Medicine 2024, October

What is Goryaev's cell? Rules for counting blood cells

What is Goryaev's cell? Rules for counting blood cells

Today, the Goryaev camera is one of the most used devices in laboratory diagnostics. With its help, you can calculate the number of certain blood cells. As you know, a blood test is extremely important for the process of diagnosing and treating almost every disease

Why is it necessary to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta by week

Why is it necessary to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta by week

Deviation from the norm in the degree of maturity of the placenta by weeks can be detected by a doctor using ultrasound, after which complex treatment is prescribed using drugs to stimulate the functions of the placenta

Fetal hypoxia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and consequences

Fetal hypoxia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and consequences

Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman's life, because even small deviations and disorders in the development of a child can cause serious consequences in the future. Among the most dangerous pathologies, doctors distinguish fetal hypoxia. What it is? How to correctly and quickly identify the problem? Can hypoxia be cured? What are the consequences for a newborn? We will try to answer all these questions in our article

Antiviral immunity: factors, drugs, innate and acquired properties

Antiviral immunity: factors, drugs, innate and acquired properties

What is antiviral immunity? This is the body's defense mechanism, which ensures the smooth operation of the internal environment and interacts with a pathogenic infectious agent. In modern immunology, this section occupies a predominant part of the theoretical course. Its study is of paramount importance for future immunologists

The work of the human brain. Through what "wires" does the brain receive messages?

The work of the human brain. Through what "wires" does the brain receive messages?

The human brain is a complex system that performs a control function for the whole organism. Thanks to the work of the brain, the automatic processes of the body's activity are regulated, in particular: ensuring motor functions, stable blood circulation, maintaining balance, etc

Residual effects after pneumonia: causes, symptoms, signs, diagnostic tests, x-rays and treatment

Residual effects after pneumonia: causes, symptoms, signs, diagnostic tests, x-rays and treatment

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases for humans. Despite the fact that with a timely visit to a doctor, residual effects after pneumonia can disturb the patient for a long period of time

It hurts the intestines during pregnancy: possible causes and features of treatment

It hurts the intestines during pregnancy: possible causes and features of treatment

Expectant mothers listen to every feeling, pay attention to any ailment. It often happens that the intestines hurt during pregnancy. This sensation is a symptom, a sign, and not an independent pathology

Systolic volume and minute blood volume. Influence of training

Systolic volume and minute blood volume. Influence of training

To characterize the hemodynamics of the heart, indicators such as heart rate (HR), stroke and minute blood volumes, ejection fraction and others are used. Consider separately such an indicator as systolic volume, and how it affects other body functions

Normal heart rate in a child. We measure the pulse correctly

Normal heart rate in a child. We measure the pulse correctly

What is heart rate? How to correctly measure the pulse of a child? You will learn about all this from this article

Gynoid lipodystrophy: causes, treatment

Gynoid lipodystrophy: causes, treatment

Sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, exposure to harmful factors - all this leads to the development of gynoid lipodystrophy. This problem is better known as cellulite

Human thorax: anatomy and basic functions

Human thorax: anatomy and basic functions

The human chest contains vital organs: lungs, heart and large vessels. Their protection is provided by the complex bone structure of the chest and the power of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. At the same time, it is mobile enough to make breathing movements

Neuroendocrine system: physiology, body structure, principles of functioning and its significance

Neuroendocrine system: physiology, body structure, principles of functioning and its significance

The task of the neuroendocrine system is to regulate and combine nerve signals with hormonal signals, and then transform them into physiological acts that affect the synthesis of various hormones and their secretion. These processes, like any other occurring in the body, are complex, important and interesting. They can be studied in detail for quite a long time, so now it is worth mentioning only the main aspects of this topic

Hormonal contraceptive ring: reviews with photos

Hormonal contraceptive ring: reviews with photos

There are many different ways to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy. Some of them require some control over the systematic intake, while others, on the contrary, are used once a month. The latter include the hormonal ring

Composition and calorie content of breast milk

Composition and calorie content of breast milk

Breast milk is considered the best natural food for a newborn. It contains many nutrients that a baby needs during the first months of life. In the second half of the first year, it satisfies the needs of the baby by more than half, and in the second year of life - by one third

Anatomy of the foot: Chopart joint

Anatomy of the foot: Chopart joint

The ligament of Chopard's joint is undulating, located at the edge of the dorsal surface of the heel. Almost immediately, it branches, forming the medial and lateral ligaments

Technique for setting mustard plasters: basic rules and nuances

Technique for setting mustard plasters: basic rules and nuances

Mustard plasters cause activation of blood circulation and the appearance of a sensation of warmth and burning in the places of application. It is used in the treatment of colds or as a distraction for intense pain in the joints and muscles (for neuralgia, neuritis, osteochondrosis). It is recommended to carry out this procedure in case of a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack (in these cases, a doctor's recommendation is required)

What is dry traction spinal traction and what is it used for

What is dry traction spinal traction and what is it used for

The development of diseases of the spine is almost always caused by a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae. Therefore, the first and main method of treating most of these diseases is traction or traction therapy. With the help of this method, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, herniated discs are treated

How to restore the nervous system: simple tips for a difficult task

How to restore the nervous system: simple tips for a difficult task

All diseases (excluding injuries and infection) are the consequences of a disorder of the autonomic nervous system in each specific organ. The question naturally arises: "How to restore the nervous system?". Recommendations are very simple

How to treat ant stings

How to treat ant stings

Ant bites in small amounts cannot cause severe harm, but they will definitely bring a lot of unpleasant minutes. After a fleeting pain, redness, irritation and itching will appear. Such "pleasant" symptoms can last for several days. Formic acid enters the wound, which causes itching

Antrum (stomach) and its diseases. Gastritis, ulcer, polyp and erosion of the antrum: symptoms and treatment

Antrum (stomach) and its diseases. Gastritis, ulcer, polyp and erosion of the antrum: symptoms and treatment

The antrum of the stomach is the last point of passage of food, before it enters the intestine, or rather, its thin section

Hormone replacement therapy: indications, drugs, contraindications

Hormone replacement therapy: indications, drugs, contraindications

HRT is an abbreviation for hormone replacement therapy. It is usually performed on women who have reached menopause. This is a rather complicated topic, which has gathered around itself a lot of myths and prejudices. Unfortunately, HRT is not always adequately perceived in the post-Soviet space, in contrast to the West. So, according to statistics, only 0.2% of Russian women take it today

How to improve memory at home quickly? Preparations and folk remedies, products, vitamins

How to improve memory at home quickly? Preparations and folk remedies, products, vitamins

How to improve memory at home quickly for both an adult and a child? This will help special exercises, games, as well as certain foods and vitamins. Today we will find out what activities will help improve memory, as well as how to deal with the child so that he easily grasps all the information received in the lessons

Mesenchymal tumors: classification, features, origin

Mesenchymal tumors: classification, features, origin

Any neoplasms in the human body are pathological in nature. They arise due to various reasons and circumstances. There are a huge variety of them. The main classification that affects the further development of events is the benignity or malignancy of the tumor

Academician Chazov: biography, photos and interesting facts

Academician Chazov: biography, photos and interesting facts

Academician Chazov Yevgeny Ivanovich has held senior positions for many years, having made a career from the head of the 4th department of the Kremlin hospital to the Minister of He alth. At the same time, he always believed that his main vocation was cardiology

Death of Lenin. Facts and conjectures

Death of Lenin. Facts and conjectures

The death of the leader of the world proletariat has been the subject of controversy and the source of the most absurd hypotheses and conjectures for several years. Disease or murder? looking for answers

Herzen Institute: merits of a medical institution

Herzen Institute: merits of a medical institution

The Herzen Institute is considered one of the oldest medical institutions dealing with oncology. It was created back in the century before last and to this day occupies leading positions not only in Russia, but throughout the world

Papillary lines: definition, their properties and types

Papillary lines: definition, their properties and types

In our body, nature has honed its skills - all organs and systems have their purpose, and there is nothing superfluous in it. And even the papillary lines on the fingertips reflect the characteristics of a person, according to which an attentive specialist may well draw conclusions about some of the characteristics of a person. Is it really? How are papillary lines on the fingers formed and what are they? What patterns do they form and what does that mean? We will answer these and other questions in this article

What is the norm of sugar from a vein: decoding the analysis

What is the norm of sugar from a vein: decoding the analysis

Every six hours a person in the world dies of diabetes, a disease whose symptom is high blood sugar. An imbalance in glucose levels can indicate many other diseases and can lead to serious consequences, so it is extremely important to take a blood sugar test. This article discusses the types of tests and the norms of their indicators, preparation for blood donation

Leeches: benefits and harms. Treatment with leeches: reviews

Leeches: benefits and harms. Treatment with leeches: reviews

Today, along with the latest drugs and technologies of modern medicine, proven methods of treatment that have been known to man for many centuries do not lose their relevance. They include leeches. The benefits and harms of such treatment cause a lot of discussion. Let's figure out how leeches act on the human body

Electrolytes in the human body: definition, types, effects, natural loss and ways to restore electrolytes

Electrolytes in the human body: definition, types, effects, natural loss and ways to restore electrolytes

Electrolytes are substances that, in a dissolved state, have electrical conductivity, which is their feature. In other words, they have an electrical charge - positive (cations) or negative (anions). They are formed during the dissociation of s alts, acids and alkalis. The main electrolytes for humans are sodium and potassium - this is No. 1; as well as magnesium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus and calcium. All of them have their own rules and functions. Found in plasma and urine

Endoscopic equipment: description, characteristics, equipment sterilization

Endoscopic equipment: description, characteristics, equipment sterilization

The quality of medicine and the he alth of the country directly depends on the high technology and quality of the model of endoscopic equipment. First of all, it is worth understanding what it is, where it has found its application, and which countries produce this type of medical instrumentation

Deciphering a blood test: features, main indicators and the norm

Deciphering a blood test: features, main indicators and the norm

Probably, each of us at least once did a blood test. And this is not surprising, because a blood test can tell a lot about the work of our body. During diseases, antibodies appear in the blood, their hormonal composition changes, the proportions of blood components change, etc. After receiving the results, the doctor should decipher the blood test. Sometimes there is an urgent need to understand and decipher the blood test yourself

Pancreatic hormones and their functions

Pancreatic hormones and their functions

Regulation of vital processes in the body is carried out in a neurohormonal way. In other words, regulation is observed in the blood not only with the help of nerves. The hormones secreted by the pancreas perform various functions in the body. Consider what the pancreas is, what hormones it secretes, and their features

INR: norm and methods of control

INR: norm and methods of control

The abbreviation INR is not known to many. Usually only medical professionals understand its meaning. Those who have not previously had to take such an analysis, and whose relatives have not been prescribed it, hear about this test for the first time from their doctor. Find out how this abbreviation is deciphered in medicine and get acquainted with the features inherent in the blood coagulation system

What is the danger of blood sugar?

What is the danger of blood sugar?

Diabetes is a condition of the body characterized by excessively high levels of glucose in the blood. It is one of the causes of diabetes and occurs as a result of insufficient work of the pancreas, when insulin ceases to be produced by the body and, as a result, glucose cannot be absorbed by cells

Aspergillus niger - what is it? Morphology, treatment

Aspergillus niger - what is it? Morphology, treatment

Aspergillus niger is the most common pathogenic fungus, familiar to us by the frightening name "black mold". You can find entire colonies of this amazing adaptable organism right at home

What bedbug bites look like: description and photo

What bedbug bites look like: description and photo

Humanity has not yet got rid of annoying parasites. Found bites of unknown origin on yourself and don't know who left them? Perhaps these are the same bed bugs that are still invading human life. What do bed bug bites look like? How painful they are and what complications they cause - we learn from the article

Endocardium - what is it? Structure and functions

Endocardium - what is it? Structure and functions

Endocardium is an inner shell covered with endothelium and representing connective tissue cells

How to join a clinic in Moscow? Polyclinic at the address of residence

How to join a clinic in Moscow? Polyclinic at the address of residence

How to attach to a clinic in Moscow, why do you need to do this? How to do this for citizens from other cities who do not have registration in the capital? Can I join without registering? Does this process differ in children's and profile polyclinics?

What is a hemangioma and why is it dangerous to he alth?

What is a hemangioma and why is it dangerous to he alth?

Hearing a diagnosis of "Hemangioma" from a doctor, you always get lost and don't know what the mysterious term means and whether you should be afraid of it. This article will discuss what a hemangioma is, the causes of its appearance and methods of treatment