Stylohyoid syndrome has another name - Eagle's syndrome. This pathology is in the area of the styloid process, located in the region of the temporal cranial bone. It can also be located in the area of the stylohyoid ligaments, affect their parameters, change the appearance and dimensions.
Considering the size of the correct position of the styloid process, you need to remember - it should be 3 cm, no more. Although each person's body is unique. Variants were recorded when heterosexual patients aged 30 to 50 years were considered, and the size of the process was only 40 mm. But this did not bother the patients in any way, and even more so, there were no unpleasant symptoms.
Possible causes of the disease
Lead to the occurrence of stylohyoid syndrome (Needle) can be different indicators:
- Curvature or lengthening of the styloid process.
- Hardening leading to ossification of the ligament responsible for jaw function.
- The ligament and the styloid process are fused together, which leads to a violation of their performance.
- Fusion of the bone located under the tongue with the styloidbundle.
- Stylohyoid muscle cramps (may occur due to prolonged yawning, but prolonged opening of the mouth can lead to spasms or convulsions).
Signs of disease
It is possible to identify the manifestation of the disease by the following symptoms of stylohyoid syndrome:
- spasms observed during swallowing;
- there is a dull pain in the cervical region, which radiates to the ears (it can be on one or both sides);
- frequent cramps appear at the time of swallowing;
- there is a feeling of finding a foreign object in the oral cavity, which occurs due to the process of the styloid ligament;
- unpleasant painful effects appear in the sublingual zone, as well as behind it;
- while probing the area under the tongue, an increase in the number of tubercles on the bone located under the tongue, or an increase in the volume of the small horn, will become noticeable;
- if there is pain in the neck, it can move to the temples, lower jaw, and cheeks (unpleasant sensations will only intensify when the head is rotated, during long conversations or while eating solid food);
- may cause pain in the head;
- frequent dizziness;
- manifestation of nausea syndromes.
Studying the disease according to clinical observations, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the disease most often manifests itself on the right side. This is due to the fact that the process located on the right is 3-4 mm longer than the left one.

There is also a variation of Needle's syndrome, called carotid-styloid syndrome. This manifestation of the disease is also called carotid syndrome, because the styloid process is enlarged and slightly curved. Thus, there is an impact on the edges touching the carotid artery, which leads to additional irritation of the plexus of the sympathetic trunk.
Symptoms of this variant of the disease include:
- presence of painful pulsation in the frontal part of the head;
- pain in the bridge of the nose, constant pain in the eye sockets;
- cheeks, parietal part, temporal lobes begin to show pain.
Performing diagnosis of syndromes
For a qualitative check for the presence of a disease, a full range of different procedures is required. In particular, the diagnosis of stylohyoid syndrome includes a number of actions and manipulations.
First of all, a professional examination of the patient is performed, as a result of which the doctor examines and detects the compaction of the bone growth in the anterior zone of the cervical region of the patient. If you press this part, the person should experience pain, and his he alth will deteriorate greatly.
Secondly, an x-ray of the facial skeleton, skull bones, and neck is taken.
At the time of diagnosis, one should carefully approach the procedures, because this disease can easily be confused with other similar pathologies, the symptoms of which are very similar. Suppuration can be cited as an exampletonsils.
Recommended Therapy for Needle Syndrome
For the treatment of stylohyoid syndrome, various therapy options are used. There are both radical and conservative treatment.
Considering the last method, it is worth highlighting drug treatment. For example, the doctor may prescribe pain medication. Usually, the funds are drunk for a certain course, which includes three doses of Pentalgin or Analgin tablets.

Perform injections with preparations containing corticosteroid painkillers. They are made in the area of pain points. The most commonly used drugs: "Novocaine" in combination with "Methylprednisolone", a mixture of "Lidocaine" with a suspension of "Triamcinolone".

Be sure to take various sedative medications. You can choose motherwort tincture, Novo-Passita tablets or drops, valerian extract.

The use of physiotherapy procedures for the treatment of stylohyoid syndrome has proven to be effective. According to reviews, this method helps well and includes:
- A complex of procedures with the addition of ultrasound exposure (phonophoresis) in conjunction with drug treatment (hydrocortisone, analgin).
- Performing ultrasound treatment.
If the conservative treatment of the stylohyoid syndrome did not bring the desired result, it means that it is time to conduct an operation. It is important that the operation is performed by a highly qualified surgeon.

In this case, there is a partial shortening of the stylohyoid process, curved or elongated during the period of the disease. The crown of the hyoid bone is also surgically removed.
The method of radical treatment is divided into two methods:
- External. In this case, the surgeon performs an incision on the outside of the neck so that it is possible to gain access to the grown growth. This method is the most popular and is used more often than others.
- Intraoral. This method is carried out much less frequently, since closely spaced accumulations of blood vessels, as well as nerve endings, interfere (possible malfunction or ruptures). It is used when the styloid process has reached a large size. In this case, an external oral operation is not possible.
Treatment of the Needle syndrome by surgical intervention refers to successful, effective and high-quality activities. After the operation, patients experience no discomfort, which was manifested due to the elongated process of the styloid bone.
Diagnosis of stylohyoid syndrome in Pirogov
At the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, the diagnosis is made bystudy of anamnesis in conjunction with studies carried out in the clinic.

The disease is most often detected by the following method: palpation of the cervical region or the fossa of the tonsillar part of the oral cavity occurs, resulting in pain.
Then the patient receives a referral for fluoroscopy, which confirms the diagnosis. There were cases when an increase in the size of the stylohyoid process did not have a painful effect on patients. Prior to the discovery of pathology, they felt quite comfortable.
Considering the increased parameter of the process, it is worth noting a certain pattern - in most cases, this defective size is considered the norm and does not interfere with human life.

But it is still important to have periodic check-ups to keep your body he althy. Pathology should not be ignored. The sooner you can start treatment, the more likely you are to completely get rid of unpleasant sensations and consequences.