Pathogenic microorganisms surround us everywhere, but with strong immunity, the body quickly copes with them. With a weakened immune system, pyogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin are quickly activated and lead to the development of a disease such as staphylococcal pyoderma. It is possible to get rid of pathology, but only using an integrated approach to therapy.
Features of the disease
The most common causative agent of the disease is staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are quite stable, so they can be found in the air, on household items, human skin. When the immune system is weakened, the pathogen quickly leads to the development of the disease.

There are several provoking factors of staphylococcal pyoderma:
- Regular lack of personal hygiene.
- Permanent injuries, abrasions and cuts.
- Disturbedmetabolism.
- Diseases of internal organ systems.
Almost 30% of people are carriers of Staphylococcus aureus. You can pick up a pathogen anywhere, even self-infection is possible when a bacterium from a he althy area of \u200b\u200bthe skin enters the wound.
Staphylococcal pyoderma is common in children and it is much more severe, given that babies' immunity is not yet fully developed.
Regardless of the form, the disease is considered contagious and therefore requires urgent treatment.
Causes for the development of pathology
Streptococcal infection enters the body through wounds and abrasions on the skin, causing the development of an inflammatory process. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the sebaceous and sweat glands, affect hair follicles.
The activity of reproduction of the pathogen and the depth of infection penetration depend on the strength of the immune system.
Provoke the development of staphylococcal pyoderma can:
- Dental problems.
- Lymphadenitis.

Purulent lesions of internal organs
If the immune system is weakened, then microorganisms multiply rapidly and quickly spread throughout the body. In the course of their life activity, they produce toxic substances, which provoke the development of characteristic symptoms of intoxication.
It is important to start therapy when the first symptoms appear to reduce the chance of complications.
Varieties of pathology
There are several types of staphylococcal pyoderma. Doctors distinguish the following varieties of the disease:
- Ostiofolliculitis. Pathology is localized in the face area, may affect the scalp. Superficial pyoderma often resolves within a short period of time without leaving marks on the skin. If the inflammatory process is complicated, then other forms of pathology may develop.
- Staphylococcal folliculitis. With this type of disease, the hair root becomes inflamed. Of the symptoms, redness around the follicle, the spread of infection to neighboring tissues can be noted. With a complication, an abscess develops, which requires opening. The pustule is about the size of a pea with a hair in the center. After a few days, the inflammation subsides, the wound dries up, and the resulting crust soon falls off.

- Sycosis is another superficial form of pathology. It often develops against the background of ostiofolliculitis. Multiple foci of inflammation appear more often on the face, but can also affect the armpits.
- Folliculitis abscessing. Chronic form of purulent-inflammatory process. Most often diagnosed in the stronger sex. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of acne, inflammation of the scalp. If pustules with purulent contents are opened, fistulas are formed. Treatment of staphylococcal pyoderma is complex and lengthy.
According to experts, hydradenitis and furunculosis are considered the most complex forms of pathology. These varieties of pyoderma are accompanied by the release of a large amount of pus. In pathologic althe process involves neighboring tissues.
If there is hydradenitis, then there is increased sweating. Most often, this form is diagnosed in female representatives. Furunculosis can develop after severe hypothermia against the background of a weakened immune system.
Manifestations of disease
Regardless of the form, staphylococcal pyoderma shows similar symptoms that can be observed immediately after the pathogen enters the body. Among the main manifestations are the following:
- Redness and pain.
- Itching and burning skin.
- You feel a tingling sensation in the area where the pustules form.
- A few days after infection, multiple rashes appear.
- Purulent vesicles form with red edges.
- After the rupture of the pustules, the wounds heal and disappear.
If the pathology affects the deeper layers of the skin, scars may appear after healing.
Significant symptoms of staphylococcal pyoderma include:
- Itching of the skin.
- Multiple rashes.
- Prone to relapse.

If the disease becomes chronic, then the pain becomes less pronounced. The skin becomes bumpy, the secretion of sebum and sweat increases, which provokes the appearance of new formations.
Chronic pyoderma is characterized by the simultaneous presence of healing wounds and formations with purulentcontent.
Staphylococcal pyoderma in adult women is often diagnosed against the background of hormonal disorders. Pathology may be accompanied by gynecological problems.
Only a thorough diagnosis of staphylococcal pyoderma will reveal the nature of the pathogen and prescribe adequate therapy. It includes the following analyzes and studies:
- Complete blood and urine tests.
- Determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibacterial drugs. For this, the purulent contents of the pustules are taken for examination.
- Examination for syphilis.
- If necessary, consultation with an endocrinologist and a neurologist will be required.
- Hormonal studies to detect diabetes.
To clarify the diagnosis, it is important to conduct a differential diagnosis in order to distinguish furunculosis from hidradenitis and carbuncle. Folliculitis can be confused with lichen planus or acne.
Chronic pyoderma must be differentiated from bromoderma, and sycosis from trichophytosis, but this pathology manifests itself with more pronounced symptoms.
Pathology in children
Purulent-inflammatory skin lesions often occur in infants during the first months of life, which is associated with low activity of local immunity. The top layer of skin in babies has an alkaline environment, which is favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora.

The skin of the child has not yet adapted to temperature changes, the functioning of the sweat glands is notestablished. All these factors provoke the development of pathology, but several more reasons can be distinguished:
- Lack of vitamins in the mother's diet if the baby is breast-fed or formula-fed.
- Diseases of the digestive tract.
- Skin rash.
- Abrasions, wounds on the baby's body.
- Poor hygiene.
- Allergy.
- Metabolic disorder.
- Diseases of the nervous system.
- Intoxication of the body.
- Diabetes mellitus.
Many parents do not pay attention to the symptoms of staphylococcal pyoderma. They send the baby to a nursery or kindergarten without thinking that this infection is very contagious.
Classic treatment
Staphylococcal pyoderma is necessarily treated with antibacterial drugs. Most often, they have to be applied externally to the skin, but in case of a complicated course of the disease, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics.
If the disease is acute, then the drugs are taken for a week. When the pathology passes into a chronic form, antibiotic therapy lasts at least 15 days. Specialists prefer to use broad-spectrum drugs in treatment.
Among the most popular and effective drugs are the following:
Amoxicillin 500 tablets, instructions for use contain information on the effectiveness of the drug against coccal infections

- "Ampioks". The drug fights infection well, due to the destructioncell wall of bacteria.
- "Cefotaxin", "Cefazolin" will help to cope with a mixed infection.
- Tetracycline drugs are also prescribed to fight the disease. Among them are tablets "Doxycycline". Instructions for use contains complete information about the mechanism of action of the drug. The active substance blocks the synthesis of protein molecules in the bacterial cell, causing its death.
- Macrolides act similarly: Clarithromycin.
- Aminoglycosides can help fight infection: Gentamicin, Amikacin.
Treatment of staphylococcal pyoderma with drugs should only be carried out under medical supervision.
External treatment of disease
Along with the internal use of antibiotics, each patient is prescribed external use of medicines. Effective are:
- To suppress the reproduction of gram-positive microorganisms, skin areas can be treated with Brilliant Green.
- Salicylic ointment with antibacterial effect. After application, the upper layer of the epidermis softens, the inflammatory process decreases.
- Potassium permanganate solution is able to neutralize the effects of some toxic substances released by pathogenic bacteria.
- Gel or solution of chlorhexidine perfectly suppresses the activity of pyogenic bacteria that actively multiply in staphylococcal pyoderma. The drug does not lose its activity in human blood and in purulent wounds.
- Cream for external use "Triamcinolone". Reduces the intensity of inflammationprocess and has an antiallergic effect.
- "Fukortsin". This tool can be used to treat affected areas of the skin to reduce the intensity of the infectious process and block the activity of fungi.
The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. If, after applying an external remedy, the symptoms do not decrease, but signs of an allergic reaction appear, then it is necessary to inform the doctor and choose another medicine.
Immune Therapy and Combination Therapy
To increase the effectiveness of therapy, doctors most often prefer to prescribe combination drugs to patients, which simultaneously relieve the inflammatory process and destroy bacteria. On the good side, the following drugs have proven themselves:
- "Lorinden S". This cream is used externally. The course of therapy allows you to suppress the growth of staphylococci, removing inflammation and providing an anti-allergic effect. The agent should be applied to the affected area of the skin, and covered with a bandage on top. It is necessary to change 3-4 times a day.
- Cream "Fucicort" has a decongestant and antibacterial effect. Apply to the skin twice a day. This therapy lasts at least 2 weeks.
- Gyoksizon ointment is perfect for reducing allergic manifestations, eliminating skin itching and suppressing coccal infection.
Immunostimulating therapy is indicated to speed up recovery. To do this, the doctor injects the patient with a special vaccine that stimulates the formation of immune cells to fight infection.
Immunostimulatingtherapy is indicated in cases where the disease often recurs. Of the drugs that have this effect, they prescribe:
- Likopid.
- Timoptin.
- Taktivin.
Classic treatment can be enhanced by prescribing helium-neon irradiation. The procedure is prescribed daily for two weeks.
Surgical treatment
If the pathological process proceeds with complications and there are symptoms of tissue necrosis, then surgical intervention is indispensable. The essence of the operation is as follows:
- The surgeon opens the abscess.
- Cleans up content.
- Performs antiseptic treatment.
- Sets up drainage.
After surgical treatment, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. These can be Amoxicillin 500 tablets, instructions for use will be given by the attending physician.
Treatment of pyoderma in children
If the pathology proceeds without complications, then hospitalization of the baby is not required, therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis. Properly chosen treatment tactics will help to quickly defeat the pathology. Therapy in children includes the following measures:
- External treatment of affected areas of the skin with "Chlorhexidine", boric or salicylic alcohol.
- Applying "Fukortsin" or iodine to the skin.
- You can make lotions with potassium permanganate.
- Antimicrobial and corticosteroid drugs are prescribed only by a pediatrician. The choice of drug depends on the severity of the pathology. At the first stages, it is recommended to use ointments based on sulfur, tar.
- If the effectiveness of therapy is weak, then the doctor prescribes treatment with antibacterial agents: Levomikol, Lincomycin.
- In severe cases, it may be necessary to prescribe Prednisolone, Oxycort.
In case of complications, the doctor prescribes the following drugs to the child:
- Doxycycline tablets. Instructions for use of the drug should be studied in detail, therapy is carried out strictly according to the doctor's scheme and in the recommended dosage.
- Sulfanilamides: Biseptol, Norsulfazol.
- Drugs to stimulate the immune system: "Amiksin", "Immunal".
- To prevent an allergic reaction, you need to take antihistamines: Zodak, Telfast.
For effective treatment, it is important for the child to properly treat the affected skin. The first procedures are best entrusted to a specialist and carried out in a clinic with a dermatologist. The subsequent ones can be carried out at home according to the following algorithm:
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Put on disposable gloves.
- Treat each affected area separately using a cotton swab.
- Treat he althy skin with an antiseptic.
- After the epidermis dries up, apply the ointment prescribed by the doctor.
- Put on a child carefully ironed on both sides.
The skin of children of different ages is processed according to this algorithm.
Traditional medicine against pyoderma
If the disease proceeds without complications, then you can use the recipes of folk healers. They will helpeliminate skin itching, stop the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The following recipes have proven their effectiveness in therapy:
Take 20 g of celandine leaves and pour 100 ml of vegetable oil. Leave for several days and use to treat affected areas three times a day for 3 weeks

- 2 tablespoons of dill seeds pour boiling water in the amount of 0.5 liters. After insisting, treat the skin up to 5 times a day.
- Squeeze juice from raw potatoes, soak a napkin with it and apply to inflamed skin for 2 hours.
- It helps to strengthen the body, increase its immunity to infections. A decoction of dandelion roots and leaves. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for several hours to infuse. It is recommended to drink the product before meals, 100 ml each.
Complications of the disease
Let it go or self-medicate pyoderma is dangerous, as pathology can lead to serious consequences. Complications may include:
- Sepsis.
- Allergic reaction with angioedema.
- Gangrene.
- Infection of the skeletal system and internal organ systems.
- Lymphangitis.
- Inflammation of the retina.
- Thrombosis of blood vessels in the brain.
- Inflammation of the meninges.
- Purulent mediastinitis.
Disease prevention
Any infectiousskin disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Especially if there is a tendency to pyoderma. Prevention measures include the following:
- Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.
- Clothes should be made from natural fabrics and not tight, so as not to irritate the skin.
- Any abrasions, cuts should be thoroughly disinfected.
- Use antibacterial skin care products.
- Monitor the level of perspiration.
- Wash outerwear regularly and change underwear daily.
- Strengthen immunity.
- Perform hardening procedures.
- Remove any foci of inflammation in a timely manner.
- To treat chronic pathology: tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis. Prevention measures include the following: Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.
- If the skin is prone to inflammatory reactions, then any abrasions, minor burns should be treated with alcohol, and then washed with hydrogen peroxide. After treatment, apply a sterile dressing.
Staphylococcal pyoderma not only spoils the appearance, but is also dangerous for its serious complications. Treatment should begin as soon as the disease is detected.