Ears are one of the main and sensitive organs of the human body. Without proper prevention and treatment of the internal organs of hearing, sound sensitivity may decrease. The most delicate and fragile part of the ear is the eardrum. It is a thin membrane through which air or liquid cannot pass. It creates a boundary between the middle and outer ear. Through this thin membrane, sound waves reach the inner ear. In addition, it prevents foreign objects from entering the ear cavity.
Treatment of most diseases of the hearing organs require an integrated approach. Massage of the eardrum is the most important and one of the most effective methods of treatment.

What does eardrum massage imply?
Pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane acts on the ear with a stream of air through repeated vibrations. This has a positive effect on the elasticity of the membrane, thereby gradually bringing hearing intonormal condition. Cyclic vibrations restore muscle tone. Such an effect is exerted by a special apparatus for massaging the ear tympanic membrane. It alternately emits a stream of air with low and high pressure. The best effect will occur only when the device and medicines are used together.
What does pneumomassage of the eardrum do?
Eardrum massage is performed not only as the main treatment for ear diseases, but also for a preventive effect. This procedure has many positive qualities:
- Restores membrane elasticity.
- Promotes the normalization of the functions of the small bones of the inner ear.
- Tones the auditory muscles.
- Positive effect on the blood circulation in the ear.
- Treats inflammation of the hearing organ.
- Improve fluid circulation in sections of the ear apparatus.
- Promotes the healing of adhesions and scars on the eardrum.

When is it recommended to have the procedure?
Diseases in which pneumatic massage of the tympanic membrane is prescribed can be completely different. The most common of these is otitis media. It often manifests itself in childhood. Without proper treatment, it can lead to serious consequences, up to complete hearing loss. In addition, there is a risk of developing purulent otitis media, which can cause inflammation of the meninges. Eardrum massage is used for:
- Otitis media of any degreegravity.
- Inflammatory processes.
- Presence of serous fluid in the ear cavity.
- Sensory hearing loss.
- Presence of adhesions and scars.
- Prophylactic procedures.
- Recovery processes after various hearing injuries.
- Diseases of the blood vessels.
- Menière's pathology.
- Dizzy.

Types of massage techniques
Any type of eardrum massage improves the condition of the hearing organs. Air vibrations with increasing and decreasing pressure improve the elasticity of the membrane and blood circulation in the auricles. With the regular use of this technique, scars heal and, in general, the regeneration process increases. In addition, massage provides increased fluid circulation, thereby increasing the exchange of nutrients. Thanks to regular massage, inflammation is relieved. It also prevents the development of the negative consequences of numerous diseases of the eardrum.
There are several types of ear membrane massage procedure. Each of them has its own characteristics and is used in different cases.
- Compression massage. It helps to normalize the tone of blood vessels. Improves blood circulation. Also used to relieve puffiness and fatigue.
- Massage with infrasonic vacuum effect. The procedure eliminates inflammatory processes, contributes to the normalization of pressure.
- Massage using mechanical or electrical action. This method speeds uprecovery process in the eardrum, improves its mobility and elasticity.
Massage devices
There are several devices for this procedure, which should be used to facilitate the massage process. However, along with this, it is worth remembering that you can always do a manual massage, without the use of any devices.

Massage machine
For the first time, a delstanshchem device was proposed for massage of the tympanic membrane. His invention was a device in the form of a pump, which worked by pressing the thumb. Air entered the eardrum, creating positive and negative pressure in turn, thereby causing the ear membrane to vibrate.
Currently, doctors use a modern analogue that runs on electricity. It is called "APMU-Compressor". This is a small device weighing only 1.5 kg. It consists of two tubes that force air into the hearing organs, due to which both one-sided and two-sided massage of the eardrum is performed. The optimum pressure is reached after 3 seconds. The procedure with this device lasts from 1 to 10 minutes. The advantage of this device is that the doctor himself can set the right time, as well as the amplitude and frequency with which the device will create air vibrations.

Apparatus for manual pneumomassage
It is possible to carry out pneumomassage without the use of electricappliances. One such device is the Politzer balloon. This is the easiest device to perform this procedure. It looks like a simple pear made of rubber, from which a flexible tube comes out. It is usually used in conjunction with a Zingle funnel and an otoscope placed in the ear canal. The airflow and the desired pressure is generated by manually squeezing the rubber bulb.
How to carry out the procedure in a hospital setting?
This is a fairly easy procedure that is usually performed by the average staff of a medical institution. The most important thing before starting the operation is to disinfect the device for massaging the eardrums. After that, make sure that everything is in order with it and the device is working in normal mode. To perform a massage, follow these steps:
- The patient must first sit down.
- The doctor sets the required pulse amplitude and frequency, sets the timer for a certain number of minutes.
- The tip from the hardware tube is inserted into the ear. It is important here that it covers the entire ear canal.
- The device is turning on. If the patient feels discomfort or even pain, care must be taken to adjust the pulse frequency.
- When the procedure is completed, the machine will turn off automatically.
- You can take out the handset.
The doctor must remember that during the first sessions, the amplitude and frequency should be small or medium. Over time, they can be increased, as well as the time of one procedure. One treatment course in most cases includes 10 sessions, which are carried outevery day or every other day, depending on the capabilities of the patient.
Massage with a manual apparatus should be carried out by an otolaryngologist. In one session, the Politzere balloon is squeezed 20 to 30 times. The amount of pressure applied must be controlled by the physician.

How to do the procedure at home?
It is quite possible to achieve a similar effect without leaving home. Massage of the eardrums at home is created with the help of hands. The patient can feel an effect similar to pneumomassage, if you tightly close your ears with your palms and open them at some intervals. However, for all its simplicity, massage of the eardrum at home requires some rules to be followed.
- First, you should clean the ears from wax.
- Wash your hands.
- Warm your palms (they should not be cold).
- Press palms firmly over ears.
- Make at least 10 clicks on the ears with an interval of 2-3 seconds.
- There should be no pain or discomfort.
- Pneumomassage should be used 2-3 times a day as a treatment procedure, for prevention it is enough to perform these actions once a day.
To improve and enhance the effect of the massage, you can use breathing exercises.
- The patient should inhale as hard as possible and pinch their nose with their fingers.
- Try to breathe in through your nose.
- When a chomping sound appears in the ears, it is worth finishingprocedure.

Indications for refusing the procedure of pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane are few, but they are quite significant.
- Don't agree to a massage during an exacerbation of inflammation.
- Massage is contraindicated in cases of barotrauma due to deep sea diving.
- When pathologies of the hearing organs or their atrophy are detected.
In addition, the procedure is not recommended for sudden changes in blood pressure, as well as before the upcoming air travel.