A medical license is an act certifying the right of an organization or an entrepreneur to provide medical services on a free or paid basis. Obligatory receipt by public he alth institutions and a paid clinic is a requirement of the legislation governing free and paid medical services.
A potential patient, in order to be sure of qualified medical care, should contact a clinic that has this document. But before that, he should check his medical license. In order to check it, you need to know which authorities issue such licenses.

Licensing authorities
Licensing authorities are part of the federal, republican, municipal authorities. These include:
- federal, regional, municipal control services that oversee he alth care;
- bodies authorized by the executive power of the republics, territories, regions of Russia, inwhich subordinate medical and other organizations owned by the municipality.
The Federal Service for Surveillance in He althcare and its territorial branches are the licensing authorities. A license should be obtained in the territorial body where the clinic is located. No other organizations and institutions (other than those listed above) should issue such a document.
In order to check the validity of a medical license, first of all, you should check which authority issued it.

Legislative regulation of the licensing of medical activities
The rules for issuing licenses, types of permitted activities, validity periods are established by federal laws, decrees of the federal government and governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of He alth of Russia.
Those who want to check the effect of a medical license in more depth can first familiarize themselves with the legislative acts regulating this activity.
The above legislative and regulatory acts define the procedure for the operation of private clinics and medical organizations, which excludes harm to the life and he alth of patients.
Types of activities of medical institutions for which a license is required
Public and private clinics providing:
- emergency (first), high-tech (specialized), palliative care;
- carrying out medical examinations, examinations, examinations, prevention;
- he alth resort;
- transplantation of organs and tissues, harvesting, preservation of blood (and its components);
- massage, manual procedures, earlobe piercing, piercing and permanent makeup, tattoo.
All of them are required to license their activities. It is impossible to check a medical license without checking the types of permitted activities listed in it.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that many organizations that provide services for piercing ears, tattooing, piercing, massage do not have medical licenses. Managers in their defense claim that these are cosmetic services. This is a direct violation of the licensed activity. When receiving such procedures, in order to exclude possible harm to he alth (and sometimes life), you should find out in advance where to check your medical license.

Organizations and citizens who are eligible to obtain a medical license
A license can be obtained by medical organizations and entrepreneurs who, in accordance with the Charter, carry out medical activities (as the main one). Heads, their deputies and employees of private and public clinics must have an appropriate medical education (higher, secondary, additional), regularly improve their skills at least once every 5 years. In private clinics, the required medical experience in the speci alty for doctors is 5 years, for paramedical personnel 3 years. Mandatory to have a certificatephysician, whose specialization is "Organization of he alth care and public he alth". The same requirement applies to individual entrepreneurs. In a medical organization, internal control over the safety of the services provided should be established. To make sure that a private practitioner has the appropriate qualifications, it is enough to check the medical license.

He alth care location
An organization (entrepreneur) must have a room in which he carries out medical activities. This room must be equipped with appropriate equipment, appliances, tools, apparatus, other medical supplies necessary for medical activities (in accordance with the equipment sheet).
When contacting a paid clinic, the patient should definitely check the license of the medical organization to see if the address of the clinic matches the address in the license. If the address does not match what is specified in the license, then medical care cannot be provided in this room.
Validity of medical license
In the event that the applicant has submitted all the necessary documents to the licensing authority and at the same time meets all the requirements, the licensing authority issues a medical license. Its action is indefinite. But in certain cases it can be withdrawn. In this case, the provision of medical services is suspended until the issue of issuing a new license or renewing the old one is resolved.

Grounds for revoking a medical license
Revocation of a license may be due to violations detected during a routine inspection or an inspection based on a patient's complaint. The consequences of these violations should cause significant harm to the patient. For example, a significant deterioration in the he alth of a patient (or several patients), a threat to the patient's life.
Information contained in the license for medical services
This is the series and number of the license, the licensing authority that issued it, the date of issue, the licensed type of activity, the permitted types of services, the name of the organization to which it was issued, the main state registration and identification number. Attached is a detailed list of services, address, license validity period, licensing authority, signature of an official.

In accordance with the Licensing Regulations, the licensing organization maintains a register of issued licenses. It contains the data of organizations:
- licensed;
- rejected;
- re-licensed;
- whose license has been terminated or suspended;
- whose license has been renewed;
- received a copy or duplicate.
The register contains data on the name of the organization, its address, number and series, date of issue. The registry always has the ability to check a medical license by number.
Information about issued licenses on the Internet
The register of medical licenses is available on the website of the federallicensing authority - the Federal Service for Surveillance in He althcare, on the websites of territorial offices in the regions of Russia, on the State Services portal.
One of the requirements for licensed medical institutions and organizations is to place full information about the license obtained on the stand. It must be posted on the premises of the clinic in a public place so that anyone can see this information.
To check the license number of a medical institution, you need to go to the website of the licensing authority, follow the link "Unified Register of Licenses". In the search line that appears, enter the series and number or any data of the institution (for example, TIN or OGRN). After these steps, the search result will appear. A similar algorithm of actions is also on the State Services portal.