How to stop growing: human physiology, human age, factors and causes affecting growth, body characteristics and doctors' advice

How to stop growing: human physiology, human age, factors and causes affecting growth, body characteristics and doctors' advice
How to stop growing: human physiology, human age, factors and causes affecting growth, body characteristics and doctors' advice

Many people are uncomfortable with being too tall. Also, this phenomenon often worries parents when their child is too ahead of the same age in growth. That is why many are interested in the question of whether it is real that a person can “prematurely” stop his growth, whether he can stop growing.

2 people with different heights
2 people with different heights

What affects a person's height?

As a person grows older, the only exceptions are cases associated with developmental problems. The rate at which a person grows is influenced by the hormone somatotropin. If there is too much of this hormone in the human body or, conversely, not enough, then this is fraught with certain deviations, due to which a person may not grow at all or become too high.

It should also be noted that often people forget that heredity plays a big role. If both parents are tall, then it is likely that their children will also be tall. Iscan something be done about heredity?

However, it also happens that a child can grow up big and where all family members are of average height. In such cases, when the height of children is, for example, 186 cm at the age of 13, we can talk about the existence of problems with the endocrine system. In such a situation, you need to visit a doctor.

What influences the growth process?

So, before you figure out how to stop growing, you need to familiarize yourself with the factors that are directly involved in the growth process:

  • climatic factors;
  • lifestyle;
  • daily diet;
  • heredity;
  • environmental situation.
2 guys
2 guys

Anthropological attitudes

The question of when a person stops growing is quite popular. It is a well-known fact that in the period from 11 to 14 years old people grow quite quickly, and they stop growing around the period from 19 to 24 years old. However, people still grow a little and up to 40 years old add a few millimeters per year. This is considered completely normal and is not something to worry about.

As soon as a person overcomes a certain age limit, his height will decrease. According to experts, in 10 years a person loses about 14 mm in height. Why is this happening? Height loss indicates a reduction in joints, vertebrae, and even cartilage tissues.

When do girls stop growing?

During puberty, growth in growth in boys and girls occurscompletely different. At what age do girls stop growing? From 10 to 15 years of age, girls notice a significant increase in height. During this period, a girl can grow by 25 cm. But as soon as a girl turns 15, the growth process will slow down significantly, and many will stop growing at this age.

Girl stunting

So how can a girl stop growing tall? In such cases, the girl will be prescribed special hormonal therapy. Such therapy helps to inhibit the production of certain hormones. It is worth noting that only a specialist has the right to prescribe hormonal medications after a medical examination has been carried out. No need to try to self-medicate.

2 ladies on the track
2 ladies on the track

When do boys stop growing?

As already noted, boys and girls grow up completely differently. So, as far as boys are concerned, this process is much slower for them. All this is because in boys puberty begins a couple of years later than in girls. So at what age do boys stop growing? Let the boys lag behind the girls during puberty, but they manage to catch up with them from about 12 to 21 years old. During this entire period, the boy can grow by 40-64 cm.

2 basketball players
2 basketball players

Constitutional tallness - what is it?

When a person stops growing is already known, but this does not help people get rid of the complexes associated with large growth. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the fact that such a high growthdue to constitutional features.

growth stages
growth stages

When certain hormonal disorders are not found during a medical examination by a specialist, then there will be no talk of therapeutic intervention.

Many doctors notice that girls are tormented by the question of how to stop growing at 15 years old. Many girls reach a fairly large height by the age of 15, they absolutely do not want to grow further. After all, not everyone wants to have a large growth, many girls begin to complete because of their difference from others. Yes, and many are influenced by modern stereotypes that men choose small ladies, not tall ones. However, it should be borne in mind that doctors do not recommend somehow interfering with the growth process, especially when the girl's height is less than 185 cm. If she is above 185 cm, then it is allowed to intervene in this process.

men in a row
men in a row

How to stop growth?

There are certain methods that will help stop the growth process. However, among these methods there are those that are considered dangerous to use or should be used under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The options that will answer the question of how to stop growing in height include:

  1. Hormone therapy. As already noted, hormonal medications that interfere with "increase in centimeters" can only be prescribed by doctors and after establishing real problems with development. Often, in order to stop the growth process, they turn to the use of the drug "Ethinylestradiol". The dosage and how long to use the drug can only be determined by an endocrinologist.
  2. Using anabolic steroids. It is a well-known fact that a child with asthma who uses a steroid-based inhaler will be lower than his peers by about 5 cm. But it is important to note that nothing is known about the effectiveness of their use by adults, so you should resort to this method yourself in adulthood Not recommended. In addition, steroids are prohibited by law in Russia.
  3. Sleep problems, lack of sleep. Growth hormone production occurs only during sleep, which is why insomnia occurs, sleep problems can negatively affect the potential growth of your children.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking is often associated with an effect on the growth process, but there is no evidence for this. But according to the statistics of researchers, if a child smokes, he will be much shorter than his peers, who are not prone to bad habits.
girls growth
girls growth

Fudge about how to influence the process of growth

Often, people who are puzzled by the question of how to stop growing in height resort to stupid and completely useless methods. The methods they have chosen cannot affect growth at all, but they can negatively affect the general condition of a person. In order not to suffer from such useless and harmful ways to stop growth, you should disassemble the most popular myths about this.

These include:

  1. Exclusion of calcium from the diet. Often people think thatit affects bone development. However, this is erroneous, because calcium only affects the strengthening of teeth and bones. It should not be completely excluded from the diet, because its lack is fraught with spasms of the lungs and even the occurrence of rickets.
  2. Carrying weights. If children carry heavy loads, such as a heavy backpack, this will negatively affect the posture of the child, and not at all on his height.
  3. Too much caffeine. If caffeine is used as a growth retardant, then this is fraught with the fact that the child will become a real paranoid or he will have excessive activity. However, this will not help to influence the growth process in any way. That is why this method is very harmful and should not be used.

If people stop actively growing, then their body naturally inhibits the production of certain hormones. But the use of artificial stimulation of such a process can adversely affect the he alth of the growing organism.

It should be remembered that you do not need to get involved in self-treatment, it is recommended to seek help from doctors. And in the case when nothing helps you stop growing, try to just love and accept yourself, giving up looking for ways to stop growing.
