Modern methods of treating diseases are very effective, but subject to accurate diagnosis. The analysis of such biomaterial as urine is one of the components of this process. Without examining the urine, in many cases it is impossible to determine the exact diagnosis. For an objective analysis, it should not have foreign odors, distorted color and composition. To avoid these factors, you need to properly prepare for the analysis, that is, follow the doctor's recommendations and find out what you can not do before passing urine.

Urine (urine in Latin) is one of the waste (excrement) of the human body. Urine is excreted by the kidneys. They release chemical compounds from cells, reabsorb and filter the blood. As a result of these processes, urine is formed, it is removed from the kidneys to the bladder, and from it in general from the body. Its composition is influenced by a person’s lifestyle, how much he moves, sleeps, what he eats, what he drinks, smokes or not, how muchtime in the open air, etc. Since so many factors affect the composition, it is important to know what not to eat before passing urine.

When urine is normal, it is light yellow, transparent. 99% - water, contains s alts (phosphates, sulfates, chlorides), decomposition products (nitrogenous) of substances containing protein (hippuric acid, uric acid and others), inorganic substances (anions, cations). The composition of urine is a very sensitive indicator of a wide variety of abnormalities in the body. A competent, qualified doctor will warn the patient before donating blood and urine what is forbidden and what is allowed to eat and drink so that the results are correct and there is no need to repeat this procedure.

Common urinalysis
A comprehensive (comprehensive) laboratory study reveals the physical and chemical characteristics of the biomaterial, having studied which it is possible to establish the presence or absence of diseases. Since the general analysis provides sufficiently voluminous information about the state of the body, it is one of the components of complex diagnostic studies.
As a rule, urine collection is carried out in the morning (from 7 to 10 am), since urine must be in the body for at least 4 hours before collection (it is better to accumulate all night). Morning urine is the best material for analysis, the results of which will be the most objective.
It is contraindicated for women to give urine during menstruation, foreign substances will get into it, and the resultswill be invalid.
Increased physical activity is contraindicated about a week before the study. They will lead to the fact that protein appears in the material, and this will negatively affect the result. It is very good to refrain from stress (if possible), they can also change the composition of the urine.

Indicators for deciphering a complete urinalysis
In the process, the degree of transparency, how thick the color, specific gravity, acidity coefficient are examined. The content of the following elements is also defined:
- hemoglobin;
- squirrel;
- bile pigments;
- glucose;
- ketone bodies;
- inorganic substances;
- epithelial cells (which may be in the urinary ducts) and blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes and others).
All of the listed signs and elements, their norm or deviation from the norm confirm or refute any pathology. In order for the results to be reliable, and not distorted, on the eve of the test, you should not take what you can’t eat before passing urine.

Circumstances in which a urine test is ordered
Such an analysis is required if additional monitoring of the state of the urinary system and the study of its possible pathologies, monitoring of the body during illness and the degree of influence on the treatment of medications taken are necessary. Urinalysis is required for clinical examination and various preventive measures.
Diseases determined by resultsurinalysis
Based on the results of research, tumors, diseases of the prostate gland, bladder, kidneys, pyelonephritis can be detected. Diseases such as diabetes mellitus (seemingly far from the urinary system and kidneys) can also be identified from the results of this study.

Before passing urine tests, you can not take any drugs that change the physical and chemical parameters of urine, color, smell. If the drugs were taken as prescribed by the doctor, then stop taking them 12 hours (in other cases 48 hours) before collecting the biomaterial. When the doctor has ordered a urine test, the patient must inform him of what medications he is taking, with what frequency.
The use of vitamin-mineral complexes also changes the color and composition of urine. For example, vitamin B12 turns it orange (this is not a normal color). Ascorbic acid changes the amount of oxalate s alts in urine.
Drugs of the nitrofuran group change the color of urine to brown (sometimes rusty), metronidazole - to dark, rifampicin - to red. And color is a sign of the norm or deviation from the norm.
The use of diuretics should be postponed, since after taking them the patient will often go to the toilet, urine should accumulate in the body for 4 hours (at least).
What food is better not to eat on the eve of the test
Visual methods of examining urine - this is an examination of its color and transparency, determining the smell. The presence of turbidity, coloror an odor that is not in accordance with the norm, may be misinterpreted by the medical staff in the laboratory. Therefore, it should be understood that you should not eat before passing urine products that change its transparency, color, smell.
So, for example, eating beets will color the urine crimson, carrots orange. Blueberries will make dark, asparagus, rhubarb, black licorice - greenish. The watermelon eaten the day before will purify and greatly clarify the urine, in addition, it will increase the amount of nitrates.
If the patient eats a lot of sweets before the tests, there will be an increased glucose content in the biomaterial, the doctor will be forced to prescribe additional studies to confirm a possible diagnosis. The same effect will give the use of flour products, dairy products, cereals. S alty should be limited or removed from the menu, pickles will provoke an increase in phosphates in the urine.
It should be remembered that you can not eat a variety of seasonings before passing urine (especially with strong odors): garlic, horseradish, onion, spices, mustard, bay leaf. Urine will have a strong odor that is very different from normal. This is a very important indicator of the norm or non-compliance with the norm. An uncharacteristic smell for urine proves a disease of diabetes mellitus, the development of inflammation (for example, if there is a strong smell of ammonia).
Collection and analysis of urine according to the Nechiporenko method implies the delivery of material on an empty stomach. In this case, the patient will be warned not to eat anything for 8 hours before passing urine. In case of exhaustion of the patient (for example, after a complex illness), you can eat a little, but with testsgive the laboratory a list of food eaten for half a day.
For a biochemical study of urine 1 day before the procedure, exclude foods containing vitamin C (currants, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, victoria, rose hips).
Urine analysis according to Zemnitsky does not prescribe restrictions on food and drink. Two days before passing urine for analysis on the level of catecholamines, remove pickled herring, cheese, bananas, chocolate from the menu.
Limit the intake of marinade, fried, fatty, smoked food, honey. These foods can also change the composition of urine.
The opinion that a lemon or pomegranate eaten on the eve of the procedure will make the urine composition correspond to the norm (even if the patient has eaten or drank not recommended foods or drinks before) is erroneous, modern medicine has not confirmed this.
What drinks to refrain from
A large volume of any liquid (not just water) can discolor the urine, so you should not drink a lot before passing urine. A color that is different from the norm will lead to unreliable results. Do not drink sparkling water, and if you drink, then regular water.
Needless to mention, no alcohol. It will change the amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Alcohol that has entered the bloodstream enhances the work of the kidneys to remove fluid from the body, so there may be an overestimated amount of toxins in the urine. The results are unreliable. Alcohol that enters the body with alcohol causes thirst, a person drinks water uncontrollably, this will change the color and composition of urine. The same recommendations apply to beer and low-alcohol drinks. Alcohol and beer should not be taken two days before the procedure.
If the patient could not resist and drank vodka, wine, beer, then the doctor should be warned about this, then he will definitely not be treated for diseases that he does not have.
If the study of urine is carried out to check the hormonal system, then the day before collecting the material you can not drink coffee and tea.
Modern juices and juice (or juice-containing) drinks contain flavorings, preservatives and colorants. These substances are chemically obtained, they can change the normal composition of urine, its color. You should not drink them before the tests.

For women in position, the recommendations on food and drink are the same as for other patients, therefore, what is impossible for pregnant women before giving urine is not for everyone. But these women are better off reducing their protein intake.
For pregnant women, before the procedure, it is not recommended to take foods and drinks containing caffeine, nitroglycerin, ethanol (as there will be overestimated adrenaline).
Special attention to pregnant women should be paid to taking diuretics. The day before collecting urine, you must stop taking them, they will provoke increased sodium in the urine. The results will be inaccurate. For these women, the supervising physician will clearly instruct them not to eat before the urine test.
Rejection of this bad habit will definitely improve the composition of urine. Smoking is contraindicated right before the collection of the material (about an hour). The result will be as accurate as will not need to retake urine for analysis.