Demodecosis: treatment reviews, symptoms, causes and drugs

Demodecosis: treatment reviews, symptoms, causes and drugs
Demodecosis: treatment reviews, symptoms, causes and drugs

How to cure demodicosis? According to reviews, this is not easy to do. This disease is caused by the vital activity of the iron mites. It most often affects the skin of the face and head, but demodectic blepharoconjunctivitis and other similar pathologies can also develop. Separately, eye demodicosis is determined.

The disease is characterized by irritation and peeling of the skin, often dry white scales appear on the hair - dandruff, which are a sign of the disease, as well as loss of hair or eyelashes. The tick itself (Demodex) is invisible to the naked eye. It can only be seen under a microscope. Iron mites live on the skin of every person, but they cause pathological phenomena only when there are too many of them.

Causes for the development of pathology

The iron mites (Demodex) live not only on the scalp. He prefers the glands and follicles, because there he receives nourishment - the natural secretions of the glands and the dead epidermal layer. Therefore, it can also start in the lacrimal glands.

The mechanism of the development of the disease is as follows: a ticksecretes special enzyme compounds, and under their influence, the composition of the thin protective layer of fat, which is always present on human skin, changes. This leads to local swelling. If the person's immune system works well, then this swelling goes away pretty quickly. But if immunity is reduced for some reason, then the number of mites living in the sebaceous gland increases sharply, and after some time the classic symptoms of demodicosis appear.

Thus, the cause of the disease is always the increased activity of the tick. And it grows under the influence of the following factors:

  • decreased immunity;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands and a change in the chemical composition of their secretion;
  • pre-existing skin pathologies;
  • hormonal disorders (this can occur not only due to some systemic diseases, but also due to long-term use of hormonal drugs).

All of the above refers to internal factors. However, do not underestimate the impact of external factors on the skin of the face and head. For example, poor-quality skin and hair care products can cause demodicosis. And the situation can worsen significantly if a person scratches the affected area and spreads the disease to unaffected areas of the body.

External factors also include:

  • excessive consumption of coffee and tea, which can lead to dry skin;
  • malnutrition with too high content of simple carbohydrates and various synthetic additives;
  • passion for spices ands alty snacks.

Bad habits like smoking and frequent drinking can also affect the situation.

Do not forget that a person can get demodicosis not only because of the active development of their own ticks, but also from the fact that they become infected with strangers. Usually this happens due to non-observance of hygiene rules when using other people's combs, powder puffs, and other similar items.


Although most often this disease develops on the scalp, it can also affect the chest and back due to the fact that there are a large number of sebaceous glands. However, usually areas such as the forehead, nose and scalp are considered the most susceptible to demodicosis.

Symptoms of pathology appear gradually. First, a characteristic rash appears - erythema, and this is accompanied by local swelling and redness of the skin. For many, the main symptom is the formation of acne. But it can also look different - sometimes these are nodules and vesicles-pustules, and in some cases - telangiectasia, when a semblance of red stars is formed. Sometimes the rash appears not only on the face, but also on the scalp. The skin on the affected areas becomes denser. The vascular network is clearly visible on the face. These already unpleasant phenomena are accompanied by itching.

If the disease affects the skin of the scalp, then dandruff may appear in the form of dry white scales. Sometimes such peeling appears on the skin of the eyebrows. Thus, the characteristic featuresare:

  • skin redness;
  • flaking;
  • dilation of superficial vessels;
  • appearance of pink acne.

Despite the outward resemblance to acne, it is impossible to treat it with the same methods, since they will be ineffective, time will be lost, and the tick will have time to master new skin areas. As a result, demodicosis will turn into a chronic form, in which remission will alternate with exacerbations, due to which rough scars may remain on the face.

As for eye demodicosis, this is a whole group of diseases. Some of them can proceed in an erased form, without pronounced symptoms. In most cases, demodecosis blepharitis is observed, which is combined with the corresponding pathology of the facial skin. Its main symptoms are redness and large-lamellar peeling of the skin of the eyelids, the patient constantly feels tired eyes, sometimes - burning or tingling, itching, there is a feeling that something has got into the eye. In the morning there is a sticky discharge, during the day - itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ciliary margin and a feeling of sand.

Diagnostic features

For the competent treatment of this disease, the correct diagnosis is very important. The tick itself is not visible to the naked eye, but an experienced doctor can guess the essence of the disease even by the appearance of the affected areas. However, he needs to confirm his hunch, so he must take a skin scraping for examination. This will help not only to identify the causative agent of the disease, but also to estimate its quantity.

In addition, the analysis of sebaceous secretionsglands. This is not always done, since this procedure is very traumatic, and not always necessary. Sometimes even an analysis of eyelashes and hairline is prescribed to determine the presence of mites in the follicles.

Methods of treating demodicosis

From the very beginning, you need to tune in to the fact that the treatment will be long, on average it can take one and a half to three months. In most cases, local agents are used for this, which are applied to problem areas of the skin to completely exterminate parasites. But an integrated approach is very important. If at the same time do not engage in strengthening the immune system, then you can get a relapse. Therefore, vitamin therapy, taking immunostimulants, general strengthening of the body and diet correction play an important role.

demodicosis: treatment in humans
demodicosis: treatment in humans

The external agents mentioned above not only destroy parasites, but also cleanse the skin of their waste products, and they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. In severe cases, doctors may prescribe appropriate medications by mouth. At the same time, measures are being taken to treat concomitant inflammatory diseases, including gastritis, ulcers, seborrheic dermatitis, and other pathologies.

Drug therapy for demodicosis

Metronidazole (Trichopol) is considered the most effective drug for ticks. It is often taken orally at the dosage indicated by the doctor (on average, twice a day with meals, 0.25 g each). The duration of the course of treatment is six weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break for 2-3 weeks, then the course atrepeat as necessary.

Drug Trichopolum
Drug Trichopolum

"Metronidazole" helps to cope with the parasite due to the destructive effect on its muscular system. There are not many side effects of the drug, but they are. Basically, this is a decrease in appetite, a feeling of dry mouth, less often - headaches.

Drug Metronidazole
Drug Metronidazole

In the interval between courses, the patient is prescribed an oral intake of purified sulfur - also in the dosage indicated by the doctor. In some cases, a drug such as Tinidazole is additionally prescribed.

The drug Tinidazole
The drug Tinidazole

If demodicosis is accompanied by the appearance of abscesses, you may have to take drugs such as antibiotics from the tetracycline, erythromycin and levomycetin groups. However, only a doctor can prescribe them based on test results.

The general condition of the patient is improved by taking calcium, phosphorus, and iron supplements. Your doctor may prescribe a multivitamin. At this time, it is recommended to stay in direct sunlight as little as possible. If it is not possible to limit the stay, and the patient's skin is sensitive, the doctor may prescribe resorcinol or nicotinic acid injections.


Diet plays a special role in the treatment of this disease. The diet should be such as to provide the body with vitamins C, folic acid, antioxidants. It is recommended to exclude the change of sweets, smoked meats, spicy dishes, any alcoholic drinks. The best option is treatment table No. 5 according to M. Pevzner. In addition to these restrictions, it prescribes the abolition offatty and fried foods. And all dishes should be served warm, but not hot or cold, in order to provide gentle treatment to the digestive tract.

Diet for sickness
Diet for sickness

Fractional meals in small portions are encouraged, in no case should you overeat. The diet must necessarily include fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits (except starchy and high in carbohydrates), leafy greens.

Using external agents

To treat the scalp, doctors recommend products such as ichthyol and sulfuric ointment, as well as benzyl benzoate (20%). The latter - in the event that there are no allergic reactions. However, the use of these products will have no effect if bedding and towels are not disinfected at the same time.

According to reviews, in the treatment of demodicosis on the face with drugs, Spregal gives a good effect, which includes esbiol and piperonil, which act on the nervous system of parasites, but are harmless to humans. However, it is used only for the skin of the face, it cannot be applied to the scalp. The product is left on the skin for 12 hours, and all this time you can not wash. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of the situation.

demodicosis eye reviews
demodicosis eye reviews

For the scalp, Demodex Complex is used - a special shampoo that cleanses the skin and hair and at the same time destroys the parasite. There are other similar products containing sulfur, zinc, celandine, eucalyptus, tea tree and other natural extracts.antiseptics.

Use of folk remedies

By themselves, traditional folk remedies cannot give an effect, because they do not completely destroy the parasites. However, they can be used as part of complex therapy.

Some folk remedies are recognized as official medicine. Others, on the contrary, do not approve of it. The latter include, for example, lubricating the skin with kerosene. Of course, in this case, the parasite does not receive oxygen and dies. However, this is dangerous for a person, at least the risk of burns and poisoning, not to mention the fact that his skin also receives insufficient oxygen. And for sensitive skin, this method is extremely dangerous.

Another thing is the addition of high-quality birch tar, which is sold today in pharmacies, in ready-made shampoos and masks and for hair. You can also add it little by little to facial skin products. Official medicine also approves the use of bodyagi.

The following methods are suitable for the treatment of demodicosis:

  1. Rubbing the skin with cucumber or watermelon juice to moisturize it.
  2. Using cosmetic ice based on various herbal infusions, such as chamomile (1 tablespoon of crushed dried flowers in a glass of boiling water, insist until cool). Chilled linden infusion is made and used as an external remedy in the same way.
  3. Decoction of buckthorn bark (1 tbsp vegetable raw material per glass of boiling water).
  4. Essential oil of eucalyptus (a few drops added to regular cosmetics).
  5. Natural detox - for this it is recommended to brew herbal teas based onmint, leaves and seeds of psyllium, nettle herb.

Caution should be taken with any herbal remedy as it can cause allergies.

You can make a mask based on antiseptic ointments, to which a small amount of alcohol tincture of calendula is added (it is sold in pharmacies). antiseptic effect. However, the last ingredient can also be used as an independent remedy due to the pronounced

But the mask based on garlic, which is recommended by many traditional healers, is better not to do, as this is fraught with burns.

How to take care of skin and hair?

According to reviews, with demodicosis, you need to abandon any warming procedures. You can’t go to the sauna or bath, ready-made warming masks and homemade cosmetics with honey are contraindicated, as it helps to expand pores and blood vessels.

The skin of a person suffering from demodicosis needs active hydration. This will help relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to use medical cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, alginate masks are suitable. It is important to regularly use therapeutic scrubs and peels to get rid of dead skin particles - this will deprive the tick of its nutritional base.

To wash your hair during this period, it is recommended to use tar soap, as it destroys the parasite and at the same time cares for the skin. For these purposes, you can also prepare a "talker" yourself, for which they take 0.5 cups of distilled water, 10 pre-crushed tablets of chloramphenicol, as muchthe same - trichopolum and nystatin, and 100 g of dimexide are added to this.

According to reviews, when treating demodicosis on the face with preparations prepared in the form of a talker, the effect can be achieved relatively quickly. You can also wash your face with it. The course of treatment with such a talker should not exceed two weeks.

Demodicosis of the eye: features of treatment

According to reviews, in the treatment of demodicosis in humans, this form of the disease also requires a fairly long therapy, up to two months. Usually, simultaneously with demodicosis of the face, but the methods used are slightly different. The traditional option is zinc thiol ointment for demodicosis, which, according to reviews, gives a good effect. Some doctors still prescribe yellow mercury ointment, but it is keratotoxic, can only be used for a short period of time, and is not recommended during pregnancy.

In principle, many acaricides used for demodicosis on the face according to reviews, including the tar and benzyl benzoate mentioned above, are keratotoxic. Therefore, they are used with caution, strictly following the recommendations of the doctor. Drugs that are used to treat glaucoma are also often prescribed. These are the so-called cholinomimetics, which include "Tosmilen", "Physostigmine" and a number of others. Their action lies in the fact that they have a paralyzing effect on the muscular system of parasites.

The edges of the eyelids are recommended to be lubricated, according to reviews, with a gel from demodicosis (for example, 4% pilocarpine) or treated with a special thin brush dipped in 1.5% carbachol solution. He renders the sameparalyzing action, as the above drugs. According to reviews, with demodicosis of the eyelids, treatment with this remedy is effective.

With ocular demadecosis, Metronidazole can also be prescribed, only in this case in the form of a gel (it is produced in different dosages, the doctor chooses the appropriate option). The use of this remedy for demodicosis of the eyes, according to reviews, is considered justified in the recurrent form of the disease. The maximum course duration is two weeks. At the end of the treatment, apply burdock oil (or similarly acting agents) to stimulate the growth of eyelashes.

Gel Metronidazole
Gel Metronidazole

In no case should ointments from the group of corticosteroids be used for this disease, since although they relieve inflammation, they reduce local immunity and only give impetus to the reproduction of ticks.

According to reviews, with demodicosis in humans, various physiotherapeutic methods can also be used, for example, electrophoresis on the eyelids using zinc sulfate or dimexide solution. But in any case, only a doctor can prescribe this or that method.


The disease is quite common and requires complex treatment. Therefore, at the first symptoms of pathology, it is necessary to seek medical help. It is not recommended to ignore such a condition, and treatment with folk remedies can only be used as an adjuvant therapy.
