Theoretically, the cause of the appearance of red spots on the skin can be various disorders in the body. But most often this symptom brings with it an exacerbated allergy. Red spots are one of the most common changes on the epidermis, which is a cause for concern and a visit to dermatologists and allergists.
Why does my skin get red?
Some patients, not rushing to consult a specialist, mistakenly consider skin allergies to be a harmless pathology. Red spots itch, increase in size and spread throughout the body. In no case should this symptom be ignored. The very presence of external manifestations indicates the effect of an irritant, which, in order to avoid complications, it is desirable to eliminate as soon as possible.

Human skin is an objective indicator of the general condition of the body. The appearance of any defect on the epidermis, not associated with the influence of any external factors, reflects a hidden he alth problem. Red spots with allergies are not considered serious in themselves.pathology, although they can also cause a lot of problems, complicating the course of the disease. Of particular importance is their localization and severity, which allow you to determine the causes of occurrence and draw up a plan for further therapeutic measures.
Allergic "mechanism" of spots on the body
If red spots appear on the hands, face or all over the body due to allergies, itchy and flaky, one of the following should be considered the culprit in the predominant number of cases:
- Reaction to food, medicines, animal hair, detergents, etc. When the irritant is removed or its effect on the skin stops, the allergy will disappear, red spots will go along with it.
- Unbalanced diet. The systematic predominance of some foods over others in the diet leads to a response of the body. So, for example, with an excess of fried or spicy foods, red spots can appear on the body. Allergies of this type are most often found in people with weakened immunity, who are deficient in the intake of vitamins, valuable minerals.
- Diseases of the autonomic nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Such rashes mainly appear against the background of experiences, stressful situations, depression, depression. In such a case, red spots become only an alarming "bell" of more serious he alth problems.
Complications of allergic rash in children
Skin rashes, regardless of the causes that provoke them, do not entail serious consequences. Complications are often found with allergies in children: red spots on the body, as you know, can be disturbing. It is more difficult for a child to cope with itching, and therefore, despite the warnings of adults, babies often comb the rashes, which injure the epidermis, turning it into a kind of gateway for attaching a bacterial or fungal infection.

It becomes more difficult to get rid of skin lesions, and antiallergic treatment is supplemented with hormonal external preparations, local antibiotics.
Allergic skin diseases
Another cause of allergies in the form of red spots can be chronic skin diseases - eczema, atopic dermatitis. For such pathologies, a delayed-type mechanism is characteristic, which works when exposed to certain stimuli. These diseases require constant monitoring, a number of preventive measures and maintenance therapy. The slightest deviation from the rules and a meeting with an allergen leads to the appearance of red spots on the skin. Allergy treatment, as a rule, is the use of a complex of external preparations and systemic procedures to strengthen the immune system.
Another type of pathological reaction is called an immediate type allergy. These include hives, the body's response to low temperatures. In addition to rashes, it is important to pay attention to other symptoms that accompany the red spots on the skin that appeared during the treatment of allergies. Whether they itch or not, whether there is swelling, whether breathing has become more frequent, the pulse is allthis is of fundamental importance for adjusting the existing therapy plan.

Localization of red spots on the body: what does it say?
The location of the rash is of great importance for determining the etiology of the disease. As a rule, redness does not protrude above the level of the upper epidermal layers, while maintaining the density and relief of the surface within the normal range. In the beginning, barely having time to become noticeable, the spots do not itch, they are small. But gradually itching joins them, the rashes increase in area, growing to extensive erythema. External symptoms are often accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being.
Localization of red spots largely depends on the type of allergen and how it affects the skin. If the irritant acts from the inside (food, medicine, dye, preservative, etc.), the rash most often appears on the stomach, when applying low-quality cosmetics - on the face, and in the case of using inappropriate household chemicals - on the hands. So, with increased sensitivity to animal hair, plant pollen (ragweed), spots spread throughout the body.
Rashes as a sign of photodermatitis
Often, the localization of rashes allows you to set the main directions in the treatment of allergies. Red spots itch (the photo of the rash is presented for clarity) and rapidly increase when exposed to the sun? This means that, first of all, it is necessary to protect open areas of the body from direct rays - the face, hands, legs. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skinnot red, but pink, slightly swollen spots may form.
Red spots: psoriasis, hives, ringworm or simple allergies?
An allergic reaction as a response to a weakened immune system can lead to the development of psoriasis, the first symptoms of which are also red spots. A distinctive feature of this disease is the rapid transition of small-sized erythema into silvery scales, resembling dense plaques, crusts. Such rashes are most often located in the area of the knees, elbows, head, on the back.

Red spots, but pink lichen manifests itself completely differently. For this disease, which also has an allergic nature of occurrence, an oval rash is characteristic, slightly rising above the epidermis. Spots are localized on the arms, abdomen, in the chest area. Small red dots moving around various parts of the body are hives. A mild form of such an allergy, as a rule, does not require medical intervention and resolves on its own within 1-2 days.
What are the complications of allergies?
Any disease requires a doctor's consultation, and allergies are no exception. Red spots are, as already mentioned, the “tip of the iceberg”. If you let this pathology take its course and do not engage in treatment, the process may aggravate. With the development of allergies, there is a risk of sudden onset of anaphylactic shock, angioedema, cardiac disorders, seizures and other life-threatening complications.
Even more attention should be paid to red spots in a child. An allergy, the symptoms of which do not go away within three days and are accompanied by fever, peeling of the skin, is a reason for an immediate visit to a pediatrician or an allergist. In childhood, such rashes should be considered as an unfavorable signal of the body, indicating malfunctions of the immune system.
Allergies are usually not a reason for hospitalization, but this does not mean that you can self-medicate. Any drugs should be taken under the supervision and supervision of a physician. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to correctly select them without having the appropriate qualifications.
Before prescribing certain drugs, it is necessary to determine what exactly caused the pathological response of the body, that is, to identify the irritant. Further actions to treat the disease will depend on the nature of the allergen. Since it is most often difficult to identify and eliminate it, during the diagnostic process, follow the instructions:
- Conduct analysis. The patient must remember and tell the doctor everything that may be related to the origin of the allergy, the appearance of spots on the skin: when it started, what it could be connected with, what were the changes in the usual way of life during this period, whether any things were purchased, appeared whether there are animals in the house, etc.
- Laboratory research. Performing a skin allergy test. Samples are carried out as follows: on an open areaskin (most often, the back of the hand) is applied with a drop of allergenic solutions. When any pathological reaction of the epidermis occurs, the reaction is considered positive. If the test did not give an accurate answer about the allergen, proceed to the next stage of diagnosis.
- A blood test for antibodies - in case of exceeding the norm, an allergic reaction is confirmed.

The main principles of treatment
Itching and skin peeling are not the most pleasant sensations that occur with allergies. Red spots itch and hold back so as not to injure the skin, unbearable. It is impossible to concentrate on work, to concentrate on anything. Therefore, turning to a doctor with allergic red spots, the patient can be sure that the treatment will solve the following problems:
- eliminate inflammation of the skin;
- relieve itching and reduce redness;
- stop the progression of symptoms and the spread of rashes in particular.
Drugs will be prescribed by the attending physician, he will also recommend the dosage and determine the duration of the course. Despite the fact that in each case the therapeutic regimen is drawn up individually for each patient, it is easy to single out its general provisions. So, the treatment of allergies, accompanied by rashes, is based on the use of antihistamines. It is possible to achieve skin desensitization faster if the external application of creams, ointments is supplemented by taking antiallergic drugsinside. Among oral antihistamines, the most popular should be noted:
- "Cetrin".
- "Fenistil".
- "Zodak".
- "Zyrtec".
- "Suprastin".
- "Telfast".
- "Loratadine".

Hormonal ointments
Drugs are prescribed according to the patient's age. Not all of them are suitable for use in children due to the severity of side effects. At advanced stages of the disease, treatment is supplemented with drugs of a hormonal nature. Such remedies can cure the most severe allergies, eczema, dermatitis. But the funds of this group have a lot of contraindications, so they are prescribed with extreme caution, and the duration of the course is limited to 7-10 days. Among hormonal creams and ointments, it should be noted:
- "Advantan".
- Hydrocortisone ointment.
- Elokom.
- "Celestoderm".
- "Sinaflan".
- "Dermovate".
- "Lokoid".
- "Afloderm".
Anti-Inflammatory Topicals
The main focus in the treatment of allergies is the use of anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. They contribute to the rapid elimination of spots, help to start the regeneration of the skin, eliminating peeling and increasing the local immunity of the affected epidermis. Unlike hormonal analogues, these drugs are allowed to be applied up torecovery:
- "Radevit".
- "Traumeel".
- "Bepanthen"
- Salicylic ointment.
Other treatments
If the cause of the rash lies in the disruption of the nervous system, stress, emotional tension, the doctor will prescribe sedatives. The course begins with taking drugs of minimal strength, which include extract of motherwort, valerian, peony. In rare cases, if the effect of herbal preparations is not enough, experts prescribe "heavy" tranquilizers and antidepressants.

And, of course, the treatment of allergies implies the observance of a strict diet without fail and rigorously. During an exacerbation, it is important to exclude from the diet all foods that, directly or indirectly, could provoke a pathological reaction of the body.
In any case, the red spots on the body cannot be taken unambiguously. The task of paramount importance that faces the doctor and the patient is to find out the cause of the rash and eliminate it. It is also not worth delaying contacting a doctor because often seemingly harmless rashes are a symptom of a severe infectious, autoimmune or oncological disease.