Sweating is a physiological natural process that occurs in the human body. Its main function is to maintain normal body temperature and, of course, protect against overheating. Any he althy person can experience increased sweating during sunny weather, with strong excitement or after physical activity. However, sometimes severe sweating in men becomes a real problem and causes a feeling of discomfort. It is for this reason that you need to know how to deal with this problem.

Pathological sweating: what is it like?
Pathological sweating is a disease when heavy sweating appears for no apparent reason. It is also called hyperhidrosis. It gives a person great moral and physical discomfort, and sometimes it can even cause social problems.plan.
There are several types of hyperhidrosis:
- Primary sweating. We are talking about it in the case when it is not possible to find the cause.
- Secondary sweating. It is expressed as a symptom of a more serious disease. If the problems with the body disappear, the symptom disappears.
- Local sweating. It affects certain areas of the body. For example, only on the head or only on the armpits.
- General sweating. In this case, the whole body is then covered.
Causes of hyperhidrosis

Why can women sweat? The reasons may be different. The most common are:
- Sweating can be a symptom that a person is suffering from an infectious disease. For example, it could be tuberculosis, thyroid problems, or diabetes.
- Kidney disease. In this situation, the process of formation and filtration of urine is difficult, so the body is simply forced to remove excess water through the sweat glands.
- Obesity can also cause hyperhidrosis. It is especially pronounced in the summer period.
- Nervous excitability of a person is increased. Any stress, fear or anxiety can cause sweat to be released more than usual.
- Heredity (refers to local sweating).
- If excessive sweating has been observed in the legs in women, the causes may be hidden in skin diseases (for example, fungal infections).
Medicated treatment
Drug treatment for excessive sweating can only be prescribed by your doctor, after all tests have been passed and a complete examination of the body has been carried out. For example, with constant increased nervous excitability, sedatives are prescribed. Iontophoresis will help solve the problem for several weeks. If, after this, heavy sweating starts to bother you again, the procedure can be repeated.
In some cases, Botox injections are prescribed. They reduce sweating for a longer period, about half a year.
In rare cases, the attending physician may prescribe local liposuction for obese patients. If you have increased body sweating, then sign up for a consultation with a doctor so that he identifies the cause of the problem, analyzes the situation and prescribes treatment based on his findings.
Chamomile infusion for hyperhidrosis

Chamomile is a universal medicinal plant. An infusion based on these flowers is used for many diseases. Chamomile is also used if a person suffers from increased sweating all over the body or in certain parts of it.
Dry chamomile can be purchased at any pharmacy. We brew six tablespoons of the plant with two liters of boiling water in a convenient container. Cover the liquid tightly with a lid and let stand for about 1 hour. Wait a bit until everything cools down, and strain the infusion. After that, add two tablespoons of soda and mix everything well. A folk remedy for sweating is ready. Wipethe resulting liquid problem areas with a cotton swab as often as possible. The only disadvantage of this remedy is that the next day it already loses all its medicinal properties, so everything will need to be prepared again.
Horsetail infusion for hyperhidrosis
Horsetail infusion is an excellent antiperspirant remedy that can be prepared at home without much effort.
Buy regular vodka at the store. Very important: it should not be alcohol, but vodka. For one tablespoon of horsetail you will need 10 tablespoons of vodka. Based on these proportions, prepare yourself as much infusion as you like.
Before using the liquid, be sure to let it stand in a dark place for at least 2-3 days. Shake the container periodically to prevent sediment from forming. When ready, lubricate the sweaty areas several times a day.
However, you should not be too zealous so that redness does not appear.
Infusion of walnut leaves for hyperhidrosis

Alcohol tincture of walnut can help you fight such a problem as heavy sweating.
For cooking, you need dried walnut leaves. You can collect and cook them yourself or purchase ready-made grass in a pharmacy. In any case, the result will be effective.
Prepare a convenient container in which to mix dry walnut leaves and vodka (proportion 1:10). Then find the darkest, dryest and warmest place in the house andplace the remedy there so that it settles for a week.
When the infusion is ready, you can start using it in the fight against excessive sweating. Just every day in the morning and before going to bed, wipe the most problematic places with the resulting liquid.
Pine branches - an effective remedy for excessive sweating
Heavy sweating is not a death sentence. Of course, this problem makes a person experience discomfort and many other unpleasant sensations, but you should not give up. You can always find a solution. If you have a pine growing near your house, be sure to collect its young branches. Then they need to be well steamed in a water bath. This is done very simply:
- take a large pot, half fill it with water and bring to a boil;
- reduce the gas, put a smaller pot inside, where there are pine branches and a small amount of water;
- leave the branches to languish for about half an hour in a water bath.
The antiperspirant will be ready after it cools down. It is necessary to use steamed pine branches for compresses of the most problematic areas. After several procedures, heavy sweating will no longer be so disturbing. Most importantly, do not forget to do compresses every day before going to bed.
Nutrition for hyperhidrosis

Improper diet can also cause excessive sweating. If this problem is familiar to you, then it's time to reconsider your daily diet.
Special attention should be paid to products that contain vitamin C. To a greater extent, you can find it in citrus fruits, sauerkraut or horseradish. But before using them, be sure to make sure that you do not have a predisposition to allergies to these products.
There have been many tests that have proven that vitamin C is able to normalize the work of the sweat glands. And this means that heavy sweating will eventually pass, and you will forget that you once worried about this.
Helpful tips and prevention of hyperhidrosis

- Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, take a shower at least twice a day. When sweating, it is recommended to use tar soap. If you are going to apply antiperspirant to the underarm area, then you need to do this only on clean skin. No sweat remedy will work if used incorrectly.
- Be especially careful when choosing clothes and underwear. You can not wear things made of synthetic fabric for the reason that they will only increase the release of sweat. Give preference to natural materials. This also applies to shoes: forget about artificial leather.
- To stop sweating from bothering you, eliminate too spicy foods and seasonings from your diet. It has been proven that cumin, garlic, fish and some other foods not only increase perspiration, but also make it smell more pungent.

Now you know what sweating is. You know the causes, treatment and prevention, but do not forget that you need to turn todoctor. Use the helpful tips and folk recipes presented above - and such a problem as hyperhidrosis will never get in your way.