For a very long time there was an opinion that lice can appear only in those people who, for one reason or another, do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, in other words, do not wash. However, this assumption does not reflect the essence of the problem at all, since everyone can become infected with pediculosis.

We will talk about how to get rid of lice a little later, now we will try to highlight the significant reasons for their appearance. Contrary to all assumptions, lice from the mass of the proposed options will choose exactly the head that is washed most often. Why is this happening? The fact is that clean skin has the fewest substances that are secreted by the sebaceous glands, which means that it will be much easier for parasites to suck blood.

Unlike microbes, viruses and other microorganisms, lice are transmitted only through direct contact, that is, through hygiene items (towels, bedding), personal items, as well as in contact with the carrier of this disease. It is not surprising that the mostchildren who attend nurseries, kindergartens, schools are unprotected.
The disease is really unpleasant. Not only does a person have unbearable itching in places where parasites accumulate, it is also rather unaesthetic to constantly itch in public places. But the phrase “help get rid of lice” should appear not only for these reasons, but also because such parasites are carriers of a dangerous disease - relapsing, or typhus, typhus. The danger of infection appears four days after infection and does not depend on how many lice have bitten you.
How can I get rid of lice?
It is necessary to determine what type of pediculosis the patient has. Lice can be head (most often), body lice and pubic lice. How to get rid of body lice? By name, it is clear that such parasites hide in the seams of clothes, bed linen, etc. Just washing in this case will be ineffective, at least you need to boil all the linen, iron it with a hot iron (focusing on the seams), and then leave it in a sunny, ventilated place for a whole week. It will not be superfluous to iron all the laundry again after airing.
How to get rid of pubic lice? This is the most easily removed species, here it will be enough to shave off all the vegetation (a small victim), and then treat the bite sites with mercury white ointment (10%). With the defeat of the eyebrows or eyelashes, you can handle it with your hands - just pass the parasites with your nails.

The hardest thing to deal with is head lice. The most optimalan option would be to shave off all the hair, but for women this is a really difficult situation, so other methods should be considered. How do you get rid of head lice? Today, pharmacies sell a large number of all kinds of drugs, one of the most effective and affordable is hellebore water. You can try Nittifor, Para-plus, and even pet lice shampoos, which, by the way, cope with this problem just fine.
Women who like to experiment can be offered to change their hair color, that is, dye their hair with ammonia paint, from the vapors of which the number of parasites on the head will significantly decrease. Of the folk remedies, kerosene is the most effective, but it will take a long time to restore the hairline after such compresses, so you should not pay attention to such bloodthirsty methods. If a child has head lice, do not hesitate to contact a specialist, as using various methods without consulting a doctor can cause irreparable harm to your baby.