The nebulizer is suitable for inhalation for adults and children. The device provides ideal nebulization of the drug and provides the possibility of non-surgical treatment, as well as the use of the device at home. According to reviews, the nebulizer for sinusitis effectively promotes recovery.
Nebulizer action
The design of the device is such that the drug penetrates not only into the nasal passage, but also into the maxillary sinuses. Thanks to drip irrigation, the active substance helps to free the mucosa from suppuration. The greatest effect of inhalation is achieved with the primary lesion of the maxillary sinuses in combination with other procedures. The devices differ in the way they convert the medicine into an aerosol.

One of the performance indicators of the nebulizer is the ability to control particle size.
Nebulizer Benefits:
- Safety. The nebulizer converts the liquid substance intoaerosol without heating. In this state, the risk of burning the nasal passages is eliminated.
- Preservation of the beneficial properties of the drug. The solution is sprayed under air pressure. When evaporated in a nebulizer, the drugs do not lose their medicinal qualities, which cannot be said about devices that operate under the influence of temperature.
- Performance. Small particles penetrate into hard-to-reach areas of the respiratory tract, settling on the mucous membrane and relieving malaise. In this sense, the nebulizer has a great advantage over tablets, which pass through the digestive system and, only when they are in the blood, have an effect.

The effectiveness of the nebulizer for sinusitis is expressed as follows:
- breathing easier;
- stopping sinus congestion;
- immunomodulating effect;
- complication-deterrent action;
- liquidation of mucus, removal of pus;
- anti-inflammatory action;
- drainage effect;
- acceleration of epithelium renewal;
- simplicity and ease of use.
Types of appliances
Most common types of devices:
- Compressor. Ideal nebulizers for sinusitis, as they allow the use of solutions of any kind by spraying the active substance. Of the shortcomings - the relatively noisy operation of the device.
- Ultrasonic. Spraying occurs under the action of ultrasound and a special membrane in a container with a medicinal substance. Pros: reliability, no noise. Minuses:the ability to have a destructive effect on certain substances.
- Mesh nebulizers. Ultrasound creates a mesh adapted in such a way as not to destroy the main components of the drug. The device combines the best qualities of compressor and ultrasonic devices.

The device should be selected based on which inhalations for sinusitis with a nebulizer were prescribed. At the initial stage of the pathology, symptoms can be eliminated with a conventional steam inhaler.
Drugs for sinusitis
All medicines for inhalation with sinusitis with a nebulizer should be used with saline. The best means for inhalation are immunostimulants, vasoconstrictors, anti-inflammatory antibiotics, hormonal drugs. Desensitizing agents help reduce swelling and remove pathological secretions.

The doctor will prescribe the main and secondary drugs for inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis. With which medicine the device model interacts best, you should either ask a specialist. Reading the instructions is also recommended.
Solutions and medicines for inhalation with sinusitis:
- herbal preparations: Eucalyptus, Rotokan, Malavit, Propolis;
- antiseptics: "Furacilin", "Miramistin", "Dioxidin";
- antibiotics:"Gentamicin", "Bioparox", "Tobramycin", "Isofra";
- drugs that increase the protective properties of the body: "Interferon", "Derinat";
- combined products that heal the nasal mucosa: "Rinofluimucil", "Polydex" and the like.
Recommended list of drugs and their effects:
- Polydex nasal spray contains dexamethasone (a hormone) and antibiotics.
- Nasal spray "Isofra" (antibiotic) - a single injection into a container with 2-3 ml of saline. The frequency of procedures - 3 times a day; course of treatment - a week.
- Bioparox nasal aerosol (antibiotic) - similar to the previous method of application.
- "Rinofluimicil" is distinguished by vasoconstrictive and secretolytic properties, activates the restoration of the mucosa.
- "Tonzilong N" is characterized by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Vasoconstrictor "Oxymetazoline", "Nafazolin", "Xylometazoline": dissolve 5 drops of the drug in saline solution (2-3 ml). Inhalations for sinusitis with a nebulizer are shown twice a day, the course of treatment is up to a week.
With allergic sinusitis, hormonal and antihistamines are indicated, especially with swelling. The doctor may recommend Dexamethasone, Kromoheksal, Fluimucil. The number of procedures and dosage are also prescribed by a specialist.
Four main groupsnebulizer solutions for sinusitis:
- Saline solutions. Effectively cleanse the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, eliminate secretions (1% sodium chloride).
- Alkaline solutions. Healing mineral waters ("Essentuki", "Narzan"). Purulent masses are liquefied, and the nasal sinuses are released. Water is useful as a preventive measure.
- Antibiotic solutions. Furacilin (0.02%), Fluimucil, Tobramycin, Dioxidin (0.5%).
- Immunomodulators. Interferon leukocyte, fighting viral infections. Used to quickly restore immunity.
Means prohibited for the nebulizer
Prohibitions for inhalation with a nebulizer for sinusitis:
- Mucolytics: They cause bronchitis through penetration into the lungs.
- Alternative remedies: when an antibiotic is prescribed, it should not be replaced by another without a doctor's recommendation.
- If the medicine is administered orally, it cannot be used to treat sinusitis with a nebulizer (intravenous action is provided to destroy the pathogen in the bloodstream).
- Decoctions of herbs: complications in the form of allergies are not excluded: swelling, suffocation, urticaria.
- Herbal juices and oil solutions, as they can interfere with the operation of the nebulizer.
- Some hormonal drugs, Papaverine, Eufillin.
Patients will not fail to ask if it is possible to inhale with a nebulizer for sinusitis using folk remedies: the device does notsuitable for oil-based preparations and herbal decoctions. For treatment with them, a regular steam inhaler is suitable.
Recommendations for inhalation
For nasal inhalation, a specially designated agent should be used, which must be diluted with saline (1: 2). Do not fill the tank with distilled water, as it can provoke coughing fits. The best option is saline, saline.
In the treatment with a nebulizer, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules:
- do not inhale at high body temperature;
- postpone treatment for 2 hours after vigorous activity;
- do not breathe with a nebulizer for sinusitis immediately before or after eating;
- quit smoking, in the worst case - make an hour interval for the procedure;
- in cold weather, do not leave the room after inhalation;
- drugs that cause an allergic reaction are prohibited.
Before inhalation, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages (using "Akvalor", "Aqua Maris", "Marimer", "Humer", "No-Sol") and drip a vasoconstrictor ("Otrivin", "Tizin").
For the purpose of cleansing, inhalations with a nebulizer are also used for sinusitis. Medicines - a vasoconstrictor drug (5 drops) with saline (3 ml). After that, they move on to breathing with the main drug - an antibiotic or another prescribed by a doctor.

How the procedure works:
- recommended position - sitting;
- you must put on a mask on your face and inhale the medicine deeply through your nose (do not breathe through your mouth);
- if a cough occurs, stop inhalation;
- also temporarily stop inhalation in case of sudden dizziness (if the symptom recurs, be sure to inform the doctor);
- treatment duration - 15 minutes, until the dose of the drug is completely sprayed.
For children, the dosage is determined according to age; duration does not exceed 10 minutes; the number of procedures - up to 5. Proper treatment will get rid of symptoms within a week.
Each device has an instruction manual. The medicine container is checked for integrity, the device is assembled with clean hands. Before connecting the device to the network, the reservoir is filled with the prescribed drug, diluting it with saline and observing the indicated dose.
If the solution is stored in a refrigerator, it is heated in a water bath at room temperature, after which it is used. First, 2 ml (or more according to the prescription) of the solvent is poured into the nebulizer, then the required number of drops of the drug prescribed by the doctor is added to it.
To enhance the healing effect of inhalations, it is useful to take decoctions of mint, St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot. Teas from them will help accelerate the thinning of mucus in the sinuses.
Using home treatment, many are wondering if inhalations are done with a nebulizer for sinusitis, if there are some exacerbations of the condition.
To the list of contraindicationsshould include:
- high temperature;
- presence of bleeding from the nose, lungs;
- purulent inflammation in the sinuses;
- stroke, past heart attack, arrhythmia, insufficiency, presence of other cardiac pathologies;
- pneumothorax;
- bullous emphysema;
- allergic reactions.
When prescribing inhalations, the doctor takes into account age, the nature of the pathology, chronic diseases in the body, possible contraindications for sinusitis and regarding the nebulizer, what medicine is used in the treatment of current diseases, their compatibility.
Steam inhalation
Wet steam inhalations will bring maximum benefit if you use natural remedies. Not every medicine retains its properties in very hot water.
Ingredients for steam inhalation:
- medicinal herbs;
- essential oils;
- bee products;
- saline and alkaline solutions.
Contraindications for hot inhalation:
- pleurisy;
- acute inflammation of lung structures;
- tuberculosis in acute or chronic form;
- arterial hypertension (decompensation phase);
- under 5 years old.
Contraindications for steam inhalation are the same as for nebulizer treatment. You should also be especially careful if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, bronchial asthma, emphysema, bleeding lungs, respiratory failure.

The best result providesa combination of different therapies. Self-medication is dangerous manifestation of side processes. Steam inhalations are shown 2-3 times a day, after which you need to warm yourself in a blanket and do not go outside, do not cool.
Recipes for steam inhalation
Popular essential oils for inhalation, allowed for adults and children: fir, mint, tea tree, sandalwood, eucalyptus, pine. Chamomile, mint, sage, eucalyptus are used as herbs.

Recipes for steam inhalation solutions:
- Propolis. Tar or pharmacy tincture (30 ml) is placed in hot boiled water (300 ml). Vapors are released that have an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Horseradish and garlic. They have an antibacterial effect, so inhalations will clear the sinuses of pus and mucus. Grind the root part of horseradish and garlic, take a teaspoon of each vegetable, pour hot water (500 ml).
- Essential oils. A solution of eucalyptus oil (6 drops per 2 liters) will relieve inflammation and nasal congestion.
- Honey. A solution of honey (1 spoonful of honey per 1 liter of water) has a decongestant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect.
- Herbs. Chamomile, thyme, sage, used as a decoction: pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into two glasses of water, heat to a boil, boil for 3 minutes.
Inhaler or nebulizer?
The nebulizer is recommended for children, as it eliminates mucosal burns and more effectively fights the disease.
The child should familiarize himself withdevice so that the procedure gives him as little discomfort as possible. The whole difference in conducting inhalation for children and adults is in the dosage (3-4 ml and 2-3, respectively).
The steam inhaler is an alternative option, but known side effects include nosebleeds, burns, and increased body temperature and blood pressure due to hot steam inhaled. The procedure should be carried out only with the help of healing decoctions or essential oils.
Medicines can't withstand heat. If you have to choose between a nebulizer and an inhaler, the first option is preferable. It is worth adding to its advantages the possibility of using it for sinusitis and complications in the form of laryngitis or pharyngitis.
Patient Reviews and Choice Tips
Simplicity of the device, ease of operation, versatility, including adjustment of the degree of spraying - these are the advantages of the device noted by the reviews. The presence of certain functions must be taken into account when buying a device, patients advise.
The kit should include: a mask that fits comfortably to the nasolabial triangle, a medicine reservoir, interchangeable air purification nozzles, spare parts. For children, reviews recommend purchasing an electronic mesh nebulizer.

It should be noted that if inhalations based on hormonal and antibacterial agents are prescribed, ultrasonic devices will not be suitable for these purposes. The nebulizer is not designed for essential oils and medicinal infusions: theymust be used with a steam inhaler.
When purchasing this or that model of a nebulizer, you should consult a doctor who has information about the characteristics of drugs and diseases.
Modern medicine offers enough medicines that cure in a short time and normalize the patient's condition. According to reviews, inhalations eliminate symptoms and speed up the healing process. The right remedy guarantees healing in a matter of days.