Hydradenitis: treatment at home

Hydradenitis: treatment at home
Hydradenitis: treatment at home

In the article we will consider the treatment of hidradenitis at home. The human body, due to interaction with various kinds of microbes and bacteria, is often affected by infectious diseases. One of them may be hidradenitis, that is, inflammation of the sweat apocrine glands, which can lead to the appearance of carbuncles, opening and scarring on the skin. How can hydradenitis be treated (see photo in the article) at home with affordable traditional medicine?

hydradenitis under the arm treatment at home
hydradenitis under the arm treatment at home

A pathology in a neglected form can cause an inflammatory process in soft tissues and, in the most difficult case, lead to a general infection of the blood with harmful bacteria. That is why it is important to prevent the development of pathology, preventing it in the early stages by any means that are at hand.

Reasons for appearance

Treatment of hydradenitis will be considered below, but for now let's talkabout the reasons for its occurrence. Pathogenic pathogens are streptococci and staphylococci, which penetrate the body. Pathology begins to manifest itself in the form of redness (mainly in the groin and under the shoulder joint). The inflamed area becomes dense and resembles the size of a pea (maybe even more). Due to the fact that the formation is similar to a dog's nipple, the disease is popularly called bitch's udder.


The main signs of an incipient disease are:

  • feeling of general malaise and fatigue;
  • jumps in body temperature;
  • during palpation, painful tubercles and mounds are felt;
  • redness in the area of the groin and armpits;
  • Itching is felt in the area where nodules appear.

It should be noted that the main way to determine the presence of pathology is an external examination. If the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should definitely go to a specialist. Is antibiotic treatment for hidradenitis effective?

Therapeutic Methods

To combat the inflammatory process in the sweat glands, a conservative method is used, that is, antibiotics and antiseptics are used. Since inflammation often accompanies a weakening of the immune system and the endocrine system, the following drugs are required for rehabilitation:

  • tetracycline drugs;
  • glucocorticoid drugs;
  • retinoids;
  • drugs of the macrolide group.

Antibiotics are prescribed ifthere is severe inflammation. The disease has a serious effect on the body, and such drugs can prevent the spread of infection and complications.

hidradenitis ointment treatment
hidradenitis ointment treatment

To stimulate the release of pus, use "Liniment Vishnevsky" or ichthyol ointment. The bandage should be changed 3 times a day. After the purulent contents have found a way out, the following means should be used:

  • "Levomekol" - has an antimicrobial, antiseptic and wound healing effect.
  • Lotions with a 2% solution of "Clindamycin", which are changed every 30 minutes.
  • Bandages soaked in a mixture of dimexide and iodine solution, alcohol chlorophyllipt or calendula tincture.
  • Oflomelide, which contains a combination of the antibiotic ofloxacin, the wound healing agent methyluracil, and the local anesthetic lidocaine.

In some cases, the disease manifests itself at a time when the patient cannot go to a medical facility or pharmacy. Treatment of hidradenitis in this case is carried out at home using folk methods and remedies.

Bitch udder therapy with traditional medicine

To prevent the spread of pathogens in the body, the area near the redness should be wiped with an antiseptic, boric or salicylic alcohol, a solution of boiled water and medical alcohol (one to one proportion), chlorhexidine. When antiseptic treatment has been performed, the inflamed area is lubricatedVishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. A bandage is applied to the treated epidermis and fixed with a plaster. It is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a day.

hidradenitis antibiotic treatment
hidradenitis antibiotic treatment

You need to know that when treating hidradenitis at home with antiseptics, it is strictly forbidden to wash your armpits, as there is a possibility of various complications.

Healing plants for hydradenitis

People have known for a long time what a bitch udder is. That is why they tried to use various plants, as well as their components, for its treatment. Then, over time, they noticed that the inflammation process slows down if the leaves of such plants are applied to the affected areas: cabbage, blackberry, lilac, Kalanchoe, plantain and aloe.

Oven baked onion

All of the listed plants eliminate inflammation and help draw out pus. Oven baked onions are considered an effective traditional medicine in the treatment of a bitch udder. The vegetable is cut into rings and applied to the inflamed area.

hidradenitis in the groin treatment
hidradenitis in the groin treatment

Crushed raw potatoes and wrapped in gauze are applied to the area affected by the infection. What other treatment for underarm hidradenitis can be effective?

Herbal ointment

If hydradenitis occurs in the armpits and progresses, the disease can be treated with an herbal ointment. First you need to make calendula oil: calendula flowers (one and a half cups) are poured with vegetable oil(glass) with a temperature of 80 to 100 degrees, after which they are mixed. It is necessary to insist the remedy for 40 days in the dark and strain. Treatment of hidradenitis with ointment has been carried out since ancient times.

Ointment recipe: two parts fresh marigold flowers, two parts yarrow, one part sweet clover, two parts dandelion roots, one part horse sorrel roots, one part tansy blossoms. All herbs must be washed and scrolled through a meat grinder. Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment (one part each) are added to the herbal gruel. The whole mixture is diluted with calendula oil, which was prepared earlier, to obtain an elastic homogeneous mass.

treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies
treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies

During the treatment of hydradenitis, you need to wipe the inflamed area with an alcohol solution (alcohol, cologne or herbal tincture). After that, the ointment is applied for the whole day, and in the evening the manipulation is repeated. The result is noticeable in a day: an increase in abscesses under the arm, the appearance of white heads. All the pus begins to come out on the third or fourth day.

Treatment of the bitch udder with "grandmother's" recipes

  • Another folk remedy is butter, beeswax and rosin, taken in equal proportions. These ingredients are melted in an enamel bowl and mixed thoroughly, but do not boil. As a result, a homogeneous mass is formed. After it cools down, you need to fold the bandage in several layers, apply ointment on it and attach it to the inflamed area, fix it with adhesive tape. Compresses need to be changed depending on the release of pusuntil everything is healed.
  • Cleansing the blood during hydradenitis. To get rid of the bitch udder, you need to clean the blood with nettles: dry grass (one tablespoon) is poured with a glass of boiling water, then infused and drunk throughout the day. Do this within 2-3 weeks.
hydradenitis under the arm treatment
hydradenitis under the arm treatment
  • Treatment of hydradenitis with a golden mustache. When an abscess occurs under the armpit, two leaves of a plant such as a golden mustache are applied at night. The same must be done the next night. On the third night, improvements are noticeable, and after a week there is no trace of the sore.
  • Tibetan black patch for hydradenitis under the armpit and abscesses. This drug quickly eliminates any boils, abscesses and bough udders. To do this, mix 50 grams of laundry soap, ground on a grater, the same amount of rye flour, a tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil. Everything is diluted with boiling water (150 ml), boiled for 2-3 minutes, one church candle is added (the wick is removed), everything is stirred. The resulting ointment is applied to a napkin and applied to the abscess, the bandage is fixed with adhesive tape. It needs to be changed every day. At first, there may be pain. In two weeks there is a complete recovery.
  • Treatment of hydradenitis in the groin in succession. The following recipe helps very well: a strong tincture of the string is made, then, until it has cooled down, a rag is dipped into it and applied to the abscess. A moist warm compress is applied 6 to 8 times a day. Thanks to this in two daysbitch udders can be cured.

Whatever method you choose, remember that each disease has its own characteristics of the course. Therefore, before using folk recipes, it is best to first consult a doctor.

In addition to the treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies, a special diet is used

It is worth noting that the use of tincture of calendula officinalis (marigold flowers) has a positive effect on human he alth. To prepare the drug, boiled water (two glasses) is taken, calendula flowers (two spoons) are added to it, everything is infused for two hours. Should be taken half a glass before meals.

hidradenitis treatment at home
hidradenitis treatment at home

During the treatment, root vegetables such as beets, carrots and celery will be useful. It is advisable to eat them raw, as this way they retain more of the nutrients that have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended that during the course of the disease the use of such products that strengthen the patient's immune system.


The process of inflammation appears in places of excessive sweating. That is why the main drug in the prevention of the disease is the observance of personal hygiene. Those who are predisposed to pathology should use wet wipes or take a shower on hot days. After depilation, you need to apply cosmetic antiseptics. If redness appears on the skin, it is necessary to immediately burn them.a solution of brilliant green or iodine.

What else to consider?

Bitch udders can also appear when using depilatory products belonging to an infected person. Excessive use of antiperspirants can lead to pathology. The risk group includes people who are overweight. When a disease appears, you do not need to rely only on folk remedies, but contact a competent specialist. Thanks to an integrated approach, you can get rid of this pathology. We reviewed the treatment of hidradenitis under the arm at home.
