Skin tuberculosis: photo, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Skin tuberculosis: photo, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Skin tuberculosis: photo, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Skin tuberculosis is a disease whose signs are visually visible to others. The causative agent of the disease is Koch's bacillus - this is a bacterium that is resistant to alcohol, alkalis and acids. This disease ranks 5th in frequency after tuberculosis of other organs. Most often, it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis immediately, the disease develops in dry and weeping forms, which can be determined by specific symptoms.

It is important for every person to know what the first signs of the disease look like, which will help to identify the disease at an early stage. Photos of skin tuberculosis will help to better understand the problem. A timely diagnosis is a chance to fully recover and live a full life.

Causes and routes of infection

Pathology begins to develop after Mycobacterium bacteria or Koch's bacillus enter the body and begin to grow actively, spreading to all organs. The microorganism that causes the disease is resistant to the influence of the external environment, high temperatures, and retains its vital activity for a long time in an environment with a low temperature regime.

The causative agents of tuberculosis of the skin
The causative agents of tuberculosis of the skin

Koch's wand does not counthighly contagious infectious agent. Even if a person comes into contact with an infected patient, it is not necessary that he also become ill. A patient with tuberculosis of the skin or another organ in most cases does not need inpatient treatment with an inactive form and is not limited in his movements, he is socially active. In families where there is a patient with tuberculosis, it is recommended not only to monitor his he alth, but also the hygiene of all members. It is also necessary for everyone to regularly check the body's reaction to the Mantoux test in order to be able to detect the presence of a disease in the body as early as possible.

The main route of infection is the airborne route through the respiratory system. Household and transplacental methods can be less common. The microorganism enters through the respiratory tract, then passes into the bronchial mucosa, alveoli and spreads throughout the body with the bloodstream.

For the human body, Koch's bacillus is a foreign microorganism. Normally, when it gets inside, immune cells attack the pathogen, preventing it from multiplying. The disease can develop in two cases:

  • if the immune system is suppressed, there are disorders in the production of antibodies, the state of immunodeficiency, the body's defense reactions are weakened by other pathologies;
  • if the contact with the pathogen is long, constant and the carrier of microbes at the stage of an open form and does not receive the necessary therapy.

There are a number of factors that provoke a decrease in immunity and contribute to the development of skin tuberculosis:

  • smoking- this is a factor that provokes the development of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, and they, in turn, weaken the human immune system;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
Alcoholism lowers the immune system
Alcoholism lowers the immune system
  • taking drugs;
  • predisposition to respiratory diseases due to anomalies in the structure, frequent illnesses in history, the presence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system of a chronic form;
  • chronic ailments and inflammatory foci in other organs;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of vitamins in the body, malnutrition;
  • neurotic disorders, depression, stress;
  • bearing period;
  • unfavorable social and living conditions.

The combination of several factors increases the likelihood of a decrease in immunity, and hence infection with a tubercle bacillus.

Classification of skin tuberculosis

There are several forms of the disease. They differ from each other in terms of symptoms and course. The disease has the following forms:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • collicative skin tuberculosis;
  • warty;
  • papulonecrotic;
  • Bazin's indurative erythema;
  • acute miliary;
  • lichenoid;
  • miliary-ulcerative.

In addition, experts highlight:

  • Primary tuberculosis of the skin develops immediately after the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The secondary form develops afterexacerbation of the first lesions.
  • Acute miliary disease manifests itself in the form of profuse rashes on the skin with small bumps, nodules and spots.
  • Collicative is formed in the thickness of the skin and subcutaneous fat in the form of mobile, rounded and dense nodes.
  • Tuberculosis lupus is considered the most severe form of skin tuberculosis, photos show this, in which tubercles appear in the thickness of the skin. They break down and form ulcers and scars.
Tuberculous lupus
Tuberculous lupus
  • Warty is characterized by the formation of bluish-red and gradually growing, merging papules with foci of coarse keratinization, and they appear more often on the extensor surfaces of the limbs.
  • Scrofuloderma appears as cracks in the skin over festering lymph nodes affected by the disease.
  • Papulonecrotic appears as dense, pale red papules on the extensor surface of the legs and arms.
  • Indurative shows itself in the form of dense, rounded, painless, subcutaneous nodes that have a bluish tint, more often observed on the lower leg.
  • Miliary disseminated lupus of the face is characterized by the formation of soft nodules with a reddish-brown tint on the face.


The first signs of skin tuberculosis are hard to miss. The defeat of the skin has many types, which differ depending on the stage, form and type.

Seals of a red tint appear on the body and face, which can be easily felt −lipomas. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not start therapy, then they quickly increase in size

The first manifestations of skin tuberculosis
The first manifestations of skin tuberculosis
  • Sores can dry out and scars remain in their place. Sometimes they rupture and form a weeping sore that does not heal. The progression of the disease in severe form can lead to skin cancer and death.
  • There is another option for the development of the disease, when small nodules appear that cause discomfort and pain to the patient. Over time, they connect into one large knot with a dense structure.
  • If you do not start treatment, the skin becomes bluish. The knot becomes soft and breaks out. Purulent discharge appears. After the ulcer heals, a rough scar remains on the skin.
  • Warty tuberculosis of the skin is manifested by red nodules on the skin. They do not cause pain, but lead to the rapid growth of warts, after treatment, multiple scars appear.

General symptoms of skin tuberculosis appear as follows:

  • Appearance of rashes.
  • Fever.
  • High body temperature turning into chills.
  • The appearance of allergies due to a decrease in immunity.
  • Special skin sensitivity and discomfort.
  • Fatigue.

Most of the signs and symptoms of skin tuberculosis are associated with the appearance of seals under the skin. In order to prevent the development of the disease, you must immediately consult a doctor, undergo an examination, confirm the diagnosis and startcomplex therapy. The early stages of the disease are curable, although it will take effort and time.

Diagnostic methods

With the help of the Mantoux test, you can assess how sensitive the patient's body is to tuberculin. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may recommend laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  • bacteriological analysis of discharge taken from lesions that affected the skin;
  • tissue biopsy with further histology;
  • Mantoux test;
  • research to determine how much tuberculosis has affected internal organs: bacteriological examination of urine, feces, sputum, x-rays of the lungs, ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys and other organs;
  • treatment trial.

Diagnosis of skin tuberculosis will allow not only to make an accurate diagnosis, but also to determine how much the disease has affected the body. The earlier the pathology is detected, the more effective the therapy.


There are several treatments for skin tuberculosis. Each of them is recommended for a certain form of the disease. Do not forget that self-medication can only aggravate the patient's condition. If you use traditional medicine methods, then only in combination with traditional ones and after agreement with the doctor.

The first and basic rule of treatment is to be under the close supervision of a specialist. General therapy can last from 9 months to one and a half years. Treatment can be divided into several stages:

  1. Up to 4 drugs are prescribed, which take from two tofour months.
  2. Without chemotherapy, treatment will not work.
  3. After a while, the number of drugs is reduced to two, while they are replaced by others. This system does not allow harmful bacteria to develop resistance to the active substances that make up the drug.
  4. An important part of therapy is to strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. To achieve this goal, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, a special dietary food high in protein and vitamin C. The doctor also recommends drinking water correctly. To maintain normal water balance in the body.

Often, the doctor prescribes electrophoresis to the patient using anti-tuberculosis drugs. This type of treatment gives the maximum effect. In rare cases, a doctor may recommend surgery.

Main drugs for treatment:

  • specific antibiotics "Rifampicin" + "Isoniazid", in addition they can prescribe "Pyrazinamidone";
  • Preparations for the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin
    Preparations for the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin
  • at the second stage, the doctor prescribes medications of medium effectiveness: "Etambulon", "PASK", "Streptomycin";
  • Ulcers are sprinkled with Isoniazid powder.

It is important to remember that oral preparations must be taken daily, without missing a single dose. It is only necessary not to take the medicine once, it can turn into resistance of mycobacteria, in thiscase will be more difficult to heal.

Folk treatments

Before applying traditional methods of treatment, you need to consult with your doctor, because the etiology of skin tuberculosis is complex and simple lotions may not help. Only a doctor will advise which recipes will be most effective.

Traditional medicine helps to strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with protein, vitamins and minerals. Home remedies can help relieve side effects from specific medications. Among the proven and effective remedies, the following recipes can be distinguished:

  • herbs such as knotweed, lilac, plantain, coltsfoot, licorice root can be taken orally as infusions;
  • decoctions with dry and fresh berries, such as lingonberries, quinces, strawberries, help strengthen immunity;
  • infusions with spruce and pine needles will help to remove the inflammatory effect;
Folk methods for the treatment of skin tuberculosis
Folk methods for the treatment of skin tuberculosis
  • don't forget about taking aloe juice with honey, mixed in equal amounts;
  • to saturate the body with protein, it is better to drink koumiss, if possible;
  • to reduce the phenomenon of exudation, you can use ointments for skin tuberculosis with calendula, arnica, wild rosemary, using them twice a day.

In combination with other drugs, vitamin-containing fruits should be consumed: apples, red and black currants, mountain ash, wild rose, viburnum, sea buckthorn, blueberries, etc.

Ancient Eastern medicine for this serious ailmentrecommends the use of many herbal medicines.

Diet food

This disease is very contagious, so it is important to protect others from infection. Is tuberculosis transmitted through the skin? Yes, it is transmitted, but only if there are scratches, abrasions and cracks on the skin of a he althy person, so the patient needs to protect others, not to contact the skin of he althy people.

To recover faster, you need to change your diet from the first days, adding as many proteins as possible to the diet. The menu should include: meat, fish, dairy products, milk, whole grain bread.

Be sure to follow the recommendations:

  • food should be high in calories, but no overeating;
  • be sure to use fresh lard, butter and vegetable oil, but in reasonable quantities;
  • eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible;
  • reduce the amount of consumption of muffins, sugar, sweets;
  • drink as much herbal teas, low-sugar compotes, mineral water as possible.

Completely refuse to take alcoholic beverages, they, together with potent drugs, can lead to the death of the patient.

Tuberculosis of the skin in children

Bacteria that cause a dangerous disease cause trouble for both adults and children. Ulcers, purulent discharge, papules make the child suffer. The use of potent drugs causes them undesirable manifestations, allergies, disturbances in the activity of internalorgans. Therefore, treatment requires strict supervision of the doctor and constant adjustment. Proper nursing care for skin tuberculosis in children is important. More often, the doctor recommends taking these drugs:

  • "Rifampicin";
  • "Streptomycin";
  • "Ftivazid";
  • "Metazid";
  • "Tubazid".

Chemotherapy is given for at least 6 months. The dosage, the frequency of taking medications is selected individually for each child in accordance with his body weight and the presence of contraindications.

Tuberculosis of the skin in children
Tuberculosis of the skin in children

Be sure to recommend vitamins B in the form of injections that prevent disorders of the nervous system, convulsions, loss of consciousness. You can protect the liver with the help of hepatoprotectors, and to strengthen the body you will need multivitamins.


What skin tuberculosis looks like can be seen in the photo, all these wounds bring a lot of suffering to the patient. This disease is characterized by frequent relapses. That is why patients who have had an illness are advised to visit a doctor every month for several years.

After treatment, scars often remain in place of ulcers, which are difficult to cure. To completely remove them, you will have to resort to laser cosmetic procedures.

Preventive measures

Full compliance with clinical recommendations for skin tuberculosis allows the patient to get rid of a serious illness and continue to live a full life. Especially if the patient follows the advice on preventivemeasures to protect against re-infection:

  • Children must be vaccinated with BCG;
  • try to avoid contact with antisocial individuals who can infect a person;
  • strengthen the immune system, especially after colds;
  • wash your hands well, especially between the fingers;
  • less nervous shocks;
  • eat right;
  • take vitamins in autumn and spring;
  • do not constantly overload the body mentally and physically;
  • exclude contact with an infected person, especially during the period when there is an active release of pathogens.

Don't give up when such a serious diagnosis is made. The disease can be cured, but you need to make an effort and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Tuberculosis of the skin is a contagious disease, so all family members who are in contact with the patient should be regularly examined by a doctor, maintain hygiene and not have close contact with the infected person, especially if there are cuts, scratches and other skin damage on the body.

Skin tuberculosis is a complex and serious disease, but with timely treatment there is a chance for a full recovery.
