Health 2024, October

Hepatomegaly in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, advice from hematologists

Hepatomegaly in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, advice from hematologists

Hepatomegaly is a condition characterized by enlargement of the liver due to a disease. But in children under 5, and sometimes 7 years old, such a symptom can be considered an age-related feature that needs to be kept under medical supervision. The causes of hepatomegaly in children are quite numerous, since the liver reacts to any, even the most minor changes in the body

Serous cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical consultation, clinical treatment, surgery and recovery

Serous cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical consultation, clinical treatment, surgery and recovery

A serous cyst is a neoplasm, which is a cavity filled with a cloudy liquid. A distinctive feature of cystadenoma is the presence of a dense inelastic capsule. Such a cyst tends to grow, which sometimes leads to compression of neighboring organs and the development of serious complications

Trench foot - an unpleasant disease of wet and frozen feet

Trench foot - an unpleasant disease of wet and frozen feet

A person who regularly walks in wet shoes and at the same time allows constant cooling of his feet may end up in the hospital with an unpleasant diagnosis. Trench foot is a common disease of fishermen, travelers and the military. The disease is treated in the initial stages, in a neglected form it can lead to amputation of limbs. What is this disease, how to protect yourself from it?

Heartworms: diagnosis, causes, treatment

Heartworms: diagnosis, causes, treatment

What is a heartworm? How does infection occur? What are the main symptoms of the disease? Can you get rid of heartworms? Methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Is rosacea a disease or a cosmetic defect?

Is rosacea a disease or a cosmetic defect?

Under this incomprehensible medical term lies a circulatory disorder, a special case of telangiectasia. Couperosis is not a disease, but rather an annoying cosmetic defect that is not dangerous to he alth. With persistent expansion of small vessels and capillaries, an unpleasant venous pattern is formed on the surface of the skin

Symptoms and treatment of VVD

Symptoms and treatment of VVD

Therapy for this syndrome is remarkable in that it can only alleviate the condition. To date, there is no medicine or procedure that could completely rid a person of such a pathology as vegetative-vascular dystonia. Signs of VVD, which manifest themselves in specific people, made it possible to make a more detailed classification of this syndrome. Only based on knowledge of the form of the course of the pathology, it is possible to prescribe an effective treatment

Gangrene of the legs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gangrene of the legs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gangrene of the legs is a condition that occurs when tissue dies. It is caused by the interruption of the blood supply due to an underlying disease, injury, and/or infection. The toes and limbs are more commonly affected. There are different types of gangrene, and they all require immediate medical attention

Non-healing wound: how and with what to treat?

Non-healing wound: how and with what to treat?

All people are familiar with various injuries, wounds. Some wounds heal fairly quickly. Some people have to work hard to get well. Why does a non-healing wound occur? There may be several reasons. We will consider them further

Angina phlegmonous: symptoms and treatment. Tablets for angina in adults

Angina phlegmonous: symptoms and treatment. Tablets for angina in adults

Angina is a disease that can occur in different ways. In medicine, there are several types of this disease, and each of them has its own symptoms, which means that the disease requires a thorough examination and the appointment of appropriate treatment

Diet for angioedema: menu, nutrition, reviews and results

Diet for angioedema: menu, nutrition, reviews and results

Diet for angioedema is an important part of therapy. This serious disease requires significant food restrictions. Such a severe allergic reaction cannot be cured without following the rules of nutrition. Even if the patient regularly takes antihistamine medications, any food allergen can trigger a relapse of the disease. Therefore, allergy sufferers need to adhere to a fairly strict diet

Chronic tonsillopharyngitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Chronic tonsillopharyngitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

When a sore throat appears, do not assume that this is only a temporary viral disease. There is a possibility that a person suffers from tonsillopharyngitis in a chronic form. Therefore, it is worth considering the main signs of pathology and the main methods of treatment for adults and children

Phlegmonous tonsillitis: symptoms, treatment

Phlegmonous tonsillitis: symptoms, treatment

Phlegmonous tonsillitis: causes of the onset of the disease, symptoms and diagnosis. What complications can this disease cause? Conservative and surgical methods of treatment. Prevention of phlegmonous tonsillitis

Influenza virus

Influenza virus

For the transmission of the disease, there is no need for direct contact: it is enough to be close to the carrier of the infection, especially if the latter is talking, sneezing, coughing. The influenza virus, having penetrated the respiratory tract, multiplies rapidly, causing a runny nose to begin with, and then a fever and cough, acting on the vascular and nervous system. Especially high temperature is recorded in the first days (up to 39 degrees, and sometimes even higher)

Oxygen deficiency: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Oxygen deficiency: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Oxygen is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Too long a state of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) is very dangerous for the brain and other organs - such as the heart. They can lead to permanent disability or even death

Atrial fibrillation on ECG. atrial flutter

Atrial fibrillation on ECG. atrial flutter

Many elderly people have atrial fibrillation on an ECG during a random examination. Often this pathology does not make itself felt. Nevertheless, treatment of fibrillation is necessary to avoid the development of severe complications

Ventricular flutter: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ventricular flutter: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ventricular flutter is a ventricular tachyarrhythmia that has a regular, fast rhythm (about 200-300 beats per minute). Most often, ventricular flutter can be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. Loss of consciousness, pallor, diffuse cyanosis of the skin, agonal breathing, convulsions, dilated pupils are not excluded

Bile duct stones: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bile duct stones: causes, symptoms and treatment

Choledocholithiasis, or bile duct stones, is a common disease whose symptoms prevent the patient from living a full life. How to get rid of endless pain in the abdomen and ensure the normal patency of the bile ducts? Some turn to alternative medicine, while others decide to have surgery

Encephalopathy in infants: causes, external signs, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Encephalopathy in infants: causes, external signs, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Encephalopathy in infants is a serious illness. However, it is treatable. Consider the main types of pathology and the features of its manifestation. It will also be useful to learn about methods of treatment and prevention of an unpleasant disease

Knee injury from a fall: treatment and recovery

Knee injury from a fall: treatment and recovery

Knee injury is perhaps one of the most common troubles that people have to face. After all, the knee joint carries a large load and is responsible not only for walking, running and jumping, but also for many other movements

Knee injuries. Meniscus: damage, treatment, adaptation

Knee injuries. Meniscus: damage, treatment, adaptation

The knee joint has a complex structure, its most important component is the meniscus. It performs the function of load distribution, therefore it is most susceptible to traumatic lesions. What knee injuries can be distinguished? What are the features of diagnosis and treatment of such injuries?

Complications of osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms and consequences

Complications of osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms and consequences

The presence of osteochondrosis in a patient is harmful to he alth, affecting various systems and organs. Complications of osteochondrosis can even affect the autonomic nervous system, resulting in serious restrictions in some household activities

Consequences of osteochondrosis: symptoms, causes of the disease, treatment options, possible complications, expert advice

Consequences of osteochondrosis: symptoms, causes of the disease, treatment options, possible complications, expert advice

The most common form of spinal disease is osteochondrosis. This disease is relatively easy to treat if noticed in the early stages. In the future, there are severe (sometimes even irreversible) consequences. Most often, the causes are unfavorable heredity and age-related changes in the structure of bone tissue. Infections, injuries, curvature of the spine, carrying weights and just a long stay in an uncomfortable position can provoke a pathology

Arthrosis of the fingers: symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis of the fingers: symptoms and treatment

Such a diagnosis as arthrosis of the fingers is usually made to older people, mostly women. This is explained by the fact that with age, the fair sex undergoes hormonal changes in the body and the production of collagen decreases. The disease is characterized by a decrease in the mobility of the fingers, and its chronic form leads to dysfunction of the hands and deformities of the joints

Horse foot: causes and varieties, treatment

Horse foot: causes and varieties, treatment

Horse foot: the cause of the deformity, which leads to the development of the disease. Diagnosis of foot deformities. Methods of treatment: folk and traditional medicine. Prevention measures

Diagnosis of SGM: decoding. Concussion: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of SGM: decoding. Concussion: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What does SGM mean? What is this injury? What are its consequences? The severity of a concussion. Symptoms, self-diagnosis for adults, children, the elderly. How to provide first aid? Medical diagnostics and therapy. Tips for Home Treatment

Signs of concussion: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Signs of concussion: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Knowing all the main signs, symptoms of a concussion of the head, treatment can be started in a timely manner, if necessary. If special therapy is not required, knowing what happened, you can keep the condition under control and monitor changes. Consider the features of the manifestations of concussion in adults and minors

Concussion in children: signs, symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and recovery period

Concussion in children: signs, symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and recovery period

Concussion is considered the mildest form of traumatic brain injury. But such a definition does not mean that a child who has received such damage does not require examination by a specialist and receiving an adequate treatment situation. The article will tell you how a concussion manifests itself, how it is diagnosed and treated

Spidophobia: symptoms, causes and treatments

Spidophobia: symptoms, causes and treatments

Fear is a basic instinct inherent in any creature on the planet that allows you to survive. However, people can still observe imaginary fears, that is, fear of a fictitious threat. At the same time, the same behavioral reactions are observed in a person, as if there was a real danger

Curvature of the toes: causes, methods of treatment. Foot surgery

Curvature of the toes: causes, methods of treatment. Foot surgery

The article describes the first signs, symptoms of curvature of the toes, what types of diseases are. Conservative and operative methods of treatment. What is the prevention of curvature of the toes

What is aerophobia? How to get rid of the fear of flying?

What is aerophobia? How to get rid of the fear of flying?

With the development of passenger transportation by air, a new kind of fear has appeared - aerophobia. Many people suffer from this disease, which prevents them from traveling or moving around the world for work (business trips), which means living a full life

Aerophagia: symptoms, forms, causes and treatment

Aerophagia: symptoms, forms, causes and treatment

Many people swallow air while eating, and after a certain period of time it leaves the body in the form of belching. This phenomenon is called aerophagia. This is not dangerous, but rather unpleasant, because all well-mannered people know that belching is indecent. What are the signs of this disease and how to treat it, this article will tell

The best sedative to put your nerves in order

The best sedative to put your nerves in order

In order to put your nerves in order, you should find the best sedative for yourself. However, its appointment should be entrusted to your doctor

Hyperdynamic syndrome in children

Hyperdynamic syndrome in children

Hyperdynamic syndrome, or attention deficit disorder, is one of the manifestations of minimal brain dysfunction and today is diagnosed in many children. This is due to a slight damage to the brain of an organic nature, which manifests itself in increased excitability and emotional lability, some speech and movement disorders, behavioral difficulties, etc

Types of spinal hernias: causes and symptoms

Types of spinal hernias: causes and symptoms

There are several types of spinal hernia. The main thing is to correctly diagnose and conduct timely treatment

Pancreas: symptoms and treatment

Pancreas: symptoms and treatment

The pancreas, the symptoms of which we will discuss later in the article, plays an important role in the digestion process and is responsible for the production of enzymes. Any violations in its functioning can cause dangerous consequences, therefore, at the first signs of pathology, you should consult a doctor

Tracheitis: symptoms and treatment

Tracheitis: symptoms and treatment

The symptoms of tracheitis are no different from a normal cough. Therefore, self-diagnosis is not possible. However, so is the treatment. Expert advice needed

Abscess of the throat: photos, symptoms and treatment

Abscess of the throat: photos, symptoms and treatment

The main cause of a throat abscess is called tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis. With untimely treatment of these diseases, an abscess develops

Effective treatment of thrush at home: features and methods

Effective treatment of thrush at home: features and methods

The problem of candidiasis affects more than half of the female population. With such a delicate problem, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. Can you treat thrush at home?

How to cure bronchitis at home?

How to cure bronchitis at home?

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system that affects the bronchi. The main cause of the development of the disease is the ingestion of an infectious agent. The most common infection factors include viruses (measles, influenza, rhinovirus, enterovirus, parainfluenza, adenovirus), bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas), various types of fungi. Below are options for how to quickly cure bronchitis at home

Jade is a disease of the kidneys. Symptoms and treatment, diet

Jade is a disease of the kidneys. Symptoms and treatment, diet

Jade disease has several varieties, affects most women. How to deal with this disease - read the article