Academician Chazov Evgeny Ivanovich is one of the outstanding cardiologists of our time. He made a significant contribution to the study of heart disease, made several discoveries, and demonstrated remarkable administrative talent as Minister of He alth. He published several fundamental medical works and wrote books of memoirs about his work in the fourth department of the Kremlin, where he treated the entire political and secular establishment.
Parents and childhood
Academician Chazov Evgeny Ivanovich was born on June 10, 1928 in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). On the paternal and maternal lines, the Chazov family belongs to peasants and workers. Mother was born in a large family, where she was the twelfth child. During the Civil War, all her brothers went to the partisan red detachments, and she, a Komsomol member, was arrested by Kolchak. The offensive of the Red Army for the prisoners meant only execution, but she managed to hide in the forests, where local foresters came out of her.
After her recovery, she joined a partisan unit where she met her husband. In 1928, the son of Eugene was born in the family. After the establishment of Soviet power, almost 30 yearsAt the age she graduated from medical school. During the Great Patriotic War, she became a military doctor. During this period, the son of Eugene was sent for evacuation to the Urals, where he lived with relatives. In 1944 the whole family moved to Kyiv. Mother gets a job as an assistant at the Kiev Medical Institute.

Youth and early life
Academician Yevgeny Chazov graduated from the Medical Institute in Kyiv with honors and was recommended for graduate school, but a non-Ukrainian surname prevented him from further education. Moscow was chosen for further activities, where he managed to enter the residency at the Department of Hospital Therapy of the 1st Medical Institute, which was headed by Academician A. L. Myasnikov.
Three years later, the future academician Chazov defended his PhD thesis. The work was appreciated and the young specialist received an offer to work in the Kremlin hospital. During the same period, his teacher A. L. Myasnikov was reorganizing the work of the Institute of Therapy, where in 1958 he invited his talented student as a senior researcher, and later as a deputy. A year later, Evgeny Ivanovich organized an intensive care unit within the walls of the institute to monitor and treat patients with heart attacks, and he also founded a medical pre-hospital care service, and began to form a rehabilitation system.
During this period, Academician Chazov conducts active research activities, some of his materials become widely known in world medicine. So, highly appreciated itwork on thrombolytic therapy, during which new drugs appeared. Since 1960, he has introduced them into use for the treatment and prevention of myocardial infarction. In 1963, Evgeny Chazov defended his doctoral dissertation, and three years later received the title of professor.

Serving at the Academy of Sciences
After the death of academician Myasnikov, Chazov was appointed acting director of the Institute of Therapy, he was only 36 years old. The Academy of Medical Sciences considered that it was not permissible to appoint such a young man to the highest leadership position of an academic institute. Nevertheless, the appointment took place, and in 1967 the medical institution was reorganized into the Institute of Cardiology. Myasnikova.
In 1967, Academician Chazov initiated the creation of the All-Union Cardiology Center, which still operates today. The medical center concentrates advanced methods of treatment, the latest technical developments in the field of cardiac surgery are applied. The center began to function in 1982 and Yevgeny Ivanovich is its permanent director.
In 1968, Academician Yevgeny Chazov was appointed Deputy Minister of He alth of the Soviet Union, while he did not leave the post of head of the department at the Institute of Cardiology.

Fourth branch
From 1967 and for 20 years, Academician Chazov worked as the head of the IV Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of He alth, popularly nicknamed the “Kremlin Hospital”. According to Yevgeny Ivanovich, he received this appointmentfrom L. I. Brezhnev. Perhaps this was one of the turning points in the life of a cardiologist, and it was not without curiosities. Registration for a new position took place in a hurry, almost in one day. They did not have time to issue a pass to the secure facility, which was the Kremlin. Arriving at work on the first day, Yevgeny Pavlovich was faced with the fact that he was not let through for a long time until they received permission from the head of security.
At the request of academician Chazov, the hospital began to treat not only the political elite, but also eminent citizens of the country - writers, musicians, heroes of labor and other citizens. He wanted to create a department that would build on the he alth care system, and the experience gained would be disseminated throughout the country.
The activities of the 4th Directorate covered not only the top leaders of the USSR authorities, but also the leadership of friendly countries - Algeria, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Cuba, the GDR and others.

Successes and achievements of the Kremlin period
One of the founders of the cardiovascular disease prevention system was Academician Chazov. His biography is filled with many achievements, starting from the first years of work as a cardiologist. During his work in the 4th department, he managed to create a research laboratory that served as an educational and scientific center. On the basis of this institution, scientific and research work was carried out, effective methods were introduced into the daily activities of clinical and diagnostic departments, postgraduate training programs were implemented.
UnderWith the leadership and at the suggestion of Evgeny Ivanovich, over the years of his work as the head of the department, a network of clinics and polyclinics has developed in the country, where the principle of preventive measures was put in the basis of he alth protection. The medical and preventive bases of the country were replenished with new institutions in different parts of the country. Rest houses "Sea Surf" and "Ai-Danil" were built in the Crimea, a whole network of institutions "Moscow", "Zagorskiye Dali", "Podmoskovye" and many others appeared in the Moscow region.
In his interviews, academician Chazov claims that the main thing in treatment is the prevention of any diseases. He implements this postulate at the all-Union level, for the first time creating a Rehabilitation Center at the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow. The methods that were successfully tested within the walls of the Kremlin were introduced into polyclinics and became part of daily practice in outpatient clinics and hospitals.

Minister of He alth
In 1987, Academician E. I. Chazov was appointed Minister of He alth of the USSR and held this position until 1990. He invited people to work who know the practical side of the medical structure and understand what problems in the he althcare sector require immediate solutions. Thus began the system upgrade and innovation.
As a minister, Academician Chazov managed to do quite a lot towards updating the he alth care system. He began the introduction of insurance medicine, innovative forms of economic activity and management of the he althcare system, launched the process of decentralization, removing partfunctions from the ministry in favor of the regional authorities.
Based on new trends and global experience, the priorities of the activities of medical institutions were determined. The main efforts were directed to the prevention and treatment of AIDS, infant mortality, tuberculosis, oncological and cardiovascular diseases. In solving these problems, the main role was assigned to prevention, public education, strengthening the material, technical and methodological base of medical institutions.
In setting goals, solving problems and implementing renovations, Evgeny Ivanovich acted as a specialist who knows the system, and above all as a doctor. Academician Chazov, whose biography knows several rapid leaps, recalling his work as a minister, says that much has been done for the first time in the history of domestic medicine.
For example, a network of diagnostic centers was organized and launched, and this system is successfully operating today. A system of care for cardiological patients was also created, a basis for combating child mortality appeared, and more than 400 laboratories for the diagnosis of AIDS were organized. Academician Chazov is a doctor who stopped the use of psychiatric institutions for political purposes, he proposed the organization of hospices and much more.

Community activities
Academician Chazov is a doctor with broad interests and great energy. Since 1990, he again took up the post of director of the All-Union Cardiology Center. In addition, Yevgeny Ivanovich was one of the co-chairs of the public movement Doctorsfor preventing nuclear war.”
The first congress was held in 1981, attended by physicians from 11 countries. The main task of the organizers was to convey to the public the terrible consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. For the first time, extensive materials, medical research were collected together and the first conclusions were drawn. The materials of the congress were used by organizations around the world.
Academician Chazov specializes in cardiology, and this area of medicine has always been a priority for him. In 1982, he organized and served as President of the 9th World Congress of Cardiology. In 1985, he initiated the first International Conference of Preventive Cardiology, which has become traditional and is held every four years. Over the past thirty years, he has been coordinating the cooperation of Russian and American cardiologists. For 88 years of his life, the doctor and academician Chazov has done a lot of useful things.
The biography of Evgeny Ivanovich is the path of a talented person who found his calling and invested a lot of work in the development of domestic and world medicine.

Science and journalism
Academician Chazov is the author of scientific fundamental works, textbooks and journalistic literature. The years of life, which began in the pre-war period, last to the present day. He is still actively interested in world events, medical achievements. But in 2016 he was given a disappointing diagnosis - discirculatory encephalopathy, treatment is carried out in one of the Moscow psychiatric hospitals.clinics.
Main works:
- Four-volume "Diseases of the heart and blood vessels".
- "The Heart and the 20th Century".
- He alth and power.
- "Rock".
- "Rational pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases".
- "How the Leaders Left: Notes from the Chief Physician of the Kremlin."
- “To live life is not a field to cross.”
- “Round dance of death. Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko…”.
Scientific works, titles and awards
The activities and life position of Academician Chazov are marked by many awards, among them there are orders and medals of the USSR, Russia and many foreign countries. At various times he was awarded awards:
- Hero of Socialist Labor.
- Three Orders of Merit for the Fatherland (1st, 2nd, 3rd class).
- Four orders of Lenin.
- Numerous medals (Big Gold Medal named after M. V. Lomonosov, Gold Medal named after I. P. Pavlov, etc.).
- Moldavian Order of Labor Glory.
- Order of the French Republic "Order of Academic Palms" and many others.
Honored Scientist of the RSFSR is Academician Chazov. Photos of his performances adorn the walls of his office and the Institute of Cardiology. The main scientific works of Evgeny Ivanovich are devoted to the problems of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, myocardial metabolism and other problems of cardiology.

Under his scientific supervision, more than 50 candidate and more than 30 doctoral dissertations were defended, he is the author of 15 monographs, he has more than450 scientific papers. Academician E. I. Chazov was one of the founders of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University.
Personal life and hobbies
The basis of Academician Chazov's life was work, and his interests included painting and artists creating talented canvases. Some of them he knew personally. Evgeny Ivanovich also says in an interview that he loves Russian nature and sometimes goes hunting, but most often in order to be alone, relax and enjoy the surrounding open spaces, forests and the Volga, on which he was born. Whenever possible, he went to the mountains and conquered Elbrus three times.
Academician Chazov gave almost all his time to work. Family and personal life were important to him, but not everything was easy. An optimist by his convictions, he believed that in life all difficulties can be overcome and all problems can be solved. According to him, a strong nervous system is the key to he alth and longevity.
The wives of academician Chazov, and he was married three times, are independent and extraordinary personalities. The first wife, Renata Lebedeva, achieved outstanding results in medicine. She was awarded the title of academician and was the country's chief resuscitator. In this marriage, a daughter, Tatyana, was born, who followed in the footsteps of her parents and became an endocrinologist, a professor.

The second wife of Evgeny Ivanovich was Professor, Doctor of Science, founder of preventive medicine Lidia Germanova. The marriage lasted 10 years, the daughter Irina was born, who continued the dynasty of doctors, became a cardiologist andheaded the Institute. Myasnikova.
The third wife of academician Chazov was his secretary - Lidia Zhukova, this marriage was the longest and strongest. Thirty years the couple were together, until the death of Lydia, which occurred several years ago.
Academician Chazov is almost 90 years old. The recipe for happy longevity, in his opinion, includes simple things: a he althy nervous system, an active lifestyle, moderate nutrition and optimism. In his recommendations, he suggests not watching the news for more than 20 minutes a day, echoing Professor Preobrazhensky.