Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning appear within a short time after exposure. The skin, mucous membranes of the lungs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract can get sick - it all depends on where exactly the chemical has got. Regardless of the degree of poisoning, you need to call the doctors, and before they arrive, ventilate the room where the patient is located and unbutton clothes that may prevent him from breathing.
Where is formalin used?
Speaking of formaldehyde (formalin), it is worth noting that this is an aqueous solution that does not have color. Therefore, visually identify it will not work. But it can be easily recognized by its smell - strong, suffocating.

If we talk about where formaldehyde is used, then first of all you need to pay attention to the furniture industry. It is there that formalin-based resins are used for wood processing and not only.
The solution is also present in organic dyes, plastics and pharmaceuticals. Hisactively used as a strengthening agent. The bottom line is that formaldehyde perfectly tans cell proteins, which allows you to end up with tanned gelatin. The latter, in turn, is actively used when working with leather, textiles and for the production of film.
Household chemicals, cosmetics, embalming and disinfectants may also contain formalin.
Features of the poisoning process
Formaldehyde is a toxic substance. For this reason, it has a cauterizing and irritating effect on mucous membranes and tissues. If such a substance enters the body, it will inevitably oxidize, reacting with blood, and turn into formic acid.
The result of such a process may be kidney failure, since the load on this organ will increase significantly. The situation is further complicated by the fact that this substance is slowly excreted from the body.

But the negative impact of formaldehyde on the human body is not limited to this. Since it has the properties of a mutagen and a carcinogen, the damage will spread to the nerve tissues and the brain. Also, the substance has an extremely negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Considering the effect of formaldehyde on the body, it is worth noting the fact that it spreads very quickly through the body. It will take 12 hours to penetrate into the bone marrow, so treatment cannot be delayed.
How does poisoning happen?
It is important to understand that many substances containing formalin are notcan have a negative impact on humans. At the same time, formaldehyde can have an extremely negative effect on the human body if it is in the form of vapors. You can inhale it before it becomes clear that there is a harmful substance in the room. What's more, even when smelling a bad odor, people don't always react quickly.
For this reason, formaldehyde vapor poisoning is a real threat to he alth. Also, those objects in which there is a high concentration of the compound can be dangerous.
The most common causes of poisoning include:
- Skin contact due to rough handling. If there is direct contact with the chemical, a burn may occur. The most serious damage will be when formalin gets into the eyes: the victim may partially or completely lose his sight.
- Failure to comply with safety regulations at work. Poisoning can occur if workers at formalin-using facilities do not wear respirators, protective suits, and special uniforms.
- Eating foods that have been treated with formaldehyde. Such poisoning can occur due to the actions of sellers who, wanting to keep the attractive appearance of fish and meat for a longer time, treat them with this chemical. In order not to be a victim of this attitude, you need to smell the products of this product group before you buy. Since the formalin solution has a strong odor, it is easy to smell it.
- Accidental or special ingestion of formaldehyde. Curious children can taste the solution.

Thus, if there is a smell of formalin on food, things or in the air, you need to quickly distance yourself from the place of its presence.
Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning
How obvious signs of damage to the body will be depends largely on the concentration of the chemical in the air or the amount of the substance that got inside.
Death can occur if 50-60 ml of formalin has entered the gastrointestinal tract or lungs. In children and people with poor he alth, irreversible changes can occur from a smaller amount.
It is important to understand that the danger is not only acute, but also chronic form of poisoning. It is a consequence of the long-term effect of formalin on the body. The result of such a process can be problems with the central nervous system, lung damage and even malignant tumors.

As for the clinical symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning, they include:
- sore throat;
- increased secretion of tears and saliva;
- dry cough;
- pupil dilation;
- suffocating cough, sometimes developing into laryngeal edema and suffocation (if chemical poisoning occurs);
- painful abdominal cramps, vomiting and nausea;
- dramatic drop in blood pressure;
- increased heart rate;
- impaired consciousness, which can go into a deep coma;
- pain along the wayesophagus caused by mucosal burn (these are signs of oral formaldehyde poisoning);
- unsteadiness when walking, lack of coordination of movements;
- hand shake;
- pain in certain areas of the skin, accompanied by redness;
- appearance of bubbles with clear liquid inside.
If the chemical was in the air, then the symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning will affect the respiratory system. If this organic compound comes into contact with the skin, signs will appear, respectively, on the skin.
Within 20-40 minutes after poisoning, the condition of the victim may deteriorate greatly. We are talking about complications such as:
- Toxic hepatitis and acute liver failure. In this state, pain appears in the right hypochondrium, the mucous membranes and skin turn yellow, consciousness is disturbed. All this is accompanied by black liquid stools and dark vomiting. The color of the skin also changes - it becomes pale.
- Swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and lungs. The result may be suffocation.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding. It develops due to the fact that the vascular walls of the duodenum and the submucosal layer of the stomach are corroded by the chemical.
First aid
Respond to poisoning quickly, as the victim may die from pain shock, pulmonary edema or internal bleeding. The first thing to do is to remove the poisoned person from the room or place where contact with the chemical occurred.

It is also important to understand that it will not work to provide full assistance using a first aid kit. It is imperative to call an ambulance. And while waiting for her arrival, first aid should be provided in case of formaldehyde poisoning. The algorithm of actions in such a situation is as follows:
- Give the patient access to fresh air and rest. It is necessary to unbutton the victim's shirt and open all the windows in the room.
- Do not try to induce vomiting to empty the stomach or flush it. This procedure should be carried out only by physicians, using a special solution and a gastric tube.
- Get the victim drunk. For this, plain cold water is suitable. If the poisoning was due to formaldehyde entering the air, it is recommended to give the patient warm sweet tea (it should not be hot).
- Establish a clear airway if the casu alty is unconscious. To do this, you need to turn the patient's head to one side, putting him on his back before that.
- Wash the affected area of the body using running water. 20 minutes will be enough. This action is necessary if the chemical has got on the mucous membranes or the skin.
The first thing doctors do after their arrival is to assess the patient's condition after formaldehyde poisoning. Treatment is carried out when the basic anamnestic information is obtained. For this, pressure, breathing, pulse, etc. are checked.

First aid provided by doctors includes the following:
- Bettingdropper with solutions that lower the level of intoxication.
- The gastric cavity is washed with saline or water through a tube. The procedure avoids more damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines, and also helps to remove the remnants of the chemical.
- Inject painkillers. They are used in case of severe pain after a burn of the esophagus.
- CPR and intubation for laryngeal edema.
- Drugs are administered to stabilize blood pressure, respiration and heart rate.
When are hospitalizations?
If the patient's condition worsens, they can be taken to the toxicology department or intensive care.
Treatment, which is carried out in a hospital, includes the following steps:
- Formalin antidote is introduced. It is 3% ammonium chloride or carbonate. The purpose of this procedure is to neutralize the action of formalin.
- Purify the blood if the kidneys were affected.
- Inject drugs that normalize the heart rate.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding is stopped if it is detected.
- Droppers are put in order to carry out forced diuresis. Increasing the volume of urine produced allows for a faster elimination of the chemical from the body, provided that kidney function has been preserved.

Treatment and examination of the patient at the hospital is carried out in parallel. As a diagnostic measureelectrocardiogram, ultrasound, urinalysis and blood biochemistry are used.
If you have to work in a factory where formalin is used, then you need to carefully follow the safety rules:
- use respiratory protection;
- install a good ventilation system in the work area;
- do not smoke or eat in areas where materials containing formaldehyde are handled.

Hazardous to he alth can be rooms with new furniture or carpets. The bottom line is that formalin is often used in the production process of these products. If its concentration is high, then an unpleasant odor will be felt in the room. In this case, frequent ventilation is recommended.
As for cosmetics, medicines and household chemicals, they should be stored in places where children cannot reach.
Formalin is a dangerous substance that can cause significant harm to human he alth. You can identify it by a noticeable unpleasant odor. When poisoned with this chemical, symptoms appear quickly. And if they are, you should immediately call an ambulance to cleanse the patient's body.