about the possible reasons for this phenomenon in this article

It hurts the lower abdomen on the left side: what are the reasons?

It hurts the lower abdomen on the left side: what are the reasons?

Very dangerous diseases often hide under the most harmless symptoms. If the lower abdomen hurts (on the left side or on the right), never self-medicate, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis for you

Why and why are the veins on the legs visible?

Why and why are the veins on the legs visible?

Proud posture, vertical position of the body - for all the achievements of evolution, a person pays with diseases. The main load falls on the spine and legs. The veins on the legs are visible as knots that give off blue. A cosmetic defect is only the tip of the iceberg of problems that are united by the term "varicose veins"

If the blisters on the body itch - see a doctor

If the blisters on the body itch - see a doctor

Do blisters appear on the body itch? You do not know what it is and how to be? Is it possible to self-medicate or make lotions? Better go see a dermatologist

What does mucus look like in a child's urine and what does it mean?

What does mucus look like in a child's urine and what does it mean?

Very often, babies need to take routine urine or blood tests. The completed form may contain, along with other indicators, information that mucus was found in the urine of a child

IBS with diarrhea: how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea

IBS with diarrhea: how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea

Causes of IBS with diarrhea. Classification of pathology. Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Diagnostic measures and principles of treatment. Special diet and preventive measures

IBS with constipation: causes, treatment, dietary rules and advice from doctors

IBS with constipation: causes, treatment, dietary rules and advice from doctors

Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation is a pathological condition, manifested by painful sensations, bloating and flatulence. At the first warning signs, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will issue a referral for diagnostic measures and, based on their results, will draw up the most effective treatment regimen

Degenerative diseases: list

Degenerative diseases: list

This term is unfamiliar to the ear of many patients. In our country, doctors rarely use it and display these ailments in a separate group. However, in world medicine, in the lexicon of doctors, the term "degenerative diseases" is constantly found

Degree of obesity by BMI. Formula for calculating body mass index

Degree of obesity by BMI. Formula for calculating body mass index

In many developed countries, the number of overweight people exceeds 50%, moreover, their number is steadily growing from year to year. Increasing the level of comfort, passion for fast food, lack of active physical activity on the body negatively affects the harmony of the current generation

Hypothalamic obesity: causes, symptoms and treatments. appetite suppressant pills

Hypothalamic obesity: causes, symptoms and treatments. appetite suppressant pills

Hypothalamic obesity is a pathological process that is beyond the control of human willpower. No matter how hard the patient tries to lose weight, no matter how strict diets he sits on, he won’t be able to lose weight until the work of the hypothalamus is regulated with the help of medications

Comorbidities: description, features and treatment

Comorbidities: description, features and treatment

Comorbidities are pathologies that are not directly related to the main ailment. They do not have their own complications, and they do not affect the development of the underlying disease. How is the underlying disease and comorbidities related? This is a common question. It is worth looking into it in more detail

Indigestion in children: symptoms, treatment, diet

Indigestion in children: symptoms, treatment, diet

How does indigestion manifest in children? The symptoms of this pathological condition will be listed below. You will also learn about why this disease develops and how it should be treated

Swollen face in the morning: what to do?

Swollen face in the morning: what to do?

Many people are faced with a situation where a swollen face in the morning creates significant discomfort throughout the day, because a stale appearance leads others to ambiguous conclusions. In fact, the problem cannot be ignored, because it can be a symptom of the development of a serious illness

If the kidneys hurt, what to do: symptoms and treatment

If the kidneys hurt, what to do: symptoms and treatment

Patients of a nephrologist know well what renal colic is and how this pain can be relieved. And what to do if discomfort in the lumbar region appeared for the first time? How to identify kidney pain from others? And what tests should be done to get an accurate diagnosis? What are the dangers of advanced diseases of the urinary system? You will find answers to all these questions in this article

Colic in the kidneys: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Colic in the kidneys: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

The kidneys fill with urine, the walls of the pelvis become distended, the ureters contract, spasmodic pain occurs. The kidney does not have enough oxygen, as a result, a person feels renal colic. He is disturbed by sharp intensifying pains. The cramping attack is so strong that it is difficult to endure. Similar sensations can be compared with childbirth

Kidney pathology: causes, symptoms and treatments. Pyelonephritis. Nephroptosis. kidney failure

Kidney pathology: causes, symptoms and treatments. Pyelonephritis. Nephroptosis. kidney failure

At present, kidney disease is a rather serious problem for medicine and humanity. You should know that you should not start the pathological processes that occur in organs such as the kidneys. It is also known that diseases of this kind can pass without any symptoms for a person