Health 2024, October

Pharyngitis: treatment, doctors' reviews and disease prevention

Pharyngitis: treatment, doctors' reviews and disease prevention

What is pharyngitis? The main causes and characteristic symptoms in adults, children. Applied methods of treatment and practical recommendations. Prevention of the disease, what medicines are used for therapy

Demodecosis: treatment reviews, symptoms, causes and drugs

Demodecosis: treatment reviews, symptoms, causes and drugs

How to cure demodicosis? According to reviews, this is not easy to do. This disease is caused by the vital activity of the iron mites. It most often affects the skin of the face and head, but demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis and other similar pathologies can also develop. Separately determine eye demodicosis

Stylohyoid syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Stylohyoid syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is stylohyoid syndrome. The main causes and characteristic symptoms. Applied diagnostic methods and effective methods of treatment. Medications and surgery

Reperfusion syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Reperfusion syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

What is reperfusion syndrome. The main causes and characteristic symptoms in pathology. Applied methods of treatment and preventive measures. Effective medicines and practical recommendations

Human pressure is 150 to 100: how to lower it? Name of blood pressure pills

Human pressure is 150 to 100: how to lower it? Name of blood pressure pills

What can mean the pressure in a person 150 to 100, is it worth it to be afraid. The main causes and possible diseases. Practical recommendations on how to reduce high rates. Popular and effective pills, other methods

Burping rotten eggs: a symptom of what disease? Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Burping rotten eggs: a symptom of what disease? Causes, diagnosis and treatment

What does it mean to burp rotten eggs. The main causes and characteristic symptoms of possible diseases in children and adults. Conducted diagnostic methods and effective methods of treatment. Preventive actions

Autoimmune diseases in children: list, symptoms and treatment

Autoimmune diseases in children: list, symptoms and treatment

The main system that protects the body from the effects of foreign substances is the immune system. Usually, if everything is normal in a person, then it does not react to the tissues of its own body. This is called immunological tolerance. But sometimes there are disorders due to which one's own cells and tissues are perceived as foreign. And the immune system attacks these objects, causing autoimmune diseases in children, the list of which is varied

Legs hurt after sleep: symptoms, possible causes and tips for solving the problem

Legs hurt after sleep: symptoms, possible causes and tips for solving the problem

Why my legs hurt after sleeping. Characteristic symptoms, external and internal causes. Possible diseases and practical recommendations for solving the problem. Preventive actions. Why do legs hurt after sleeping in children

Frontitis in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Frontitis in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

What is frontal sinusitis in a child. The main causes and characteristic symptoms of the disease. Conducted diagnostic methods and effective methods of treatment. Practical recommendations and preventive measures

What is the difference between neuritis of the facial nerve?

What is the difference between neuritis of the facial nerve?

Neuritis in medicine refers to a special inflammatory disease of the peripheral nerves. This disease proceeds as follows. First, the nerve (or some of its parts) becomes inflamed, which is directly responsible for the facial expressions of the right or left side of the face. Then asymmetry, already visible to the naked eye, appears in patients. In this article, we will tell you in as much detail as possible about the main causes of this problem, and also consider how neuritis of the facial nerve is treated

How to quickly get rid of acne on the pope? emergency measures

How to quickly get rid of acne on the pope? emergency measures

With the onset of the first hot days, every girl wants to buy a beautiful swimsuit and go to the beach in a pleasant company. But such positive moments are sometimes overshadowed by unforeseen circumstances, for example, a rash in the “most interesting” place. Then the only question that worries is: how to quickly get rid of acne on the pope?

Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning and first aid. The effect of formaldehyde on the human body

Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning and first aid. The effect of formaldehyde on the human body

Formalin is a dangerous substance that can cause significant harm to human he alth. You can identify it by a noticeable unpleasant odor. When poisoned with this chemical, symptoms appear quickly. And if they are, you need to immediately call an ambulance to cleanse the patient's body

Can pancreatitis be completely cured? Effective methods and features of treatment

Can pancreatitis be completely cured? Effective methods and features of treatment

The article gives a detailed answer to the question: "Is it possible to cure chronic pancreatitis completely?" At the same time, attention is paid to popular methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

Than to anesthetize with burns: means and methods

Than to anesthetize with burns: means and methods

Steam, water, burning utensils or a chemical element - it is possible to get burned from all this at any time, for this reason it is important to understand how to act in a dangerous situation and quickly achieve an analgesic result

What relieves swelling of the throat: causes of the disease, methods of treatment, reviews

What relieves swelling of the throat: causes of the disease, methods of treatment, reviews

What relieves throat swelling best? This question is asked by everyone who experiences pain in the larynx. The choice of a drug is very difficult to do on your own, especially since the effectiveness of therapy also depends on the causes of the development of the disease. How to help your own body to overcome the disease faster and get rid of discomfort?

Treatment of epilepsy in Moscow: best clinics, reviews

Treatment of epilepsy in Moscow: best clinics, reviews

Epilepsy is a severe chronic disease that brings many problems to a person suffering from this disease. About how to properly provide first aid, where to get epilepsy treatment in Moscow and how to overcome the disease, further in the article

Blood supply and innervation of the larynx: description and features

Blood supply and innervation of the larynx: description and features

The larynx is an organ that is part of the upper respiratory tract. It is a cavity surrounded by cartilage. The larynx is located above the trachea at the level of the fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. But it is not permanently static at this level. When swallowing and pronouncing sounds, it shifts up or down. Read more about the structure, innervation and blood supply of the larynx later in the article

Reduced monocytes in an adult: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Reduced monocytes in an adult: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Monocytes are blood cells that belong to the group of lymphocytes. Monocytes are able to swallow foreign agents, thereby destroying them. This process is called phagocytosis. A change in the level of monocytes in the blood indicates various pathologies. What are the reasons that monocytes are lowered in an adult? How to deal with them? About this, as well as about the reasons for the increase in the number of monocytes later in the article

Can't write: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Can't write: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The urologist often hears the patient's complaint "I can't write". But urinary disorders are a broader problem. Urinary retention can be associated not only with kidney or bladder problems, but also with diseases of the nervous system, pathology of the prostate in men. More about all these causes, clinical manifestations, methods for diagnosing and treating this problem further in the article

Vasoneural conflict: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Vasoneural conflict: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Vasoneural conflict is a condition in which a section of a nerve fiber is directly affected by a vessel passing next to the nerve. That is, in fact, this is a violation of the normal interaction of the vessel and the nerve. Read more about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this condition later in the article

Laser nail fungus removal: clinics, effectiveness, reviews

Laser nail fungus removal: clinics, effectiveness, reviews

Correction of external imperfections with a laser is a common cosmetic procedure all over the world. And this is no accident. It eliminates skin defects in just a few minutes. The laser nail removal also proved to be excellent. From this article you will learn about the essence of the procedure, its effectiveness, as well as the best clinics that provide this service

Diverticulosis of the colon: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Diverticulosis of the colon: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Diverticulum is a sac-like protrusion of the intestinal wall, limited on both sides. Diverticulosis of the colon is a disease characterized by the formation of multiple diverticula throughout the intestinal wall. This article will discuss the causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of diverticulosis

Post-traumatic pneumonia: causes of the disease, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and advice from doctors

Post-traumatic pneumonia: causes of the disease, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and advice from doctors

Injuries of various kinds as a result of a traffic accident, falls from a height lead to fractures of the ribs, bruises of the chest. The largest organs in this region are the lungs. Therefore, they are at risk for chest injuries. Post-traumatic pneumonia is a frequent outcome of lung tissue damage. It is about her that will be discussed in the article

Therapeutic diet for oxaluria: list of staples, recipes, reviews

Therapeutic diet for oxaluria: list of staples, recipes, reviews

Oxaluria is a pathological condition in which there is a persistent excretion of oxalates in the urine. This indicates an increased content of calcium oxalates in the body. Over time, elevated levels of these substances lead to the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, it is very important to control this indicator. One way is to follow a diet for oxaluria. You will learn more about nutrition with high oxalates from the article

Erythrocytes in the urine are unchanged: the norm, decoding, what does it mean

Erythrocytes in the urine are unchanged: the norm, decoding, what does it mean

Erythrocytes are blood cells that are responsible for the transport of hemoglobin to body tissues. Normally, these cells are found only in the bloodstream and should not go beyond it. But there are pathological conditions in which they enter the urine. What does the presence of unchanged red blood cells in the urine indicate? And how to deal with this problem? This is detailed in the article

Pain in the region of the heart: causes

Pain in the region of the heart: causes

Why does pain occur in the region of the heart? The cause of the development of such discomfort can be completely different pathological conditions

Arrhythmia in adolescents: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment and preventive measures

Arrhythmia in adolescents: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment and preventive measures

The meaning of the word arrhythmia in ancient Greek is “incoherence”, and it perfectly explains the cause of the disease. Violation of the work of a specific section of the heart muscle in which the heart rate is produced (sinus-atrial region) and generates arrhythmia in children

Heart defect in a child. Congenital and acquired heart defects in children

Heart defect in a child. Congenital and acquired heart defects in children

"Defect of the heart in a child" - sometimes these words sound like a sentence. What is this disease? Is such a diagnosis really so terrible and what methods are used to treat it?

Viral myocarditis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Viral myocarditis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Sometimes seemingly harmless infectious diseases can lead to serious consequences. One of the complications can be viral myocarditis. This disease is characterized by cardialgia, shortness of breath and weakness. If not treated promptly, heart failure develops

Spikes on the feet: causes and treatment methods

Spikes on the feet: causes and treatment methods

Every day, the human foot endures enormous loads. It is this factor that is decisive for a large number of injuries occurring in the lower extremities. As a result of fractures and other injuries, spikes appear on the feet - growths, accompanied by painful symptoms

Stomach, diseases. Symptoms and treatment of stomach diseases

Stomach, diseases. Symptoms and treatment of stomach diseases

In this article I would like to consider in more detail such an organ of the human body as the stomach. Diseases that can affect it, the main symptoms, as well as methods of getting rid of problems - all this can be read in the text below

Frequent Vomiting: Possible Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Frequent Vomiting: Possible Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Frequent vomiting is a symptom that signals the presence of some kind of pathology. It is impossible to consider vomiting as a separate disease. What could be the causes of frequent vomiting in an adult or a child. What are the accompanying symptoms of diseases. How is their treatment going?

Influenza in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention, possible complications

Influenza in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention, possible complications

Knowing how a child gets the flu, what primary measures should be taken, a parent can protect his child from the severe course of the disease and its many complications. Fortunately, now there is a huge number of various drugs, choosing among which (of course, with the help of a qualified doctor) is not difficult, and the purchase itself will cost a reasonable price

Infertility: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Infertility: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Recently, more and more people are personally learning what infertility is. The inability to have children is seen by many as a death sentence. But do not despair and give up the happiness of being a parent. Modern medicine has developed a number of effective methods with which you can cure infertility and conceive a child

Pain with an ulcer: causes, symptoms, features of the diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and doctor's advice

Pain with an ulcer: causes, symptoms, features of the diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and doctor's advice

Today we will talk about the types of pain caused by an ulcer and how to deal with it. Let's start our article with a small amount of statistical information: PU and PU 12PC are very common diseases, the percentage is 10% of the total population of the planet

Chronic sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Chronic sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

A persistent inflammatory process occurring in the maxillary sinuses (sinuses) is often called chronic sinusitis. The disease affects the departments located in the thickness of the upper jaw. They talk about the chronic form of the disease when it periodically recurs and affects the patient's well-being

Deviated septum: symptoms, treatment, consequences, reviews

Deviated septum: symptoms, treatment, consequences, reviews

Deviated septum is a common condition. In fact, a perfectly flat partition is a big exception. But its deformation is not always regarded as a pathology and in most situations does not need any treatment. In the event that the curvature of the nasal septum is sufficiently pronounced, then it can lead to a number of complications

Vascular malformation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Vascular malformation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Vascular malformation is a congenital change in the structure of blood vessels. It can be located in the nervous system, internal organs, skin and bones. In severe cases, this pathology can lead to death

Nosebleed. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

Nosebleed. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

As a rule, nosebleeds are not an independent disease, but only a sign of many diseases of the nasal cavity and the whole organism. Nosebleeds are most common in people over 50 years of age and children under 10 years of age

Polyps in the nose: symptoms, treatment methods

Polyps in the nose: symptoms, treatment methods

Polyps in the nose can manifest themselves as quite unpredictable (from the point of view of the layman) phenomena - because of them, the head hurts, the person is constantly tired, it is not possible to rest even during a long sleep. Working capacity decreases, sleep worsens, and it becomes more and more difficult to wake up in the morning. All these signs, many of which are in no way associated with breathing, may indicate precisely polyps