Stomatitis means a painful inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is further manifested by various kinds of rashes. It can be ulcers, aphthae, erosion or pustules. If the disease is not accompanied by similar symptoms, we are most often talking about its catarrhal form. How is she different from others? Does she need to be treated? We will try to deal with these questions in today's article.
Description of the disease
The human oral cavity is a place of primary neutralization and initial processing of food. The salivary glands play the role of a protective barrier. The secret secreted by them prevents infection of the mucosa. Pathogenic bacteria constantly enter the oral cavity along with food, air or water. Against the background of a decrease in the protective properties of saliva, infection occurs. This is how catarrhal stomatitis develops.

This disease is characterized by severe inflammation of the mucous tissues of the mouth with the release of serous exudate. Lesions can be localized both on the entire area of the cavity, and on its individual parts: gums, tongue, palate. The pathological process is usuallylasts no more than 10 days. Properly selected therapy leads to a quick recovery. Lack of treatment often results in the transformation of the disease into a chronic form.
Causes of stomatitis in adults and children
The fundamental factor in the development of the disease is poor oral hygiene. As a result, favorable conditions are formed on its mucous membranes for the vital activity of pathogenic flora. Bacteria provoke the development of various diseases, one of which is catarrhal stomatitis.
Its occurrence may be due to other reasons. They can be divided into 4 conditional groups:
- Infectious. Adenovirus or influenza are the main sources of infection. Also, the development of stomatitis is influenced by more serious diseases. Among them, measles, chickenpox, pneumonia should be noted.
- Traumatic. This group includes damage to the oral cavity of a mechanical, thermal or chemical nature.

- Specific. The development of stomatitis may be preceded by pathologies such as syphilis and tuberculosis.
- Symptomatic. This form of the disease is often a complication of chronic ailments that affect the endocrine, gastrointestinal or circulatory systems.
In infants, catarrhal stomatitis is most often diagnosed during teething.
First manifestations of the disease
The main symptom of the disease is a pronounced swelling of the oral mucosa. At the same time, there may beimpressions of the dentition in the cheek area. Sometimes patients complain of bleeding gums, bad breath. The foci of inflammation eventually become covered with a white or grayish coating. At the initial stage of the pathological process, pain is possible during a conversation or chewing food. In a complicated course, such discomfort accompanies the patient constantly.

What other symptoms does catarrhal stomatitis have? In young children, the disease is manifested by a deterioration in appetite, capriciousness. Body temperature remains at subfebrile levels. If the disease is acute, all its signs develop quickly and have a pronounced form. In the chronic variant, symptoms appear slowly.
Diagnostic Methods
Ignore the symptoms of the disease can not be. If you suspect catarrhal stomatitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. An experienced doctor will not be difficult to diagnose the inflammatory process. To do this, it is enough to conduct a physical examination. To determine the cause of swelling, you will need to take a smear from the oral mucosa. If, after studying the material in the laboratory, the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes therapy.

It is worth noting that self-treatment or ignoring the symptoms of pathology is highly undesirable. If the necessary measures are not taken at the initial stage, the disease can move to the next stage with a complicated course. Possible negative consequences of catarrhalstomatitis are discussed below.
What is the danger of the disease?
In most cases, catarrhal stomatitis has a favorable prognosis. Treatment carried out in a timely manner guarantees a complete recovery after 10 days. Unfortunately, not all people approach the issue of therapy thoroughly. Neglect of one's own he alth sometimes ends with the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. In this case, longer treatment is required.

Also, in such patients, the pathology of a secondary bacterial infection is often observed. The presence of a focus of inflammation in the body can lead to diseases of the gums and teeth (periodontitis, caries, gingivitis). In advanced cases, pathogenic microbes penetrate into the deep layers of soft tissues. The result is a change in the structure of the bone.
Principles for the treatment of young patients
In children, catarrhal stomatitis responds very well to therapy. Photos of the first signs of the pathological process can be viewed in specialized reference books. Therefore, even self-diagnosis of the disease does not cause difficulties. However, the therapy should be prescribed by a doctor, since not all drugs are suitable for small patients.
To eliminate the inflammatory process, ointments and solutions with a pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial effect are usually recommended. The main therapy consists in regular rinsing of the oral cavity and the treatment of pathological foci with special preparations. In the first case, "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine" is prescribed.

The following preparations are recommended for mucosal treatment:
- "Hexalise".
- Tantum Verde.
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- "Trypsin".
- Kalgel.
When the disease is accompanied by severe pain discomfort, short-term applications of lidocaine or benzocaine are used.
Catarrhal stomatitis in infants is often accompanied by fever. In this case, young patients are shown to drink plenty of water. If the temperature does not decrease, antipyretic medicine should be given. Paracetamol is considered the safest and at the same time effective. It can be bought in the form of tablets, syrup or suppositories. Ibuprofen also proved to be excellent. Any drugs should be given only according to the instructions. If the child is not yet a year old, and the therapy does not give the desired effect, it is necessary to call the local pediatrician.
Catarrhal stomatitis: treatment in adults
Therapy of this disease in adult patients is practically no different from the treatment of babies. To combat inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, antiseptic treatments and rinses are also indicated. On the positive side, traditional medicine has also proven itself. To combat lesions, decoctions based on plants that have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect are used. It can be the well-known calendula, St. John's wort or oak bark. Herbs are brewed with boiling water. For a spoonful of dry raw materials, you must use a glass of water.

In case of a complicated clinical picture, the patient must be hospitalized. In the hospital, he is usually prescribed vitamin therapy and intravenous calcium chloride.
Prevention measures
Catarrhal stomatitis belongs to the category of recurrent diseases. To prevent its recurrence, you must follow the simple rules of prevention:
- treat dental diseases in a timely manner;
- pay attention to oral hygiene;
- monitor the state of immunity;
- visit the dentist regularly.
Prevention of this disease in children requires separate consideration. Doctors recommend treating the nipple and bottle with disinfectants before each feeding. Toys should be periodically washed with soap and rinsed under running water. When the first teeth appear in a child, it is important to immediately accustom the baby to brushing them. Talk to your pediatrician about which brush and toothpaste to use.