Perfectly shaped nails and smooth skin complete the look and make it flawless. Psychologists say that hands allow you to learn a lot about a person. For example, about his age, social status, habits and level of culture.
For a beautiful manicure, women go to beauty salons. Trusting the hands of a master, few people think about their he alth. Unfortunately, the usual procedure can lead to dire consequences if the manicure tools are not properly sterilized.

Manicure Danger
The most requested salon procedure is a manicure. This fact is confirmed by the growing number of nail bars located in shopping centers. Women want to get their hands in order quickly by popping in for a manicure during their lunch break or shopping for household groceries.
Hygienic nail cleaning in the salon is not only the most sought after, but also the most dangerous procedure. Venereologists and dermatologists regularly treat pathologies that have developeddue to infection after manicure. The danger of contracting hepatitis and HIV infection here is quite real if the master does not follow a set of sterilization measures. As numerous checks have shown, many employees of even the most elite salons sin with this.
Instances of HIV infection after going to a beauty salon are indeed a huge rarity. But this is not the merit of the masters. This virus quickly dies in the open air. But hepatitis is very stable and it is quite possible to get infected with it.
Most often, the nail plate is affected by a bacterial infection and fungi. Through the cuticle injured during the procedure, pyogenic cocci can enter the wound. The infection begins to develop very quickly. The process is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and pain. This can lead to complications.
Often, patients come to the therapist with complaints that a finger has become inflamed after a manicure. It is already too late to make lotions and apply ointments. The abscess has to be opened surgically. To avoid this painful manipulation, measures should be taken as soon as the first symptoms of infection appear.
Worrying symptoms
The most common cause of inflammation around the nail is the use of tweezers. The infection can quickly get into microtraumas formed on the skin roller. Raw manicure tools contribute to its development.

Usually, the injured area will swell a little a few hours after the procedure. Then,hyperemia develops, itching appears. In the event that measures are taken at this stage, further development of inflammation can be avoided. Unfortunately, few girls pay attention to such symptoms, expecting the swelling to go away on its own. Sometimes it does happen.
Further development of inflammation of the skin around the nail is characterized by an increase in swelling. The roller rises, and the pain intensifies. Gradually, it acquires a pulsating character. At night, these sensations interfere with sleep. In the event that a little pressure is applied to the damaged area, the pain will become cutting.
Gradually, pus begins to accumulate under the top layer of the skin. Sometimes it penetrates under the nail plate. But most often it remains under the roller and is visible through the skin.
There may be a local increase in temperature in the affected area. The patient experiences general malaise, his lymph nodes increase. Perhaps the appearance of subfebrile temperature. In the event that the situation has gone so far, it is up to the doctor to decide how to treat the abscess on the finger.
All of the above symptoms most often accompany a disease such as panaritium. This is an acute inflammation of the tissues of the finger. It can develop both on the hands and on the legs. Most often, it appears after a manicure, when accidental cuts and microtraumas open access to the infection inside the body. Infection is caused by streptococcal, staphylococcal, enterococcal or mixed infection.
In most cases, it is panaritium that threatens a woman whowhich after a manicure inflamed finger. What to do to protect yourself from this problem worries many people. The use of sterile instruments, as well as the professionalism of the manicurist, allows you to minimize the risks of infection. If cuts are avoided during the procedure, the infection gate will not open.
Panaritium is dangerous because, in addition to the upper layers of the dermis, it can also affect the deep ones. It can attack joints, tendons, and bones. In advanced cases, the only way to stop the infection is amputation. Therefore, it is very important to treat the pathology in a timely manner.

First Aid
Conservative treatment of felon is possible only at the initial stages of the disease. Any wound after a manicure should be immediately treated with an antiseptic. At home, you need to additionally lubricate it with iodine or brilliant green.
In the event that the actions taken did not bring the desired result and the finger became inflamed, you should prepare a hand bath. Water should be hot, but comfortable for a person. The following bath compositions relieve inflammation well:
- Hypertonic solution. To prepare it, a tablespoon of s alt is poured into a glass of boiling water. When the water cools down a little, the affected finger is dipped into it for 30 minutes.
- Potassium permanganate. Several crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in warm water. The color of the solution should be slightly pink. The finger is dipped into it for no more than 10 minutes.
- Soda solution. Two tablespoons of powderpour a glass of boiling water. When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, the affected finger is immersed in it for 30 minutes.
- Copper vitriol. A pinch of powder is required for 50 ml of hot water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
- Healing herbs. Take a tablespoon of calendula, chamomile and celandine. Pour two cups of boiling water over the herbs. After the infusion has cooled, use it for baths.
- Calendula. Three tablespoons of grass pour a glass of boiling water. Lower your finger for 15 minutes.
- Garlic baths. Pass a few cloves through a press and pour a glass of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled, use it for baths.

The above methods should relieve discomfort if your finger hurts after a manicure. A compress with "Dimexide" helps to complete the treatment. The drug is diluted with water, in a ratio of one to four. Gauze or a cotton pad is soaked in the solution, then applied to the finger. Wrap cling film on top and do not remove for 40 minutes.
Medicated treatment
In the event that the use of baths did not stop the development of the pathological process, and after the manicure the finger abscesses further, more serious treatment will be required. It is best at this stage to consult a doctor who will examine and assess the degree of danger. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so you can turn to the help of proven and available tools:
- Ichthyol ointment. It can draw out the most dense and deep purulent formations. Ichthyolable to effectively eliminate inflammation and swelling. Often, patients notice results after the first application. The ointment is applied to the affected area in a thick layer, three times a day. A bandage is applied on top.
- "Levomekol". The medicine is applied to the affected area, covering the top with a sterile bandage. It is not recommended to use this remedy more than once a day as it may cause an overdose.
- Vishnevsky's ointment. This is truly one of the most effective home remedies to use if your finger is inflamed after a manicure. Pus can come out even after a single use of the product. The ointment is applied twice a day. The first time it is recommended to use it at night. Change the bandage in the morning and reapply. The steps should be repeated until the wound is cleared.
- Tetracycline ointment. This remedy works best in the early stages of the disease. It can be applied several times a day as it wears off. A greater effect can be achieved if mixed in equal amounts with zinc paste.
- Synthomycin ointment. The drug stimulates healing and prevents the development of neurotic processes. The ointment contains an antibiotic, it is recommended to apply it only once a day. The amount of funds, the size of a pea, is applied to the inflamed area. The top is fixed with a sterile bandage. The duration of treatment can be up to two weeks.

Folk remedies
Recipes of traditional medicine can effectively fight diseases. These methodsabsorbed the experience and wisdom of several generations of people. Many recipes have been collected for centuries. At the same time, several treatment options are offered for each disease.
Traditional medicine knows well how to treat an abscess on the finger. She has dozens of different recipes in store for this. The most effective are the following:
- Compress with baked onions. Accelerates the maturation of the purulent capsule and accelerates the release of its contents to the outside. The onion is cut into two parts. The halves are baked in the oven. When the onion has cooled, apply it to the affected area, fix and leave for several hours.
- Aloe. Clean the leaf from the pulp and apply it to the inflammation.
- Castor oil. The substance is heated to a temperature of 40 degrees in a water bath. Soak gauze in oil and place it on your finger.
- Flax seeds. An excellent remedy not only for panaritium, but also for furunculosis. In 250 ml of boiling milk, pour a tablespoon of flax seeds, ground on a coffee grinder. In addition, you can add a few dried chamomile flowers. Boil the composition for two to three minutes and strain. The resulting mass is applied to the inflammation and fixed with a bandage. Leave for three hours.
- Milk foam. In the case when a finger festered after a manicure, it is necessary to help ensure that the infection comes out as soon as possible. This will require the fattest milk that can only be found. The liquid should be poured into a clay pot and placed in the oven. When a brown foam forms on the surface of the milk, it must be removed andput on the affected area. Put a bandage on top and leave it overnight. Repeat in the morning. The result is not long in coming. By the end of the second day, the pus will come out.
- Potatoes or beets. Vegetables help prevent the development of a purulent sac. Gruel from fresh beets or potatoes must be applied to inflammation after baths with hypertonic solution or potassium permanganate.
- Honey compress. For treatment, you will also need a baked onion and flour. All ingredients, mixed in equal amounts, are thoroughly ground. The resulting gruel is applied to the inflamed area, covered with gauze and fixed with a bandage.
There are situations when ointments and folk recipes are not able to stop the rapid development of infection. In this case, you will have to contact the clinic. They know how to help if the finger is inflamed after a manicure. What to do, the surgeon will be able to explain in detail to the patient. Most likely, you will need to open the abscess and extract the contents.
During the procedure, the doctor will remove the necrotic epidermis using local anesthesia. Then he will wash the wound and examine its bottom. The doctor must make sure that the purulent contents are completely removed. After that, he will apply an aseptic dressing and, if necessary, drainage.
The patient will be given antibiotic therapy. A few days after the procedure, you will need to come for an examination. If the wound is clean, no further treatment is needed.
Nail fungus
Fungi can be transmitted through household items. It can be not only washcloths or towels, but also doorknobs and handsets. But most often they are transmitted through manicure tools. Statistics show that among all nail pathologies, it is fungi that occupy a leading position. The processing of tweezers and scissors in the salons is somehow monitored. But the condition of the nail files, on which the infection can settle, leaves much to be desired.

Most often, nail fungus after a manicure is found by girls who regularly do extensions. In the first time after infection, the pathology does not manifest itself in any way. Nails can become more brittle, but under a layer of acrylic or gel, this is not easy to notice. Then the color of the plate begins to change, it becomes yellow-brown, white or greenish. The nail may thicken and change shape.
Toxins secreted by the fungus poison the body. The danger of infection is that it can quickly spread to all he althy nails. Therefore, the key to successful treatment in a timely visit to the doctor. In the event that hands itch after a manicure, this may be the first symptom of a fungus infection.
Fungus treatment
Toenail fungus cannot pass on its own. He needs to be treated. To choose the most effective drug, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. The following remedies have proven themselves well:
- "Exoderil";
- "Fluconazole";
- "Lamisil";
- "Mikozan";
- "Loceryl";
- "Clotrimazole";
- "Batrafen".
In the treatment of fungus, it is recommended to combine drug treatment and traditional medicine methods. Baths from a decoction of medicinal herbs or sea s alt help well. Additionally, you can use the following methods of treatment:
- Apply a mixture of sea s alt and pureed mint to your nails twice a day.
- Treat the affected plates with fat sour cream mixed with vinegar.
- Smear the affected areas daily with iodine or tea tree oil.
- Mix crushed garlic cloves with vegetable oil and treat the nail plate.
- Apply 20% alcohol tincture of propolis once a day to the affected area.
Prevention of nail diseases
Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it. But in everyday life people are too careless. They easily entrust their he alth to the masters from the beauty bar or the nearest beauty salon, without checking the sterility of the instruments. Because of this, a situation arises when, unexpectedly, after a manicure, a finger becomes inflamed. Everyone knows what to do to protect themselves. Unfortunately, this knowledge is rarely used in real life.

To avoid trouble and preserve your he alth, you should strictly monitor the implementation of the following rules by the master:
- The manicure table must be perfectly clean. Before starting to serve a new client, the master must wash anddisinfect your hands. The client should do the same.
- The manicure bath should be wrapped in a clean plastic bag. It is changed before each client.
- Tools must be packed in a Kraft paper bag, in which they are processed in a dry-heat cabinet. They should be opened only when the client.
- Nail files must be in an ultraviolet sterilizer. They should be taken out at the client.
- You can protect yourself from all risks if you bring your own set of tools to the procedure.