Treatment of epilepsy in Moscow: best clinics, reviews

Treatment of epilepsy in Moscow: best clinics, reviews
Treatment of epilepsy in Moscow: best clinics, reviews

Unfortunately, more and more people in our country suffer from such an ailment as epilepsy. Epilepsy is a congenital or acquired neurological disease. Most often, the disease is chronic. It is characterized by malfunctions of the nervous system, in particular the brain, due to excessive activity of neurons. As a rule, it is accompanied by seizures that occur periodically. More information about the symptoms, as well as methods of treating epilepsy in Moscow, can be found further in the article.

Illness definition

To date, according to statistics, more than 51 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. This figure is quite large, but people still do not fully understand what kind of disease it is. The disease has many symptoms and types of external manifestations. There is a stereotype that a person suffering from epilepsy is always convulsing, foam comes out of his mouth.

girl in depression
girl in depression

Of course, this can be challenged. The clinical picture of the disease is much broader than it is presented in popular culture. Symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Headache.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Hallucinations.
  4. Cramps affecting almost every muscle in the human body.
  5. Disruption of the heart.

There are two types of epilepsy: congenital and acquired. Often, the disease is diagnosed in a child from the very first days of his life. There is a rapid heartbeat, involuntary urination, bouts of breath holding. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

The older the child gets, the more signs and symptoms they get. Fortunately, the modern development of science and medicine makes it possible not only to maintain the patient's condition is normal, but also to deal with symptoms and disease.

If we talk about the acquired form, then the symptoms will be the same. As a rule, it all starts with a slight dizziness, turning into pain, later hallucinations appear, and then convulsive seizures. The causes of occurrence can be found below.

Causes of occurrence

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to say what was the true cause of the disease. In modern science, epilepsy is distinguished as an idiopathic disease. The reasons can be very different. Their occurrence is influenced by a huge number of factors, such as gender, age, ecology, lifestyle, and so on.

If we talk about congenital epilepsy, as already highlighted earlier, it manifests itself from the first days of a baby's life. Doctors attribute the appearance of the disease to a genetic predisposition, complications during pregnancy, damage to the nervous system duringtime of delivery.

In adulthood, the causes may be brain damage, such as during physical activities, accidents, strong blows, fights, and the like. Sometimes the disease begins to manifest itself due to a brain tumor or cancer. The cause may be Alzheimer's disease.


Can epilepsy be cured? The main goal of therapy is to stop constant convulsive seizures and transfer them from the active phase to the remission stage. This phase occurs as soon as a person has not experienced seizures for a year or more. Only the right drug treatment can provide the patient with a stable life.

processes in the mind
processes in the mind

If a person notices the first signs of epilepsy, you need to urgently go to the hospital and undergo a full course of examinations. It is important to find a clinic that will help to cope with this problem, because by providing yourself with good treatment, the patient can continue to live as before.


First of all, you need to undergo an examination of all systems of the human body. The main focus is on the study of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Prevention of the disease begins after fixed attacks of epilepsy that occurred in a person during the day, after which a comprehensive examination is carried out based on modern analyzes.

doctors at the clinic
doctors at the clinic

The doctor is obliged to make an accurate diagnosis, because in the event of an error, the patient faces dire consequences. Surveyof the nervous system is performed using a standard neurological examination, electroencephalogram (EEM) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Medicated treatment

As soon as the disease is confirmed, doctors begin to select individual treatment. There are a number of drugs that are aimed not only at suppressing symptoms, but also at treating them. The most commonly prescribed drugs are anticonvulsants, antiepileptics, and anticonvulsants.

All appointments occur only after an accurate diagnosis and passing all the tests. The treatment is very precise and individual, it requires constant medical supervision, adjustments, so it is best to take drugs under the strict supervision of a doctor. The best medicine for the treatment of epilepsy in Moscow, according to reviews, can be found in specialized clinics.

girl has problems
girl has problems

You can't skip or cancel medications. The specialist determines a clear schedule for taking drugs, violating which you can return to the starting point or aggravate the situation. If the patient misses even one dose of medication, this may cause recurrent seizures or result in an epileptic coma.

The right treatment plays a very important role. The doctor must carefully calculate the doses, since an overdose or an insufficient amount can affect the course of treatment. For example, if the drug is too small, the treatment will be ineffective and the daily seizures may not stop. And if an overdose occurs, then the nervous systemmay give a specific failure.

It is necessary to conduct a full course of examinations to identify weaknesses in the patient, which may be adversely affected by drugs. Properly selected treatment facilitates the course of the disease, reduces the number of epileptic seizures, slows down the development of diseases, and translates it into a chronic form. Modern treatments also include surgery, which we will discuss later.

Treatment of epilepsy in children

Unfortunately, the statistics confirm the disappointing forecasts. Every hundredth child suffers from epilepsy. Therefore, many parents wonder how dangerous this disease is and how it should be properly treated. In Moscow, the best treatment for epilepsy in children is provided in specialized clinics.

If you start treatment at an early age and continue therapy throughout the later years of life, you can save your baby from many of the difficulties that he may encounter. First of all, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Modern research methods help to identify diseases at an early stage in order to provide timely treatment.

Diagnosis of epilepsy in children

The beginning of the examination begins with electroencephalography, which will help to identify abnormalities that occur in the work of the central nervous system. This is followed by an MRI or CT scan of the brain. Treatment of children is fundamentally different from the treatment of adult epilepsy. Doses of drugs will differ from doses for an adult, will be more gentle and have lessnegative effect on the growing organism.

Therapist may prescribe medication. The main treatments include anticonvulsants, hormonal therapy and immunomodulatory.

Sometimes children are given surgery, lobotomies and device implants. Indeed, in modern medicine there are many ways to influence the nervous system through surgical treatment. At the preliminary examination, the patient's risks are assessed. The child's parents should make their own decisions regarding surgery. Sometimes it is vital, it will help get rid of seizures and avoid serious consequences.

Main Treatment Centers

It is better to get epilepsy treatment in Moscow. Hundreds of private clinics have been opened to treat this disease. Many of them provide very high quality services for the treatment of the patient, have the staff of the most highly qualified doctors, modern technologies and comfortable conditions. Below are the top clinics where you can get the best epilepsy treatment in Moscow.

the doctor cured the patient
the doctor cured the patient

"Cecile Plus"

The Cecile Plus Clinic is a multidisciplinary medical center. According to reviews, many patients are dissatisfied with the high cost of consultations, but the quality of the services provided is at its best. Despite the rather high prices, the patient is waiting for a modern, well-equipped, comfortable hospital, which has been on the market for more than 16 years. First-class therapies are associated with closecollaboration of the clinic with the Burdenko Research Institute.

Reception is conducted by the best neurologists, endocrinologists and psychotherapists who confirm their qualifications not only at international conferences and presentations, but also in practice in Moscow. The treatment of childhood epilepsy has been successfully carried out in this clinic for several years.

Address: 1 Tverskoy Yamskoy Lane, the building of the polyclinic of the Burdenko Research Institute. Mayakovskaya and Novoslobodskaya metro stations.

"Saint Luke Institute of Pediatric and Adult Neurology"

Multifunctional medical center. According to reviews, experienced neurologists, psychiatrists and pediatricians work here.

CNS abnormalities can be tracked on the latest EEG, MRI and vascular scanning machines. This epilepsy treatment center in Moscow specializes in pediatric pathologies of the nervous system. He is engaged in the treatment of epilepsy of varying severity and form of manifestation. The head of the clinic, Professor K. Yu. Mukhin (he is praised by almost all clients), makes sure that the practice always uses the latest treatment methods, modern equipment and diagnostic tools.

In a medical institution, you can undergo therapy for headaches, neuroses and other diseases of the nervous system. Doctors in charge of the work guarantee an individual approach to the problem, interest in a speedy recovery.

Address: Moscow, st. Akademika Anokhin, 9 Southwestern (1 km).



However, these are not all clinics in Moscow. Treatment of epilepsy in adults and children can be done inpsychotherapeutic center "GRANAT" - a multidisciplinary clinic. Highly specialized specialists will not only help to cope with epilepsy, but also relieve panic attacks, neurosis, insomnia, various forms of addiction. The therapy involves a modern and comprehensive approach that will help to look deeply into the essence of the problem to ensure the most accurate treatment. Once in the clinic, each patient will feel at home. Unlike treatment in state institutions, the GRANAT medical center has created an atmosphere of cleanliness, tranquility and comfort. The client can count not only on high-quality medical services, but also on the tact and friendliness of the staff, as well as the attentiveness of the attending physician. Many patients note the warmth and gentleness of the specialists of this clinic.

Address: 1st Krasnoselsky lane, 7/9A, building 11 Krasnoselskaya (980 m), Sokolniki.

Therapy in public clinics

Is the treatment of epilepsy in Moscow carried out in public clinics? Certainly. However, many patients have a negative attitude towards state institutions. In private clinics, most often the patient encounters the latest methods of treatment, a modern approach, and doctors who are interested in treatment. The work of doctors consulting in private institutions necessarily includes training and advanced training at the expense of the clinic.

a person is sick
a person is sick

According to reviews, there are not enough real qualified specialists in public hospitals. Individual approach and round-the-clock care will be provided only inhospital paid private clinics. Moreover, government facilities are not always as clean and sterile as some patients would like.

Professionalism, comfort, individual nutrition, home visits at any time - all this most often cannot be provided by a public hospital. In addition, public - does not mean free. Sometimes treatment in a polyclinic can cost more than if the patient went to a private clinic. But the comfort of service and efficiency will be many times less. This is what many patients say in their reviews.

Treatment of epilepsy with surgery

Serious indicators are needed for the surgical treatment of epilepsy in Moscow. These include:

  • Primary seizures during which consciousness is retained at the onset of the seizure.
  • Secondary seizures, maintaining consciousness in the initial phase and losing it in the second half.
  • Drop attacks - sudden drop in strength, rapid heartbeat, loss of full consciousness during a seizure.
operation in clinic
operation in clinic

The reason for the operation can also be neoplasms in the brain, various tumors, cancer. Surgical epilepsy may be associated with sclerosis of the temporal lobe of the hippocampus. The operation occurs due to the removal of the pathological part of the cerebral cortex. Laser treatment of epilepsy is not new in Moscow. This service is provided not only in the above-mentioned clinics, but also in such medical institutions:

  • "EMC". According to reviews, here you can get a diagnosis on a modernequipment, as well as receive highly qualified assistance. Patients also note the territorial accessibility of the clinic. Its branches are located on Shchepkina, Pravda, Trifonovskaya streets, as well as in Orlovsky and Spiridonievsky lanes.
  • "Epileptology and Neurology Center named after Ghazaryan". It is located at 1st Setunsky proezd, 5. It provides services not only for diagnosis and treatment, but also for pre-surgical examination and rehabilitation. According to reviews, the clinic employs real specialists who have helped thousands of patients return to a full life.

After rehabilitation, a person stops having seizures. Sometimes they go completely. For a successful recovery, it is equally important to follow the right lifestyle, maintain he alth with medication. In the event that it is not possible to get rid of convulsions forever, a course of drugs is prescribed again, but in smaller doses.
