Progesterone to induce menstruation in women: instructions for use and reviews

Progesterone to induce menstruation in women: instructions for use and reviews
Progesterone to induce menstruation in women: instructions for use and reviews

Some women experience menstrual irregularities. The main reason for this phenomenon is considered a violation of the hormonal background. It's no secret that the hormonal system is very important for the human body. If even one hormone is not produced correctly, the he alth of the body can be in danger. This is especially true for the fair sex. That is why, quite often, doctors prescribe progesterone to their patients to induce menstruation. In this article, we will look at what this hormone is, what are the features of its use, and also find out what patients and doctors think about it. Carefully read the information provided in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. And so, let's get started.

What is progesterone?

Beforeto understand whether progesterone is needed to cause menstruation, you need to determine what this hormone is, as well as where and how it is produced. Progesterone is a female steroid type hormone.

progesterone injections
progesterone injections

Produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary, placenta, and adrenal glands. A special part of the brain called the pituitary gland is responsible for the production of this hormone. Its production depends on the menstrual cycle of the fair sex. Its amount increases sharply after ovulation, in the second phase of the cycle. If a woman becomes pregnant, the amount of progesterone in the blood usually increases up to ten times.

The menstrual cycle and progesterone

Progesterone is a very important hormone, as it largely controls the activity of the female body. It is he who contributes to the preparation for conception and the process of bearing a child. How the pregnancy proceeds, as well as the process of childbirth, depends on its production. However, this hormone is needed not only by pregnant women. After all, it is he who regulates the course of the menstrual cycle. Its deficiency can cause cycle failures. That is why progesterone is often prescribed by gynecologists to their patients to induce menstruation and normalize them.

Reason for cycle failure

Menstrual irregularities in women never occur on their own. Usually the following reasons contribute to their occurrence:

  • occurrence of stressful situations;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • malnutrition, accompanied by a longfasting;
  • presence of diseases of the female reproductive system.
abdominal pain
abdominal pain

If the delay arose as a result of changing climatic conditions, then you should not worry about this. It usually takes a few weeks for your cycle to go back to normal on its own.

But if failures arose as a result of prolonged emotional stress, then in this case, restoring the cycle will not be such an easy task. To do this, you will have to visit a specialist, and follow all his recommendations. Please note that delays are directly related to emotional stress, since a woman’s body says that at this moment her he alth is at risk, which means that it is very dangerous to create conditions conducive to successful conception.

Today, progesterone injections are used very often to induce menstruation. This method is really very effective, and helps to improve the hormonal background of the female body. However, it is very important not only to undergo treatment, regularly using medications, but also to improve your life. Namely, start eating right, go in for sports, get rid of bad habits and factors that provoke the development of stressful conditions.

Indications for the use of progesterone to induce menstruation

Reviews confirm that the hormonal treatment method is indeed very effective. However, the main thing is to understand in what particular cases it is worth resorting to it. After all, perhaps there is a possibility that a woman can improve her he alth without the use ofsynthetic medicines.

So, let's consider in what cases it is relevant to use progesterone to induce menstruation:

visit doctor
visit doctor
  • instructions for the use of the drug indicates that most often this medication is prescribed to those representatives of the weaker sex who have had a delay for several months or even years;
  • also a medication can be prescribed, provided that the cycle is characterized by the release of uterine mucus, but the egg does not mature;
  • drug may be given to patients who experience bleeding between periods;
  • reviews about progesterone injections to induce menstruation also suggest that this drug can normalize too long or, conversely, extremely short spotting;
  • also the remedy can relieve very strong pain that women usually experience at the beginning of the menstrual period or during PMS.

However, the treatment process can only be started after the hormone analysis has been done. Usually, treatment is prescribed on an individual basis, as each case is unique.

Instructions for progesterone injections to induce menstruation: dosage selection

Usually, for delays, an injection method of progesterone administration is used. The medicine is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

image of a woman
image of a woman

If the remedy is used to normalize the amount of menstrual flow, as well asto relieve pain, the recommended dose of the drug is usually about 1 ml of the active substance per day. In this case, the course of treatment should last about a week.

In order to get rid of pain, doctors recommend injecting the drug a week before the onset of critical days, repeating this procedure for several months.

Progesterone 2.5% to induce menstruation is usually prescribed if the patient has long delays. In this case, the course of treatment will be selected by the doctor, depending on the reasons why this phenomenon occurred.

Usually, menstruation starts a few days after the injection.

When should not be used?

Of course, injections containing progesterone are very effective, and can cause menstrual bleeding in a very short time. However, hormonal drugs can be very dangerous and have a negative impact on women's he alth. Consider in which cases it is strictly forbidden to take this remedy:

menstrual cycle
menstrual cycle
  • in the presence of malignant tumors in the breast and reproductive system;
  • in the presence of problems with the liver and serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as diabetes;
  • cannot be used by women suffering from thrombosis, epilepsy, long-term depression, and migraines.

Are adverse reactions possible?

Be aware of misuse and inappropriate use of this drugcan lead to serious consequences. Therefore, in no case do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can select the dosage, as well as prescribe treatment, after passing special tests. Most often, women notice the occurrence of such undesirable effects as:

  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • improper functioning of the liver, accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and a change in the shade of the skin;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
abdominal pain
abdominal pain
  • depressive states accompanied by headaches;
  • spotting vaginal discharge.

In some cases, after undergoing treatment with progesterone-containing drugs, women worry about the fact that menstruation does not occur. However, most often this phenomenon is considered the norm. Menstruation will make itself felt in a couple of months. However, if this does not happen, be sure to take a course of additional examinations.

How to induce menstruation?

Instructions and reviews about progesterone to induce menstruation confirm that this injection method of treatment really works. However, keep in mind that if critical days are delayed by only a few days, you should not inject hormonal drugs. In this case, they will do more harm than good. Also be sure to take a pregnancy test. After all, perhaps it was the expectation of the baby that provoked the delay. At the same time, a purchased test in a pharmacy is not enough. In the event of a long delay, be sure to contacthospital.

If, however, the doctor found hormonal changes, he can prescribe injections containing progesterone. If the patient has minimal hormonal disorders, then four to five injections will be enough. But with severe disorders, doctors usually prescribe a course of six to ten injections, which are administered daily, once a day.

How to normalize hormonal levels

Instructions and reviews of progesterone injections to induce menstruation confirm that the remedy really does its job well. However, medication alone is not enough. It is very important to change your lifestyle. Only in this case can the hormonal state be adjusted.

Be sure to pay attention to food. To increase progesterone in the body, doctors recommend including animal products, including eggs, in the diet. They contain cholesterol and amino acids necessary for the natural synthesis of hormones in the body.

proper nutrition
proper nutrition

It is also very important to fully rest and get enough sleep. Train yourself to go to bed and wake up at the same time of day. Thus, your body will not only be full of strength, but also able to fight depression.

Stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking. Instead, start actively exercising.


Doctors' opinions about drugs containing synthetic progesterone are mostly positive. Such drugs do cause menstruation, howeverone course of treatment is not always enough. It is very important what lifestyle the patient leads. After all, after stopping the medication, everything can return to normal. That is why it is very important to take care of your he alth.

Patients are also satisfied with the effect that occurs on the background of the use of progesterone. After the course of treatment, menstruation occurs within a few days. However, it is very important not to self-medicate, otherwise you will only worsen the condition. It is home treatment that most often leads to unwanted reactions.


Only you are responsible for your he alth. Therefore, do your best to keep it in good condition. Hormonal disruptions can cause significant harm to your body, and also cause you to simply not have children. Therefore, visit a gynecologist on time, and in case of any deviations, immediately begin treatment. Stay he althy!
