Bronchitis in children often resembles a common cold at the beginning of the disease. But the disease is dangerous for the child's body, and therefore requires immediate treatment. For effective therapy, it is important to determine the form of the pathology and take into account the age of the child.
What is a disease
In children, it is a pathology that develops as a result of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Among all diseases of the respiratory system, this disease is in second place in terms of danger to the he alth of the baby. The first is pneumonia.
When exposed to a number of negative factors, the bronchi are affected, and then the pathological process spreads to the rest of the respiratory organs. The disease most often affects children during the cold season, when the immune system cannot cope with disease-causing agents, but it is not uncommon to develop the disease at any time of the year if the immune system is low.
Bronchitis in a child at 2 years old is diagnosed much more often than in adolescents. This is due to the imperfection of the immune system. Parents should take their child to the doctor if there is a suspicious cough accompanied by other symptoms. Without appropriate therapy, there is a dangerdevelopment of serious complications.
Reasons for the development of the disease
A child 3 years of age or younger often develops bronchitis due to the presence of the following predisposing factors:
- The airways are narrow.
- The structure of cartilage structures is imperfect.
- The speed of removing mucus from the bronchi is low.
- Immature cough reflex.
These are the main provoking factors of bronchitis in children under one year old. But there are other reasons for the development of the disease. The disease can develop if the following pathogens enter the body:
- Viruses. They settle on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, if no action is taken, then the viruses penetrate into the bronchi.
- Bacteria. Among them, streptococci, pneumococci, chlamydia most often cause bronchitis. You won't be able to fight them without antibiotics.
- Allergens.
- Fungi. These organisms often cause bronchitis in immunocompromised, premature babies.
- Toxins from the surrounding air can lead to disease. Tobacco smoke often provokes bronchitis in infants. Moms who smoke do not think that they are doing great harm to their baby's he alth.

Provoke bronchitis can:
- Hypothermia. The processes of thermoregulation in young children are imperfect, so clothes that are not suitable for the weather quickly lead to hypothermia. But it must be remembered that excessive wrapping of the baby is also dangerous. He sweats, and wet skin is blown,causing inflammation in the bronchi.
- Bronchitis in children aged 2 years and under can be caused by a natural physiological cause, such as teething. During such periods, all immune mechanisms suffer, which leads to the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and the appearance of symptoms of bronchitis.
- Respiratory infections. Among all cases of bronchitis, 80% of viral and bacterial infections become provocateurs of its development.
To prescribe effective therapy, it is also important to determine the form of the disease.
Varieties of bronchitis
According to the duration of the course, several forms of bronchitis are distinguished:
- Acute bronchitis in children. It begins its development after hypothermia or penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body. Most often, this pathology develops in babies after a year. The child complains of a headache, a cough appears, which is dry in the first days, and then becomes wet.
- Chronic form of the disease. It develops against the background of undertreated acute bronchitis.
The severity of the disease can also be different, so they distinguish:
- Uncomplicated bronchitis. The baby is worried about a strong cough, but it is accompanied by copious sputum.
- Obstructive bronchitis in children. This form is characterized by obstruction of the bronchi and the appearance of shortness of breath. In the early stages of the development of pathology, the cough is dry and is accompanied by rhinitis. Then wheezing appears, the body temperature rises.

Obliterating bronchitis is characterized by a protracted course. There is an overgrowth of the channels in the bronchi, which significantly complicates the child's breathing
Classification of bronchitis is also carried out taking into account the localization of the pathological process, there are:
- Tracheobronchitis. The inflammatory process is localized in the trachea and bronchi. There is a painful cough, but there are difficulties with sputum discharge.
- Bronchiolitis. It affects the bronchi and bronchioles. This form often affects infants. Their immune system is not able to fight viruses that penetrate into the underlying parts of the respiratory system. Wheezing appears, the heart beats faster, shortness of breath, febrile temperature.
Taking into account the form and type of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment for the child. Do not self-medicate, it can be dangerous for children.
Symptoms of the disease
What kind of child with bronchitis? If the pathology is not complicated, then the following manifestations are observed:
- Babies up to one year of age have a strong cough, body temperature can rise to 40 degrees. When listening, wheezing is heard.
- The duration of high fever depends on the type of infection. If bronchitis is caused by a virus, then hyperthermia lasts 3-4 days.
- In the first days, the cough is painful and dry, after a few days it becomes wet and sputum is observed.
- The doctor, upon examination, detects redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, increased lacrimation.
- Impaired airway ventilation leads to dry and wet rales.
Manifestations of acute bronchitis
Children oftenthis form is diagnosed in the first year of life and is manifested by the following symptoms:
High body temperature

- The condition is deteriorating rapidly, and all signs of respiratory failure are observed: the baby has difficulty breathing, breathing becomes rapid.
- Wheezing is heard, emphysema gradually develops.
Obstructive disease
This form occurs with signs of bronchial obstruction. Often diagnosed in babies 2-3 years of age. Signs of bronchitis in children are as follows:
- Symptoms appear within a few days after the pathogen enters the body.
- Breathing is noisy and wheezing with a long breath.
- The child becomes fearful and restless.
- Loss of appetite.
- There is shortness of breath.
Detecting this form of the disease is much easier than ordinary bronchitis, given the severity of the symptoms.
Temperature with bronchitis in children
If the disease is protracted, then the child rarely has a high temperature. In infants, temperatures can stay between 37.5-38 degrees, and then there is a rise or a sudden decline without taking medication.
If the temperature jumps to 38-39 degrees, then you should not immediately panic. The characteristics of the body are different for everyone, and most often the immune system is trying to cope with the pathogens of bronchitis. What should be the temperature during this disease? Doctors don't havea clear answer. It all depends on the immunity of the child and the cause of the pathology:
- If the causative agents of bronchitis are streptococci, pneumococci, the temperature rises slightly and lasts for three days. In some children, the disease proceeds in general with normal indicators.
- The parainfluenza virus causes a fever that lasts no more than 3 days.
- In real flu, high rates last up to 5 days.
- Adenovirus causes high fever that can last for more than a week.
Bronchitis treatment
Depending on the severity of the course of the disease and its form, therapy can take up to two weeks, if there are complications, then 21 days or more. When treating bronchitis in children, Komarovsky recommends:
- Comply with bed rest, especially in the first days of illness.
- Restrict physical activity until temperature returns to normal.
- Adjust the child's diet by including easily digestible meals: vegetable soups, cereals, dairy products.
- Provide plenty of fluids.

- If you have a sore throat, then use medicinal decoctions to rinse.
- To improve the excretion of sputum, take expectorants. Babies should only be prescribed these drugs by a doctor.
- Perform inhalation using a nebulizer.
- Use distraction therapy: warming ointments and compresses. Carefully use ointments with the addition of essential oils and medicinal herbs, becausethey can provoke an allergic reaction and worsen the child's condition.
- If bronchitis is accompanied by nasal congestion, then use vasoconstrictor drops and saline solutions for washing.
Therapy for bronchitis includes the following areas:
- Treatment with drugs.
- Inhalations.
- Drainage massage.
- Using traditional medicine recipes.
Medicated treatment
When there are signs of bronchitis in children, be sure to show the baby to the doctor. Only a pediatrician can prescribe medications taking into account the form of the disease and the characteristics of its course. An important role is played by the age of the child for choosing the dosage of the medicine.
The following groups of drugs are often used:
- Means that expand the bronchi: "Ventolin", "Salbutamol", "Berodual". They are used for inhalation with a nebulizer in case of bronchial obstruction.
- Expectorants: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Lazolvan.
- Given that bronchitis occurs with an inflammatory process, Erespal is shown to reduce the inflammatory process.
- In the presence of a viral infection, Viferon, Interferon are prescribed.
- To reduce the temperature, it is recommended to give the child "Panadol", "Nurofen".
- If you are worried about dry and exhausting cough, then "Glaucin" is prescribed.
- Antihistamines are prescribed for allergic agents.
Komarovsky recommends treating bronchitis in children, if possible, withoutthe use of antibacterial agents. If the pathology is provoked by viruses, then such drugs will simply be ineffective. In the case of bacterial bronchitis, only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics. The task of parents is to strictly observe the dosage and treatment regimen. If the course is not completed, then after a while the disease will return, and the bacteria will develop resistance to the drug, which will complicate further treatment.
Drainage massage
If the child does not have a fever, and the cough has become wet, then Komarovsky recommends supplementing the treatment of bronchitis in children with massage. This is an adjunct therapy and is recommended for children over 6 months of age.
The technique is as follows:
- Put baby on stomach.
- Apply a couple of drops of essential oil on your back to make your hands glide better.
- Start with stroking movements, and then move on to tapping the branches along the spine with the pads of your fingers. All movements must be unobtrusive. They promote the discharge of mucus from the bronchi.
- Sit the baby up so he can cough up phlegm.
Bronchitis in children (reviews of moms confirm this) goes much faster if you do this massage twice a day every day.
Today, such a procedure can be safely carried out at home using a nebulizer. This device allows you to translate the drug solution into tiny droplets, which facilitates penetration to the pathological areas. A contraindication to the procedure is the presence of a high temperature in a child. You also need to be careful when choosing drugs for inhalation, some of them can only be used for children after 2 years.
Depending on the form of the disease and the age of the child, you can use:
- Saline. Suitable for the treatment of any form of disease.
- "Berodual", "Berotek" are prescribed for obstructive bronchitis.
- "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene", "Fluimucil" are used in various forms of the disease to thin and improve sputum excretion.

Remember, steam inhalation is contraindicated for small children.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Some mothers try to cure bronchitis in a child with folk remedies. But we must remember that such experiments can end badly. Alternative methods are good additional measures for treatment, and they are best used in conjunction with other forms of therapy.
The following recipes are the most effective and safe for children:
- Compress of honey and sunflower oil. It is necessary to combine the components in equal proportions and heat the composition in a water bath. It is superimposed on the back and chest, and on top it must be wrapped with polyethylene and covered with a warm scarf or blanket. If a child is allergic to bee products, then honey should not be used.
- Boil the potatoes with their skins on and drain after cooking. Place in a gauze napkin and attach to the back, covering the top with oilcloth and a blanket.
- Can children put mustard plasters with bronchitis? It is possible, butonly for children over 5 years of age. They are placed on the chest, bypassing the heart zone.
- Prepare a decoction of thyme and give the child to drink instead of tea several times a day.
- Warm milk with honey and butter softens and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract.

- Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of marshmallow root, licorice, sage, pine buds and anise fruit. Pour 250 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and divide the composition into 4 times. Give to the child during the day.
- If there is no high temperature, then you can steam your child's legs with the addition of dry mustard. After the procedure, dry thoroughly and put on warm socks.
Folk recipes will perfectly complement the main treatment and speed up recovery.
Rules for caring for a sick child
During treatment, the task of creating conditions for the speedy recovery of the baby falls on the shoulders of the parents. This means not only taking medications and carrying out various procedures, but also facilitating easier sputum discharge. To do this, it is important not to allow it to dry out. Recommendations are as follows:
- Keep your child's room at a normal level of humidity. A humidifier can perfectly help with this, if there is none, then do wet cleaning more often, hang a wet towel on the battery.
- Keep the room temperature between 18-20 degrees. You should not wrap the baby, under such conditions, the mucus quickly dehydrates, which makes it difficultdeparture.
- Provide plenty of fluids. Fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas will do.
- Stay outdoors with your child. It is an erroneous opinion that it is forbidden to go outside during a cold. This condition only applies to high temperatures.
- Ventilate the room regularly.
- Reduce the amount of water procedures, and body hygiene can be maintained with wet wipes for several days.
These simple tips will help speed up the recovery and alleviate the condition of the child. After bronchitis, their observance will also be useful.
Consequences of bronchitis
If parents do not seek medical help in a timely manner or therapy is prescribed without taking into account the form of the disease, then the pathology is fraught with the following complications:
- The disease becomes chronic and, at the slightest opportunity, begins to disturb the baby with its unpleasant symptoms.
- Pneumonia develops.
- Often bronchitis gives impetus to the development of bronchial asthma.
- Respiratory failure develops, which is especially dangerous for infants.
To prevent this, do not self-medicate when it comes to sick children. It is better to play it safe and visit the pediatrician once again than to treat the child for a long and painful time.
Prevention of bronchitis
It is impossible to completely protect a child from colds (including bronchitis), but if you follow some recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of their development. Preventive measures include:
Engage in tempering procedures from an early age. This helps to strengthen children's immunity and improves the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. For babies, you need to start with ordinary air baths, rubbing with a damp cloth, daily walks. Parents who sit at home with their kids almost all winter are doing it wrong. There is a high probability that it is these children who suffer from colds and bronchitis more often than others

- Always dress your child for the weather. No need to wrap him up, sweating will only get sick faster.
- Take courses of immune-boosting drugs during the cold season.
- Get your child a diet that contains all the vitamins and minerals they need.
- Encourage sports, set an example for your child and at least do exercises with him.
- Always treat your child's runny nose, don't expect it to go away in a week without therapy. This approach is fraught with complications in the form of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or meningitis.
When children get sick, it is always a test for parents. But babies are defenseless and completely dependent, and the he alth of the child depends only on the common sense of mothers. Never buy drugs on the advice of friends or other moms in the yard. Everyone's body is different, and the same disease occurs differently in everyone. Only a doctor can prescribe an effective and safe medicine for your child.