How to improve the condition of blood vessels: drugs, nutrition, folk recipes

How to improve the condition of blood vessels: drugs, nutrition, folk recipes
How to improve the condition of blood vessels: drugs, nutrition, folk recipes

In the human body there are kilometers of blood vessels that ensure the viability of the body. They are divided into types - arterial, venous, capillaries and vascular vessels. They have their own characteristics in structure, functions, physiology.

network of vessels
network of vessels

Vascular wall - what is it?

The vessel itself is conditionally a long elastic hollow tube through which blood flows. The tube is limited by a wall. Depending on the type and size of the vessel, it has its own structural features. So, for example, they are muscular, elastic, muscular-elastic.

The wall of the arteries consists of three parts: internal (endothelium, represented by endothelial cells), middle (mesothelium - contains collagen and elastin, smooth muscle fibers), external (adventitia - connective tissue).

The wall of venous vessels is also built from several parts. These are the endothelium, the muscular middle part and the dense outer part. Also, the venous sheath is equipped with valves to regulate blood flow.

vessel from inside
vessel from inside

Why strengthen blood vessels

The aging processis natural and is accompanied by a weakening of the tension of the fibers of the connective tissue - collagen and elastin. Their number is also decreasing. Therefore, the vessels can become fragile, and the wall can become loose. The impact of negative factors is also accumulating - malnutrition, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, high blood pressure, a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight and many others. This can lead to increased vascular fragility and increased wall permeability. This is manifested by spontaneous bruising, bruising. Dangerous formation of hematomas in places of impacts and injuries, heart attacks or strokes, varicose veins, vascular insufficiency. Therefore, over time, a logical question arises: how to strengthen the walls of blood vessels?

vessel tree
vessel tree

What are the ways to improve blood vessels

One of the options for preventing the development of these diseases is to improve the condition of blood vessels. How to strengthen the walls of blood vessels? There are various ways to do this:

  • Proper nutrition (emphasis on he althy foods for blood vessels).
  • Physical activity (including exercise therapy).
  • Daily routine.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Medicines for internal use (so-called vascular pills).
  • Topical preparations (ointments and gels).
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Traditional medicine: herbs for vessels, tinctures (for example, Tibetan tincture for vessels).

The main thing to remember is that improving the condition of blood vessels should have a systematic approach. The process must be ongoing. That is, afterto improve the state of the wall, it must be maintained in this state.

vascular anatomy
vascular anatomy

Proper nutrition and mode

Rational balanced nutrition is the key to the he alth of the whole organism. It should be remembered that it is better to eat often, but little by little. Place and time are also important. That is, snacking on the run is bad. Meals should be at the same time, fluctuation up to half an hour is allowed. You should also limit the intake of fatty foods, s alt and seasonings and normalize the water diet. From the cooking methods you need to choose boiling, stewing, baking and steam.

Useful products for vessels:

  • Rich in vitamins (vitamin C improves the condition of the blood - kiwi, currants, citrus fruits, rose hips, herbs, tomatoes; vitamin A strengthens the endothelial lining of the vessel wall - carrots, apricots, milk; vitamin E prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots - nuts, vegetable oil, milk, peas, soybeans; group B strengthens the vascular wall and is involved in blood formation - liver, pomegranate, egg yolk, cereals; vitamin K strengthens the vascular wall and reduces bleeding - spinach, cabbage, green vegetables; vitamin PP improves fat metabolism – beets, beans, meat, buckwheat, pineapple).
  • Rich in trace elements, especially potassium (bell peppers, cabbage, radishes, beets, bananas, carrots, apples, herbs, buckwheat).
  • Cherry, viburnum, wild rose, cranberry, mountain ash, hawthorn.
  • Avocado - contains a large amount of antioxidants, can be added to salads, smoothies, soups and so onnext.
  • Whole grains - normalization of blood pressure, prevention of diabetes, heart attack, obesity.
  • Fatty fish (salmon) - contain unsaturated acids, they prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Asparagus – rich in coumarins and potassium.
  • Pomegranate, broccoli, turmeric, persimmon - rich in potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium, antioxidants.
  • Garlic - capable of producing hydrogen sulfide and allicin, which are antioxidants and help prevent atherosclerotic plaques and thrombotic deposits on arteries and veins. Its properties are improved under the influence of vitamin C, so a combination such as lemon and garlic is useful for cleaning blood vessels.
  • Almonds - Contains unsaturated fats and antioxidants.

Also, compliance with the daily regimen has a beneficial effect. It will be good to start he althy habits such as contrast showers. This is a great gymnastics for blood vessels. The use of opposite temperature regimes of water in the morning has a tonic effect, strengthens the vascular wall (hot water promotes vasodilation, and cold water - their spasm, it is useful to alternate them five to six times in one procedure). Physical activity will also be beneficial - at least walking (helps strengthen muscles that improve blood flow in the body and prevent the development of varicose veins). It is also good to include squats in your daily exercises.

vessel under magnification
vessel under magnification


Medication is another wayimprove the condition of blood vessels. Here it should be remembered that their reception should be started after consultation with a specialist (vascular surgeon, therapist). All drugs can be divided into two large groups - local and systemic action. The former are applied directly to the surface of the body (arms, legs), while the latter are taken internally.

Systemic drugs

They must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right ways to improve the condition of the vessels. These can be drugs such as:

  • Tablets for vessels - vitamins - rutin, ascorutin.
  • Venotoniki - "Detralex", "Venolek", "Venoruton".
  • "Cinnarizine", "Piracetam", "Phezam".
  • "Sermion", "Cerebrolysin", "Cavinton".
  • Drugs that improve blood circulation (one of the effects is also the strengthening of the vascular wall).
vessels in hand
vessels in hand

Topical drugs

It is also advisable to use after consulting a specialist. These are often ointments or gels. They can be used for phlebitis or for the prevention of diseases.

  • Heparin ointments.
  • Ointments containing hormonal agents.
  • "Indovazin", "Butadion", "Troxevasin".

Physiotherapy and exercise

How to improve the condition of blood vessels with physiotherapy methods? To maintain the tone of the veins and arteries of the limbs, massage can be used. Movements must bepersistent, but gentle and not damaging the skin. Before massage procedures, the use of a contrast shower helps a lot. They also recommend cardio, running, cycling. However, before exercise, you should visit a cardiologist.

Traditional medicine

When using different recipes with herbs for vessels, it is important to remember some features:

  • If the composition mentions a golden mustache, then it is recommended to refuse it if you smoke or recently quit.
  • If there is also gastritis or an ulcer on the list of diseases, then you should not get carried away with treatment based on alcohol, garlic, onions, citrus fruits (lemon and garlic for cleaning blood vessels are often recommended at the beginning of therapy).
  • If you have diabetes or a risk of developing it, then you need to abandon recipes containing sugar or honey.
blood vessels in the head
blood vessels in the head

Vitamin complex

It is required to chop (can be in a meat grinder or blender) dried apricots, lemons completely (the peel is also used), prunes. Products are taken in equal shares. Usually the calculation is done on half a kilogram. Add chopped garlic and walnuts (3 heads and 20 pieces respectively). It is recommended to add honey to this mixture to taste, take it every day 2 times in the morning and in the evening after meals. If discomfort, pain occurs, or initially there are diseases of the stomach and / or duodenum (gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis), garlic can be replaced with olive oil (50 ml).

Herbs to strengthen blood vessels

Combinations of medicines work bestplants - fees. They are usually selected according to the principle of complementing and enhancing the effects of each other. The following plants are used:

  • Red clover.
  • Barberry (bark and branches).
  • Japanese Sophora.
  • Crystal (grass).

Prepare decoctions at the rate of 50 grams of dry grass or collection per half liter of water (in a water bath). Take 70 ml of decoction in the morning.

Chestnuts infused with alcohol

Only young chestnuts are used. They are harvested prickly and green. Then they clean, take out the fruits - they should be brown. Put in a container (chestnuts can be pre-cut), pour vodka and insist twenty days. After that, you can take. How exactly? In the morning, before meals, a teaspoonful. Add honey or eat it. If you have problems with blood pressure, liver, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, then this recipe should not be used.

Tibetan tincture for cleaning vessels

This method is based on the use of the beneficial properties of garlic. Reception is recommended to be repeated at least once every three years.

Peeled garlic is used for cooking - 350 grams. It is crushed into gruel, put in a glass container, covered with a lid and hidden in the dark. When the juice is released, two hundred grams are taken from there, while the selected part should be juicy and liquid. It is filled with medical alcohol, 96% (200 milliliters). Capacity insist ten days in a dark cool place. Then you need to squeeze the contents through a natural linen fabric. The resulting liquid must be insisted again for threedays in a cool place. Then you can take - three times a day half an hour before meals, starting with one drop. Gradually bring up to 25 drops per reception. They are added to cooled boiled milk and washed down with a small amount of water.
