In the modern world, people are often prone to disease, microbes accompany us everywhere: at work, at home, and on the street. In order to protect yourself and protect yourself from various diseases, you need to carry out prevention at the initial stage and try to get rid of the first symptom - cough. Alternative treatment for adults and children will be discussed in the article.
Causes of cough
Before looking at how to treat a cough, the causes should also be considered. It is necessary to take the disease seriously, as it can provoke not only a cold, but also tuberculosis. The airways in this situation are clogged with thick mucus, which interferes with normal breathing. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to investigate at what stage your disease is. After you have already consulted with a specialist, the doctor will prescribe a specific medicine for you:
- complex drugs that have a pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effect (additionally implementedanti-inflammatory effect of the drugs in question to turn a dry cough into a wet one);
- means to help cope with dry cough, the action of which is aimed at thinning the thick sputum secreted by the respiratory organs;
- sedatives to prevent severe coughing.

Dry cough does not expel phlegm, so it should be converted to wet. In this case, the patient needs to pay attention to the color of the liquid that comes out, because some shades (yellowish-green, red) indicate other serious problems in the body. If the cough is just starting to appear, then folk remedies will be very effective.
To treat a cough with folk remedies quickly, it is worth distinguishing whether it is dry or wet. Let's look at the features of each, and only then find out how to get rid of the problem.
Dry cough: features
This cough appears due to the fact that the receptors go into a painful state: inflammation, inhalation of too hot, cold or dirty air. Most often, doctors prescribe special proven drugs. Without proper treatment of dry cough in an adult and a child, the situation can be aggravated. Remember that alternative treatment will be effective only in combination with traditional medicine, but it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and buy medicines without consulting a specialist.
What additional actions can be taken? In order for the treatment of dry cough to beeffective, drink plenty of water. Drink about 2 liters of warm liquid per day. Thus, you will translate a dry cough into a wet one. In addition, frequent drinking leads to the appearance of a protective layer of the mucous membrane, the inflammation in the throat goes away, the cough stops bothering the patient all the time. What fluids should be consumed:
- water from natural sources;
- warm tea with honey, raspberries and lemon;
- warmed milk with some butter or soda;
- specially selected various medicinal herbs;
- tincture of elecampane, wild rosemary, coltsfoot;
- a method of drug administration based on the inhalation of gas, vapor or smoke;
- air humidification;
- mechanical and reflex action on the chest.
All about wet cough
Wet cough appears as a result of inflammation of the receptors, which does not allow a person to breathe calmly and saturate the lungs with oxygen. Such a cough appears due to the fact that sputum prevents a person from inhaling air calmly and painlessly.

When does sputum occur:
- during infection with viruses, the penetration of bacteria into the body;
- when exposed to TBD drugs that can only deal with dry cough;
- leaves the blood in a pathological condition, when there is a serious violation of gas exchange in the lungs and hypoxia develops.
If you have not been diagnosed with pulmonary edema,then getting rid of a wet cough will additionally help eliminate diseases that provoke coughing and sputum excretion. Most often, with such a disease, experts advise taking inside special drugs that remove sputum. After liquefaction, the contents are released along with the microbes.
Important! Medicines that thin mucus and make it easier to clear from the lungs should not be taken by infants under 2 years of age.
Folk treatments
If you want the treatment of cough, fever and other symptoms of a cold or flu to be really effective, then we advise you to use the drugs prescribed by your doctor in combination with folk remedies. Let's take a look at some effective ways.
Internal use
They allocate a group of funds with which you can effectively treat cough at home:
- Milk and honey work very well for this problem. This combination helps to overcome cough on the first day. Boil the milk first and then add a few teaspoons of honey to it. However, a little baking soda or one fourth of a teaspoon of vanilla (cinnamon) can also be added to this medicine. You can also mix dessert wine with 1 bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. If you decide to turn to the second option, then the solution should be heated to a boil, then wait a few minutes and immediately drink the medicine. You need to drink 2 glasses in small portions per day. A useful property of such a solution isin that a lot of sweat will stand out and, accordingly, phlegm will come out.
- Chamomile and lemon. You will need: 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and the same amount of finely chopped lemon. In this mixture, you also need to add a little black tea, and then pour hot water over the liquid. After an hour, you can take the solution inside.
- Onion jam. In this case, you can drink such a medicine even for small children.

How to prepare such a remedy? The recipe is as follows:
- Peel the onion and then grate it - you should get about a glass of raw material.
- In order for you not to feel the tasteless onion liquid, you can use a blender.
- The onion mixture needs to be candied and then boiled for about 5 minutes. To get a sweet taste, you can pour a little honey.

You can feel the relief of symptoms (cough treatment has been carried out in this way since ancient times) if you take 1 tablespoon of jam. If you do not like the first option, then we offer you another way:
- The first step is to create a syrup by combining 250 ml of water and 250 grams of sugar.
- Take one onion and chop it completely. After that, you need to add the mixture to the syrup and put the finished liquid on the fire.
It is necessary to use the resulting solution in the same way as in the first option. The course of treatment should betime for the patient to fully prevent the severe urge to cough.
Milk and banana
Cough treatment at home can be done with milk and a banana. But this recipe is suitable for special gourmets. If you have just started your course of treatment for cough folk remedies, and while your symptoms are not severe, it is worth trying this medicine. You need to take the following products: 300 ml of milk, a banana, a few tablespoons of cocoa, which dissolves quickly, and a teaspoon of honey. You need to mix all these ingredients, having previously transferred the banana to a liquid state. Now you should bring the solution to room temperature and drink in a few sips, slowly. Most often, this remedy is used before bedtime to feel he althy in the morning.

Milk with butter
For the treatment of throat and cough, heat the milk, then mix it with butter. If you want to get rid of a dry cough, then this method will really help eliminate inflammation. As for the products and their quantities, you need to take 1 glass of milk and 50 grams of butter.
Important! In certain newspapers and magazines, a recipe for cough is given, where the main ingredients are milk and cocoa butter. You need to choose only the best quality oil, as the immune system in this case will be able to recover and strengthen.
Black radish
This is really a great way to treat a cough with folk remedies. Buy or pick in the garden a large blackradish, remove the top and remove everything from the inside, but not completely. A little honey should be added to this cut out part, so that later the juice can stand out in large quantities. The radish should be put in a glass of water so that the tail is at the bottom. After 3-4 hours, you need to take the medicine inside, after adding honey.

If you want to try another way to treat cough in adults and children, then we present to your attention the following recipe: take 6 or 8 pieces of radish and cut them into thin rings. Be sure to add plenty of sugar, so the vegetable can extract the juice abundantly. 1 tablespoon of this medicine, taken every hour, will help get rid of a cough. Treatment will be carried out as soon as possible.
Herbal infusions
Cough treatment in adults and children can be done with herbal infusions. You need to take dry primrose flowers, coltsfoot leaves, elecampane root and licorice. A tablespoon of dried herbs must be mixed with a glass of hot water. After that, the solution should be left for 30 minutes, and then filtered. Now you need to pour the finished liquid into a glass and take 1/4 cup orally 3-4 times a day after meals.
Cough can be treated at home with liquorice infusion. He does an excellent job with the problem at hand. To do this, take 10 g of the root of the plant and pour a glass of hot water. Next, bring everything to a boil. After that, you need to cool the tincture (wait 45 minutes), then strain, removeexcess liquid so that the volume is 200 ml. It is calculated that the patient will drink the medicine 1 tablespoon 3-4 times.
Figs (or figs), which are cooked together with milk over a fire (several fruits per 1 glass of liquid), have long been used by people for severe coughs and colds. The decoction is most often drunk warmed up before going to bed. In addition, you can take not only the fruits themselves, but also the leaves of the product, since they also effectively fight microbes in your body.
External use
If you do not want to take the medicine inside, then just for you we have made a selection of several drugs that are rubbed into the skin:
Potato compress is the easiest and most effective way, which is also affordable. What should be done? First of all, you need to boil the potatoes, while leaving the peel on it. While hot, place the mixture in a plastic bag. Don't forget to add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Now you should close the bag tightly and chop the potatoes, then put this remedy on the chest of the patient
Please note that this compress is suitable for treating cough without fever in an adult. It should be noted that it will also be useful for children who have recently begun to cough. The compress does not cause allergies.
Tip: wrap the compress with a towel so as not to burn yourself, and additionally cover the patient with a warm blanket. After the mixture has reached room temperature, it is worth removing the medicine from the breast.
Honey compress. All you have to do is rub your chesthoney patient. After that, cover the parchment on top. Don't forget to cover yourself with warm clothing. Keep the compress for about half an hour, and then remove the honey from the skin and start rubbing vegetable oil, combining it with eucalyptus (1: 1 ratio)
Be sure to preheat honey in a water bath.
How to treat cough in children
Not all products can be used by children during illness. Let's get acquainted with the general list of folk remedies for children:
- You will need 100 g of honey, 100 g of fresh butter, vanillin powder. To prepare a he althy mixture, you should mix everything thoroughly. You need to take the medicine inside 1 small spoonful.
- If bronchitis has just begun to develop, you should give the child to drink 1 teaspoon of castor oil.
- Take potatoes, onions and an apple. Grind food and pour boiling water. Put on fire. You need to cook until the water boils away by one second. Use 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
- 5 small garlic cloves, minced or pounded, boiled with unpasteurized milk (1 cup). Apply as in the previous paragraph.
- A small spoonful of powdered poppy seeds should be combined with 50 ml of warm milk. Drink immediately. This medicine will help fight inflammation. Consume twice a day.
- Babies with serious illness can combine 1:1 honey and warm vegetable oil. Drink 2 times a day.
- Take a few cloves of garlic, finely chop. The composition can be smeared on the feet. It is necessary to wrap the leg with a thin cotton cloth, adding pork fat there in advance. It is best to do the procedure before going to bed and even leave such a compress for the whole night. Additionally, you should wear a sock. Remove the mixture in the morning and leave it for the next application. It is better to wash your feet in the morning, as an unpleasant smell may remain.
- Take a radish and cut it, then place it in a saucepan and pour sugar. Bake for several hours. Filter, extract the radish, and pour the solution into a bottle. Such a medicine should be drunk 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
- The oldest and most effective way is to hang garlic in a small container in the room at night, and when the baby begins to fall asleep, put the garlic closer to his nose. Often this method is used during SARS, but still it will not be superfluous to get rid of germs.
- You can also spread a child's back and front of the body with lard or other oil, adding a little colorless or yellowish liquid with a strong odor, obtained by distilling the resin of coniferous trees with water.
- If you notice that in addition to coughing, the child's temperature rises, you should rub his chest with vodka in equal parts with warm vinegar, and also give him a drink of chamomile infusion. Remember to cover the baby tightly with a blanket so that all sweat can escape.
- If the cough comes out with phlegm, or if the phlegm, on the contrary, does not come out at all, then you need to drink a few drops of almond oil in sugar syrup twice.
- Buy a head of red onion, remove the husk and highlight the recess. Shouldadd sugar. When the juice accumulates, the child will need to drink this liquid.
- Combine a few tablespoons of oats with the same portion of raisins. After that, add 1.5 liters of steamed water at room temperature. Place over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. Squeeze and strain, add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir well. Consume 1 tablespoon twice daily.
- Don't forget to gargle with such a useful remedy: add a little ammonia to a glass of water.

As we can see, there are a huge number of ways to get rid of a cough. Many people still use such methods to this day and trust them even more than drugs sold in pharmacies, because in this case there is no need to consult a doctor. You can use such folk methods both at the initial stage and in case of a serious problem - while holding your breath due to coughing.
Cough prevention involves maintaining an active and he althy lifestyle, wearing seasonal clothing, and eating a balanced diet.