Recently, more and more people are personally learning what infertility is. The inability to have children is seen by many as a death sentence. But do not despair and give up the happiness of being a parent. Modern medicine has developed a number of effective methods with which you can cure infertility and conceive a child.
Infertility: general information
A disease of the reproductive system, characterized by the inability of a woman or a man to reproduce offspring, is called infertility in medicine. A marriage is considered infertile if, within two years of regular sexual activity without contraception, pregnancy does not occur. According to various sources, from 10 to 15% of married couples of reproductive age face this problem. In 20% of cases, the main reason for divorce is the inability to have children.
The diagnosis of "infertility" can only be made by a doctor based on the results of the examination. In the occurrence of the disease, genetic and immune factors play a certain role. Infertile marriages due to pathology inwomen occur in 59% of cases, due to violations of the male reproductive system - d 6%, in both spouses - in 29%.
Distinguish between absolute infertility - irreversible changes in the reproductive organs (developmental anomalies, trauma, surgical removal of the gonads) and relative - recoverable changes.
Classification of female infertility

Female fertility is more common than male fertility. The fair sex is very painfully endure the inability to become a mother. A woman is diagnosed with infertility if she has been having regular sex without contraception for a year and cannot get pregnant. After the examination, the anamnesis is refuted or specified with a more extended wording. Infertility is a disease that, like any other, is classified. There are the following types:
By pregnancy:
- primary - inability to conceive from the very beginning of childbearing age;
- secondary - the inability to conceive a child again.
If the first pregnancy ended in a spontaneous miscarriage or the birth of a dead child, the diagnosis is "primary infertility". In a secondary pregnancy, the pregnancy must end with the birth of a viable fetus.
These types are also called the degrees of infertility in women - the first and second, respectively.
According to fertility:
- absolute - the possibility of conception is completely excluded (with untreated ovarian dysfunction, the absencefallopian tubes, uterus, malformations of the reproductive organs);
- relative - low chance of pregnancy, which can be increased with proper treatment.
By pathogenesis:
- congenital infertility due to genetic or prenatal pathology;
- acquired - associated with the negative impact of various factors on the reproductive system.
By duration:
- temporary - inability to conceive due to natural passing causes: puberty, lactation;
- permanent - due to causes that cannot be eliminated (lack of fallopian tubes);
- physiological - associated with etiological factors (pre-puberty, post-menopausal).
Causes of infertility

The etiological factor is fundamental in finding ways to solve the problem. A woman may not even be aware of certain factors that influenced the development of pathology. The main causes of infertility are diseases of various genesis.
- Hormonal disorders. As a result of the disorder of the pituitary gland, the generative function of the ovaries fades, the ratio of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones is disturbed (hormonal infertility). Ovarian dysfunction is also manifested by the absence of ovulation, excess or lack of estrogen production.
- Genetic or congenital anomalies of the reproductive system: uterine atresia, torsion or absence of the ovary, doubling or absence of the vagina(uterine infertility).
- Obstruction or absence of one or both fallopian tubes (tubal fertility). Adhesions are usually the result of inflammatory processes caused by chronic infection. The absence of fallopian tubes is observed after surgery due to pyosalpinx, ectopic pregnancy.
- Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium of the uterus. Tissue extends to ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder (endometriosis form of infertility).
- Infection of the genital organs by tuberculosis mycobacteria (Koch's wand).
- Adhesions in the pelvis. Connective tissue strands formed between the ovary and the tube prevent the passage of the egg into the tube. With adhesions in the ovary, the process of the egg from the follicle is disrupted. With deformity and occlusion of the fallopian tubes, fertilization is impossible.
- Presence in a woman's body of antibodies to spermatozoa antigens (immunological infertility).
- Psychogenic disorders. A woman consciously or unconsciously does not want to have children. The reason for this may be the fear of pregnancy, the fear of dying during childbirth, or the unwillingness to have a child from a particular man.
Much less often the cause of fertility is unclear (idiopathic infertility). A complete comprehensive examination does not reveal the reasons why partners cannot conceive a child.
To answer the question of what is infertility, you do not need to have a medical education. The definition of the term is the inability to conceive a child. Inability to conceive is the main symptom of pathology. The extended clinical picture depends on the pathological changes in the woman's body.
- with inflammation of the genital organs caused by an infection, women complain of mucopurulent discharge;
- atrophic processes in the endometrium are characterized by a lack of "lubrication" of the vagina;
- primary infertility causes painful infrequent periods;
- with fibromas, cysts of the genital organs, women suffer from regular pain in the lower abdomen and perineum;
- endometriosis is accompanied by discomfort during sexual intercourse, pelvic pain, pain in the first two days of menstruation;
- prolactinoma calls for headaches, emotional instability.
Some pathological changes are practically not manifested in any way and are determined only after the examination. With obstruction of the fallopian tubes, a woman has regular menstruation, without pain. Periodically occurring discomfort in the lower abdomen is attributed to fatigue, excessive physical activity.
Antibodies to sperm antigens do not have any negative impact on a woman's he alth. Immunological fertility has no symptoms other than the inability to conceive. What is infertility, people do not even suspect until they encounter a problem.
Neoplasia of the internal organs can also not manifest itself for a long time. Soreness appears when the tumor reaches a critical size.
Development defects are detected, as a rule, in early childhood. Their symptoms depend on the complexity of the anomaly and the degreenegative impact (other than fertility) on a woman's body.
Diagnosis: physical examination
The causes and methods of treatment of infertility in a woman are determined by the results of a complete examination. Multi-stage diagnostics is carried out by several narrow specialists.
Collecting an anamnesis. The gynecologist collects information about the patient's he alth and finds out the following:
- regularity of sex life;
- character of menstruation: regularity, duration, intensity;
- the presence of pregnancies, abortions, how long a woman cannot conceive a child;
- hereditary or brought, chronic diseases of the patient;
- at what age did a woman begin to have sex, the number of partners, the nature of sexual relations with a man from whom she cannot get pregnant.
Inspection. The doctor evaluates the physique, the development of the mammary glands, pelvis, the nature of hair growth.
In laboratory diagnostics, the study of the concentration of hormones in blood plasma and urine is important.
- prolactin, luteotropin, follicle-stimulating hormone levels show ovarian function;
- analysis for testosterone, cortisol, T3, T4, TSH are taken on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle, the results evaluate the effect of steroid and thyroid hormones on the follicular phase;
- progesterone levels evaluate ovulation and the work of the corpus luteum of the ovaries. The test is taken on the 20-22nd day of the cycle;
- Urine levels of 17-ketosteroids ("Dehydroepiandrosterone","Etiocholanolone", "Androstenedione"), DHEA-S show the degree of functionality of the adrenal cortex.
Also a woman gives:
- blood, urine, smear tests for infections: HIV, HPV, herpes, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, gonococcus, chlamydia and others;
- research on antisperm bodies;
- general blood and urine tests.
Some tests must be taken at fixed times.
Instrumental methods for diagnosing fertility

To determine exactly how to treat infertility, a woman's body is examined using various equipment.
- Ultrasound of the internal genital organs is a research method that displays the structure, size of the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries. Allows you to identify benign and malignant uterine hyperplasia, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries.
- Ultrasonic hysterosalpingoscopy is a diagnostic that detects organic pathologies of the uterus, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the presence of connective tissue strands in the pelvis.
- Colposcopy is a research method that determines pathological changes in the cervix, including cancer.
- Diagnostic curettage - taking a scraping of the mucous membrane of the cervix and body of the uterus for further histological examination.
- Craniography is necessary to exclude neuroendocrine pathologies.
Surgical methods of examination
There are 2 types of surgical diagnostic methods:
- Hysteroscopy is a way to diagnose endometriosis, myometrial neoplasia, polyp, endometrial cancer using endoscopic equipment.
- Laparoscopy. The procedure performs a visual assessment of the pelvic organs.
Indications for hysteroscopy:
- I and II degree infertility, frequent miscarriages;
- suspicion of endometriosis, uterine malformations;
- uterine fibroids;
- failed in vitro fertilization attempts.
Indications for laparoscopy:
- primary infertility;
- fallopian tube obstruction;
- ectopic pregnancy;
- endometriosis;
- ovarian cyst.
Surgical endoscopic methods are used both in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. The methods are less traumatic, but highly effective.
Next - about the treatment of the disease in more detail.
Methods of treating infertility in women

The decision on the issue of therapy is made on the basis of the results of the diagnosis and the clarification of the causes of the disease. Therapeutic methods are aimed at restoring the sexual function of a woman in a conservative or surgical way.
Conditionally therapeutic methods can be divided into 2 types. The main ones are the restoration of reproductive function with subsequent natural conception, and the auxiliary ones are a set of procedures in which conception occurs outside the woman's body.
Main fertility treatments:
- Medical. Medicines are used to eliminateinfections and inflammation, which complicates the process of fertilization. Antibiotics are prescribed for tuberculosis in the genital organs. Conservative tactics are used as an adjunct to surgery (laparoscopic endocoagulation) for the treatment of endometriosis.
- Hormonal. Rupture of the ovary, the release of the egg into the fallopian tube is regulated by certain hormones. Treatment of hormonal disorders and stimulation of the ovaries is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs. Such drugs are prescribed for weight correction, overweight is an indirect cause of infertility. The course of taking hormones is a mandatory stage of IVF.
- Physiotherapy is used for chronic inflammatory processes. For example, mud therapy and magnetotherapy help to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes, if it is disturbed as a result of the inflammatory process caused by a sexual infection. The procedures contribute to the overall he alth of the expectant mother.
- Alternative. Alternative treatment of infertility in women is not officially recognized. However, the vast majority of people believe that if infusions, baths eliminate the cause of the pathology, then they should be used.
Methods of alternative therapy

There are many folk prescriptions for fertility therapy. Despite the fact that infusions, decoctions are prepared from natural ingredients, the use of funds must be agreed with the gynecologist. When treating infertility with herbs, it should be remembered that some plants are powerful allergens. It is better to refuse multicomponent fees,use recipes with a maximum of 3 ingredients.
Mugwort is considered a "female" herb. Infusions, decoctions are drunk for various gynecological diseases.
- Infusion. 40 g of dry raw materials are poured into 200 g of boiling water, insisted for an hour. The infusion is passed through the filter. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, then they take a break for a week and repeat again.
- Decoction. 1 st. a spoonful (with a slide) of dried grass is poured with water (300 g) and boiled for about five minutes. The resulting hot liquid is set aside for an hour. The broth is filtered, I drink 100 g 2 times a day before meals for a month.
No less effective for infertility are herbs of the heather family: winter-loving umbrella, upland queen, wintergreen. An infusion from a mixture of these plants is used for douching. To prepare it, take 50 g of each herb, pour 1.5 liters of hot water and insist until cool. Strained liquid is douched daily at bedtime for 2 weeks.
Additional fertility treatments

What is infertility? It is the inability to conceive a child. If, after determining the cause of the disease and taking therapeutic measures, the woman still cannot become pregnant, additional reproductive technologies are used.
- In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique involving conception and the initial stages of embryogenesis outside the body of a woman. The method is resorted to when other methods of fertility treatment are ineffective.
- Artificial insemination - the introduction of pre-prepared sperm into the uterine cavity through a thin catheter.
- Surrogate motherhood is the bearing and birth of a genetically alien child by a surrogate mother.
Based on the feedback about the treatment of infertility in women with the help of reproductive technologies, dissatisfaction is caused by the too high cost of procedures. Many patients feel that clinics are taking advantage of patients' lack of medical education and pushing them with unnecessary services. To avoid unnecessary procedures, you can seek advice from an independent specialist - a gynecologist at a free clinic.
Male infertility: causes and therapeutic methods

The inability of a man to fertilize in medicine is called male infertility. According to statistics, in 4 cases out of 10, a couple cannot have children due to a violation of the reproductive function of a representative of the strong half.
There are several causes of infertility in men. Treatment is based on fertility factors.
- disorders of ejaculation - disorders of the process of ejaculation. As a result of difficulties with the release of seminal fluid, the process of fertilization becomes difficult or impossible;
- Urinary canal obturation;
- disturbances in the production of epithelial secretions in the epididymis;
- varicocele - dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord, leading to a decrease in the testicles and a decrease in the formation of seminal fluid;
- violations of spermatogenesis;
- chronic inflammatory processes in the genitals;
- congenital malformations of the reproductive system;
- endocrine diseases;
- Testicular neoplasms.
Men rarely leave feedback on fertility treatments. The inability to fertilize a woman oppresses the stronger sex. In most cases, medicine can help a man become a father. In inflammatory processes, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Endocrine disorders are corrected by hormone-stimulating therapy. doctors advise the spouses to take a vacation and relax together in nature, the sea. If treatment fails, donor sperm is used.
Who is eligible for free fertility treatment
Modern medicine offers effective, but very expensive therapies. For citizens of the Russian Federation, a program has been developed under which IVF procedures are financed from the federal budget. To participate in the program, you must provide medical certificates confirming the presence of the following pathologies to the clinic at the place of registration:
- Endocrine Disorders (Polycystic Ovary).
- Mixed infertility.
- Violation of the functions of the fallopian tubes (adhesions, obstruction).
- Immunological infertility.
Judging by the number of reviews, infertility treatment is carried out in many families. The reasons for the high growth of the disease lie, among other things, in poor ecology and constant stress. Modern medicine helps people become parents regardless of the factors that caused fertility.