Hemangioma is an extensive growth of benign capillaries. With its active growth, the hemangioma can reach incredibly large sizes. It can capture nerve cells, muscle tissue, but it does not become a malignant formation.

What is a hemangioma? This is the first question that comes to mind when you hear the diagnosis. It is especially painful to hear this about your own child: this diagnosis requires long-term observation by an oncologist. Often, the patient discovers capillary formations on his own, which is the reason for a visit to the doctor.
What is simple hemangioma? It is a collection of capillaries that form small patches on the surface of the skin. Such hemangiomas have a smooth surface, can occur both in the singular and in the plural. They are characterized by a red color with a bluish tinge. If you press on such a formation, it immediately begins to turn pale, gradually returning to its previous color.
What is cavernous hemangioma? This is a pathological formation of a cavity filled with blood. On visual inspection, shenoted as a tumor protruding above the surface of the skin. In the course of its development, such a tumor can increase significantly in size, while acquiring a purple hue.

What is mixed hemangioma? These are those formations that have both blood vessels and tissue connections in their structure. As a rule, this is a combination of simple and cavernous forms of the disease.
Hemangiomas located on the surface of the skin usually do not cause pain. Quite often they are confused with a banal bruise or mole. Please note that during the growth period, the hemangioma increases in size, which is not typical for moles and bruises, the latter of which resolve in a short time.
To date, skin hemangioma occurs in 30% of newborns. They are located in the face, head, back and arms. Often there are hemangiomas on the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. Children with such formations are subject to mandatory outpatient monitoring. Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of damage.

Hemangioma of the vertebral body brings severe pain. It is a vascular tumor, which is characterized by slow growth. The disease is diagnosed mainly in the middle-aged group of people, it is more common in women. This tumor is located mainly in the thoracic spine. In some cases, hemangiomas take root in several parts of the spinal column at once.
Despite perfectioncurrent medicine, the causes of hemangiomas are not fully understood. These include a hereditary factor, some diseases, exposure to ultrasound or ultraviolet rays. The disease can manifest itself at any age.
The main goal of treatment and monitoring is to prevent the growth of hemangiomas. In some cases, they are removed with a laser. The positive dynamics of the disease directly depends on timely diagnosis and treatment.