Unfortunately, diseases of the cardiovascular system today are common even among the young part of the country's population. Statistics show that the prevalence of stroke is about 3-4 people per 1000 in Russia, which is quite a high figure. How to recognize a stroke? Its symptoms and treatment. How long do people stay in the hospital after a stroke?
A stroke is an acute and sudden violation of blood circulation in the brain, which leads to an irreversible disruption of the organ. There are two types of stroke - ischemic and hemorrhagic. The first type is most often diagnosed in the elderly, while the second type is typical for the population under the age of 45.
Ischemic stroke, or cerebral infarction, develops when important arteries that supply blood to the brain are narrowed or blocked. His cells, deprived of the necessary oxygen, die.
Hemorrhagic stroke is a non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in which the arteries supplying the organ are injured.

How many are in the hospital with a stroke? Since the two varieties of the same disease are so radically different, their treatment is fundamentally different. The duration of the necessary treatment directly depends on the degree of brain damage.
How early you can recognize the disease and seek medical help depends on how many people are in the hospital with a stroke. The first signs of illness are usually:
- numbness of the face or fingertips and toes;
- acute and growing headache;
- "flies" before the eyes;
- nausea, vomiting;
- dizziness;
- loss of orientation in space;
- speech disorders.
In addition, the following symptoms-harbingers of a stroke can be distinguished:
- Headache that often occurs when the weather changes.
- Dizziness that gets worse with movement.
- Noise or ringing in the ears, which may be constant or intermittent.
- A sharp deterioration in memory, especially related to events that occurred in the recent past.
- Sleep disorders.
You should also seek help from doctors in case of chronic fatigue or a change in performance for the worse.
How to detect a stroke?
Doctors say they only have 5 hours to save a lifeperson affected by this disease. How many are in the hospital with a stroke? Treatment and recovery period completely depend on how timely first aid was provided. Unfortunately, a person may not realize they are having a stroke, so those around them should be on the lookout for these signs:
- If you ask a person to smile, then one side of the face remains motionless, and the corner of the mouth is lowered.
- If you try to raise both hands up, a person will be able to fulfill the request only partially - only one limb will rise.
- Speech may also be sluggish, with a "porridge in the mouth" sensation or the person's inability to say simple sentences or their own name.
In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

First Aid
How much help is provided in a timely manner depends on how many are in the hospital with ischemic stroke. One of the most important moments is considered not only to recognize an acute condition, and then call an ambulance, but also to provide the patient with all possible assistance. It consists of the following actions:
- When a person loses consciousness, you need to move him to the most comfortable position.
- The head should be turned to one side so that the patient does not choke on his own vomit.
- It is important to monitor a person's blood pressure in order to report it to the medical team.
Emergency doctors must describe all symptoms,and also provide information about the person.

Treatment in intensive care
The intensive care unit is distinguished by the fact that all the necessary measures are taken there to restore the functions of vital human organs. How many people are in the hospital after a stroke? The stay of the patient in the intensive care unit, according to medical regulations, is 21 days. After that, a medical consultation is assembled, which determines the patient's condition. In some cases, stay in the intensive care unit can be extended up to 30 days or more.

Inpatient treatment
After the person's condition has been stabilized, he is transferred to the general treatment department for rehabilitation therapy. How many days are in the hospital with a stroke? The length of the patient's stay in hospital is calculated based on the severity of the injury. Often this period is from 90 days or 3 months.
This time depends entirely on the following factors:
- Have motor functions recovered.
- Recovered consciousness and the ability to clearly express their own thoughts or call for help.
- Whether cerebral edema decreased and how much blood circulation in the affected brain lobe was restored.
- It is also noted that blood pressure and heart rate should return to normal.
It is very important that at the time of transfer of the patient from the intensive care unit, he could do withoutventilator, and eat your usual food.
How many are in the hospital after an ischemic stroke? If the treatment is successful, the patient is discharged from the hospital after 3 months. After that, he will have to undergo rehabilitation on an outpatient basis. It is also possible to recover after a stroke in a rehabilitation center under the guidance of experienced specialists.
The time for full recovery after an ischemic stroke is 2 to 5 months. However, some speech defects or motor coordination may remain impaired. The time for full recovery of the body is calculated individually.
Principles of Therapy

After a stroke patient enters the intensive care unit, doctors face the following tasks:
- Monitoring body temperature and preventing it from exceeding the threshold of 37, 5. In this case, drugs based on paracetamol or other substances to reduce fever are administered.
- Fight against acute headache, which occurs due to lack of oxygen supply to the cerebral lobe, which was blocked by a thrombus in ischemic stroke. For these purposes, drugs are applicable, such as "Ketanov", "Tramadol", "Ketoprofen".
- Administration of anticonvulsants, if indicated. Medicines such as Carbamazepine, Gabapentin, Topiramate are used.
- Maintaining water balance inlarge body by introducing a solution of sodium chloride by drip.
- Continuous blood pressure monitoring.
- Monitoring the patient's cardiac activity.
- Regular blood glucose measurements.
If necessary, a sick person is connected to a ventilator and food is introduced through a special probe.
Thrombolytic therapy is often used, as a result of which a blood clot in the brain dissolves by introducing a tissue plasmogenesis activator. A contraindication to the procedure is the age of more than 40 years, and also if more than 4.5 hours have passed since the acute onset of the disease.
A very important point is the elimination of cerebral edema by the introduction of diuretics. Fatal consequences such as congestive pneumonia, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, infection of bedsores should also be prevented. How many are in the hospital with a stroke? The patient should be discharged from the intensive care unit or the therapeutic department only after his vital functions have been restored.
Recovery period
Rehabilitation of a stroke survivor should begin as soon as they are transferred from the intensive care unit. At first, sparing methods are applied, such as light massage or passive gymnastics, later you need to connect the patient to some exercises.
Complex therapy brings special results, which includes physiotherapy, sessions with psychiatrists, speech therapists and neuropsychologists. Alsomethods of restoring physical activity using simulators, including robotic ones, are encouraged. In this way, a person can be re-learned to use their physiological capabilities. It should also be understood that a stroke causes irreparable damage to brain activity, and therefore affects the psycho-emotional state, so the patient needs the support of relatives and friends.

How many days in the hospital after a stroke? The process of rehabilitation of patients is rather slow, so success can only be expected after several months of treatment and training with specialists. At the same time, a person will spend half of this time in a hospital, and the second half will follow the instructions of doctors at home.
How long do they stay in the hospital with a stroke? The success of treatment depends not only on the competent actions of doctors, but also on the age of the patient, the vastness of the brain lesion. If the intelligence of a sick person is preserved, then an important factor in restorative therapy is the desire of the patient to live.

It should be noted that about 35% of stroke victims die within the first month, another 20% of patients within a year. Of the survivors, only 20% are able to return to their former lives, if the disease has not affected the vital lobes of the brain and these people fully recover within a year. Also, 18% of survivors completely lose the ability to think and speak adequately, and 48% of patients loseability to move independently. Despite such disappointing statistics, ischemic stroke has a much better survival prognosis than hemorrhagic stroke.