The course of some diseases is accompanied by intense thirst, which is almost impossible to quench. Polydipsia is a condition in which the volume of fluid consumed per day significantly exceeds the norm for a he althy person.

A feature of this disorder is that thirst torments almost constantly. A person is thirsty all the time and can consume up to 20 liters of water per day. But even this volume of liquid does not always help to cope with thirst.
Polydipsia is not an independent disease, but a sign that some pathological process is taking place in the body. As a rule, with successful treatment, the feeling of extreme thirst becomes less pronounced or disappears altogether.
But polydipsia is not always a symptom of dangerous diseases.
Doctors divide it into 2 types:
- physiological;
- pathological.
In the first case, the causes of polydipsia can be:
- an unbalanced diet dominated by fatty, smoked, spicy andsweet food;
- high-intensity exercise, especially when exercising at high temperatures;
- III trimester of pregnancy.
Thirst caused by these conditions is easily quenched by a large amount of water and does not disturb constantly. It does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

Pathological polydipsia can be:
- Primary. Its other name is psychogenic. It is associated with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, which led to the activation of the drinking center in the brain.
- Secondary. It is also called neurogenic. The mechanism of symptom development directly depends on the disease that caused it.
Primary polydipsia is usually associated with the following diseases:
- neuroses;
- schizophrenia;
- hypothalamic syndrome.
Secondary polydipsia is a consequence of dehydration and changes in blood composition. It can be caused by the following pathologies:
- diabetes and diabetes insipidus;
- diseases of the kidneys and liver;
- high blood sodium;
- hyperparathyroidism leading to increased calcium levels in fluid connective tissue;
- disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, the likelihood of polydipsia is significantly increased when taking certain medications (the occurrence of possible side effects should be checked in advance withattending physician).

Symptoms and related indicators
The first sign of polydipsia is extreme thirst. At the same time, the volumes of water used may differ from normal indicators both slightly and significantly. For example, with edema and stool disorders, a person can drink up to 3 liters of fluid per day, and with diabetes insipidus - 20 liters or more.
In some situations, the severity of polydipsia may vary depending on the following factors:
- diet;
- physical activity intensity;
- air temperature.
In other cases (for example, in diabetes), it does not lend itself to environmental conditions and changes only under the influence of treatment.
Polydipsia is a symptom inextricably linked with polyuria. Increased urination, coupled with unbearable thirst, are usually signs of diabetes. A large need for fluid is associated with an increased level of glucose in the blood, dehydration and the accumulation of waste products. Under the influence of these factors, the work of the sebaceous glands worsens, due to which the mucous membrane of the oral cavity dries out.
According to statistics, people suffering from diabetes need a volume of fluid that is 2-3 times the norm. Increased urination is a consequence of an increase in the level of the hormone responsible for diuresis. Diabetes insipidus is also accompanied by polyuria and intense thirst.
Kidney pathologies also have pronounced symptoms. In addition to dry mouththe process of urination is disturbed, severe edema appears.

Polydipsia is one of the first signs of the disease. That is why this symptom is given a very great diagnostic value.
The doctor at the initial examination may prescribe the following studies:
- general and biochemical blood tests;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys and thyroid;
- calculation of daily diuresis;
- blood test for hormones;
- general urinalysis.
If polyuria is observed simultaneously with polydipsia, the density of the biomaterial is determined in the laboratory and the sugar level is determined. This is necessary to confirm or rule out diabetes.
If the sugar concentration is normal and the relative density of urine is low, a test is performed using preparations containing vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone. With a positive result, the patient is severely limited in the amount of fluid consumed for several hours (no longer than six). After that, a study of the density of all urine obtained during this period is carried out. If it is within the normal range, we are talking about primary polydipsia, if not, the diagnosis is diabetes insipidus due to a lack of vasopressin.
If the test with antidiuretic hormone gave a negative result, the blood and urine are examined for the content of calcium and potassium in them. Blood pressure is also measured. If it and calcium levels are high, we are talking about kidney pathologies. If both the pressure and the level of the examinedsubstances are normal or slightly deviated from it, diabetes insipidus is also diagnosed, which is a consequence of congenital resistance of the renal tubules to vasopressin.
The choice of necessary studies depends on the severity of polydipsia and the presence of other symptoms. For example, if a patient consumes more than 10 liters of water per day, a vasopressin test is performed immediately.

Therapy regimen is drawn up only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. For example, if type 1 diabetes is confirmed, the introduction of insulin is indicated, the 2nd - the patient must first take medications, the action of which is aimed at increasing its susceptibility by the cells of the body. If a non-sugar type of disease is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes drugs that are substitutes for vasopressin.
Thus, in order to get rid of intense thirst, it is necessary to eliminate its true cause. If polydipsia appears in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to compensate for it. The correct diagnosis and well-designed treatment regimen is the key to the speedy normalization of the condition.
If the condition is pronounced, it can provoke the appearance of disturbances in water and electrolyte balance. The natural results are swelling and convulsions.
Timely detection of polydipsia and treatment of the underlying disease guarantee a positive prognosis up to complete relief from the constant feeling of intense thirst. In some cases, medications will have to be taken alllife.

Who should I contact?
If you suspect polydipsia, which is permanent, you need to go to see a therapist. He will prescribe the necessary tests and, based on their results, refer him for treatment to narrow specialists - a urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, etc.
In closing
Polydipsia is the first sign of many diseases, but it usually indicates diabetes. With a significant increase in daily fluid intake, you should immediately contact your doctor and pass the necessary tests.