The thyroid gland is one of the important organs of the human endocrine system. The heart rate, psycho-emotional state, reproductive function in a woman, memory work depend on the correct functioning of its functioning.

Location and appearance
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ and consists of two lobes, which are connected by an isthmus (the lobes are the wings of a butterfly, and the isthmus is the body of an insect). In five percent of patients, the isthmus of the thyroid gland may be absent altogether.
The isthmus is located at the level of the second or third tracheal ring, separated by the cricoid cartilage.
The size of the isthmus of the thyroid gland is individual for each person and mainly depends on body weight. With excess weight in a person, the organ is larger, which is not a pathology. The norm of the isthmus of the thyroid gland is 4-8 mm.

The isthmus of the thyroid gland is subject to the same diseases as the thyroid itself. It is believed that the disease of the organ takes 2nd place afterdiabetes mellitus. According to statistics, thyroid isthmus disease is 5-8 times more common in women than in men. A frequent pathology is the formation of nodes. As a rule, such nodes may not make themselves felt for a long time, which leads to serious he alth consequences - both for the isthmus of the thyroid gland and for the work of the whole organism.
Pathological enlargement of the isthmus in humans leads to disruption of the functioning of the thyroid gland itself. This may be due to hormonal fluctuations. When slight enlargements of the organ are observed, doctors do not attach much importance to this pathology. And if the size of the isthmus of the thyroid gland increases over time, then this is already the first sign of the need to contact an endocrinologist.
Classification of severity of pathology
In medicine, a stepwise classification of pathological changes in the isthmus of the thyroid gland is used:
- minor changes, they are almost impossible to see, there is a deformation of the neck muscles;
- with significant changes, the shape of the neck is already changing. Neoplasm does not allow the patient to live normally.
Increase in the size of the isthmus of the thyroid gland, may signal the development of diseases such as Basedow's disease, Graves' disease, malignant tumors.

Reasons for knot formation
The reasons for the appearance of knots include the following factors:
- Unfavorable environmental situation.
- Wrong diet.
- Using poor quality water.
- Chronic iodine deficiency in the human body (iodine is a trace element that enters the body with food, but in many regions of our country it is not enough). An insufficient amount of a microelement in the human body leads to a decrease in the production of hormones. The consequence of iodine deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman may be a miscarriage, and an anomaly in the development of the fetus is also not excluded. In childhood and adolescence, due to iodine deficiency, mental and physical retardation can develop.
- Multiple x-ray examinations.
The isthmus node of the thyroid gland has a rounded shape and develops in the tissue of the isthmus. This leads to physiological changes in the tissue of the thyroid gland itself.
Knot symptoms:
- throat discomfort;
- squeezing throat muscles;
- hoarse voice or its complete disappearance;
- presence of a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed;
- frequent colds;
- hypertension;
- menstrual irregularities.
Characteristic signs in the development of neoplasms:
- sudden change of mood;
- weakening of the nail plate;
- skin changes color;
- delay fluid excretion;
- excessive sweating;
- chill;
- quick loss or, conversely, weight gain;
- insomnia or drowsiness;
- tachycardia or bradycardia;
- appears at the slightest loadshortness of breath;
- fatigue;
- there are mental disorders.

To determine the condition of the isthmus of the thyroid gland, the patient must undergo the following diagnostic procedures:
- blood test for thyroid hormones;
- examination using radioactive iodine;
- palpation;
- ultrasound;
- MRI or CT.
The first thing a doctor does when examining a patient's thyroid gland is to feel the thyroid gland through the neck, since it is impossible to visually see the pathology. Palpation is the easiest method of examination, but not always reliable.
The second method of research is ultrasound, which is more effective and affordable for patients. On ultrasound, the transverse and vertical size of the isthmus of the thyroid gland, blood flow, changes in the lymph nodes are determined. This examination method is convenient because it does not require special training, it can be performed on pregnant girls.
MRI and CT are prescribed for a more advanced examination of the patient, if the doctor found abnormalities in the isthmus of the thyroid gland on ultrasound.
After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the treatment. If one node was identified and it is small in size, then the doctor recommends observation and examination once every 3 months. It is also recommended to do an ultrasound of the isthmus of the thyroid gland every six months. If the node is large, then the patient will be assigned to take a biopsy, or they will take a puncture to determine the natureneoplasms.

Knot classification
If there is a discrepancy between the size of the isthmus of the thyroid gland to the norm or nodes appear, then this indicates a pathology. In the latter case, it is necessary to determine the type of nodes:
- Benign tumor - such nodes occur in 92% of patients. If the formation does not create any discomfort for the patient, the vessels and neighboring tissues are not compressed, in such cases, treatment is not required.
- Follicular tumor - in 85% of cases, such a tumor is benign, and in 15% malignant. In both cases, the patient is recommended surgical intervention, only after histology, it is possible to accurately determine the nature of the tumor.
- Malignant tumor - in such cases, only surgery is indicated. During the operation, the endocrinologist surgeon determines the localization of the tumor and decides how much of the isthmus of the thyroid gland needs to be removed. The next stage of treatment after the operation is prescribed to undergo a course of chemotherapy or radiation. If the pathology is diagnosed at an early stage and treatment has been carried out, then the chance of recovery is high. The most important thing is to distinguish the norm from the pathology in time, so doctors give recommendations to patients aged 45 and older to do an ultrasound scan once a year for prevention.

Disease prevention
Prevention of thyroid disease is important at any age and includes adherence toset of rules:
- spend less time in the sun (especially during the summer months);
- eat foods high in iodine (seaweed, iodized s alt, seafood, fish, caviar, walnuts, kiwi);
- lead a he althy lifestyle (smoking depresses the thyroid gland, so it is better to give up this habit and spend more time outdoors, pregnant girls are recommended to take a vitamin complex with iodine).
If you are at risk of developing the disease, you should systematically undergo a professional examination.