Frontitis in a child is a common disease. It is an inflammation of the frontal tissues in the sinus of the nose.
This type of illness gives children discomfort and discomfort, and can provoke a number of negative consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main causes, symptoms, features of diagnosis and treatment of this problem.
Types of diseases
There are various forms of the disease. The front is classified into the following types:
- Single-sided.
- Double-sided.
- Catarrhal and others
Single sided
During the diagnosis, it is found that the disease is involved in only one sinus, located in front of the forehead. In this situation, babies will complain of malaise in one part of the frontal lobe.
In most cases, frontal sinusitis occurs in an acute form. A distinctive feature is extensive inflammation of the frontal sinus. In this case, immediate treatment is required so as not to lead to more pathological forms.
As a rule, it is a chronic form of frontal sinusitis. With suchIn the scenario, there are no symptoms of the disease, but inflammation occurs in the tissues of the frontal sinus. It is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the channels, discomfort in the forehead, a problem with nasal breathing.
Modified sinusitis, flowing in severe form. Caused by bacterial infection. According to statistics, 2% of children suffering from purulent sinusitis face an unforeseen complication of inflammation of the cerebral cortex.
This form is caused by a protracted inflammatory process that leads the patient to the disintegration of the affected tissues of the frontal sinuses. In this case, the process of atrophy of the mucous membrane is possible for the child. And in the near future, the focus of inflammation will begin to make itself felt with the first manifestations of the complications of this disease.

Despite what type of frontal sinusitis was detected in a child, it is advisable to start drug therapy, which should start in the near future in the hope that the disease does not turn into a chronic form of its course.

Otherwise, the baby will have to suffer from periodic exacerbations of the inflammatory process all his life.
Frontitis in a child occurs from the age of 5, because it is at this age that the paranasal sinuses begin to form.

This disease has many provoking factors. However, the most common causes of frontal sinusitis in children are:
- Weakened immunity.
- Allergy. This reaction narrows the airways. One type of allergic reaction is rhinitis.
- Dental diseases (especially caries).
- Congenital deviated septum.
- Acquired damage due to trauma, impact, all kinds of falls or deformities of the skull.
- Hypothermia. Prolonged stay of the child in the cold leads to this disease. Most often this happens through the fault of the parents, because the children are not dressed for the weather.
- Infections and viruses (SARS or flu).
- Wrong treatment.
- Foreign interference. Very often, children put small parts in their noses, resulting in sinusitis.
Basic signs of frontal sinusitis in children:
- Aching pain in the area where the eyebrows are located. When pressing on this place, discomfort occurs.
- There is nasal congestion in the absence of a runny nose.
- Headaches (especially in the frontal part), which are aggravated during sudden movements of the head.
- High body temperature.
- Discharge from nasal passages (yellow or green mucus), foul odor.
- Baby does not smell.
- Deterioration of well-being, pallor of the face, difficulty in nasal breathing, swelling around the eyes.
- Loss of appetite.
- Cough that gets worse when lying down (at night).
- Restless sleep.
Important! The consequences can be quite serious. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment on time, ifbaby does not breathe through the nose, and do not stop halfway.
The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis when he externally examines the patient, examines the medical history (when and how exacerbations occurred), listens to the patient's complaints (for example, the child does not breathe through the nose), and finally conducts his own research.

To do this, children undergo the following types of diagnostics:
- Endoscopic examination of the cavity of the nasal canals and all parts of the nasopharynx. It will completely eliminate a number of blocking air circulations, because often children push foreign objects up their noses.
- Rhinoscopy. With the help of specialized tools, the ENT will visually inspect the mucous membranes and analyze the epithelial surfaces of the organ.
- X-ray - with the help of it, the doctor will see the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the sinus of the nose (manifested as dark spots).
- Bakseev. The mucosa is taken from the nasal opening of the child with an aseptic cotton swab. This study detects the presence of specific infections.
- Ultrasound (if X-ray is not available).
- Computed tomography. The most effective diagnostic method that allows a specialist to see the accumulation of fluid in the frontal part, if it is present there.
- Scintigraphy. The final form of the study. It is used in case of complications, allows you to identify a number of pathologies.
In the early stages, the disease can be treated quickly, so if one of the causes is identified, one should immediatelyconsult a doctor. The main thing is not to hesitate, so as not to aggravate the child's condition.
After the symptoms have been identified and the doctor has examined the child, a course of treatment is prescribed. How to make nasal breathing easier? The therapy consists of the following points:
- Antibiotics. They are prescribed in case of persistence of prolonged symptoms (more than 7 days) and with the appearance of fever. Before prescribing such drugs, it is advisable to examine the child's body for the sensitivity of microflora. This will allow for a more effective course of treatment. But you need to know that if the antibiotic does not work within three days and no changes are visible, then it should be replaced with a more effective drug.
- Probiotics. Normalize intestinal microflora, preserve useful intestinal microelements.
- Antipyretic drugs. Prescribed in case of fever in a child, for example, "Paracetomol", "Nurofen", etc.
- Vitamins and mineral treatment complex. Helps strengthen the child's immune system.
- Physiotherapy: electrophoresis (heating the frontal lobe and bridge of the nose with dry air), quartz of the nasal cavity (disinfection process using ultraviolet rays), laser therapy, UHF (ultra high frequency therapy).
- Antihistamines. They will help to stop the inflammatory process, blocking the production of mucus and relieve swelling ("Loratadin" and "Diazolin").
- Anti-inflammatory drugs (drops, aerosols and nasal sprays).
- Surgical intervention. Atthe ineffectiveness of previous treatments, surgery occurs.
It is very important to treat with antiseptic solutions for washing the nose ("Kameton", in other cases - "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin", "Furacilin"). If drug therapy fails, specialists resort to surgical intervention.

This takes into account the patient's age, tolerance and allergic reaction to anesthesia, weight, medical history. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
Other methods
With frontal sinusitis in children, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. As an additional way, traditional medicine comes to the rescue, previously agreed with the doctor.

The following products significantly improve the patient's well-being:
- Shabby Cranberries with Sugar - this remedy will help strengthen the immune system with vitamins (particularly C) that fight infectious colds.
- Raspberry. In every house, raspberries (in any form) must be prepared for the winter, they contain many vitamins that can fight colds.
- Herbs, especially chamomile, sage, calendula, they can gargle and wash the nose, kill germs well.
- Inhalation with soda, herbs and iodine.
- Breathe over potato steam.
- To cleanse the nasal mucosa, warm water with the addition of a couple of drops of tea tree oil also helps. Gotta drip nose thenremove mucus.
- Don't forget about oxolinic ointment and Asterisk balm.
- Aroma lamp - eucalyptus oil is heated in it. The procedure facilitates nasal breathing.
- Massaging biological points. The first of them is between the eyebrows, the second is in the middle of the forehead, the third is the temples, the fourth is on both sides of the nostrils. Massaging movements can reduce pain. The pressure should be soft, you need to rotate clockwise.
Before applying these methods, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to these substances.
One of the most effective methods of fighting the disease are preventive procedures, which are primarily aimed at strengthening the baby's immunity.

What they are:
- First of all, parents are obliged to create comfortable conditions for the child. Children's room should be constantly ventilated at any time. It also needs to be moisturized. For this, humidifiers are used. They will be replaced by placing small containers of water in different parts of the children's room.
- Strengthen the child's immunity by hardening (contrast shower).
- Follow proper nutrition.
- Treat various diseases in time so that they do not develop into serious forms.
- Give vitamins regularly.
- Physical activity, daily walks in the air (weather permitting).
- Try to avoid hypothermia and drafts. Always dress your childweather.
In any case, the condition of the child should not be ignored. The sooner treatment is started, the faster the recovery will be. Otherwise, chronic frontal sinusitis in children is possible, which will manifest itself periodically throughout life.