With the modern rhythm of life, a person has no time to seriously take care of his he alth. Often, discomfort is relieved by painkillers. The pain becomes habitual. We do not even think: why does the head hurt when the head is tilted? We take it as part of everyday life. Do not ignore the discomfort that occurs when tilting the head. This is the first symptom of a serious illness.

If your head hurts when you tilt your head, the reasons may be as follows:
- allergy;
- any formations in the nasal cavity;
- asthma, seasonal complications;
- diving (snorkeling);
- migraine;
- cervical osteochondrosis and spondylosis;
- hypertension;
- disease of the cervical spine.
- staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.
Sick with a cold, a person is in no hurry to see a doctor. Aspirin and raspberry tea relieve the first signs of the disease. Usually, viral diseases are accompanied by a runny nose, a headache when bending down. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx,there is swelling that blocks the nasal passages and the passage between the sinuses. This causes stagnation of mucus in the accessory cavities and a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, pus appears in the sinuses. It increases pressure in the nose and causes discomfort, and therefore a headache when bending down. Sometimes it can give in the teeth, in the upper jaw. When the head is tilted, there is pressure in the maxillary sinuses due to excessive accumulation of mucus and pus.
Inflammation of the nasal and maxillary sinuses is called sinusitis. The type of sinusitis depends on the location of the focus: frontal sinusitis (frontal sinus), ethmoiditis (in the cells of the ethmoid bone), sinusitis (maxillary sinus), sphenoiditis (sphenoid sinus).
Another reason that the head hurts when tilting the head can be a polyp that has grown on the nasal mucosa. It is formed in the maxillary sinuses or the ethmoid labyrinth. There are pain sensations the same as with sinusitis.

Barotrauma in divers
When the atmospheric pressure in the environment changes, damage to the abdominal organs occurs. This barotrauma is inherent in people who are fond of diving (snorkeling). With the defeat of the sinuses, pain is observed in the deep parts of the nose, dizziness.
Why does my head hurt when I bend over? Discomfort in barotrauma occurs due to changes in the volume of gas in the affected sinuses. Self-treatment can lead to a deterioration in well-being, to chronic formsdiseases. The otolaryngologist, having made a diagnosis, will choose the necessary medical treatment.
Usually a doctor prescribes:
- anti-infective antibiotics;
- decongestants (they can increase pain, they should not be taken without a doctor's prescription);
- antihistamines (help relieve swelling);
- painkillers (not always);
- decongestants (relieve headaches by constricting blood vessels);
- physiotherapy;
- mud treatment;
- inhalations.
Timely treatment of any form of sinusitis will help to avoid serious he alth complications: cerebral edema, meningoencephalitis, meningitis and other diseases.

If you do not have sinusitis, headaches are intermittent, then discomfort when tilting your head can give a migraine or overexertion. Migraine and sinusitis have common symptoms: photophobia, nasal congestion, tears flow, severe headaches radiating to the nose, forehead hurts when the head is tilted. With a migraine, a person is thirsty, he drinks a lot, as a result of which swelling occurs, as with sinusitis.
Migraine is promoted by:
- heredity;
- stress, fatigue;
- dramatic weather change;
- lack of sleep or long sleep;
- some products: chocolate, nuts, smoked meats, beer, wine, cheeses.
For the treatment of migraine, consult a neurologist. Self-therapy will only make matters worse.

With hypertension, a person experiences tension pains. When tilting the head, the back of the head hurts, discomfort can occur immediately after waking up or after physical exertion. For prevention, walks in the fresh air, weight loss are advised. A specific treatment can be prescribed by a doctor after a diagnosis has been made. If you start the disease, it can lead to a stroke.
Headaches in osteochondrosis
Often headaches in osteochondrosis are concentrated in the occipital region and spread to the temporal part. They can be episodic, prolonged or chronic. The causes of discomfort can be physical exertion associated with tilting the head, lying in an uncomfortable position.
Limited mobility of the cervical spine, a decrease in voluntary movement in the vertebrae also causes discomfort. To reduce headaches with osteochondrosis, you should perform simple physical exercises: turning your head to the right and left, tilting your head to the right and left, raising your face to the ceiling without throwing your head back.

Allergic headaches
Allergic headache occurs suddenly. It can be provoked by both infections and intoxications. Pain occurs in the frontal part, rarely in the occipital or parietal. It can last from several hours to several days. Allergic pain is sometimes preceded by swelling of the nose, eyes, face. When tilting the head, painful sensations occur, as with a migraine.
During an attack of an allergic headache, the patient needs absolute rest, bed rest. It is allowed to feed only sour-milk products and vegetables. For prevention, contact with allergens should be avoided. Physical education and morning exercises are essential. After consultation with a doctor, the patient is given calcium chloride, diphenhydramine, mustard plasters are put on the neck, and hot foot baths are taken. The dosage of the medicine is prescribed by the doctor.
Minor reasons
When the pain is caused by minor causes (fatigue, staying in one position for a long time), it will quickly pass without medication. If taking painkillers gives a temporary effect and the discomfort returns, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only an examination will reveal the cause of the pain, and the specialist will prescribe the correct treatment.
Summing up
The uncontrolled use of analgesics and self-medication lead to a decrease in immunity. As a result, frequent infectious diseases. Due to the systematic overdose of painkillers, the effect of taking them is reduced. Therefore, it becomes both difficult and dangerous for he alth to deal with various pain sensations.

The source of the headache that occurs when the head is tilted can be injuries of the cervical spine, head, sinusitis. Be sure to find out the cause of discomfort. The course of necessary therapy should be prescribed by a doctor.
Methods of treatment are traditional. It can be medication or folk remedies. Choice of form of treatmentdepends on the severity of the disease. Sometimes both methods are combined.
To understand why your head hurts when you tilt your head, you need to find out and eliminate their root cause and origin. Only then will the quality of your life be at the proper level. Negligent attitude to one's he alth leads to disastrous consequences, and eliminating complications is much more difficult than the disease itself.