Electrolytes in the human body: definition, types, effects, natural loss and ways to restore electrolytes

Electrolytes in the human body: definition, types, effects, natural loss and ways to restore electrolytes
Electrolytes in the human body: definition, types, effects, natural loss and ways to restore electrolytes

Electrolytes are substances that, in a dissolved state, have electrical conductivity, which is their feature. In other words, they have an electrical charge - positive (cations) or negative (anions). They are formed during the dissociation of s alts, acids and alkalis. The main electrolytes are sodium and potassium, as well as magnesium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus and calcium. All of them have their own rules and functions. Contained in blood plasma and urine.

General concepts

balance of electrolytes in the body
balance of electrolytes in the body

The balance of electrolytes in the human body is a condition for the existence of all chemical and biochemical processes, the perfect functioning of all organs and systems. Achieving the ideal balance is possible with a balanced diet, s alt restriction and hydration.

The role of electrolytes in the human body is that without them physiological processes do not occur: stable homeostasis, metabolism, osteogenesis, muscle work, impulses of the nervous system, the transition of fluids from vessels to tissues, the stability of plasma osmolarity and the activation of many enzymes. For the location of electrolyte ions, the cell membrane plays a role, or rather, its permeability. Thanks to them, nutrients penetrate into the cells, and working out is brought out. This transfer is carried out by transporter proteins.

The electrolyte system in the body is electrically neutral, since the composition of cations and anions is constant.

Violation of the EBV (electrolyte-water balance) always does not pass without a trace, it is a certain stress for the body. Such disorders can be observed with poor nutrition, intense physical activity, certain diseases, etc. Children and the elderly are at risk in the first place.

VEB violation

electrolytes in the body
electrolytes in the body

The causes of imbalance are conditionally divided by origin into natural and pathological. Natural: excess s alty food, insufficient drinking, sweating, sports, improper diet. Such processes are normal and easily eliminated.

During heavy physical exertion, you should drink water enriched with electrolytes. You also need to increase foods rich in minerals. Without the need to increase the consumption of foods with off-scale electrolytes - it is not advisable.

Pathological causes: diarrhea, long-term use of diuretics, diabetes, decreased urine density,postoperative condition, aspirin poisoning, hypertension, kidney diseases, etc. With the loss of fluid, useful s alts are always lost, their amount must be replenished. To do this, either change the diet, or resort to drug treatment - depending on the severity of dehydration.

Urine electrolytes

how to restore electrolytes in the body
how to restore electrolytes in the body

Urine electrolytes are also important in overall balance. The main ones are potassium, chloride and magnesium ions. The composition of human urine electrolytes changes with various pathologies: for example, the level of Ca in urine can increase with endocrinopathies, tumors, and osteoporosis. The etiology may lie in physical inactivity, passion for sunbathing, lack of vitamin D, the use of foods containing calcium in large quantities.

Decrease in calcium levels occurs with hypothyroidism, rickets, nephritis, bone tumors or metastases. Hypokalemia helps in determining hormonal disorders, kidney pathologies, menu rationality.

Magnesium in the urine reveals diseases of the kidneys, vascular and nervous systems. What is valuable is that magnesium in the urine changes earlier than in the blood, which is very significant for early diagnosis. The level of sodium in the urine changes with severe forms of diabetes, taking diuretics, with traumatic brain injuries.

The body excretes phosphorus differently at different times of the day (after lunch, the amount increases), so a daily urine test may be required to study.

Changes in this indicator will indicate an unbalanced diet, pathology of the kidneys, endocrine system or bones. Quantitychlorine, as a rule, changes after a similar state of sodium.

The role of sodium and potassium

Potassium and sodium are the two main electrolytes, they are needed for acid-base and water balance. They are responsible for water metabolism: sodium ions attract and retain water, and potassium ions, on the contrary, repel water. That is, K and Na are antagonists in the struggle for water reserves in cells. If K turned out to be stronger, he will throw out some of the water and sodium from the cell, which will remove the puffiness. If the balance of electrolytes in the body is maintained, the potassium-sodium pump works without failure, there is no swelling and dehydration.

The membrane protects the cell and allows useful substances to pass here. The daily norm in sodium for an adult is 0.09% of the total body weight, i.e., on average, a person should receive from 9 to 16 g of table s alt. But it is also present in some foods: celery, carrots, seaweed. Excess sodium puts a strain on the kidneys, so its amount should not exceed 5-6 g / day.

Potassium - this electrolyte is important for humans because it stimulates the heart and protects blood vessels, is responsible for the he althy functioning of the brain. 98% of potassium is contained in the cells. Its functions:

  • antihypoxic action;
  • slag removal;
  • increased cardiac output;
  • Elimination of arrhythmias;
  • immune system support.

Normal blood potassium in adults is 3.5-5.5 mmol/L.

electrolyte for humans
electrolyte for humans

Hyperkalemia occurs when:

  • starvation;
  • convulsions;
  • hemolysis;
  • dehydrated;
  • acidification of the body;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • long-term use of cytostatics and NSAIDs;
  • excess potassium-containing foods.

The causes of hypokalemia are:

  • physical activity intensity;
  • emotional surge;
  • alcoholism;
  • passion for coffee and sweets;
  • Diuretic use is the main reason;
  • edema;
  • dyspepsia;
  • hypoglycemia, taking laxatives;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • hyperhidrosis.

Impaired electrolyte balance in the human body and the accompanying reduced potassium leads to a decrease in energy, muscles cannot fully contract, a person feels tingling in the muscles, because glucose is not absorbed - the main source of energy. Glycogen is not produced by the heart. There is a constant feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath with the most minimal exertion, weakness and pain in the heart - all these are signs of potassium deficiency. Various injuries also cause potassium loss. Many doctors for hypertension focus on replenishing sodium, forgetting about the greater importance of potassium. This element is best replenished with food.

Important: with a prolonged increase in potassium, a stomach ulcer may develop or the heart may suddenly stop. Among the products with a high content of this component, sweet potato is in the lead, followed by tomatoes, beet tops, legumes, natural yogurt, sea fish, shellfish, dried apricots, carrots, pumpkin, bananas, milk.


Chlorine helpsequalize pressure, reduce swelling, improve digestion, the work of hepatocytes. Its norm in the blood for adults ranges from 97-108 mmol / l. With its deficiency, teeth and hair suffer - they fall out. S alt, olives, meat, milk and bread are rich in chlorine.


Responsible for the normal functioning of the vascular system, strengthening the central nervous system, bone strength, maintaining a stable heart rate.

Normal calcium is 2-2.8 mmol/l. Excess Ca occurs with hyperparathyroidism, bone cancer, thyrotoxicosis, spinal TB, gout, increased insulin, excess vitamin D.

Causes of low Ca: rickets, osteoporosis, thyroid hormone deficiency, pancreatitis, deficiency of bile production, intake of cytostatics and anticonvulsants, cachexia. With a lack of Ca, there is a tendency to convulsions. In adults, it most often occurs in the legs.

Ca sources: milk, white beans, sea fish, dried figs, cabbage, almonds, oranges, sesame, seaweed. Absorption only in the presence of vitamin D.


Works alone or with K and Sa. It is responsible for the brain and heart activity of the body, prevents the development of calculous cholecystitis, and protects against stress.

The norm of magnesium in the blood is 0.65-1 mmol/l. Hypermagnesemia develops very rarely, with: hypothyroidism, kidney disease, dehydration.

Causes of an overabundance of magnesium:

  • strict diets;
  • flatulence;
  • worm infestations;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • malfunctions of the thyroidgland;
  • lack of vitamin D in infancy;
  • heredity;
  • too much calcium;
  • alcoholization.

Sources of magnesium: oatmeal, bran bread, pumpkin seeds, nuts, fish, bananas, cocoa, sesame seeds, potatoes.


Provides oxygen delivery to tissues and cells. Iron in the body in adults - 8, 95-30, 43 µmol / l. With a lack of iron, anemia develops, immunity decreases, the skin becomes dry, and muscle tone decreases. In addition to external manifestations, there is hypoxia of the most important systems of the body. Children stop growing.


Actively involved in lipid metabolism, enzyme synthesis, glycolysis. With its participation, tooth enamel, bones are formed, and nerve impulses are transmitted. With its lack in children, there is a lag in mental and physical development. The norm for a he althy person is 0.87-1.45 mmol/l.

Hyperphosphatemia develops with: chemotherapy, antibiotics and diuretics, obesity, reduced parathyroid gland function.

Causes of reduced phosphorus: steatorrhea, glomerulonephritis, hypovitaminosis D, gout, overdose of salicylates and insulin, tumors.

Foods with phosphorus: yeast, pumpkin, sprouted mung bean, fish, meat, soy protein, eggs, nuts.

General symptoms of pathology

With a deficiency of electrolytes in the human body, there are:

  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Significant deterioration in well-being.
  • Faints
  • Muscular hypotonia.
  • Changes the psychea person with electrolytes in the form of drowsiness, and apathy.
  • Irritable.
  • Bulimia and anorexia.
  • Excitation or inhibition syndrome prevails, etc.
  • Swelling of the extremities.
  • Paralysis
  • Kidney damage.

The human psyche and electrolytes also have the closest relationship: with psycho-emotional stress, for example, the level of potassium, iron, chlorine decreases. Such manifestations require a visit to the doctor and a blood test for electrolytes.

What happens when you lose?

With the loss of electrolytes in the human body in a natural way, performance decreases, but complete exhaustion rarely occurs, since the body requires all sorts of compensation. But constantly violating the VEB is not worth it, because there is a possibility of wear and tear of organs and tissues.

the human psyche and electrolytes
the human psyche and electrolytes

How to replenish electrolytes in the body? Drinking fortified water and targeting the right foods with specific electrolytes are all you need to fully recover naturally.

Electrolyte tests

Research on electrolytes in the human body is necessary to detect all kinds of diseases, and first of all, to diagnose renal and cardiac activity. Venous blood is examined on an empty stomach. The day before the analysis, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol, 30 minutes before donating blood, do not smoke. The analysis measures the content of Na, K, Cl in the blood and reveals an anion "window", the difference between the number of cations and anions in the blood. The decoding is done by the doctor.

When such an analysis is needed:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • continuous gagging;
  • indigestion;
  • bleeding;
  • burns.

Also, a blood test for electrolytes allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for the kidneys, liver, and heart. It should be noted that a person can not always feel a lack or excess of any s alt. Therefore, examination is necessary.

Getting rid of scarcity

How to restore electrolytes in the body? There are 2 ways: natural and medical. The natural method has already been mentioned. This method is preferable, as a person becomes more attentive and disciplined, keeps the right diet constantly.

electrolytes in the human body
electrolytes in the human body

Sometimes only one electrolyte may be missing, so it is better to take an electrolyte test before a diet. Then it will become clear how to act and how to increase electrolytes in the body. Pharmacies have a wide selection of multivitamins with minerals in a convenient form. They are applicable for severe deficiencies or unwillingness to sit on a restricted diet. In addition, drinking electrolytes are available in tablets, granules and powders (Orsol, Torrox, Nutrisal). They are simply diluted with water. For the most part, they are considered elements of sports nutrition, because it is during training that s alts are lost through sweat. But electrolytes for drinking are also used for dehydration - for example, Regidron.


In pharmacies there is not only a sufficient amount of the supplements themselves, but also drugs that contribute to a better accumulation and use of electrolytes, i.e. balance adjusters. The most common additive is magnesium, which is produced in different formulations (Magnerot, Magne B6). Over-the-counter medications, but this does not mean that they can be taken independently and indiscriminately. If the balance is not disturbed, then taking in excess of the norm causes complications and an excess of s alts in the body.


the role of electrolytes in the human body
the role of electrolytes in the human body

Prevention consists of several points: a proper, balanced diet, maintaining a he althy lifestyle, moderate exercise and regular examinations by a doctor. In order for the result to be maximum, these rules should always be observed - a he althy lifestyle and proper nutritious nutrition (PP). Then even chronic cardiac pathologies recede. Prevention includes examinations, because otherwise you won’t understand how effective all your actions are. Moderate physical activity is also welcome, because then the work of all body systems improves.

Clearly, electrolyte balance in the body is very important. Its violation can indicate various diseases. With the symptoms described above, you should pass an appropriate analysis and, if there is a shortage of any elements, replenish them with medicines.
