Health 2024, October

A man's nipple hurts: possible causes, treatment. Why men's nipples hurt

A man's nipple hurts: possible causes, treatment. Why men's nipples hurt

Females are more likely to experience breast pain problems. But men have not escaped this problem. Discomfort is often associated with the nipples. So why does the nipple hurt in men?

Headache when tilting head. Causes, treatment

Headache when tilting head. Causes, treatment

With the modern rhythm of life, a person has no time to seriously take care of his he alth. Often, discomfort is relieved by painkillers. The pain becomes habitual. We do not even think: why does the head hurt when the head is tilted?

Prevention of psoriasis at home

Prevention of psoriasis at home

Statistical data show that people with psoriasis have a significantly reduced quality of life. This disease can be compared with other severe ailments of important organs. Given the clinical picture, stage, we can say that patients experience not only physical suffering, but also psychological. For such people, social and professional adaptation is very difficult. Therefore, the prevention of psoriasis in our society is very relevant today. Let's talk about this

Catarrhal stomatitis: symptoms and treatment

Catarrhal stomatitis: symptoms and treatment

Catarrhal stomatitis is considered a fairly common disease. Both small children and adults are equally susceptible to it. You will learn how to properly treat an ailment from our article

Nebulizer for sinusitis: instructions for use, preparations and reviews

Nebulizer for sinusitis: instructions for use, preparations and reviews

The nebulizer is suitable for inhalation for adults and children. The device provides ideal nebulization of the drug and provides the possibility of non-surgical treatment, as well as the use of the device at home. According to reviews, the nebulizer for sinusitis effectively promotes recovery

Is it possible to warm the nose with sinusitis? With sinusitis, can you warm your nose or not?

Is it possible to warm the nose with sinusitis? With sinusitis, can you warm your nose or not?

Sinusitis is a fairly serious disease that quickly becomes chronic in the absence of appropriate treatment. Usually this ailment is accompanied by a severe headache, an increase in overall body temperature, discharge of purulent contents from the nose, nasality and other unpleasant symptoms

Frequent otitis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and preventive measures

Frequent otitis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and preventive measures

Many parents are constantly faced with the fact that their child often gets sick with otitis media. This disease is quite common. Often, without timely treatment, it becomes more severe, and then it becomes more difficult to cure. Parents are interested if the child has frequent otitis, what should I do?

Hemorrhagic gastritis: symptoms, causes, treatment with folk remedies, diet

Hemorrhagic gastritis: symptoms, causes, treatment with folk remedies, diet

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are quite common. One of the most common diagnoses in this area is gastritis. At the same time, it can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Let's talk about its most dangerous form - hemorrhagic gastritis. We will also consider the symptoms and get acquainted with some methods of treating and preventing the disease

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies: the most effective ways, reviews

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies: the most effective ways, reviews

Gastritis is a companion of those who do not follow their diet, its regimen and lead a life full of stress and bad habits. As a rule, it all starts with minor calls that the body gives to its owner, but he does not pay attention to them, writing off poor-quality products or mild poisoning. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time and carry out the necessary therapy, otherwise there may be complications

After a manicure, my finger is inflamed - what should I do? How to treat an abscess on the finger

After a manicure, my finger is inflamed - what should I do? How to treat an abscess on the finger

For a beautiful manicure, women go to beauty salons. Trusting the hands of a master, few people think about their he alth. Unfortunately, the usual procedure can lead to dire consequences if the manicure tools have not been properly sterilized

How to quickly treat a cold at home? Doctor's advice and folk recipes

How to quickly treat a cold at home? Doctor's advice and folk recipes

How to treat a cold at home? This question was asked, perhaps, by every person. This is because absolutely all people are susceptible to colds - from young to old. Treatment of colds with folk remedies (at home) has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, this is not the safest method

Starting to get sick What to do at the first sign of a cold?

Starting to get sick What to do at the first sign of a cold?

As a child, at the first sign of a cold, my mother surrounded us with care and did everything so that a common cold would not develop into a more serious illness. And if then we easily and simply stayed at home and happily skipped classes, now you go to work in any state and try to fulfill your direct job duties. Therefore, every adult begins sooner or later to think about the question: I start to get sick, what to do

Bronchitis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bronchitis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bronchitis in children often resembles a common cold at the beginning of the illness. But the disease is dangerous for the child's body, therefore, it requires immediate treatment

Constipation: treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Diet for constipation

Constipation: treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Diet for constipation

Discomfort. Something pulls, somewhere it hurts. Heaviness in the intestines and do not want to move. But do not worry too much, maybe you have constipation. Timely treatment will help get rid of this problem

Migraine aura: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment methods

Migraine aura: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment methods

People who are prone to depression, as well as those who have a heightened sense of responsibility, often experience migraine headaches. This is a disease that has several forms. Consider what a migraine aura is. What are the causes and symptoms of the disease? How to treat it. What are the preventive measures

Headache attacks: types, diagnosis and treatment methods

Headache attacks: types, diagnosis and treatment methods

Probably, there is not a single person who would not be bothered by a headache. There are a huge number of therapies and drugs now. But it is important to find out the causes of the headache, and treatment should begin only after that. With frequent attacks, it is necessary to exclude serious pathologies, and only a specialist can do this

Staphylococcal pyoderma: types of disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, drugs

Staphylococcal pyoderma: types of disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, drugs

Pathogenic microorganisms surround us everywhere, but with strong immunity, the body quickly copes with them. With a weakened immune system, pyogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin are quickly activated and lead to the development of a disease such as staphylococcal pyoderma. It is possible to get rid of pathology, but only using an integrated approach to therapy

How to treat wounds on the tongue: causes, symptoms, methods of struggle

How to treat wounds on the tongue: causes, symptoms, methods of struggle

The tongue is located in the mouth and plays an important role. With its help, not only the formation of a food lump occurs, but also the taste of food is determined. The slightest sores on this organ reduce the quality of life, despite the fact that they heal fairly quickly. Before you figure out how to treat wounds in the tongue, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance

Bradycardia and tachycardia: which is worse, differences, treatment

Bradycardia and tachycardia: which is worse, differences, treatment

The article reports changes in the normal heart rhythm - arrhythmias: acceleration - tachycardia, deceleration - bradycardia and other changes - asystole, extrasystole. Various cases of this phenomenon are considered, including pathological ones, as well as arrhythmia in children, adolescents and the elderly. The relationship of rhythm disturbances with the activity of the human nervous system is considered, the issue of treatment and prevention of tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia is touched upon

Intercostal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intercostal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Some diseases are asymptomatic in humans, thus representing a great danger. One of these ailments include intercostal hernia. What it is? Symptoms by which you can determine the disease, the causes of its occurrence, as well as treatment methods are presented in the article

Atrophy of the nasal mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atrophy of the nasal mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rhinitis, which manifests itself in the form of symptoms of a seasonal cold, has been experienced by almost everyone. However, this is not the only type of discharge from the nasal passages. There is a more dangerous condition - atrophic rhinitis, which accompanies atrophy of the nasal mucosa. The causes of the disease, its symptoms and treatment are described in the article

Coccyx subluxation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Coccyx subluxation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

The coccyx is one of the most vulnerable parts of the spine, so it suffers from a large number of injuries. Subluxation is the most common of these. But what is he? Symptoms and treatment of tailbone subluxation, features of first aid, as well as possible complications are described in the article

How many are in the hospital with a stroke? Treatment and features of the recovery period

How many are in the hospital with a stroke? Treatment and features of the recovery period

Unfortunately, diseases of the cardiovascular system today are common even among the young part of the country's population. Statistics show that the prevalence of stroke is about 3-4 people per 1000 in Russia, which is quite a high figure. How to recognize a stroke? Its symptoms and treatment. How long do you stay in the hospital after a stroke?

Viral meningitis: treatment, symptoms, causes and diagnosis

Viral meningitis: treatment, symptoms, causes and diagnosis

In the world there is a fairly large number of various viruses that can cause serious illness. Viral meningitis is one of the worst. Symptoms in children and adults, as well as possible causes, treatment methods are given in the article

Crushed wound: characteristics, first aid, treatment

Crushed wound: characteristics, first aid, treatment

As a result of accidents, injuries at work and intentional actions, various damages to the skin, soft tissues and bones can occur. Crushed wounds do not appear very often, but they are still likely to occur in some cases. What are these wounds? Causes, symptoms, first aid and subsequent treatment

What can bad posture lead to in children? Causes and types of bad posture

What can bad posture lead to in children? Causes and types of bad posture

The term "bad posture" is familiar to many. However, under this designation lies not only the usual stoop, but also more serious he alth problems. The consequences of poor posture in children and adults, as well as its causes and signs are presented in the article

Psychogenic pain: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Psychogenic pain: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

It is important to remember that psychogenic pain is not as safe as it might seem. Constant nervousness as a result can lead to diseases of the heart, digestive system, back and head. It is worth spending more time on activities that bring real pleasure and do not make you worry too much

Kashin-Beck disease (Urov disease): causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Kashin-Beck disease (Urov disease): causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The history of the emergence and spread of Kashin-Beck disease. The causes of the onset of the disease in people of different ages and the characteristic clinical picture. What preventive measures should be observed in the development of the disease and how is it treated?

The main signs of tuberculosis

The main signs of tuberculosis

What are the signs of tuberculosis disease, and what are the main causes of infection known to science? How does the disease develop and what negative consequences can it lead to? Therapeutic measures to restore he alth

Cough: treatment with folk remedies, prevention and features

Cough: treatment with folk remedies, prevention and features

In the modern world, people are often prone to disease, microbes accompany us everywhere: at work, at home, and on the street. In order to protect yourself and protect yourself from various diseases, you need to carry out prevention at the initial stage and try to get rid of the first symptom - cough. Alternative treatment for adults and children will be discussed in the article

Prostate adenoma. What to do?

Prostate adenoma. What to do?

Prostate adenoma is considered benign hyperplasia, most often it occurs in men after 45 years of age and is manifested by tissue proliferation, which leads to the appearance of tumors (“nodes”) in the prostate. Since the gland is connected to the urethra, it compresses it, making it difficult to urinate when the size of the prostate gland increases

Prostate treatment. Means of treatment of prostate adenoma

Prostate treatment. Means of treatment of prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma is a natural growth of tissue that leads to a significant increase in the size of the prostate gland. According to some reports, prostate treatment is necessary for every second male over 50 years of age

Atonic constipation: symptoms and treatment, diet

Atonic constipation: symptoms and treatment, diet

Atonic constipation is a very common problem faced by people regardless of age and gender. The disease is equally often diagnosed in infants and adult patients. Of course, the violation of defecation processes negatively affects the quality of human life. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with general information about this pathology

Heart infarction is one of the most common human diseases

Heart infarction is one of the most common human diseases

Unfortunately, a large number of people die every year from one of the most dangerous diseases - a heart attack. A certain part of the patients manage to survive, but their life changes radically: you should give up old habits, eat according to a special diet, do not worry. There is a heart attack of the posterior wall of the heart and the anterior. More on this later in the article

The first signs of a heart attack: symptoms, first aid

The first signs of a heart attack: symptoms, first aid

This pathology is a focal ischemic necrosis of the heart muscle, which develops as a result of acute disorders of the coronary circulation. The clinical picture of this condition is characterized by burning, pressing or squeezing pain behind the sternum, extending to the left arm, shoulder blade, collarbone, jaw, as well as shortness of breath, panic, cold sweat

Subepicardial ischemia: causes, symptoms and therapy

Subepicardial ischemia: causes, symptoms and therapy

Subepicardial ischemia begins to develop when there is an insufficient supply of oxygen and blood to the myocardium. Initially, a sick person may not notice strong changes in his body, since the manifestations will be periodic. As a rule, from the very beginning, the disease manifests itself in small attacks, which quickly pass

Myocardial infarction: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Myocardial infarction: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

One of the terrible diseases that have recently occurred with frightening frequency is myocardial infarction. In such a situation, the heart suffers in sections - a certain percentage of muscle fibers die. The situation is provoked by insufficient blood flow in the affected element

Poor blood clotting: causes, treatment

Poor blood clotting: causes, treatment

Blood is considered one of the most important elements of the human body. The functionality of all organs of the patient depends on it. If the composition of the plasma changes or its state becomes abnormal, then this will definitely lead to some kind of disease. In the article, we will consider what is the reason for poor blood clotting, how to treat it, and also what are the methods of prevention

How to treat plaques on the skin?

How to treat plaques on the skin?

Why do plaques appear on the skin? The reasons for the development of this pathological condition will be discussed below. You will also learn how to properly treat such manifestations

Heavy sweating: causes, treatment and prevention

Heavy sweating: causes, treatment and prevention

Sweating is a physiological, natural process that occurs in the human body. Its main function is to maintain normal body temperature and, of course, protect it from overheating. Any he althy person can experience increased sweating during sunny weather, with strong excitement or after physical activity. However, sometimes severe sweating in men becomes a real problem and causes a feeling of discomfort