Knowing how a child gets the flu, what primary measures should be taken, a parent can protect his child from the severe course of the disease and its many complications. Fortunately, now there is a huge number of various drugs, choosing among which (of course, with the help of a qualified doctor) is not difficult, and the purchase itself will cost a reasonable price.
![runny nose with flu runny nose with flu](
Relevance of the issue
Signs of the flu in children can be observed literally every six months. The change of seasons, spring and autumn are periods when epidemics traditionally cover the whole country, and it is extremely difficult to protect yourself from infection. The common collective name "influenza" includes many different pathologies provoked by different pathogens with similar manifestations of infection, so vaccination, no matter how advertised, cannot provide 100% protection.
It is the responsibility of modern parents to know what measures to taketake to prevent infection, and what to do if the flu in children still started. To navigate the issue, you need to understand the nature of the disease. Influenza is commonly referred to as such a pathology provoked by viruses, for the treatment of which drugs are used that affect the root cause, that is, the viral agent. Antimicrobial agents, for example, will not help with the flu - they will eliminate bacteria, but are ineffective against viruses.
What would the doctor recommend?
By the way, sometimes antibiotics for flu are still prescribed for children, but not at the initial stage of the disease. If a malicious virus first enters the body, activating negative processes, immunity drops, there is a risk of infection with microbes, bacteria. If the tests show such a secondary lesion of the body, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial compounds. In fact, this is not so much a treatment for the flu itself, but rather complications associated with the course of a serious pathology.
It usually takes some time for a secondary lesion to develop. If you turn to the doctor in time, they will first prescribe special drugs designed to eliminate viruses, and only over time, if there are indications for this, they will recommend taking an antimicrobial remedy for influenza for children. Occasionally, doctors prescribe such drugs from the very beginning of the disease, usually just in case. Such logic is categorically condemned by many experts.
What to do?
Normally, the treatment of influenza in children involves the use of special tools designed to fight viruses. One of the mostwell-known names presented in modern pharmacies - "Anaferon". To treat a baby, you need to choose a special format, it is called “children’s”. Under the influence of active components, the vital activity of the viral agent is inhibited, the colonies cannot grow. At the same time, the work of the immune system is stimulated, all processes in the body proceed faster.
![flu symptoms in children flu symptoms in children](
Treatment of influenza in children with antiviral drugs is reasonable if the baby is already sick, and laboratory tests have confirmed that the cause is in the virus.
As a rule, the first day or even two doctors recommend to refrain from any drug therapy, and only from the third day of the course of the disease, start supporting the body's forces with external means. Interferon preparations, as tests have shown, can reduce the time required for complete recovery, and also significantly reduce the likelihood of complications. But all these advantages are possible only if the funds are used correctly, under the supervision of a doctor, following the instructions.
Important to know
Common flu complications in children include:
- pneumonia;
- bronchitis;
- sinusitis.
Using the drug prescribed by the doctor, you can prevent the development of such pathologies. The recommended treatment program is continued exactly as long as the doctor advised. Even if the primary signs of influenza in children have already exhausted themselves, but the doctor recommended that you drink any remedies after that, you shouldindications - usually the doctor has good reason to believe that such treatment will actually be of benefit.
To get sick or not to get sick?
Those who produce antiviral anti-flu children are advised to use their developments not only when infected with an agent, but also as a prophylaxis in a period of high danger. As many experts agree, for such therapy, only medicines designed to increase the activity of the immune system should be used. Some commercially available products designed specifically for children activate the generation of internal interferon systems.
Prevention of influenza in children involves daily taking a small dose of a drug that has the described features. Is it worth it in principle to carry out such therapy, you first need to check with the doctor. It is also better to choose a specific remedy together with a doctor who is able to assess the needs of the body of a particular child. In addition, specialists better understand the variety of products available in modern pharmacies.
Peculiarities of prevention
Means designed to prevent influenza in children can be used as a course. Manufacturers recommend drinking them for at least three weeks, but not more than a quarter of a year. Proper use of the drug helps to reduce the likelihood of infection during a period of high epidemiological risk. This is most relevant for children with weak immunity and for those who are prone to allergies. The latter category is in particular danger, since the flu greatly aggravates the course of allergies,often posing a serious threat to life.
![How does a child get the flu? How does a child get the flu?](
Signs and Management: Influenza in Children
“How many days the temperature is high, and it still doesn’t subside!” - sometimes it is with such complaints that parents turn to the doctor, whose children are suffering, infected with a malicious virus. Indeed, the disease under consideration is characterized by a significant and prolonged increase in temperature. It is not easy to tolerate, and many try to take more antipyretic compounds from the very beginning in order to quickly drive away an unpleasant symptom. The popularity of such funds is growing by leaps and bounds. Many people firmly believe that a simple antipyretic is a substance that can completely defeat the flu, although drugs do not actually cure it.
The most popular fever-reducing flu medicine for children from one year old is Paracetamol, as well as numerous remedies developed on its basis. It must be remembered that they can bring down the fever, but they do not eliminate the virus: this is only a temporary measure to get rid of a severe symptom that returns when the medication wears off.
Do I need it?
Since flu symptoms in children always suggest a serious fever, doctors pay special attention to parents: you need to be careful with this manifestation. As soon as the fever begins, you should not immediately take special drugs, there will be no benefit from this. A feverish state lasting several days is a completely normal response of the body that has detected a viral infection.agent. The temperature is associated with the activation of immunity, so the body fights viruses faster. By taking an antipyretic, a person thereby weakens his own natural defenses.
Normally, for fever with flu in children, medicines should be used if the temperature has exceeded 38.5. The doctor may recommend taking such a remedy earlier if convulsive conditions have been observed in the past with an increase in temperature. A special approach is required for children under 3 months old, as well as people with chronic pathologies (age does not play a role).
For help - see a doctor
When observing the primary symptoms of influenza in children, especially in a situation where the temperature has risen sharply and to very high, you should immediately seek help from a qualified doctor. It is not always possible to get an appointment, and the child’s condition may not allow this, so it is necessary to call the district pediatrician at home, describing all the manifestations of the disease by phone. The doctor will examine, listen to the baby, formulate exactly what measures, means should be applied first of all in order to alleviate the condition. It is often recommended to do warm water rubdowns - this method helps to fight the temperature, but does not require the use of additional drugs.
![flu symptoms in children flu symptoms in children](
To combat other symptoms, the doctor additionally prescribes various means: pharmaceutical industry products, natural formulations. Usually the flu in children is accompanied by a sore throat, severe cough. May have a headache. From each manifestationapply their remedy.
Cough deserves special attention: there are several varieties of this symptom, each of them requires its own method of treatment. It can be "Lazolvan", "Gerbion" drops, "Libexin" or "Bronholitin" tablets, etc.
If the flu is associated with a runny nose, it is recommended to use aerosols, nasal rinses, and nasal drops have been developed for very young children. Effective drugs include Aqualor, Pinosol, Tizin, etc. If additional symptoms are mild or absent in principle, there is no need for such funds.
Features of the disease
The flu is equally dangerous for children and adults. The body's resistance to a viral agent decreases along with a cold snap, and a lack of vitamins in everyday nutrition also plays a significant role, especially in winter and spring. Medicine knows many types of viruses that can provoke a disease. They are transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one through the air: if someone nearby coughs or sneezes, there is a high probability of catching an infection. You can also get a viral agent through common household items. A malevolent form of life quickly penetrates the bloodstream and can provoke serious negative consequences. Recently, various flu vaccines for children have been increasingly advertised, but their effectiveness is a big question - too many forms of viruses are common, while one vaccine saves only from one type of pathogens.
This is interesting
By the way, the firstofficial mention of the flu has come down to our times since the fifth century BC. The disease was described by the ancient Greek Hippocrates in a two-volume work on epidemics. He called the disease catharsis and was convinced that a sharp rise in temperature, accompanied by the release of sweat, allows you to cleanse the human body. Influenza is a word that appeared in 1743 and since then has gradually become used in world-class medical practice.
Important to know: features of symptoms
The easiest way to catch the flu is from a person who is already sick with the virus. The first five days of the course of the disease are especially dangerous, so parents, if the flu has begun in a child of 3 years old (and of a different age), should not only take care of their child, but also take measures so as not to become infected with the virus themselves, otherwise the epidemic will undermine the strength of the whole families right away. Accuracy, compliance with hygiene measures, isolation of the patient (within reason) allow you to maintain the he alth of the next of kin.
![antibiotics for flu antibiotics for flu](
Many viruses are known (in particular, this is why flu shots for children cause so much controversy) that can provoke similar symptoms:
- when infected, a person feels chills;
- he is worried about the fever;
- cough;
- ache all over the body;
- headache;
- under the influence of the virus, the mucous membranes suffer greatly, and the body as a whole is intoxicated.
Often, children under the influence of the disease change significantly: they become lethargic, lose their appetite,want to sleep. Quite quickly, the situation is supplemented by new symptoms - the temperature rises to 40.5, it persists for several days, and the cough becomes as if barking. The child complains of a sore throat, a runny nose persists.
Special Occasion
With the flu, some children suffer from eye pain. If complications occur, there is a possibility of symptoms indicating a negative effect on the central nervous system. The head may be spinning, convulsive states, hallucinations are possible. Sometimes the child is sick, vomits. Often the flu is associated with intestinal disorders.
First control measures
It has already been stated above that in the first two days of infection, doctors recommend refraining from using pharmaceutical products. Viruses are known to thrive in cold, high humidity, but cannot tolerate heat, so the most effective way to fix the problem at the initial stage is to drink plenty of hot water.
You can do compresses, massage, put mustard plasters. Foot bath recommended. Viruses are especially active if the body is cooled unevenly, so you need to be careful: do not go without a hat in the dangerous season, do not dress inappropriately for the weather (for example, too warm).
Since the child loses his appetite, it is the job of the parent not to insist on eating unwanted food. Restricted nutrition helps cleanse the body's systems. Abundant food during a viral infection will in no way help maintain strength, on the contrary, it will worsen the child's condition. You need to eat exactly when you want it, and, as a rule, thisindicates the beginning of recovery. But during the active phase of the disease, decoctions, infusions of medicinal herbs, juices, compotes come to the rescue.
Official Approach
As doctors say, the flu is one of the most common diseases on our planet. Almost a third of all children's hospitalizations are provoked by the flu. Up to 7% of children who died in hospitals died for this reason. Every year during epidemic season, several tens of millions of children across the planet get some form of the flu, and more than half of that number are under the age of 14.
In particular danger - kids. As is known from medical reports, 65% of all cases of the disease among them are due to the flu. Complications are more characteristic of this ailment than for any other viral pathologies. During the epidemic of the disease in the country, the death rate rises sharply. This is a damage not only to the he alth of the nation, but also to the economy of the state.
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Official information
Influenza is provoked by orthomyxoviruses containing RNA. This agent spreads very quickly, the colonies are actively progressing, so the symptoms of the disease are pronounced. The respiratory tract is the first to suffer, soon general toxicosis is observed. Although the disease is terrible for people of all ages, on average, the incidence among minors is 5 times higher than in adults. The most severe pathology occurs in children of three years of age and younger, but the likelihood of complications is characteristic of all persons without exception.infected with a virus. In modern domestic pediatrics, influenza is one of the most urgent problems.
A sick person is the main source of infection. In the first few days, the virus is able to separate from the mucous membranes, and the concentrations are truly enormous, although it is impossible to see the microscopic life form with the eye.
Sneezing, coughing, even just talking is a way of spreading the disease. Household items, excretions - all this helps the disease to spread further. Possible infection through towels, not thoroughly washed dishes or a baby pacifier.
This is explained by the ability of the nasopharynx to separate salivary particles, sputum, mucous secretions. All this is released into the environment. Organic matter contains the virus, and soon an infected zone is formed around the person, rich in dangerous particles. Some of them settle rather quickly, others remain in the atmosphere longer. The propagation range is up to three meters.
Technical points
Having been ill with a virus, you can acquire immunity, usually quite persistent, but specific - it applies only to the type that was infected. You can get sick again if a person encounters a new form, a corrected variant. It is for this reason that vaccination does not show such a positive effect as we would like to see.
To classify a pathogen in medicine, there is a system for isolating an antigen that reacts with antibodies. In this case, the binding procedure occurs according to some specific scenario, which allowsclassify the disease as one of the known types.
The surface antigens of the virus are highly variable. Some viruses have been studied by medicine in some detail, in detail, but there is also a group that is practically unknown to science. This is virus C, dangerous to humans and pigs. True, there is nothing to be afraid of here: in comparison with the other two groups (A, B), the symptoms are either mild or absent. This form does not provoke epidemics, does not lead to complications, and most people over the age of 15 have antibodies to this form of the virus.
Classic form
Among all the variants of the course of the disease in practice, the most common is a typical flu. This is a disease characterized by manifestations of intoxication and disorders in the respiratory tract. The duration of the incubation period is no more than 3 days, after which the course is rapid. The child is feverish, shivering, on the first day the temperature often rises to 40 degrees. The child complains of a headache, especially felt in the temples, forehead, eyes and muscle tissue, joints hurt. The person feels weak, appetite disappears, vomiting appears.
Feverish peak in babies of one year of age and younger is possible with convulsive manifestations. Those who are older are more likely to develop meningismus, delirium, delirium.
It is easy to notice the flu and visually: the skin turns pale, as if marbled. This is especially pronounced in young patients. Often there is a bright blush. On closer examination, tachycardia can be seen, and the manifestations are closely related to febrilestate. Blood flow problems can trigger abdominal intestinal syndrome.
Severe case
Assessing the patient's condition, the doctor reveals how severe the intoxication is, and against this background he makes a diagnosis, formulates a conclusion regarding the severity of the form. The most dangerous case is considered to be when infection with a virus negatively affects the central nervous system, provokes a hemorrhagic syndrome, noticeable by nosebleeds, skin petechiae (a small rash that occurs when blood vessels rupture), and the presence of red blood cells in the urine.
There is a possibility of developing an atypical form. It is usually referred to as an erased course, when the symptoms are weak and appear briefly. There is a risk of infection and a hypertoxic form, which is especially difficult. This disease is characterized by shock associated with toxicosis on the background of viral infection. DIC syndrome develops, pneumonia, internal hemorrhages are possible.
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Risk group
Children aged six months and younger are most likely to get the flu. Often the disease begins atypically, toxicosis is mild, the manifestations are minimal, but the baby loses his appetite and cannot sleep. Such patients face complications in the form of a bacterial complication earlier than others. The disease develops rapidly, the probability of death is high.