What and how to restore blood loss

What and how to restore blood loss
What and how to restore blood loss

Blood loss is a condition characterized by a decrease in BCC (volume of circulating blood) and the development of certain clinical symptoms. This situation is usually associated with a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall and is a pathological process, therefore, it is a he alth and life-threatening condition. It is important to know how to restore blood after loss.

Types of blood loss

The following types of blood loss are distinguished:

  • Where does blood loss occur: external (explicit), internal (hidden).
  • By duration and intensity: acute, chronic.
  • By the nature of the damaged vessel: arterial, venous, capillary.
  • According to the degree (volume) of loss: small (up to 10-25% of the volume of circulating blood less than a liter), medium (30-40% of the volume of less than one and a half liters), large (more than 40%). Sometimes a large blood loss is divided into sub-degrees - massive from 40 to 70% (from one and a half to two liters of blood), fatal - exceeds 70%, which is equal to two liters.
  • By character:physiological (in women during menstruation up to 100 ml, during childbirth up to 400-500 ml).
blood loss how to recover
blood loss how to recover

Causes of blood loss

The reasons that can lead to the development of bleeding are different factors. However, it is important to know how to help in this case, how to quickly restore blood loss. The following causes of the problem can be identified:

  • Violation of the integrity of the vascular wall under the influence of a mechanical factor (cuts, injuries, open fractures).
  • Gynecological bleeding (organ lacerations - uterine rupture, ectopic pregnancy).
  • Deficiency of clotting factors (8, 9, 11, vitamin K and others).
  • Obstetric bleeding (atonic uterine bleeding, for example).
  • During surgical procedures.
  • In diseases (stomach and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids, neoplasms, especially in the last stages).
  • The action of chemical compounds (drug overdose, poisons of some snakes and spiders).
how to restore blood after loss
how to restore blood after loss

Symptoms of blood loss

Clinical manifestations depend on the degree of blood loss. There are such stages of severity:

  1. Minor (mild degree). Blood pressure is slightly reduced, the pulse also quickens, pallor appears, body temperature is within normal limits, consciousness is clear.
  2. Average. The pulse quickens, blood pressure decreases moderately, pallor increases, short-term fainting is possible,cold sweat.
  3. Big loss. The pulse quickens over 120 beats per minute, the pressure drops less than 100 mm. rt. Art., the skin becomes even paler, cyanosis appears, breathing also quickens, consciousness becomes cloudy, vision is upset, cold sweat is intensively released.
  4. Massive loss. The pressure drops below the critical mark (less than 60), the pulse quickens even more, becomes thready, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, the skin is cyanotic, the consciousness is even more confused, the facial features are sharpened.
  5. Deadly. The pulse can be traced weakly, the pressure is below 60 mm. rt. Art. and approaches zero, the state is similar to comatose and preagonal. This stage is the most life-threatening for a person, it is necessary to know how to restore a large loss of blood.
blood loss
blood loss

Recovery from blood loss

Knowing how to restore blood loss is very important. Urgent measures taken will help a person's life. There are various methods for restoring blood volume. Consider the main ways:

  • fluid recovery;
  • medical procedures (including infusion therapy, blood transfusion);
  • recovery with food (this method is not effective for large blood loss);
  • doctors may prescribe iron supplements to restore hemoglobin and red blood cell counts;
  • reduced physical activity;
  • use various vitamins (for example, group B) or their complexes to strengthen the body and blood formation.
big blood loss how to recover
big blood loss how to recover

Restoring blood loss with fluids

With a small amount of blood loss, you can restore at home by strengthening the drinking regimen. For these purposes, ordinary purified water is used. If a person acts as a donor, then the restoration of lost blood can be accelerated by taking a small amount of red wine. You can replenish the volume by increasing the amount of water consumed. Also, to restore the body, rest and trace elements are needed, so you can include various fruit drinks and decoctions in the diet - rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile and others.

Recipe for making an infusion: mix one tablespoon of dry leaves of willow-herb, raspberries, St. John's wort flowers, 2 cloves, pour boiling water. Let it brew, add a quarter of an apple and a little boiling water.

It is also useful to add currant leaves to tea.

restore blood loss products
restore blood loss products

Blood Recovery Products

It is possible to restore blood loss with foods. Valuable properties have:

  • lentils;
  • pomegranate fruit;
  • spinach;
  • fresh apples with skin;
  • beef liver;
  • hematogen.

Seeds and beans for blood restoration

These foods are iron-rich, with up to 3.9 milligrams per half cup on a dry weight basis. The group of legumes includes chickpeas, various types of beans, black beans, lentils. Also rich in iron (4.2 milligrams per serving) is pumpkin, especially itsseeds. Therefore, to restore blood loss at home with the help of products, it is recommended to use pumpkin seeds. Another useful property of the product is anthelmintic activity.

blood loss products
blood loss products

Porridge for recovery

Blood can be restored by eating cereals, especially buckwheat. It contains a large amount of iron, protein, folic acid, vitamins from group B. These substances are involved in the process of hematopoiesis, therefore, with blood loss, it is useful to include buckwheat porridge in the diet.

Fruits and vegetables recommended for blood loss

Among fruits and vegetables that are useful in restoring blood are: broccoli, tomatoes, artichokes, potatoes with skins, chard. Separate spinach. It contains the B vitamin folate. It helps the body restore blood loss, and also helps strengthen the vascular wall, stabilize blood pressure. Taking it can be considered a prevention of stroke and heart attack.

Peaches, kiwi, citrus fruits are useful from fruits. Apples are considered an effective product for blood purification and replenishment processes. They are also useful for improving the functioning of the lymphatic system, blood flow through the vessels. The fruits are rich in iron, an additional advantage is the easy absorption of the product. Only use them with the whole peel, this facilitates the recovery of the body.

how to quickly restore blood loss
how to quickly restore blood loss

Quickly restore blood with meat and fish

The form of iron also plays an important role, in addition to its quantity in products. This trace element is heme and non-heme. The first form is better absorbed. It is similar in structure to heme, which is an integral part of human hemoglobin. The percentage of this form of iron is higher in meat products. Therefore, recovery after blood loss is easier and faster. Also, this element in combination with folic and other acids is found in seafood. Among them, fish are distinguished (sardines, salmon are especially useful), oysters, shrimp, shellfish.

It is also known that iron absorption occurs better in an acidic environment (for example, under the influence of vitamin C). For this reason, among the products that restore blood loss, lean meats are recommended, as well as vegetables and fruits with a high content of this vitamin.

In addition to meat dishes, the patient's diet should be diversified with beef liver and cereals (especially buckwheat). This combination contains a large amount of protein and other useful components - iron, sodium, zinc, copper, calcium, B and A vitamins, a complex of amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, lysine). Due to the presence of these substances, the liver is able to participate in hematopoiesis by increasing the production of hemoglobin.

meat and fish
meat and fish

Recovery of blood loss in women after menstruation, abortion and childbirth

Blood loss is more easily tolerated by women than by men. But despite this, they still need to recover the volume of the loss. With heavy menstruation and chronic bleeding in womendevelops as a complication of iron deficiency anemia. Also, "anemia" often occurs during childbirth and pregnancy. This situation is aggravated by the fact that the female body consumes nutrients for the development of the fetus, so the need for microelements (in particular iron) is higher than usual.

Decrease in hemoglobin levels during gestation, childbirth and lactation is common. The peculiarity is that it is possible to increase the blood component with the help of drugs, products with a high iron content are not able to sufficiently and steadily increase the production of the substance. So, for example, one of the safest for mother and baby is "Hemobin". It contains a high percentage of concentrated, purified animal hemoglobin, as well as vitamin C. However, it should be remembered that any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor.

bleeding in women
bleeding in women

How to normalize blood composition

With critically high blood losses, the content of components and plasma decreases in its composition. In this case, it is advisable to use infusion therapy. Solutions are used as an increasing plasma-substituting medium. However, a transfusion is an emergency way to help save a patient's life. But at the same time, it does not normalize the qualitative composition of the blood, it is important to restore the functioning of one's own blood formation system.

Ways to increase the level of blood components:

  1. Platelets - the normal amount in the blood of a he althy adult is 180-400 thousand U / μl - increase at a reduced levelindicator can be achieved by using vitamins of group B and A, thrombogenesis stimulants ("Thrombopoietin"), "Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone".
  2. Leukocytes - 3, 98-9, 0 is considered a normal level 109 U/l (for women up to 10, 4) - you can increase it with the help of diet, stimulants synthesis of leukocytes ("Pentoxyl", "Leucogen").
  3. Erythrocytes - 3, 7 - 5, 31012 /l (for women up to 4, 7) are considered normal - they can be increased by taking iron supplements (for example, "Hemobin", "Ferritin").
