Blood test for electrolytes: description, analysis, norm and deviations, features

Blood test for electrolytes: description, analysis, norm and deviations, features
Blood test for electrolytes: description, analysis, norm and deviations, features

The body is a single and well-oiled system, any changes in which cause disturbances in its work. So, if there is a failure in the process of destruction of organismic acids or alkalis, then the electrolyte composition of the blood also changes. This is due to the fact that positively and negatively charged particles of decay products are formed precisely at the moment of splitting of the mentioned substances. And changes in the balance of electrolytes lead to disruption of many internal processes. Therefore, it is important to monitor your he alth and take a blood test for electrolytes on time.

test tubes
test tubes

What are electrolytes

First of all, it should be noted that in the human body, electrolytes are represented by two types of discharged particles:

  1. positively charged cations;
  2. negatively charged anions.

The first are formed by phosphate, bicarbonate and chloride compounds with the participation of organic acids. Positively charged particles are magnesium compounds,calcium, sodium and potassium.

Plasma electrolytes make up no more than one percent of the total plasma content, but this is enough to have a big impact on he alth.

Location, quantitative and qualitative composition of anions and cations is involved in regulating the permeability of the cell membrane shell, in the transport of substances for food and processed products.

test in hand
test in hand

What electrolytes are for

These particles can be found both inside the cells and in the intercellular space. They perform a number of important functions that ensure the normal functioning of the body:

  1. determine the rate of blood clotting;
  2. participate in the conduction of cellular excitability;
  3. affect thrombosis;
  4. participate in the transport of water molecules from blood to tissues, thereby regulating the level of acidity of the biological fluid;
  5. with their help, nerve impulses are transmitted.

In addition, in addition to the general effect on the body, it can be noted that each element that is part of the electrolyte has a significant impact on various processes. But the most important are positively charged potassium and sodium ions, negatively charged chlorine.

blood cells
blood cells


About 85-90% of potassium is located in the fluid inside the cells and is responsible for the regulation of water balance and the stability of the heart rhythm. Also, the substance is responsible for delivering oxygen to the brain.


The largest accumulations of sodium can be found in the intercellular space, about half in bones and cartilage, up to 40% in the fluid between structural and functional units and about 10% directly in the internal space of cells. Sodium is responsible for the regulation of acid-base balance, cellular excitability, vascular tone, and affects the potential of membranes. In addition, it supports the state of osmosis of the interstitial fluid.


About 90% of all chlorine is contained in the space outside the cells and ensures that they do not have a charge. The content of this element is proportional to the amount of sodium ions. It is involved in the normalization of the digestive system and liver.

The intake of substances important for the body occurs through eating, and the remains are removed by the kidneys.

Besides the three main elements, there are others that are just as important. For example, magnesium is involved in maintaining adequate heart function and in the formation of bone tissue. Calcium regulates the metabolic process and builds the skeleton and ensures coagulability. Therefore, the composition of the decay products must be periodically checked by taking a blood test for electrolytes. As you can see, they play an important role in the functioning of the whole organism.

red blood cells, normal
red blood cells, normal

What is the purpose of blood gas and electrolyte analysis

The concentration of decay products can change in the presence of any disease. A blood test for electrolytes is prescribed if it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and heart, ifthere were suspicions of an imbalance in metabolism. In some cases, studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

However, the pathologies that occur in humans are very diverse and the electrolyte concentration cannot always help, therefore, such an analysis is prescribed only for certain indications:

  1. pathology associated with the presence of nausea, dizziness and behavioral abnormalities has not been established;
  2. increased heart rate, different location and origin;
  3. hypertension to find the best treatments;
  4. pathology of the excretory system in order to establish diseases of the liver and pancreas.

As a rule, deviations from the norm of blood electrolytes are found among several elements, both upward and downward. And if such anomalies are detected only in one, then a second study is prescribed.

analyzes in flasks
analyzes in flasks

How to prepare for an analysis

First you need to get an appointment from a doctor for a blood test for electrolytes. For this type of study, blood from a vein is needed. Pickup is done in the morning. In order for the concentration of electrolytes in a biochemical blood test to be reliable, you should properly prepare for the procedure. As part of this, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Blood should be taken 8-12 hours after the last meal.
  2. All beverages should be avoided except regular still water.
  3. Do not smoke 2 hours before the procedure.
  4. Refuse from intense physical activity 24 hours before analysis.

If you are taking medication at the time of the study, then you should notify your doctor about this.

For children under five years old, there is a special rule: half an hour before the procedure, you must drink water in small portions.

sampling process
sampling process

Methods for determining the amount of cations and anions

There are a number of methods that can determine the amount of electrolytes:

Atomic spectral. It consists in the fact that samples in a liquid state of aggregation are converted into "atomic vapor" by heating (in this case, a temperature regime of more than 1000 degrees is applied). Then, by means of a spectral study, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the samples is determined

Weight. This method involves the study of the biomaterial after its interaction with added enzymes, which results in precipitation. By separating and weighing it, they will find out what the blood test for electrolytes showed. The next step is to determine the mass of each individual component

Photoelectrocolorimetry. It consists in achieving a reaction of the test sample with a solution, while the result is a certain color. It is its saturation that determines the number of particles

With the help of a specialized device - an electrolyte analyzer, the water balance is determined. Using this device allows you to determine the exact amount of potassium, sodium andcalcium, as well as the acidity of blood plasma

2 analyzes in hand
2 analyzes in hand

What does a blood test show for electrolytes and norms

The interpretation of the results of the analysis is made only by a specialist who understands the rules. An excess or deficiency of electrolytes is detected by comparing the norm of blood tests for electrolytes with the data obtained.


When deciphering, the doctor focuses on a specially designed table. The result of the study, as a rule, does not depend on gender and is identical for males and females. The amount of electrolytes is measured in mmol/L.

So, the norm of phosphorus for men is 1, 87-1, 45, for women - 0, 9-, 1, 32; iron 17.9-22.5 and 14.3-17.9, respectively. The content of the remaining elements is the same for those and for those. Calcium - 3, 4-5, 5; sodium - 135-136; magnesium - 0.64-1.05 and chlorine - 98-106.

In addition to the existence of norms, it should be remembered that any person has physiological characteristics and the general state of he alth is different, so the conclusion is made by a specialist on an individual basis for each.

In children

Norms regarding the concentration of sodium, magnesium, calcium and chloride ions are the same as the indications of adults. The concentration of potassium and iron is proportional to age, while the content of phosphorus does not depend on it.

For children, the norm is up to 1 year 7-18 µmol/l of iron and 4, 1-5, 3 mmol/l of potassium, after a year 9-22 µmol/l and 3, 5-5, 5 mmol/ l respectively. Contentphosphorus for children of all ages - 1, 10-2, 78 mmol/l

Timely analysis of the electrolyte content will allow to identify violations, if any, and get rid of the pathology.

Causes of imbalance

Detection of any non-compliance with the norm when deciphering a hemotest of a blood test for electrolytes, no matter whether upward or downward, can be considered a bad result that has a negative effect on the state of the body. At the same time, the reasons for the increase in the concentration of elements differ from the factors for the decrease.

So, a deviation in the interpretation of electrolytes in a blood test indicates pathology:

  • excess sodium indicates an overload of the body with s alts, as a result of which kidney diseases develop, which are associated with interruptions in urinary excretion;
  • high potassium causes heart rhythm disturbances, with the possibility of a further attack, and muscle weakness;
  • high concentration of calcium contributes to the formation of kidney stones;
  • Excess magnesium indicates dehydration, and is also a sign of kidney failure or inadequate functioning of the parathyroid gland.

How to determine which element is out of range

It is possible to determine which element is outside the norm not only with the help of a biochemical blood test of electrolytes, but also by the symptoms that appear when the correct concentration is violated.

So, there are signs of an excess of chemical elements:

  • with increasedsodium content, there is a continuous feeling of thirst and dryness in the oral cavity, as well as involuntary muscle contraction and irritability;
  • with an excess of potassium, impotence, tingling and paresthesia in muscle fibers appear;
  • with a large amount of magnesium, reddening of the skin is observed, which also become hot to the touch, there is a feeling of weakness throughout the body;
  • excessive concentration of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium ions interfere with the absorption of calcium;
  • with a high content of the latter, no external symptoms are visible.

As well as an excess, a lack of electrolytes has a strong effect on the body and leads to unpleasant consequences for a person. Often, a low concentration of ions indicates dehydration and leads to weakness and decreased performance.

In addition, it is possible to determine which element is in short supply, thanks to indirect symptoms:

  • sodium deficiency causes cravings for s alty foods and muscle weakness;
  • with a lack of potassium, there is increased fatigue, heart rhythm disturbance, leg cramps, weakness;
  • with a low calcium content, hair falls out, bones become brittle, cramps are often observed;
  • Magnesium deficiency causes difficulty in swallowing food and may cause disorientation.

One of the main causes of low electrolyte levels is the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intenseexercise and improper diet.

Consequences of violations of the quantitative composition of electrolytes

Because an in vitro electrolyte blood test can reveal both elevated and reduced electrolytes, the consequences must be considered in two cases.

If overhydration has occurred, that is, the fluid content is increased, then it accumulates inside the cells and in the space between them, and therefore the cells swell. In the case of the cells of the nervous system, because of this, the nerve centers are excited and seizures occur.

If the opposite phenomenon is observed - dehydration, then there is a thickening of the blood, which leads to the formation of blood clots and disruption of normal blood circulation. At the same time, a person loses a lot of weight, the skin dries, and wrinkles form, and the rhythm of the heartbeat is disturbed.

How to normalize particle levels

To restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Properly organized nutrition will help restore the normal level of water-s alt balance.
  2. Eating plenty of fluids and uns alted foods will help avoid excess sodium buildup.
  3. The same measures will help get rid of an excess of magnesium.
  4. You can also lower your calcium levels by eating high-fiber foods.
  5. During exercise, it is worth drinking a lot to restore fluid losses.
  6. Foods included in the diet should include all the necessary trace elements.

By following these simple rules and taking a blood test for electrolytes on time, you can protect yourself and your he alth from the occurrence and development of various pathologies, and ensure a long life.
