Sharp sharp pain that pierced the foot, involuntarily suggests the idea that a foreign object got into the shoes. However, upon closer inspection, it turns out that there is no carnation there. Looking carefully at the sole, you find spikes on the feet. This is a neoplasm that looks like a common corn. But the reality is that the spike is an insidious wart that occurs due to a violation of certain functions in the body. In the presence of such an ailment, it becomes difficult for a person to move around, there are strong painful sensations while walking. To cure the pathology and find an effective method of treatment, it is necessary to understand the nature of the spikes on the feet.
What is this?
The disease in question is a deviation of the musculoskeletal system. Spike can be attributed to a separate type of common warts. The process of its formation has not yet been thoroughly studied in medicine, but today it is believed that the human papillomavirus is the main activator of pathology. Due to the penetration of this virus, the patient develops tumor-like neoplasms on the skin,mucous membranes. In some cases, the disease leads to cervical cancer.

According to experts, the virus that causes spikes on the feet is in the body of every person, but it does not always manifest itself. The cause of activation can be weakened immunity, climate change, physical damage. The most common reason is considered to be a stressful situation, due to which neoplasms are detected. Dangerous factors include cuts, scratches on the lower extremities, abrasions and calluses. Sweating feet and walking in uncomfortable shoes also take their toll. It must be remembered that warts do not just appear, there are certain reasons for this.
The appearance of a skin growth on the foot directly indicates the presence of certain problems in the patient's body. If we talk about external features, it is worth noting that the spine looks like a common wart or corn. In the initial stage, this is a small tubercle in which there is no liquid, the person also does not experience pain in this regard.
After about a month, the spine increases in size, becomes more convex and changes color to white-yellow. If you look closely, you can see black dots - these are clogged blood vessels. The peculiarity of this disease is that the plantar growth does not grow outward, but inward. While walking, a person presses on him with all his weight, as a result, the spike begins to hurt a lot. It is the constant pain that causes the question of how to treat the spine becomesmore relevant every day.

In most cases, warts on the sole are formed in groups, in which one clearly stands out from the others. According to statistics, if the uterus is removed, the daughter growths go away on their own. A spike on the leg of a child is a common occurrence. Parents make the mistake of not sending their child to the doctor. Only timely treatment will help both the child and the adult get rid of the disease forever.
Why do bumps form?
The initial step in the successful fight against pathology is to determine the cause. Of course, after the formation of a plantar wart, it is necessary to throw all your efforts into treatment, and not into establishing the grounds. However, it must be said that the fight against the consequences without this step is guaranteed to lead to a relapse, and more than once.
Inflammatory process, which is localized in the lower extremities, may occur due to rupture or strong tension of the tendons in the sole. A person with his weight constantly presses on these parts of the body, so they are subjected to heavy loads daily. Often, microtraumas are found, and it becomes almost impossible to cope with them without identifying the grounds. The inflammatory process of the synovial bursa often leads to pathology.
The reasons for the appearance of spikes on the feet are as follows:
- prolonged loads on the soles of the limbs;
- flat feet;
- wearing shoes with flat insoles for a long time;
- overweight, weakening of the muscle component of the foot;
- chronic sole injuries or single but caused by a serious illness, physical injury, etc.;
- age-related changes in the structure;
- tight and uncomfortable shoes.
Plantar outgrowth rarely occurs in one instance, the feet of both feet are often affected. How to treat a thorn? In fact, there are many ways, but for each there is a general recommendation. To effectively cope with the disease, you need to consult with an orthopedist. Only a specialist can help eliminate the neoplasm with minimal risks.
Features of the disease
A person begins to worry about his he alth only when a disease occurs. However, a few factors are enough to seriously think about the body. Swelling, redness of the skin, as well as severe pain directly indicate the presence of problems. A growth in the sole area is almost guaranteed to confirm the diagnosis of fasciitis. But if you do not take into account external manifestations, disturbing calls arise in advance. Often the patient unconsciously changes the gait due to discomfort. Here you need to be more attentive to the relatives of the patient, because the patient himself rarely notices this.

Discomfort in the sole area is the main symptom. Pain is of a different nature: constant and periodic. It depends on what stage the inflammatory process is developing now. The pain syndrome is localized not on the spur itself, but inside it. There are two main types of it: starting (when the patient feels discomfort immediately after waking up)and dynamic (unpleasant feelings arise with any more or less serious load on the sole).
Analgesics can alleviate the patient's condition. It is worth noting that, without getting rid of the inflammatory process, these medications cannot be stopped. The result in most of these cases is negative, creating strong loads on the internal organs and systems of the patient. Spikes on the feet have a peculiarity - they can form within a few months. Throughout this period, a person suffers when walking, feeling severe pain. Sometimes the inflammatory process lasts for several days, you need to be prepared for this.
Treatment methods
How to remove the thorn on the foot? Each specific case is individual. The attending physician, depending on the situation, prescribes the most appropriate course of therapy. Despite the fact that the spine is a benign neoplasm, under certain conditions it can develop into a malignant one. To minimize this risk, you need to start fighting the pathology in a timely manner. However, self-medication in most cases only aggravates the situation, it is better to follow the doctor's recommendations. After all, a qualified specialist after assessing the situation can give good advice. Next, he determines the treatment that he believes is the most effective in the current situation.

One of the most common methods is surgery. There are four types of surgical removal of spikes on the feet:
- Electrocoagulation. The wart is burned out with a high frequency current. During the operation, living tissues are often destroyed. Thus, disinfection is carried out, the infectious process stops.
- Laser removal of spikes on the feet. At present, no method has yet been invented that would be considered better than a laser. The operation is easy, the patient usually does not feel pain. Plus, extra skin areas do not suffer.
- Liquid nitrogen. This method has also proved to be effective. However, there is a serious drawback here: it is very difficult to regulate the depth of penetration in the process, and this poses a danger to he althy tissues.
- Scalpel. This is an older method that almost no one uses today. First, there is a high chance of relapse. Secondly, after the scalpel, scars remain on the skin, which are almost impossible to remove.
Drug therapy
If surgery is not a necessary step, doctors prefer to use drug treatment. This takes longer, but the patient does not go under the knife. Before you start taking medication, you need to consult with your doctor. In the presence of a plantar growth, the most effective remedies are:
- "Ibuprofen". The main task of this drug is the removal of painful sensations, with which he copes very well. Take after meals three times a day. After a few days, the pain subsides.
- "Verrukacid". Given to a child from a spikethe product is not recommended, because it is a very aggressive substance. It is better to let adults use the medicine. You need to apply two to three drops per spike, depending on the size of the growth.
- "Indomethacin". Rules for taking: three times a day, twenty-five milligrams after meals.
- "Dimexide". This drug is more effective in the form of compresses. The medication should be mixed with water, applied to the growths and sealed with a plaster on top. After fifteen minutes, feel free to remove the compress. The result is visible after the first session.

Shock Wave Therapy
How to soften the spike on the foot? This method is considered the most effective in this regard, because it eliminates s alt deposits. After a few sessions, you can notice a huge difference: in appearance, the leg will be absolutely he althy. The essence of the procedure is as follows: with the help of shock wave force, the impulse penetrates deep into the body and loosens calcifications.
The main difference between the method and laser and ultrasound is that there are practically no contraindications. The only thing is that such treatment is not suitable for people with skin diseases, as well as for exacerbation of chronic pathologies. How to determine the required number of sessions? You do not need to count anything, the attending physician will take care of it.
Injections of this remedy are a fairly effective method of dealing with thorns. Blockade gives instant results. However, there is one significant disadvantage - soreness. The patient is injected directly into the focus of the problem"Diprospan" or "Kenalog." Hormones of this type eliminate puffiness, stop the inflammatory process, reduce the level of vascular sensitivity and prevent the formation of new antibodies.
How to treat pathology in children?
As already noted, it is not recommended to use "Verrukacid" from the spine for a child. Here, the following drugs are more effective: "Solcoderm" and "Cryopharma". The first has a necrotic effect aimed at eliminating growths. Before using the product, it is necessary to rinse the foot and soften the spike. Then, using the applicator, gently apply it, just do not get on a he althy area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Within a few minutes, the growth should change color. If this does not happen, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after a while. Complete healing in this case occurs in a month or a month and a half.

"Cryopharma" is a fairly well-known medicine that has a freezing effect. The drug is equipped with an applicator, you need to press it directly to the spine and wait ten seconds. The growth should turn white and thicken. Within ten days after the procedure, the plantar wart will scab over and then fall off.
Ointment for spikes on feet
Creams are used to relieve pain. It is recommended to use warming ointments with a healing effect. In addition to helping relieve inflammation, the patient will improve blood circulation. Among the most popular drugs of this typeisolated "Dolobene" and hydrocortisone ointment.
The first remedy is applied in the form of compresses or regular gel. The method of use is very simple: application to the area of injury three to four times a day for ten days. The effect will not be long in coming, the pain will subside after several procedures.
Hydrocortisone ointment is used several times a day. After all, only under this condition, the drug is able to cope with the pain syndrome. The course lasts from seven to ten days. During this time, the patient will feel relief.
There are also special patches for spikes on the feet. To solve the problem of growths, doctors recommend using a peppery patch. It has three functions at once: distracting, warming and locally irritating. If we talk about specific means, "Doctor Pepper" is very popular. It is quite simple to use: you need to rinse the application area, cut out the plate of the desired size, remove the film and attach it to the growth. You can wear the patch for two or three days, periodically warming the leg.
Traditional medicine
Many experts are skeptical about alternative medicine methods. However, it has long been proven that in addition to medicines, prescriptions from the people can be used. One of the most annoying problems is the appearance of spikes on the soles of the feet. Treatment with folk remedies is more supportive, and in combination with drugs gives a positive result.
The most effective remedies are:
- Grated horseradish. Hisshould be applied to steamed plantar warts. To enhance the effect, wrap the lower limb with cellophane, and put on a warm sock on top. The procedure can be repeated until the build-up disappears completely.
- Raw grated potatoes. The essence does not change, it must also be applied. But potato gruel is used during the crescent, not only at night, but also in the morning.
- Cement. Steam your feet before use. Then take the cement and grind the spike. You need to wet your fingers with saliva and rub the solution into the plantar wart. Continue these movements until the cement dries. According to the people, after several such procedures, the problem will disappear.
Treatment of spikes at home
First, you need to be diagnosed by a specialist to figure out how to treat the pathology. After the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy that must be followed. Simultaneously with drug treatment, home methods can be used.

One of the most effective ways is massage. Rubbing the lower extremities will alleviate the pain syndrome and help to cope with the deviation in the early stages. Massage can be done on your own or you can seek help from professionals. It should be said right away that the procedure is quite painful, but the effect is felt after several sessions. For better results, doctors recommend using warming ointments and creams.
Orthopedic insoles can be purchased as an addition to the main course of therapy. This will greatly facilitatethe state of the lower limb, removing the load. There are two types of insoles: silicone and leather. Which are necessary in a particular situation, the attending physician will tell you. This device corrects the foot, creating the correct shape, thanks to which the load from the sole is removed. This method will not help to completely get rid of the spine, but it will be an excellent option for prevention.