Health 2024, October

How to raise the pressure quickly at home?

How to raise the pressure quickly at home?

Lowering body temperature and blood pressure with the help of modern drugs is not very difficult. It is enough to visit a doctor - and he will definitely select the right remedy for you. But how to raise the pressure if it is too low? This task will be more difficult. In this case, the person feels bad. Low blood pressure is weakness and dizziness, nausea and lack of appetite. Let's look at ways to help raise the pressure

How is erysipelas treated: medication and alternative methods of treatment

How is erysipelas treated: medication and alternative methods of treatment

How is erysipelas treated? This question will have to be de alt with by everyone who has faced this difficult and extremely unpleasant disease in their lives. In this article, we will talk in detail about this disease, as well as the medications and folk remedies that are used to cope with it

Lipoma (wen): causes, symptoms and treatments

Lipoma (wen): causes, symptoms and treatments

Lipoma (wen) is a benign neoplasm and is formed wherever there is adipose tissue. The disease is more susceptible to women in adulthood. Why a fatty tumor is formed, how to identify and treat it, we will consider in this article

Urticaria: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet

Urticaria: symptoms, causes, treatment, diet

Have you ever heard of hives? No, these are not the consequences of contact with the well-known stinging plant. This name was given to a rather unpleasant disease, which every person had to deal with at least once in a lifetime. What you need to know about this disease, what are the symptoms of urticaria and how to act when it appears - we will analyze the problem in more detail

Pink lichen: photo, causes, symptoms and treatment

Pink lichen: photo, causes, symptoms and treatment

In medicine, the term "pink rosea" refers to a dermatological disease of an acute nature. It is characterized by the appearance of pink spots that cause a person not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. According to statistics, most often pink lichen (photo below) is diagnosed in people from 10 to 40 years old. In young children and the elderly, it is found in isolated cases. Other names for pathology - pityriasis, pink lichen Zhibera, roseola scaly

Low blood pressure: what to do, causes, treatments

Low blood pressure: what to do, causes, treatments

What is low pressure? What to do to make it rise to a normal level and stop the headache? Hypotension suffers according to various sources from 15 to 25% of the total population of the earth. They, like hypertensive patients - people with high blood pressure, need to know everything about their disease and understand how to quickly put themselves on their feet. Especially if hypotension manifests itself in youth and interferes with self-realization

What is thrush? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is thrush? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is thrush? This question is asked by many people, because such a pathology is considered very common, especially among the fair sex. This disease gives a person a lot of inconvenience

Diet for stomach ulcers: food list, menus and recipes

Diet for stomach ulcers: food list, menus and recipes

It's no secret that with various diseases, properly selected food can become a real medicine, or at least a means of maintaining the body's state of normal. By adhering to the right diet for a stomach ulcer, you can significantly improve the condition of the body and facilitate the work of the digestive system, which is difficult during the course of the disease

Involuntary movements. Diseases of the nervous system

Involuntary movements. Diseases of the nervous system

A he althy person is able to control his actions, but with a disorder of the nervous system, involuntary movements occur that can significantly impair the quality of life

Episyndrome - what is it? Episyndrome and epilepsy - what is the difference and the main symptoms

Episyndrome - what is it? Episyndrome and epilepsy - what is the difference and the main symptoms

Medicine has many conditions and diseases that are similar to each other. And it is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced person to understand all this. That is why in this article I want to talk about such a problem as episyndrome. What is it and how is this condition different from epilepsy?

Aortic valve insufficiency 1, 2, 3 degrees: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Aortic valve insufficiency 1, 2, 3 degrees: signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

What is aortic valve insufficiency, when does this problem occur, what degrees of the disease do doctors distinguish, how can the disease be diagnosed and how can an adult and a child cope with it - read about all this in the presented article

Pelvic varicose veins in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pelvic varicose veins in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

About what is varicose veins of the small pelvis in women, how this problem occurs, how it can be diagnosed and how to deal with it, read the provided article

Pigmented xeroderma: causes, symptoms, description and treatment features

Pigmented xeroderma: causes, symptoms, description and treatment features

What is xeroderma pigmentosa, how does this disease occur, what are the symptoms, how can you diagnose the problem and deal with it - read about all this in the provided article

Mononucleosis in children: symptoms and treatment (Komarovsky). Infectious diseases

Mononucleosis in children: symptoms and treatment (Komarovsky). Infectious diseases

How mononucleosis manifests itself in children, symptoms and treatment (Komarovsky), advice from a pediatric doctor and important nuances regarding this disease, look in this article

Why does my throat hurt all the time? Causes, methods of treatment

Why does my throat hurt all the time? Causes, methods of treatment

It often happens that a person is tormented by the same problem for quite a long time. And you just can't deal with it. For example, a sore throat constantly. The causes, as well as ways to get rid of the problem are described in this article

What is Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome? What is the danger of Wolf-Hirshhorn Syndrome?

What is Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome? What is the danger of Wolf-Hirshhorn Syndrome?

About what Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is, what causes it, what symptoms can indicate a pathology, what is the treatment and prognosis of patients' life - read about all this in the provided article

Subscapularis muscle: functions, photo. Injury to the subscapularis: treatment

Subscapularis muscle: functions, photo. Injury to the subscapularis: treatment

What is the subscapularis muscle, what are its main functions, what problems can affect this part of the body and how to deal with them - read about all this in the provided article

Polio - what is this disease? Causes, symptoms and treatment of poliomyelitis. Polio vaccination

Polio - what is this disease? Causes, symptoms and treatment of poliomyelitis. Polio vaccination

Polio: what is this disease, what are its features, is vaccination important and how can this disease be de alt with? Read about all this in the article

Distracted attention - how to help yourself?

Distracted attention - how to help yourself?

The ability to focus on what you are doing is one of the most important steps to success. When a person you cannot concentrate on one particular period of time, or remember information, how can he achieve anything?

Speech defects. Speech defects in adults and children. Defectologist, speech therapist

Speech defects. Speech defects in adults and children. Defectologist, speech therapist

Today we will tell you about what speech defects are. In addition, you will learn how to get rid of such a pathological phenomenon, which specialist should be contacted if necessary

How to tell an allergy from a cold - what's the difference

How to tell an allergy from a cold - what's the difference

Sometimes our well-being leads us into a dead end. If it flows from the nose, the eyes turn red, you want to constantly sneeze, and you can’t immediately figure out what it is - an allergy or SARS? How to understand what exactly is happening in the body, because these ailments are treated in different ways? Further in the article, we will try to understand in more detail how to distinguish an allergy from a cold in an adult or a child

Fading heart: causes and treatment

Fading heart: causes and treatment

Fading heart - the treatment of this disease has recently worried the minds of many cardiac surgeons and other "heart" specialists. What is the reason for this, what are the symptoms of this dangerous disease, how to treat it - these are just some of the questions that interest many of our citizens

Why does my hand shake involuntarily?

Why does my hand shake involuntarily?

Why does a person's hand shake? Many people ask themselves such a question when faced with the phenomenon of involuntary contraction of the muscles of the upper limbs. The answer, as a rule, will be the on-duty statement of any layman: "He must have a hangover." However, the usual is not always correct. Medicine knows a large number of factors that can cause limb trembling

Headache types and causes

Headache types and causes

Everyone has had to experience a headache at least once in their life. Meanwhile, it can be a symptom of a serious illness. Depending on the type of headache, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment

Tower skull in babies

Tower skull in babies

In the world over the past 40 years, much attention has been paid to the development of surgical intervention techniques that can help children with congenital deformities of the skull. Such treatment allows not only to improve the appearance of the child, but also to eliminate brain compression

What is malaise and how to deal with it?

What is malaise and how to deal with it?

Sometimes a person is in such a state when he does not seem to be sick, but he does not feel he althy either, it seems that something is wrong, but what exactly is difficult to understand. This state knocks out of the usual rhythm of life: it is difficult to work, it is hard to force yourself to do at least something. What if a person feels unwell?

Is it possible to drink cognac with high blood pressure: the opinion of doctors

Is it possible to drink cognac with high blood pressure: the opinion of doctors

There are different opinions about the effect of alcohol on the human body. To be honest, nature does not provide that a person can process this toxin without consequences for the body. Even a he althy person sometimes has a hard time with the consequences after drinking alcohol, let alone those who have he alth problems. What do doctors think about this?

Consolidated rib fracture: treatment and recovery period

Consolidated rib fracture: treatment and recovery period

Any fracture causes a lot of pain and discomfort. The usual way of life has to be postponed for a month, or even more. In all cases of such injuries, the patient is put in plaster, and only when the ribs are fractured, the plaster is not applied. How to survive a difficult time of rehabilitation and recovery?

Osteosynthesis of the ankle. Surgery for broken ankle

Osteosynthesis of the ankle. Surgery for broken ankle

Injuries to the lower extremities happen quite often, it is impossible to prevent them, because no one knows when it will happen. An ankle fracture often leads to disability of the victim, even after surgery, lameness may remain

Diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis: doctor's appointment, features of the examination, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis: doctor's appointment, features of the examination, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Chronic pyelonephritis often occurs against the background of "healed" acute pyelonephritis. Despite the fact that in the chronic form the disease does not cause vivid symptoms, it cannot be ignored. If chronic pyelonephritis is ignored, then kidney function can be severely impaired. The end result of such a violation is the use of the device "artificial kidney"

Chicory for pancreatitis: is it possible or not?

Chicory for pancreatitis: is it possible or not?

A strict diet is the best option in the treatment of pancreatitis, so the patient should change his diet towards the right foods. It is necessary to exclude heavy food, carbohydrates, and also monitor your well-being. New products should be treated with caution. Many are interested in the question of whether chicory is possible with pancreatitis?

How to treat hypertension at home?

How to treat hypertension at home?

The problem of high blood pressure has no age or gender restrictions. Given the possibility of terrible complications of hypertension (heart attack, stroke), it is impossible to leave the disease without treatment. Moreover, if you adhere to a certain technique, you can get rid of hypertension in the shortest possible time without the use of medications. How to treat hypertension at home? This will be discussed in the article

What is gastritis? Symptoms, causes, types and treatment. Diet for gastritis

What is gastritis? Symptoms, causes, types and treatment. Diet for gastritis

Given the modern lifestyle of a person, many of us have encountered the problem of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, and we know what gastritis is. Due to the self-healing ability of the glandular tissue lining the inner walls of the stomach, the disease often goes unnoticed. However, the process of pathological deviation can acquire an acute and even chronic form

Is bronchitis contagious? Let's find out

Is bronchitis contagious? Let's find out

We all periodically think about the possibility of infection when someone near us coughs or sneezes. At such moments, we worry not only about ourselves, but also about the he alth of our loved ones, especially children

How to treat a boil at home using improvised means?

How to treat a boil at home using improvised means?

How to treat a boil at home? This question often arises when a boil forms on the face or other part of the body

Why does pain appear on the left side under the scapula?

Why does pain appear on the left side under the scapula?

One of the most important symptom of a malfunction in the body is pain on the left side under the shoulder blade. They appear suddenly and can overtake almost anyone. And it's not worth joking with such a symptom. Why? Let's talk further

Sugar in urine: causes, possible diseases

Sugar in urine: causes, possible diseases

What are normal levels of glucose in the urine for a he althy person? They can be different - as the body ages, an increasing amount of sugar is allowed

What does pain in the temples tell us: causes of pathology

What does pain in the temples tell us: causes of pathology

One of the most common complaints that patients come to a neurologist with is pain in the temples. The reasons for this can be completely different - from intracranial pressure to poisoning

How to get rid of nits? Helpful Hints

How to get rid of nits? Helpful Hints

How to get rid of nits quickly, reliably, but without having to cut the baby bald? Now let's try to give some practical advice

Backache: which doctor should I go to with this problem?

Backache: which doctor should I go to with this problem?

Back pain is the most common he alth problem. Often she gives in the lower back. Unpleasant sensations can be of a different nature: aching, acute, dull, spasmodic or radiating