Rosehip syrup: instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Rosehip syrup: instructions for use, contraindications, reviews
Rosehip syrup: instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Rosehip has long been known for its healing properties. In medical practice, its fruits and flowers are used for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Rosehip syrup will also help cure many diseases. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. Let's take a closer look at what is included in the composition of the syrup, indications for its purpose and application features.

What is the remedy?

Rosehip is often called a wild rose. This is an unpretentious plant that is ubiquitous and has a strong healing effect. Traditional medicine confirms that rose hips have healing properties, but still medicines based on it belong to the category of dietary supplements.

use of rosehip syrup
use of rosehip syrup

Rosehip syrup is prepared directly from the fruit of the plant. It is rich in vitamin C and tretinoin. These two components are often used in cosmetology, because they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, reducing the signs of aging. Such a remedy will also benefitvascular system.

You can buy ready-made syrup of domestic production in almost any pharmacy. It is packaged in glass or plastic bottles of 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 ml. The liquid has a thick consistency and a brownish-reddish tint. The price of the drug varies between 45-100 rubles.


In the production of a dietary supplement, an aqueous extract is used, which is obtained from rose hips, and ascorbic acid. These are the main active components of the syrup. Sugar and citric acid monohydrate are used as additional substances.

rosehip syrup composition
rosehip syrup composition

It should be borne in mind that the product is quite high in calories. Carbohydrates are the main energy value, but in addition to them, proteins, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and some vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, nicotinic and folic acid) are also present in the composition.

Useful properties

Instructions for the use of rosehip syrup warns that this is a powerful immunomodulatory agent. With it, you can strengthen the body's defenses and effectively resist viruses during the season of colds. In addition, the useful properties of the drug include:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • lower "bad" cholesterol;
  • stabilizing blood pressure in hypertension;
  • acceleration of the healing process of wounds, fractures;
  • detoxification;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • stimulationbile discharge;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • blood thinning.

The general strengthening and tonic effect of rosehip syrup is due to the presence of organic acids, flavonoids, pectins, trace elements and vitamins in the composition.

rosehip syrup for children
rosehip syrup for children

With the help of this tool you can fight excess weight. Vitamin C contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats. In addition, the food supplement has a positive effect on the nervous system, preventing the development of depression.

Indications for use

Rosehip syrup can be taken both for prevention and for the treatment of many pathologies. The list of indications for the appointment of this tool is quite wide. According to the instructions, it can be used in the following cases:

  • in the presence of kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • for hepatitis;
  • for peptic ulcer of the digestive tract;
  • with cholecystitis and cholangitis;
  • with hypovitaminosis;
  • with frequent catarrhal pathologies;
  • high cholesterol and atherosclerosis;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • for trophic ulcers, wounds, fractures;
  • with intoxication of the body (alcohol and medication).
benefits of rosehip syrup
benefits of rosehip syrup

For cosmetic purposes, the use of rosehip syrup will also be of great benefit. The tool can significantly improve the condition of the skin, reduce wrinkles, even out complexion.


Despite the fact that the remedy has powerful healing properties and is of plant origin, not everyone can use it. There is a huge risk of side effects and deterioration of well-being.

In what cases should rosehip syrup not be used for therapeutic purposes? Contraindications for prescribing the remedy are such pathologies as diabetes mellitus, severe kidney disease, circulatory disorders, bronchial asthma. A food supplement is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to active ingredients and during lactation.

During pregnancy, syrup can only be used as prescribed by a specialist who will select the necessary dosage and treatment regimen. Children are prescribed a dietary supplement only from the age of two.

Method of application and dosage

Rosehip syrup is for oral use. The dosage is selected depending on the age and type of disease. It is usually recommended to take it in a course of two weeks to a month.

how to take rosehip syrup
how to take rosehip syrup

For adult patients, the remedy can be taken three times a day, a tablespoon before each meal. It is washed down with a large amount of clean water or pre-dissolved in it. In some cases, the dosage is increased to two spoons.

Children from two years of age give half a teaspoon of syrup no more than three times a day. From the age of seven, a single dose of rosehip syrup is 1 dessert spoon.

To boost immunity, the drug is taken for seven days, and then done for two weeksbreak and repeat the course of treatment. Such a scheme helps to prevent an overdose of vitamin C. It should also be remembered that rose hips promote the excretion of potassium from the body, and therefore, during the treatment period, it is necessary to consume more foods that are rich in this trace element (raisins, dried apricots).

It is important to adhere to the dosages recommended by the manufacturer to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis while taking the syrup.

Interaction with other drugs

Dietary supplement contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid, which can increase the absorption (absorption) of drugs from the category of penicillins, iron and tetracyclines.

instructions for use of rosehip syrup
instructions for use of rosehip syrup

Means reduces the therapeutic efficacy of heparin and indirect anticoagulants. While taking rosehip syrup, the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood serum decreases.

Side effects

Due to the fact that the drug is of natural origin, side effects are extremely rare. However, with increased sensitivity to active or auxiliary components, allergic reactions may develop in the form of reddening of the skin, rash, itching. Some patients develop dyspeptic disorders.

Decrease in blood pressure is observed with long-term use of rosehip syrup. The instruction warns that the drug can cause hypervitaminosis in cases where the recommended dosage is constantly exceeded.


Mostpatients who took rosehip syrup leave positive recommendations. The drug quite effectively copes with beriberi, asthenic conditions, symptoms of intoxication. A huge advantage is that against the background of taking a herbal remedy, addiction does not develop.
