Prostate adenoma. What to do?

Prostate adenoma. What to do?
Prostate adenoma. What to do?

Prostate adenoma is considered benign hyperplasia, most often it occurs in men after 45 years of age and is manifested by tissue proliferation, which leads to the appearance of tumors (“nodes”) in the prostate. Since the gland is connected to the urethra, it compresses it, making it difficult to urinate when the prostate enlarges.


What is BPH?

The reason for the development of the disease are hormonal changes that occur in the body of a man with age: testosterone levels decrease, and estrogen levels increase. BPH affects older men and is very rare in younger men.


  • frequent urination;
  • nocturnal urge to urinate resulting in sleep deprivation;
  • weak jet pressure;
  • necessity immediately after the urge to urinate;
  • feeling of partial bladder emptying;
  • straining when urinating;
  • sometimes it happensurinary incontinence.

The disease develops gradually. At the first stage, prostate adenoma is manifested by minor urination disorders. Its almost imperceptible increase is noted, the stream of urine is sluggish. This stage lasts from 1 year to 12 years.

The second stage has more pronounced manifestations: the urine stream becomes intermittent, it becomes necessary to strain, the bladder is not completely emptied, which leads to inflammation of the urinary tract mucosa. This causes soreness, a "burning" sensation when urinating, pain in the lower back and suprapubic region.

Prostate adenoma in the third stage is manifested by the fact that urine is secreted involuntarily and constantly, you have to use a urinal. Complications of the disease manifest as acute urinary retention.


The following factors can provoke complications:

  • alcohol abuse,
  • constipation,
  • hypothermia,
  • bed rest,
  • Untimely bladder emptying.

It is urgent to go to the hospital for help.

Prostate adenoma leads to inflammation of the urinary tract, which is manifested by urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. With serious violations of the outflow of urine, hydronephrosis and renal failure occur.

Prostate adenoma. Forecast

At the first stage, the disease can still be stopped. With a timely visit to the doctor and taking prescribed medications, the prostate stops increasing in volume and there are no violations.urination. In the later stages, the quality of life is significantly reduced, complications develop.


For disease prevention it is recommended:

  • control body weight;
  • follow a diet, limiting the consumption of meat, especially red, animal fats, easily digestible carbohydrates; the diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables;
  • prophylactic examinations by an older male urologist.

To prevent urinary retention should be avoided:

  • hypothermia,
  • constipation,
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages (especially beer), spicy, spicy food.

If the disease has already declared itself, it is advisable to undergo an examination every 1.5 years.

