Thrush during menstruation: symptoms and treatments

Thrush during menstruation: symptoms and treatments
Thrush during menstruation: symptoms and treatments

Can there be thrush during menstruation, can it provoke a delay in "these days", and what dangers is this deviation associated with? He alth for a woman, especially of childbearing age, is perhaps the most important thing, because the ability to have a child is directly determined by the state of the body of a potential mother. And besides, thrush is a very unpleasant pathology, in everyday life it brings a lot of inconvenience. How to get rid of it? Why does thrush appear during menstruation?

during menstruation thrush
during menstruation thrush

To be treated, but not to be maimed

As soon as the "interesting" days approach, many women notice changes in the functioning of the body. Even if the lady is very careful about the issue of personal hygiene, problems can still not be avoided. The period of menstruation is most difficult for those who have at least once suffered vaginal candidiasis in the acute stage. If the disease is still not completely cured by the time the monthly bleeding begins, appropriate measures must be taken.

how to treat thrush during menstruation
how to treat thrush during menstruation

There are quite a few proven remedies for thrush in pharmacies, but not all of them are suitable for therapyduring the monthly cycle. To choose the best option, it is best to consult with a local gynecologist. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and many women are simply embarrassed to go to the doctor. Then what to do? Thrush before menstruation is not a sentence. There are many ways to exorcise the problem.

Cycle and candidiasis

With menstrual bleeding, an exacerbation of thrush often occurs, provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane covering the organs of the reproductive system. During this period, a specific environment is formed here, in which the colonies of the fungus can develop very actively, they have enough nutrients for this, the conditions contribute to rapid reproduction. In fact, thrush during menstruation is provoked by these days themselves.

Initially, the fungus, which causes unpleasant symptoms, exists in the female body, that is, no infection is needed from the outside. But in a he althy state, the immunity of a woman keeps the level of development of the colony under control. During menstruation, thrush worsens, and then it can go back to an inconspicuous state when the cycle goes through the most painful phase. However, the microflora can undergo changes not only under the influence of the female cycle, but also under the influence of a number of other factors.

Thrush: danger factors

Some situations provoke the development of a fungal colony, if they are excluded, the appearance of thrush during the "red days" can be prevented. In particular, special attention and support of the body system deserve in the off-season, when the likelihood ofoccurrence of an allergic reaction. Allergy to any factor is a strong stress for the body, when combined with menstruation, optimal conditions are created for the development of fungal colonies.

can there be thrush during menstruation
can there be thrush during menstruation

During menstruation, thrush can be caused by hormonal pills if the woman takes them. In addition, candidiasis can provoke ovulation or pregnancy. It must be remembered that at the very beginning, pregnancy can proceed unnoticed, the first menstruation (and occasionally even several cycles in a row) pass as usual, with “red” days. Often this period is accompanied by an exacerbation of candidiasis. Often the disease is provoked by antimicrobial drugs.

Menstruation and thrush: signs

Before you figure out how to treat thrush during menstruation, you need to understand what caused the development of the disease, and also determine that the situation is relatively controlled and the development of the colony does not signal serious malfunctions of the immune system or internal organs. Itching, burning and discomfort in the perineal area usually allow you to suspect something is wrong.

With thrush, the genitals may turn red. The disease is characterized by specific discharge with an unpleasant odor. Visually, they look like white cottage cheese, but they smell like fish. Candles from thrush during menstruation will be of particular benefit if the colonies have developed very actively. This is noticeable in the copious discharge. In a difficult situation, the curdled mass is tinted with blood both before and after the onset of monthly bleeding. In addition, allocationso abundant that they are easy to notice even during the most active days of menstruation.

Treat on time

About how to treat thrush during menstruation as efficiently as possible, a local gynecologist can tell. There is no need to wait until “these days” are over; at the first manifestations of the disease, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. The doctor examines the patient, interviews her, finds out what are the distinguishing features of the situation in this particular case. Against this background, a decision is made on the necessary analyzes. The doctor also determines which drugs to take in this case.

proven remedy for thrush
proven remedy for thrush

Inexpensive, effective pills for thrush for women on sale are represented by different names, each has its own specific features, and it is categorically not recommended for a non-professional to choose something for themselves among them. Only a doctor can say for sure which remedy will be both safe and useful. You need to understand that during the period of menstruation the body is weakened, and it is more difficult to defeat thrush than at other times.

Course: from start to finish

Usually, treatment of thrush during menstruation is not started, but the doctor focuses on the specifics of a particular situation. In some cases, it is better not to hesitate and immediately begin therapy. If the doctor recommends waiting for the end of monthly bleeding, then to maintain the strength of the body until the new cycle, it is better to constantly drink fortified herbal teas. Gynecologists also recommend refraining from douching, tampons, as this can provoke a fungal infection.activity.

Most often, the doctor prescribes a course of Nystatin tablets. The price for it is low (up to 150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer), as well as for a number of other effective popular drugs for candidiasis.

What to do?

At the end of the "red days" you can start the course prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, at the reception, he explains a detailed scheme for combating diseases. Patients are prescribed an integrated approach - you need to observe personal hygiene, use medications, maintain the body's strength with vitamins and herbs. Together, this gives the best and fastest results. If not treated in time, candidiasis can become chronic and cause a lot of inconvenience in the future. It must be remembered that in some cases the disease provokes infertility. Can thrush cause a delay in menstruation? Usually this does not happen, but everything will depend on the course of the disease and the degree of depression of the woman's immunity.

pills for thrush for women effective inexpensive
pills for thrush for women effective inexpensive

Usually, topical agents are prescribed to combat thrush. These are various tampons, ointments, gels, suppositories. In addition, Nystatin tablets have proven themselves well. The price for them in pharmacies this year has not changed - about 150 rubles. The duration of the course and the number of tablets for each day should be determined by the doctor. Usually, for this, tests are first taken to identify the features of the course of the disease in a particular case. If a woman has a regular sexual partner, he also needs to undergo antifungal treatment. Otherwisecase, there is a possibility of re-infection.

Hygiene and thrush

As has long been noted, personal hygiene is a good way to prevent the development of thrush. Often the disease is provoked by the use of tampons. Sanitary pads also create very favorable conditions for a colony of fungi. Doctors recommend changing such accessories every three hours. With a predisposition to thrush, it is necessary to use hygiene products without additional flavors, dyes.

There is an opinion among non-specialists that thrush is a non-serious disease, and it can simply be ignored, especially if the exacerbation occurs only during critical days. But this approach is fundamentally wrong: the development of candidiasis clearly shows that he alth is not normal, failures are observed in the body. It is necessary to go through all the examinations to find out what he alth problems there are and take measures to eliminate them.

Some features of thrush and its treatment

If the disease is severe, there may be a deterioration in general well-being. Patients often complain of lethargy, impotence, loss of interest in life. However, sleep disturbances may occur.

candles for thrush during menstruation
candles for thrush during menstruation

In general, thrush does not affect either the duration of the cycle or the timeliness of its start. But some drugs used in the treatment of candidiasis can cause a delay in the menstrual cycle. Usually the manufacturer indicates this fact in the instructions. If such a side effectthere are no medicines used, and a delay is observed, it is necessary to contact the local gynecologist for an additional examination. If failures in the cycle are provoked by drug therapy, upon completion of the course, the state of the body will return to normal, and the cyclicity will also come in order.

Thrush and pregnancy

In some cases, candidiasis is provoked by a weakened immune system associated with an "interesting situation". At the same time, pregnancy does not always guarantee the absence of menstruation - a lot depends on the specific individual situation. Quite a few cases are known when a pregnant girl had cyclic spotting. As a rule, they are also accompanied by thrush, which is due to the weakening of the immune system during the period of gestation.

During pregnancy, the body produces a specific hormone, gonadotropin, which causes the restructuring of internal systems. This affects both the activity of the reproductive system and the microflora, and the development of a Candida colony is often provoked. Thrush usually appears two weeks after the fertilization of the egg, although in some cases it can be fixed earlier.

Thrush: if left untreated?

Despite the assurances of doctors that candidiasis does not go away by itself, there is a general belief that the disease can simply be forgotten - the periods will end, the colonies will be destroyed by the immune system. In fact, everything is not so simple. Even at the end of the menstrual cycle, candida can remain active, and their colonies produce toxic tohuman body components. Burning and itching of the genitals persist, and an intimate act becomes a source of unpleasant sensations, rather severe pain. Reddening of the genitals also persists.

nystatin tablets price
nystatin tablets price

At the age of 50-55, when menopause comes, thrush worsens, all the symptoms characteristic of it are activated with renewed vigor. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of the female body. In order not to delay the situation, it is necessary to start treatment under the supervision of a doctor in a timely manner. It must be remembered that the disease can turn into a form of systemic candidiasis, life-threatening. Fortunately, pharmacies now offer a huge variety of drugs that show excellent efficacy in thrush. At the same time, the uncontrolled use of medications can only lead to an aggravation of the problem, so you need to be treated after consulting a gynecologist and going through all the tests required in such a situation.

There are also various folk recipes against thrush, but you should not get carried away with them too much: this will not replace official medicine, and the compatibility of folk methods and medicines is not always high. It is better to consult a doctor, only after that use one or another drug or composition against thrush.
