Blood is considered one of the most important elements of the human body. The functionality of all organs of the patient depends on it. If the composition of the plasma changes or its state becomes abnormal, then this will definitely lead to some kind of disease. In the article, we will consider what causes poor blood clotting, how to treat it, and what are the methods of prevention.
Description of pathology
A large number of constituent elements enter the blood. We are talking about protein, platelets, fibrins and so on. Thanks to them, the body is nourished.
In order for a person not to lose blood when his vessels are not in a normal state, the immune system specifically forms blood clots. This happens when tissue factor enters the bloodstream. If this particular option in the body is violated, then the person has poor blood clotting. The reasons can be completely different, there are always provoking factors, since the described pathology is notindependent disease.

If we do not talk about any diseases, but highlight the process that affects the violation of coagulation, then it is necessary to say about the lack of enzymes. When a person has a low level of platelets, the blood vessels become very brittle and easily damaged. And although this disease does not seem serious, it can be fatal. If heavy bleeding starts, it will be quite difficult to stop it.
Provoking factor in poor blood clotting, as mentioned above, there are many reasons. Separately, it is necessary to note hereditary features. The most common is hemophilia. This disease mainly affects men. Fibrinopenia is due to the fact that there is not enough enzyme in the blood - fibrinogen. And the third most “popular” pathology is thrombocytopenia. Accordingly, the pathology is associated with a small amount of platelets in the blood. The causes of these diseases are similar, and their symptoms are the same.
Causes of occurrence
Provoking factors are completely different. It should be noted that women and men are radically different. However, there are some general prerequisites:
- you need to highlight an allergy, in which a large amount of histamine enters the bloodstream;
- oncology;
- drugs that affect the cardiovascular system;
- lack of vitamins;
- use of strong antibacterial agents;
- taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- problems withfunctioning of the immune system;
- liver pathology;
- the use of pills that react to the emergence of new blood vessels in the body and destroy them.

In women, poor blood clotting is most often the result of treatment for varicose veins. Some drugs that help with this disease, strongly thin the blood.
In men, a hereditary predisposition is often considered a provoking factor. Hemophilia is passed down the male line from generation to generation.
Prerequisites in children
In a child, poor blood clotting can be caused by problems with the cardiovascular system, congenital hemophilia, vitamin deficiencies, diseases that affect the immune system, and plasma transfusions. At a young age, such a pathology is quite serious, so it is necessary to start treating it as soon as possible.
Problem in pregnant women
When a woman has a baby, a lot of changes happen in her body. Accordingly, the circulatory system is also affected. The cause of poor blood clotting, the treatment of which will have to be chosen quite carefully, can be called an embolism, a restructuring of the immune system, and placental abruption.

It should be noted that in pregnant women such a problem can lead to very serious consequences for both the mother and the child. A miscarriage or premature birth can occur. That is why it is necessary to carry out a complete diagnosis.
A woman shouldstop smoking, do not drink alcohol. She should build a meal regimen, as well as drink the amount of fluid recommended by the doctor. However, do not be zealous, since it is water that can cause blood thinning.
Symptoms of pathology
Of course, the question of how to treat poor blood clotting is relevant. However, before starting therapy, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms. It is on it that you can determine the problem that has arisen.
A person with a slight damage to the skin or blood vessels appears very heavy bleeding. It's hard to stop him. Bruises of unknown origin may appear on the body. Another symptom is persistent bleeding from the nose. Menstruation is also profuse. While brushing your teeth or eating solid foods, a person's gums can be injured. Accordingly, blood will flow. Red clots can also be found in the feces if there is a similar problem.

If there is at least one of the above signs, it is imperative to consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the exact cause of such symptoms and prescribe the correct, and most importantly, effective treatment.
Consequences if left untreated
If a person ignores the causes of poor blood clotting and does not carry out treatment, then complications may occur. They are pretty serious. First, there may be a hemorrhage in the brain. Secondly, the joints will start to hurt very badly. Plasma can also accumulate in them. Thirdly, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract may begin. If a person receives any injury, then it will be quite difficult to stop the bleeding. Accordingly, this will lead to the fact that the patient will disrupt the natural functioning of all organs. If he is not provided with first aid in time, he may die.
Treatment options
We have already considered the name of poor blood clotting. The name depends entirely on the provoking factor. It is important to understand which therapies are used. It should be noted that the treatment of this disease will be long and difficult. And only if the patient follows all the prescriptions, he can be cured.
Be sure to prescribe vitamin K, and only in the form of injections. We need drugs that will slow down the process of destruction of fibrin. Coagulants, that is, drugs that improve blood clotting, should be prescribed. And the last group of drugs - drugs that restore platelet production.

Often a plasma transfusion from a donor may be prescribed. In this case, the course of treatment can be reduced several times. Drugs and dosages should be selected strictly for each patient. Doctors also recommend following a diet. You can simultaneously carry out alternative treatment, but you must first consult with a specialist.
Folk ways
When a person knows why he has poor blood clotting, then it is safe to start alternative treatment in parallel with the traditional one. Some of the recipes below should be used.
A remedy with yarrow can please with a good effect. It must be steamed in boiling water, insist no more than fifteen minutes. This remedy should be taken three times a day, preferably before a meal.
Nettle decoction contains vitamins K and C. Due to them, you can easily solve such a problem as poor blood clotting. This tool also reduces sugar in the body, increases hemoglobin. It is necessary to take pre-dried raw materials, pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. The mixture should be taken before meals.

Walnut shells are also a good remedy. It is necessary to use only one that has partitions for the core. They should be poured with boiling water and boiled for twenty minutes. Take this remedy three times a day.
Arnica is also good for clotting. It is necessary to make a tincture from it. You should take the dried raw materials and pour boiling water. After that, you need to insist the broth for 40 minutes. This remedy is taken 3 times a day.
Some options can lead to an allergic reaction, so you should be as careful as possible when taking such products. You should also always follow the dosage.
Diet as a treatment method
During therapy, it is necessary to pay attention to proper nutrition. All foods should be consumed that maximize blood clotting and, accordingly, have a beneficial effect on it.composition.
You need to pay attention to fatty fish, including trout. Cod liver would also be a good option. Of course, you should eat more vegetables, such as cabbage, corn, tomatoes, and so on. Fruits also have a beneficial effect on the body. You can drink juices. Red berries are much more effective than, for example, apples or bananas. Walnuts, legumes, buckwheat, animal fats also have a good effect on the state of the blood in the body.

It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol, tea and coffee, sausage, fatty foods, mayonnaise and so on. It should also be taken into account that the diet should be as balanced as possible. It is advisable to add vitamins and minerals to it. This is how you can restore your he alth in the shortest possible time.
The article describes the causes and symptoms of poor blood clotting. This is a problem as it can be fatal if left untreated. It is necessary to pay attention to the state of your he alth in order to prevent such manifestations.
As a preventive measure, doctors recommend leading a he althy lifestyle, giving up all bad habits. You also need to treat diseases in time in order to eliminate all provoking factors.